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    IS275 Search Results

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    Abstract: IS27HC512-45PL IS27HC512-45W IS27HC
    Text: ISSI ISSI IS27HC512 IS27HC512 ® 65,536 x 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM FEATURES • Fast access time: 45 ns • Pin compatible with the IS27C512 • Low power consumption — 100 µA CMOS standby • Industrial and commercial temperature ranges available • High-speed write programming

    IS27HC512 IS27C512 28-pin 32-pin IS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, 12-45CWI IS27HC512-45TI IS27C512 IS27HC512-45PL IS27HC512-45W IS27HC PDF


    Abstract: IS27C512-12W IS27C512-90PL IS27C512-90T IS27C512-90W IS275 IS27C IS27C512-12PLI EP010 IS27C512-12PL
    Text: ISSI ISSI IS27C512 IS27C512 65,536 x 8 CMOS EPROM ® NOVEMBER 1997 FEATURES • Fast access time: 90 ns • JEDEC-approved pinout • High-speed write programming — Typically less than eight seconds • 5V ±10% power supply tolerance available • Both CMOS and TTL compatible input and

    IS27C512 IS27C512 512K-bit 64K-word IS27C512-15W IS27C512-15PL IS27C512-15T 600-mil IS27C512-12W IS27C512-90PL IS27C512-90T IS27C512-90W IS275 IS27C IS27C512-12PLI EP010 IS27C512-12PL PDF


    Abstract: high voltage tvr IS27C512-12W IS27C512-90W IS27C512-90PL IS27C512-90T
    Text: ISSI ISSI IS27C512 IS27C512 ® 65,536 x 8 CMOS EPROM FEATURES • Fast access time: 90 ns • JEDEC-approved pinout • High-speed write programming — Typically less than eight seconds • ±10% power supply tolerance available • Both CMOS and TTL compatible input and

    IS27C512 IS27C512 512K-bit 64K-word cont7C512-90CWI IS27C512-90TI 600-mil high voltage tvr IS27C512-12W IS27C512-90W IS27C512-90PL IS27C512-90T PDF


    Abstract: IS27HC512-45PL IS27HC512-45W
    Text: ISSI ISSI IS27HC512 IS27HC512 65,536 x 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM FEATURES • Fast access time: 45 ns • Pin compatible with the IS27C512 • Low power consumption — 50 µA CMOS standby • Industrial and commercial temperature ranges available • High-speed write programming

    IS27HC512 IS27C512 28-pin 32-pin IS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, IS27HC512-70W IS27HC512-70PL IS27C512 IS27HC512-45PL IS27HC512-45W PDF


    Abstract: IS27LV512-90PL IS27LV512-90W IS27LV IS27LV512-90T EP018-1C
    Text: ISSI ISSI IS27LV512 IS27LV512 ® 65,536 x 8 LOW VOLTAGE CMOS EPROM NOVEMBER 1997 FEATURES • • • • Single 2.7V to 3.6V power supply Fast access time: 90 ns JEDEC-approved pinout Low power consumption — 20 µA max standby current — 8 mA (max) active current at 5 MHz

    IS27LV512 28-pin 32-pin IS27LV512 512K-bit 64K-word IS27C512 IS27LV512-90WI IS27LV512-90PLI IS27LV512-90PL IS27LV512-90W IS27LV IS27LV512-90T EP018-1C PDF


    Abstract: IS27HC512-45PL IS27HC512-45W
    Text: ISSI ISSI IS27HC512 IS27HC512 65,536 x 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM FEATURES • Fast access time: 45 ns • Pin compatible with the IS27C512 • Low power consumption — 100 µA CMOS standby • Industrial and commercial temperature ranges available • High-speed write programming

    IS27HC512 IS27C512 28-pin 32-pin IS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, IS27HC512-70W IS27HC512-70PL IS27C512 IS27HC512-45PL IS27HC512-45W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISSI IS27C512_ 65,536 x 8 CMOS EPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast acce ss tim e: 90 ns • JE D E C -ap prove d pinout • H igh-sp ee d w rite pro gra m m ing The ISSI IS27C512 is an 512K-bit CMOS 64K-word by 8-bit U ltraviolet Erasable CMOS Program m able Read-Only

    OCR Scan
    IS27C512_ IS27C512 512K-bit 64K-word 600-mil IS27C512-90WI IS27C512-90PLI IS27C512-90CWI IS27C512-90TI PDF


    Abstract: IS27C512 IS27HC512-45T IS27HC512-45W
    Text: I S 2 7 H C 5 1 2 65,536 x 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM JULY 1997 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 45 ns The lS S IIS27HC512 is an ultra-high-speed 512K-bit Ultravio­ let Erasable CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard JEDEC pinout making it functionally

    OCR Scan
    IS27HC512 IS27C512 28-pin 32-pin The/iSiS/IS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, super00-mil IS27HC512-70W 600-mil IS27HC512-45PL IS27C512 IS27HC512-45T IS27HC512-45W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 65,536 x 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 45 ns The IS S IIS27HC512 is an ultra-high-speed 512K-bit Ultravio­ let Erasable CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard JEDEC pinout making it functionally compatible with the IS27C512, but with significantly fast

