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    ITT ELECTRONIC TTL 74 Search Results

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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PQU650-12P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 650W, 6”X4” U-CHANNEL, 12V O/P Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61C107M012KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/100μF±20%/16Vdc/12mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61A157M010KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/150μF±20%/10Vdc/10mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH670HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 67ohm 320mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH900HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 90ohm 280mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    ITT ELECTRONIC TTL 74 Datasheets Context Search

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    IC 7470

    Abstract: pin diagram of ic 7470 GU 7470
    Text: EDI8F2464Ç ^ E D I 64Kx24SRMtllgóule 64Kx24Static RAM CMOS, Hicfi SpeedModule Features TTie EDI8F2464C is a high speed 1.5 megabit Static RAM 64Kx24 bit CMOS Static module organized as 64Kx24. This module is constructed Random Access Memory from six 64Kx4 Static RAMs in SOJ packages on an epoxy

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    64Kx24SRM EDI8F2464Ç 64Kx24 64Kx24Static EDI8F2464C 64Kx24. 64Kx4 TheEDI8F2464C 2464C15MZC 2464C20IV1ZC IC 7470 pin diagram of ic 7470 GU 7470 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DE I [^35055 □ DG7Hbli Q f' PANASONIC INDL/ELEK ÎICJ 72 6932#52 PANASONIC INDL*ELECTRONIC 72C 07266 LS TTL DN74LS5>U— X DN74LS445/DN74LS445S DN74LS445 DN74LS445S BCD to Decimal Decoders/Drivers • m s D N 74LS445/SI±, * - 7 “ V 3 U 7 3 - / K7 A ■ œ

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    DN74LS445/DN74LS445S DN74LS5 DN74LS445 DN74LS445S 74LS445/SI± PDF

    74HC inverter tri-state output

    Abstract: TC140G toshiba tc110g TC14L010 74HC buffer tri-state output bt12 74hc* open drain buffer FP144 TC11L003 TC110G
    Text: TOSHIBA ASIC TO SH IB A A M ER ICA E LE C T R O N IC CO M PO N EN TS, INC. IEC 1 4 1990 TC11L CMOS Gate Array TC14L CMOS Gate Array These tw o gate array fam ilies provide a unique solution for designs which have a high ratio of pin count to gates. T oshiba’s optim ized assem bly tech n o lo g y allow s the use of

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    TC11L TC14L 64-bit MAS-0095/9-90 74HC inverter tri-state output TC140G toshiba tc110g TC14L010 74HC buffer tri-state output bt12 74hc* open drain buffer FP144 TC11L003 TC110G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDl EDI8F16512Ç 512KX16 SRAM Module ELECTRONIC. LÉSIGNS, INC.i 512KxWStatic RAM CMOS, Module iF eatures The EDI8F16512C is a 8192K bit CMOS Static RAM based 512Kx16bitCM0S Static on eight 128Kx8 Static RAMs mounted on a multi-layered Random Access Memory

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    EDI8F16512Ç 512KX16 512KxWStatic EDI8F16512C 8192K 128Kx8 EDI8F16512LP) 512Kx16bitCM0S 10Ghs EDI8F16512 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ F H I EDI8F2432Ç ELECTRONIC[É5JÊW 5. 32Kx24 SRAM Module 32Kx& Static RAMCMOS, Hicfi SpeedModrie Features 32Kx24 bit CMOS Static H ie EDI8F2432C is a high speed 750Kbit Static RAM Random Access Memory module organized as 32Kx24. This m odjle is constructed

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    EDI8F2432Ç 32Kx24 EDI8F2432C 750Kbit 32Kx24. 32Kx8 I8F2432C hin2020 PDF

    toshiba tc110g

    Abstract: CMOS GATE ARRAYs toshiba TC110G toshiba toggle nand 74HC inverter tri-state output TOSHIBA Gate array macro cell 110G TC120G38 TC120G75 TC120GA0
    Text: ASIC TOSH IBA TO S H IB A A M E R IC A ELECTRONIC C O M P O N E N T S , INC. CMOS ASIC TC120G SKES GOTE-4RRAY Toshiba Corporation has introduced a series of gate arrays that use a 1.0-micron CMOS process to reduce gate delays by 35%. Applications include consolidating high-speed circuits into a single package, especially in high­

