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    Rochester Electronics LLC ISPLSI2096-125LQ

    EE PLD, 10NS, 96-CELL PQFP128
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    Lattice Semiconductor Corporation ISPLSI-2032A-135LT44

    IC CPLD 32MC 7.5NS 44TQFP
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    Lattice Semiconductor Corporation ISPLSI-2032A-180LT44

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    Lattice Semiconductor Corporation ISPLSI-2032A-80LT44I

    IC CPLD 32MC 15NS 44TQFP
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    Lattice Semiconductor Corporation ISPLSI-2032A-110LJ44

    IC CPLD 32MC 10NS 44PLCC
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    ISPLSI2 Datasheets (500)

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    ispLSI2000-A Lattice Semiconductor ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VL, 2000VE and 2000V Family Architectural Description Original PDF
    ispLSI2000-A Lattice Semiconductor Introduction to ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VE, 2000VL and 2000V Families Original PDF
    ispLSI 2000A Lattice Semiconductor PB1127 -- Lattice Announces the Release of the ispLSI 2000A Family Original PDF
    ispLSI2000E Lattice Semiconductor ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VL, 2000VE and 2000V Family Architectural Description Original PDF
    ispLSI2000E Lattice Semiconductor Introduction to ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VE, 2000VL and 2000V Families Original PDF
    ispLSI2000V Lattice Semiconductor ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VL, 2000VE and 2000V Family Architectural Description Original PDF
    ispLSI 2000V Lattice Semiconductor PB1091 -- Lattice ispLSI 2000V Family Delivers 3 3v for Free Original PDF
    ispLSI2000VE Lattice Semiconductor ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VL, 2000VE and 2000V Family Architectural Description Original PDF
    ispLSI2000VE Lattice Semiconductor Introduction to ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VE, 2000VL and 2000V Families Original PDF
    ispLSI 2000VE Lattice Semiconductor PB1108 -- Lattice Completes ispLSI 2000VE Family Original PDF
    ispLSI 2000VE Lattice Semiconductor ispLSI 2000VE Product Brief Original PDF
    ispLSI2000V Families Lattice Semiconductor Introduction to ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VE, 2000VL and 2000V Families Original PDF
    ispLSI2000VL Lattice Semiconductor Introduction to ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VE, 2000VL and 2000V Families Original PDF
    ispLSI2000VL Lattice Semiconductor ispLSI 2000E, 2000-A, 2000VL, 2000VE and 2000V Family Architectural Description Original PDF
    ISPLSI2032 Lattice Semiconductor In-System Programmable High Density PLD Original PDF
    ISPLSI2032-110LJ Lattice Semiconductor In-System Programmable High Density PLD Original PDF
    ISPLSI2032-110LJI Lattice Semiconductor In-System Programmable High Density PLD Original PDF
    ISPLSI2032-110LT44 Lattice Semiconductor In-System Programmable High Density PLD Original PDF
    ISPLSI2032-110LT44I Lattice Semiconductor In-System Programmable High Density PLD Original PDF
    ISPLSI2032-110LT48 Lattice Semiconductor In-System Programmable High Density PLD Original PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISPLSI2128V-80LT100 1/3 IL08 C-MOS HIGH DENSITY PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC NC GND NC VDD NC NC NC GND GND VDD VDD NC NC NC GND VDD NC NC NC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

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    signal 11uA incremental for TTL

    Abstract: sharp optocoupler pc converter 11uA for TTL 74ACT245 74ALS688 IFK200 MI20 MI21 INTERPOLATOR SIN COS 11uA input and output TTL converter
    Text: The information disclosed herein was originated by and is the property of MAZeT. MAZeT reserves all patent, proprietary, design, use, sales, manufacturing an reproduction rights thereto. Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only

    IFK200 registersK200: ispLSI2064 GAL16V8 GAL16V8Ref MIP200 MAC4124A DB-98-037e signal 11uA incremental for TTL sharp optocoupler pc converter 11uA for TTL 74ACT245 74ALS688 IFK200 MI20 MI21 INTERPOLATOR SIN COS 11uA input and output TTL converter PDF