    OCR Scan
    IS27C512 28-pin 32-pin IIS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, 600-mil IS27HC512-45WI IS27HC512-45PLI IS27HC512-45CWI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m IS27HC512 65,536 x 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM t NOVEMBER 1997 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 45 ns T h e lS S I IS27HC512 is an ultra-high-speed 512K-bit CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard JEDEC pinout making it functionally compatible with the

    OCR Scan
    IS27HC512 IS27C512 28-pin 32-pin 512K-bit IS27C512, high-65 PDF


    Abstract: ADSP-1081A ADSP-1081 ADSP-1081AJD ADSP 1081 ADSP-1080 MPY08 adsp1080 D40A ADSP1081AJN
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ 8 x 8-Bit Unsigned-Magnitude CMOS Multiplier ADSP-1081A FEATURES 8 x 8-Bit Parallel Multiplication 30MHz Multiplication Rata 275mW Powar Dissipation with TTL-Compatible C M O S Technology Unsigned-Magnitude Data Format Available in Hermetically-Sealed 40-Pin DIP or

    OCR Scan
    ADSP-1081A 30MHz 275mW 40-Pin ADSP-1081 MPY08HUJ5 ADSP-1081A ADSP1081 ADSP-1081AJD ADSP 1081 ADSP-1080 MPY08 adsp1080 D40A ADSP1081AJN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISSI IS27LV512 65,536 X 8 LOW VOLTAGE CMOS EPROM NOVEMBER 1997 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The IS S I IS27LV512 is a low voltage, low power, high-speed 512K-bit CMOS 64K-word by 8-bit CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard JEDEC pinout making it functionally compatible with the IS27C512 EPROM.

    OCR Scan
    IS27LV512 IS27LV512 512K-bit 64K-word IS27C512 600-mil IS27LV512-90WI IS27LV512-90PLI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISSI IS27C512 65,536 x 8 CMOS EPROM NOVEMBER 1997 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 90 ns T h e /5 5 /IS27C512 is an 512K-bit CMOS 64K-word by 8-bit CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It requires only a single 5V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any

    OCR Scan
    IS27C512 /IS27C512 512K-bit 64K-word IS27C512 syste12-15T 600-mil IS27C512-90PLI EP010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISSI IS27HC512 65,536 X 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM NOVEMBER 1997 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 45 ns The IS27HC512 is an ultra-high-speed 512K-bit CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard JEDEC pinout making it functionally compatible with the

    OCR Scan
    IS27HC512 IS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, 600-mil IS27HC512-45PLI IS27HC512-45TI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m IS27HC512 65,536 x HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM 8 t JULY 1997 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 45 ns The lS S I IS27HC512 is an ultra-high-speed 512K-bit Ultravio­ let Erasable CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard JEDEC pinout making it functionally

    OCR Scan
    IS27HC512 IS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, IS27C512 IS27HC512-70W IS27HC512-70PL IS27HC512-70T 600-mil IS27HC512-45PLI PDF

    ISSI 543

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISSI I S 2 7 H C 5 1 2 65,536 X 8 HIGH-SPEED CMOS EPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 45 ns The IS S IIS27HC512 is an ultra-high-speed 512K-bit Ultravio­ let Erasable CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard JEDEC pinout making it functionally

    OCR Scan
    IIS27HC512 512K-bit IS27C512, IS27C512 IS27HC512-45WI IS27HC512-45PLI IS27HC512-45CWI IS27HC512-45TI 600-mil ISSI 543 PDF

    issi 546

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISSI -1 5 1 » IS27LV512 65,536 x 8 LOW VOLTAGE CMOS EPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Single 3.3V power supply The fS S i IS27LV512 is a low voltage, low power, high-speed 512K-bit CMOS 64K-word by 8-bit Ultraviolet Erasable CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It utilizes the standard

    OCR Scan
    IS27LV512 IS27LV512 512K-bit 64K-word IS27C512 600-mil IS27LV512-90WI IS27LV512-90PLI IS27LV512-90CWI issi 546 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 65,536 x 8 CMOS EPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 90 ns The ISSI IS27C512 is an 512K-bit C M O S 64K-word by 8-bit Ultraviolet Erasable C M O S Programmable Read-Only Memory. It requires only a single 5V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be access in less than 90

    OCR Scan
    IS27C512 512K-bit 64K-word 600-mil IS27C512-90WI IS27C512-90PLI IS27C512-90CWI IS27C512-90TI IS27C512-12WI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m IS27C512 65,536 x 8 CMOS EPROM t NOVEMBER 1997 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast access time: 90 ns T h e lS S I IS27C512 is an 512K-bit CMOS 64K-word by 8-bit CMOS Programmable Read-Only Memory. It requires only a single 5V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any

    OCR Scan
    IS27C512_ IS27C512 512K-bit 64K-word sys65 EP010 PDF