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    1C120G TC120G Suite205 CA92680 MA01803 5555Triangle MAS-0053/6-89 toshiba tc110g CMOS GATE ARRAYs toshiba TC110G toshiba toggle nand 74HC inverter tri-state output TOSHIBA Gate array macro cell 110G TC120G38 TC120G75 TC120GA0 PDF

    74138 decoder

    Abstract: pin diagram of ic 74138 IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram application of IC 74138 ic 74138 pin diagram
    Text: AEPSD1M32 STATIC RAM MODULE July 7, 1992 ^ ADVANCED ELECTRONIC PKG 5 0 IE D • 0254713 000031=1 4 1 1 * A E P > > 1,048,576 x 32 Organization > > On Board Buffers for All Address Lines and Control Lines > > Double Sided to Maximum Bit Density > > High Speed Access Time

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    AEPSD1M32 AEPSD1M32 74138 decoder pin diagram of ic 74138 IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram application of IC 74138 ic 74138 pin diagram PDF

    4500 series CMOS

    Abstract: lc98000 Sanyo lc98000 LC9103B 4000 series CMOS Logic ICs LC92018b LC9116A LC9105B LC97000 LC9111A
    Text: • This catalog provides a sum m ary of the sem iconductor devices available from S AN YO ’S S em iconductor Division as of July, 1992. • * • P roducts are classified by application, and listed by device num ber, package type and/or arranged in order of one of the main characteristics,

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    LC9111A LC9116A LC9123A LC9130A LC9140A 12design LC9600 LC97000 LC98000 H707b 4500 series CMOS Sanyo lc98000 LC9103B 4000 series CMOS Logic ICs LC92018b LC9105B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EDI8LM32257V-RP ^EDI 256Kx32 SRAM Ruggedized Plastic ELECTRONIC DESIGNS, INC 256Kx32 CMOS High Speed Static RAM Features ADVANCED 256Kx32 bit CMOS Static The EDI8LM32257V is a high-speed 8-Megabit static RAM Random Access Memory Array • Fast Access Times: 1 2 ,1 5 and 20ns

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    256Kx32 EDI8LM32257V-RP EDI8LM32257V 047AE EDI8LM32257V-RP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IIIIICRTRÜTST CAT27HC010I/27HC01 OM •fill S E M I C O N D U C T O R 2231 CALLE DE LUNA, SANTA CLARA. CA 95054 Telephone: 408 748-7700 CAT27HC010I/27HC010M 131,072 X 8-BIT HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM DESCRIPTION FEATURES The CAT27HC010I/27HC010M is a high speed 1

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    CAT27HC010I/27HC01 CAT27HC010I/27HC010M CAT27HC010I/27HC010M 27HC01 PDF


    Abstract: EQUIVALENT TIMER IC WITH CD 4060 rs flip-flop IC 7400 C4050A shiftregister PIPO C148A LS 7476 L1AA C4051A LS294

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    TC74HC/HCT HC02A HC08A C4049A HC125A HCT244A HC541A HC242A CT640A HC652A 74HC4096 EQUIVALENT TIMER IC WITH CD 4060 rs flip-flop IC 7400 C4050A shiftregister PIPO C148A LS 7476 L1AA C4051A LS294 PDF


    Abstract: TOSHIBA TC160G TC140G TC160G41 TC160G70 toshiba tc110g aa84 TC160G54 TC160G 8 BIT ALU design by cmos
    Text: TOSHIBA Prelim inary TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, I IMC. TC I6OGCMOS Gate ArrayJ MAY 8 0.8 micron »ST Description Features T he T C 16 0G series of d o ub le-laye r* m etal, 0.8 m icron gate a rra ys has a 0.3ns gate speed and up to 120K * useable

