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    siemens b 58 468 la intel 80

    Abstract: PEB 2261 ic 8279 rabbit 5000 ELIC - PEF 20550 PCR 406 J RDD 17-33 TSN2 SICOFI PEB 2261 N V2.0 PEF 2261 N
    Text: ICs for Communications Extended Line Card Interface Controller ELIC PEB 20550 PEF 20550 Versions 1.3 User’s Manual 01.96 T2055-0V13-M1-7600 Edition 01.96 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker. Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73,

    T2055-0V13-M1-7600 siemens b 58 468 la intel 80 PEB 2261 ic 8279 rabbit 5000 ELIC - PEF 20550 PCR 406 J RDD 17-33 TSN2 SICOFI PEB 2261 N V2.0 PEF 2261 N PDF

    SMD Codebook

    Abstract: delta dps 298 cp RDD 17-33 the smd codebook Delta Electronics DPS 350MB Delta Electronics dps -300HB A Delta Electronics dps -350MB A free SMD Codebook INTEL 386EX marking code C1H SMD
    Text: ICs for Communications DSP Oriented PBX Controller DOC PEB 20560 Version 2.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 2003-08 PEB 20560 Revision History: Current Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 2003-08 Previous Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 11.97 Page Page in previous (in current


    RWS 434 RF receiver

    Abstract: free SMD Codebook RBS 2109 manual book IOM-2 Interface Reference Guide SMD Codebook 8259A simulator Delta Electronics dps -300HB A RDD 17-33 T1605 sad1 smd
    Text: ICs for Communications DSP Oriented PBX Controller DOC PEB 20560 Version 2.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 11.97 / e .d s n / e m tor e i s duc . w n w o c w i / / : em p t ht S PEB 20560 Revision History: Current Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 11.97 Previous Version:


    free SMD Codebook

    Abstract: SMD Codebook RWS 434 RF receiver TDA 1035 a I80386 RDD 17-33 LINEAR INTEGRATE circuit tda 1025 TDA 555 8259A simulator sad1 smd
    Text: ICs for Communications DSP Oriented PBX Controller DOC PEB 20560 Version 2.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 11.97 / e .d s n / e r m o t e si duc . w n w o c w i / / : em p t ht S PEB 20560 Revision History: Current Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 11.97 Previous Version:


    interface up0

    Abstract: Beo6 EPIC-1 Instruction Sheet 2095 1000H ITB05392 ITD00823 ITD04319 ITS05808 Q67100-H6422
    Text: ICs for Communications Octal Transceiver for UPN Interfaces OCTAT-P PEB 2096 Version 1.3 Data Sheet 01.96 T2096-V13-D2-7600 PEB 2096 Revision History: Current Version: 01.96 Previous Version: Technical Manual 11.93 Page in Version 11.93 Page (in new Version)

    T2096-V13-D2-7600 GPM05622 P-MQFP-44 interface up0 Beo6 EPIC-1 Instruction Sheet 2095 1000H ITB05392 ITD00823 ITD04319 ITS05808 Q67100-H6422 PDF

    Infineon PEB 2096

    Abstract: Up0 Interface, Infineon PEB 2096 SCOUT-PX - PSB 21393 interface up0 ITD00823 ITD04319 ITP04456 ITS05394 ITS05808 PEB2096
    Text: ICs for Communications Octal Transceiver for UPN Interfaces OCTAT-P PEB 2096 Version 2.1 Data Sheet 04.99 DS 2 • PEB 2096 Revision History: Current Version: 04.99 Previous Releases: Data Sheet 01.96 Page in previous Version Page (in current Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    GPM05622 P-MQFP-44 Infineon PEB 2096 Up0 Interface, Infineon PEB 2096 SCOUT-PX - PSB 21393 interface up0 ITD00823 ITD04319 ITP04456 ITS05394 ITS05808 PEB2096 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Extended Line Card Interface Controller ELIC 1 PEB 20550 PEF 20550 Features Switching EPIC®-1 • Non-blocking switch for 32 digital (e.g. ISDN) or 64 voice subscribers - Bandwidth 16, 32, or 64 kbit/s - Two consecutive 64-bit/s channels can be

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    64-bit/s 128-kbit/s IA-BIDfCl80x 1A-BID180x 0235b05 54CC2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PEB 20550 PEF 20550 Overview 1 Overview The PEB 20550 Extended Line Card Controller is a highly integrated controller circuit optimized for line card and key system applications. It combines all functional blocks necessary to manage up to 32 digital (ISDN or proprietary) or 64 analog subscribers.

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    fi235bG5 PDF

    Siemens MTT 95 A 12 N

    Abstract: Siemens MTT 95 A 16 N siemens sab 82525 STT 3 SIEMENS siemens EM 235 cn PEB 2261 DCA 306 EPIC-1 pin diagram for IC 76733 ILP psu 180
    Text: S IE M E N S Extended Line Card Interface Controller ELIC 1 PEB 20550 PEF 20550 Features S w itching EPIC®-1 • Non-blocking switch for 32 digital (e.g. ISDN) or 64 voice subscribers - Bandwidth 16, 32, or 64 kbit/s - Two consecutive 64-bit/s channels can be

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    64-bit/s 128-kbit/s 007flfi0a 7Cl80x 2IA-BIDI80x Information11 54CC2 Siemens MTT 95 A 12 N Siemens MTT 95 A 16 N siemens sab 82525 STT 3 SIEMENS siemens EM 235 cn PEB 2261 DCA 306 EPIC-1 pin diagram for IC 76733 ILP psu 180 PDF

    Siemens OFW 731

    Abstract: SIEMENS filter ofw 431 ofw 731 Siemens functional block diagram for star delta conversion Siemens OFW 361 free SMD Codebook motorola HEP cross reference
    Text: SIEMENS PEB 20560 Overview 1 Overview A Small PBX and a Line Card consist of the following main functional blocks: A switching matrix, multiple Layer-1 transceivers for t/r a/b , S/T, UP and UK interfaces, IOM-2 interface controller, signaling controllers, a DSP for tone and voice management, a

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    ITB10067 Siemens OFW 731 SIEMENS filter ofw 431 ofw 731 Siemens functional block diagram for star delta conversion Siemens OFW 361 free SMD Codebook motorola HEP cross reference PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS PEB 2096 Table of Contents Page 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 O ve rvie w . 3 F e a tu re s .7

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    023SbOS 0235bD5 PDF