    ISP 2032 110LT48

    Abstract: 80lt44 ISPLSI2064-80LT marconi 4200 ISPLSI2032-150LT44 ispLSI1032E-70LJ84 "rainbow technologies" ispLSI2064-125LT100 isplsi1016-60lh 110lt48
    Text: ispVHDL and ISP Synario Systems Release Notes Version 5.1 Technical Support Line: 1-800-LATTICE or 408 428-6414 ISP-SYN-RN Rev 5.1.1 Copyright This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without

    1-800-LATTICE 1000E, 3000E GAL16V8 GAL16V8Z GAL16LV8 GAL16VP8 GAL16LV8ZD GAL18V10 GAL20LV8ZD ISP 2032 110LT48 80lt44 ISPLSI2064-80LT marconi 4200 ISPLSI2032-150LT44 ispLSI1032E-70LJ84 "rainbow technologies" ispLSI2064-125LT100 isplsi1016-60lh 110lt48 PDF


    Abstract: isplsi2 signal path designer
    Text: PCI Bus Target Controller Implementation Using a Lattice ispLSI CPLD and the relevant electrical and timing characteristics are discussed. The Lattice Semiconductor Data Book or CDROM and the PCI Specification should be consulted to obtain more detailed information.


    ispds quick reference

    Abstract: 1032E 1N312 1N365 1N419 ispcode Lattice PDS Version 3.0 users guide
    Text: ispDS+ User Manual Version 5.1 Technical Support Line: 1-800-LATTICE or 408 428-6414 ispDS1000-UM Rev 5.1.1 Copyright This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without

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    Abstract: hesd 50 FBD15 MA6 rs232 driver jack p4 2.1mm JP21-JP24 ColdFire v5 nc10 samsung EVCC12 qd33
    Text: A B C 7 18 31 42 VCC VCC VCC VCC GND GND GND GND 28 34 39 45 GND GND GND GND 4 10 15 21 +3.3 4x 4.7K 1 PP[0:7] RP6 7 5 3 1 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 8 6 4 2 7 18 31 42 28 34 39 45 4x 4.7K 1A1 1A2 1A3 1A4 1A5 1A6 1A7 1A8 2A1 2A2 2A3 2A4 2A5 2A6 2A7 2A8 1DIR 1OE 2OE 2DIR

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    Abstract: transistor a614 y A614 transistor B42X ABEL-HDL Reference Manual a614 ispDOWNLOAD Cable lattice sun N226 n518 pin configuration Designe Guide
    Text: ispEXPERT Compiler User Manual Version 8.0 Technical Support Line: 1-800-LATTICE or 408 428-6414 EXPERT-UM Rev 8.0.1 Copyright This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without

    1-800-LATTICE ISPLSI1016 transistor a614 y A614 transistor B42X ABEL-HDL Reference Manual a614 ispDOWNLOAD Cable lattice sun N226 n518 pin configuration Designe Guide PDF

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    Abstract: b1100 nec LDP16 sulzer s7 7-segment countdown timer MDP36 100LQ128 3pin round shell connector DP83932B LT1084CT-3.3
    Text: MiniRISC BDMR4011 Evaluation Board User’s Guide A CoreWare® Product March 1998 ® Order Number XXXXX Document DB15-000055-00, First Edition March 1998 This document describes revision A of LSI Logic Corporation’s BDMR4011 Evaluation Board and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.

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    vhdl code for 8 bit ODD parity generator

    Abstract: vhdl code for transceiver using UART NS16450 UART DESIGN vhdl code for 9 bit parity generator LC51024VG-5F676ES isplsi2 rd1011
    Text: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter February 2002 Reference Design 1011 Introduction The Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter UART is a popular and widely-used device for data communication in the field of telecommunication. There are different versions of UARTs in the industry. Some of them contain FIFOs for the receiver/transmitter data buffering and some of them have the 9 Data bits mode (Start bit + 9

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    signal 11uA incremental for TTL