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    TC160G theTC110G, TC120G, TC140G TC150G MAS-0119-4/91 TC160G33 TOSHIBA TC160G TC160G41 TC160G70 toshiba tc110g aa84 TC160G54 8 BIT ALU design by cmos PDF


    Abstract: CD4003 2N2505 TF408 1N4465 250PA120 2N3017 pt 3570 trw rf pa189 Semicon volume 1
    Text: 1969 o < 00 x ic e uo <r\ *—4 rO O CM u J 'r < o o o CO r aJ. rfrr.~> y -< z X— < P“ -J Sem iconductor Annual At .0008" Dia. . . . there is no second source phire orifice insert. Tempress also created and supplied the tungsten carbide ultrasonic bonding tool and pioneered

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    8051 servo motor interfacing

    Abstract: rotary encoder signal conditioning 204AA 8051 microprocessor free Quadrature Encoder sampling rate 8051 internal structure incremental encoder Texas IXSE501
    Text: l J U ‘f-’^ ^ ^ ^a^ÊSSÊBsKSÊÊiÊSÊÊÊKÊSâKKSÊÊÊÊÊBÎBBBBtlÊBÊSÊÊÊÊSÊ^ m i 005696 5 '4 % m m K ÈÊ l Ê Ê Im Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê IÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê IB Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê m !ï X > ry IXSE501 Increm ental Shaft Encoder Peripheral Interface

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    IXSE501 RS-422 20-pin 8051 servo motor interfacing rotary encoder signal conditioning 204AA 8051 microprocessor free Quadrature Encoder sampling rate 8051 internal structure incremental encoder Texas PDF


    Abstract: 74HC inverter tri-state output toshiba tc140g toshiba tc110g 74HC buffer tri-state output TC14L020 74hc jtag TC14L010 74hc* open drain buffer TC11L007
    Text: TOSHIBA ASIC T O S H IB A A M E R IC A E L E C T R O N IC C O M P O N E N T S , INC. IEC 1 4 1990 TC11L CMOS Gate Array TC14L CMOS Gate Array T h e se tw o gate arra y fam ilies pro vid e a unique solutio n for d e sig ns w hich have a high ratio of pin cou nt to gates.

    OCR Scan
    TC11L TC14L 64-bit MAS-0095/9-90 tc140g 74HC inverter tri-state output toshiba tc140g toshiba tc110g 74HC buffer tri-state output TC14L020 74hc jtag TC14L010 74hc* open drain buffer TC11L007 PDF

    8051 servo motor interfacing

    Abstract: IXSE501 HM 1211 cs 1694 IXSE501R 8051 microprocessor free 2256 1F4 ac servo motor encoder dc motor interface with 8051 8 bit up down counter
    Text: l J U m i !ï 00569 6 5 '4 % ‘f-’^ ^ ^ ^ a^ Ê SS Ê B sK SÊ Ê iÊ SÊ Ê Ê K Ê S âK K SÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê B ÎB B B B tlÊ B Ê SÊ Ê Ê Ê SÊ ^ m m K ÈÊ l Ê Ê Im Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê IÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê IB Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê m X > ry IXSE501 Increm ental Shaft Encoder Peripheral

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    IXSE501 RS-422 20-pin IXSE501 des1156 00ESN0TINCIUOE HAN0B00K 8051 servo motor interfacing HM 1211 cs 1694 IXSE501R 8051 microprocessor free 2256 1F4 ac servo motor encoder dc motor interface with 8051 8 bit up down counter PDF

    V1J diode

    Abstract: 1N4148 OP-07 REF-03 SPT7922 SPT7922SCJ
    Text: @SPT SPT7922 SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES 12-BIT, 30 MSPS, TTL, A/D CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Monolithic 12-Bit 30 MSPS Converter 64 dB SNR @ 3.58 MHz Input On-Chip Track/Hold Bipolar ±2.0 V Analog Input