    Abstract: ENCODER/RS422 sin/cos encoder Texas MAC4124A mx2100 GAL16V8 DECODER ACTIVE LOW OUTPUT OPTO-6 optocoupler with encoder d12 Incremental Encoder 74ALS688
    Text: The information disclosed herein was originated by and is the property of MAZeT. MAZeT reserves all patent, proprietary, design, use, sales, manufacturing an reproduction rights thereto. Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only

    IFK200 ispLSI2064 GAL16V8 GAL16V8Ref MIP200 MAC4124A D-07745 DB-98-037E signal 11uA incremental for TTL ENCODER/RS422 sin/cos encoder Texas mx2100 GAL16V8 DECODER ACTIVE LOW OUTPUT OPTO-6 optocoupler with encoder d12 Incremental Encoder 74ALS688 PDF


    Abstract: cf745 04 p 24LC211 lattice im4a3-32 CF775 MICROCHIP 29F008 im4a3-64 ks24c01 ep320ipc ALL-11P2
    Text: Device List Adapter List Converter List for ALL-11 JUL. 2000 Introduction T he Device List lets you know exactly which devices the Universal Programmer currently supports. The Device List also lets you know which devices are supported directly by the standard DIP socket and which

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    Lattice PDS Version 3.0 users guide

    Abstract: LMGR325A LMC 324 ispds quick reference ABEL-HDL Reference Manual
    Text: ispDS+ Getting Started Manual Version 5.1 for PC Technical Support Line: 1-800-LATTICE or 408 428-6414 ispDS1000-PC-GS Rev 5.1.1 Copyright This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without

    1-800-LATTICE ispDS1000-PC-GS Lattice PDS Version 3.0 users guide LMGR325A LMC 324 ispds quick reference ABEL-HDL Reference Manual PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Memory Controller Using the ispLSI 2128E The Idle state is the power up state. Introduction The Init state is the initialization state in which the memory is initialized by following the initialization sequence specified by the memory manufacturer. It is in this

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    Abstract: "Optical Coupler" Heidenhain encoder IC OPTICAL COUPLER HEIDENHAIN endat cable endat MMI4832 endat circuit HEIDENHAIN OPTO COUPLER
    Text: The information disclosed herein was originated by and is the property of MAZeT. MAZeT reserves all patent, proprietary, design, use, sales, manufacturing an reproduction rights thereto. Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only

    MMI200-PC/104 MMI4832 MMI4832 DB-99-031) DB-99-064e HEIDENHAIN EnDat 2.1 "Optical Coupler" Heidenhain encoder IC OPTICAL COUPLER HEIDENHAIN endat cable endat endat circuit HEIDENHAIN OPTO COUPLER PDF

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    Abstract: LTC1585 DS1834 MCM69P737 MPC106 MPC604 MPC740 MPC750 MPC904 lat_vhd
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor AN1769/D REV. 1.1 1/1999 Application Note Designing a Minimal PowerPCª System Gary Milliorn Motorola RISC Applications This application note describes how to design a small, high-speed Motorola PowerPCprocessor based system. In this document, the terms Ô60xÕ and Ô7xxÕ are used to denote a

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    Abstract: ARC241 LAN91C111 M5249C3UM MCF5249 4 way molex to 9-way RS232 D female program gpo38
    Text: Document Number: M5249C3UM Rev. 1 07/2006 Because of an order from the United States International Trade Commission, BGA-packaged product lines and part numbers indicated here currently are not available from Freescale for import or sale in the United States prior to September 2010: MCF5249 and M5249C3

    M5249C3UM MCF5249 M5249C3 M5249C3 CH370 MAX3225CAP RS232 MC74LCX16245DT 16bit TLC7733ID DB9 Female D-SUB CONNECTOR McMURDO ARC241 LAN91C111 M5249C3UM 4 way molex to 9-way RS232 D female program gpo38 PDF

    8 bit full adder

    Abstract: "8 bit full adder" vhdl code for 8-bit serial adder ZF8.2 quad design motive FD31 MUX24 OD34E CBU441 OT11
    Text: ispEXPERT Compiler and Viewlogic Design Manual Version 7.2 for PC Technical Support Line: 1-800-LATTICE or 408 428-6414 pDS2101-PC-UM Rev 7.2.1 Copyright This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without