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    SPT7922 12-BIT, 12-Bit SPT7922 SPT7922SCJ V1J diode 1N4148 OP-07 REF-03 PDF

    Triac SC141D

    Abstract: Opto triac ot 195 schematic diagram inverter 2000w schematic diagram power inverter 1500w 12v 1200W DC POWER SUPPLY SCHEMATIC scr 106d st4 diac solar tracking street light system schematic diagram of 2000W induction heater 400W sine wave inverter circuit diagram
    Text: OPTOELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LIGHT DETECTING CIRCUITS L ight detecting circuits are those circuits that cause an action based on the level o f light received by the photo detector. OFF RELAY: 12V , Q.3A COIL: 2 0 A , FORM C. CONTACTS OR SOLID-STATE SW ITCHING OF 16A STEADY-STATE 1 BOA COLD

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    ITT Intermetall

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S Ä 5 997 IT T I N T E R M E T A L L MbflEVll □□Qbb'iS 3bfl VPC 32x5C PRELIMINARY DATASHEET Contents Page Section Title 4 4 4 5 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction System Architecture Video Processor Family VPC Applications 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9

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    32x5C Mbfi2711 GGDb73b Mbfl2711 D00b73? ITT Intermetall PDF

    TBA 611

    Abstract: MIL-STD-1553 1553B 0050II MRTU
    Text: MRTU 54000 MIL-STD- 1553B REMOTE TERMINAL BUS CONTROLLER PRELIMINARY DATA GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MRTU 54000 device is a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit which performs the dual redundant MIL STD 1553B bus controller remote terminal functions. This device is functionally compatible with

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    1553B TBA 611 MIL-STD-1553 0050II MRTU PDF

    sharp mask rom

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LH53C16600 16M Mask ROM Ref No.: NP 188C Issue Date: September 1997 High-Speed 16M-bit Mask-Programmable ROM with Page Mode Operation LH53C16600 • ■ Description The LH53C16600D/N User’s No. : LH-5C76XX is a CMOS 16M-bit mask-programmable ROM organized as 2 097 152 X 8

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    LH53C16600 LH53C16600D/N LH-5C76XX) 16M-bit 42-pin sharp mask rom PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCS512 M ic r o c h ip KeeLoq Code Hopping Decoder* FEATURES PACKAGETYPE PDIP, SOIC Security • Secure storage of m anufacturer's key • Secure storage of transm itter’s keys • Up to four transm itters can be learned LRNIN |_ 1 18 □ RFIN LRNOUT Q 2

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    HCS512 18-pin DS40151A-page 1D3E01 PDF

    mx41 plc

    Abstract: 2-BIT Full-Adder CP20K NEC lcd inverter schematic NEC CP20K FPGA nec cmos CLS199 LDPC Decoder vhdl RAM64X4 9020 8pin
    Text: MAR i o 1983 C P20K 0 .8 -M IC R O N fp g a s NEC Electronics Inc. February 1993 Description Figure 1. CP20K FPGAs NEC Electronics Inc. and Crosspoint Solutions, Inc. have joined forces to offer to system designers an expedient way to prototype in Field Program m able Gate Arrays

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    CP20K mx41 plc 2-BIT Full-Adder NEC lcd inverter schematic NEC CP20K FPGA nec cmos CLS199 LDPC Decoder vhdl RAM64X4 9020 8pin PDF

    ITT Intermetall

    Abstract: ITT ccu 3000 i
    Text: Edition O ct. 8, 1996 6 2 5 1-4 0 9 -1 PD ITT INTERMETALL 4bö2711 OOObb44 b05 VPC 32xx PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 4 4 4 5 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction System Architecture Video Processor Family VPC Applications 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8

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    OOObb44 4bfl2711 ITT Intermetall ITT ccu 3000 i PDF