    1-800-LATTICE pDS2101-PC-UM 8 bit full adder "8 bit full adder" vhdl code for 8-bit serial adder ZF8.2 quad design motive FD31 MUX24 OD34E CBU441 OT11 PDF


    Abstract: 29LV004 mARKING CODE LA4 mc5206 simm EDO 72pin AM29LV004DT Venkel C0805X7R500104KNE 2032LV tl7705 marking sday
    Text: M5206EC3 USER'S MANUAL REVISION 1.2 Cadre III A Framework for Solutions 4150 Freidrich Lane Suite D Austin, Texas 78744 Support: USA only : (800) 410-2031 (512) 326-9455 Email: Web: LIMITED WARRANTY Cadre III warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship for a period of sixty

    M5206EC3 BRAD/SM532013091X656 VENDEL/C0805-COG500102JNE DIG/S1011-02-ND DIG/929950-00-ND DIG/H216-ND DIG/H142-ND DIG/SJ5518-9-ND KS11R23CQ MC145407D TL7733ID 29LV004 mARKING CODE LA4 mc5206 simm EDO 72pin AM29LV004DT Venkel C0805X7R500104KNE 2032LV tl7705 marking sday PDF


    Abstract: EPM7128AE SU 179 EPM7128AE-5 XC9500XL
    Text: MAX 7000AE Performance Comparison Technical Brief 62 January 2000, ver. 1 Introduction Altera Corporation 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 408 544-7000 The Altera MAX® 7000 device family is the industry’s fastest and most preferred

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    Abstract: CPC710 29LV160 IBM CPC710 "Embedded Processors" Embedded Processors 83c553 ISPLSI2064VE-135LT100 MAX793 PCI33
    Text: Application Note PowerPC Embedded Processors PowerPC CPC710 Initialization Considerations Introduction This application note provides additional information for initializing the IBM PowerPC CPC710 133-MHz PCI bridge and memory controller. This application note complements the information documented in the

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    Abstract: PIC16x 87c196 dip JTAG 68hc05 prom 2708 28FXXX 87C196 29FXXX C8051 PIC16
    Text: PROG JETPROG - универсальный расширяемый программатор последнего поколения Краткое описание: - более 20800 поддерживаемых устройств - чрезвычайно высокая скорость программирования

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    Abstract: DATAMAN-40PRO DATAMAN-48PRO SIEMENS AVR ATMEGA 87C196 users guide em78pxxx DATAMAN48PRO ,PIC16F628 Free Projects PIC18F452 Free Projects Intel 87C196 Programmer GuIDE Instruction
    Text: User's Manual for Dataman-48Pro Universal 48-pindriver Programmer with USB/LPT interface and ISP capability Dataman-40Pro Universal 40-pindriver Programmer with USB interface and ISP capability July 2005 1 COPYRIGHT 2005 Dataman Programmers Ltd This document is copyrighted by Dataman Programmers Ltd, United

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    Abstract: AM26LS32BSC TC3001 R18A1 PHY100 XF10B1Q3 MT41LC256K32D4LG12 AD30 isplsi2064 6qe_r2c8
    Text: A B C CPUEx T2LEDStb~ T2Limit4 T2EnDev~ PolCorQu ForceLinkQu ATMS ATCK ATDI GPP[7:4] GPP[7:4] Int2~ T2LEDStb T2Limit4 T2EnDev~ TPolCorQu TForceLinkQu ATMS ATCK BurstAddr2 BurstAddr1 RdcEn~ CClk W/R~ Blast~ ADS~ RdyRcv~ Int1~ TAUIEn T1LEDStb T1Limit4 T1EnDev~

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÜLattiCe ispLSI2032 : : : : : Corp^"?ontW High Density Programmable Logic Features Functional Block Diagram HIGH DENSITY PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC — — — — — 1000 PLD Gates 32 I/O Pins, Two Dedicated Inputs 32 Registers High Speed Global Interconnect Wide Input Gating for Fast Counters, State

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