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    IRFK4J054 Search Results

    IRFK4J054 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    IRFK4J054 International Rectifier Isolated Base Powe HEX-pak Assembly- Parallel Chip Configuration Scan PDF
    IRFK4J054 International Rectifier Lsolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly Half Bridge Configuration Scan PDF
    IRFK4J054 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF

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    sumida 94V-0

    Abstract: inverter using irfz44n MOSFET IRF9430 IRF7414 irfp460 dc welding circuit diagram IRFP264 inverter circuits IRFP450 inverter Three phase inverter using irfp450 mosfet Diagram Sumida ul94v-0 inverter IRF 544 N MOSFET
    Text: International Rectifier The IGBT SIP & HEXPak Navigator Effective 8 September, EXISTING Products NEW Products UPCOMING Products POTENTIAL Products released to production in last 6-9 months to be released within next 3-4 months no current plans. see bus.mgmt.

    IRFK2D054 IRFK2F054 CPV362M4U CPV363M4U CPV364M4U CPV362M4F CPV363M4F CPV364M4F CPV362M4K CPV363M4K sumida 94V-0 inverter using irfz44n MOSFET IRF9430 IRF7414 irfp460 dc welding circuit diagram IRFP264 inverter circuits IRFP450 inverter Three phase inverter using irfp450 mosfet Diagram Sumida ul94v-0 inverter IRF 544 N MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: IRGDDN600M06 IRGDDN600K06 IRF7311 IRGNIN075 IRFK6H054 IRF7601 IRLI2203N IRLML2803 IRLML5103
    Text: Index HEXFET Power MOSFETs Part Number International Rectifier ID R DS on V(BR)DSS Continuous On-State Drain-to-Source Drain Current Breakdown Voltage Resistance 25°C (Ω) (A) (V) ID Continuous Drain Current 70°C (A) RθJ A Max Thermal Resistance (°C/W)

    OT-23) IRLML2402* IRLML2803 IRLML5103 IRLML6302* IRGKI165F06 IRGDDN600M06 IRGDDN600K06 IRF7311 IRGNIN075 IRFK6H054 IRF7601 IRLI2203N IRLML2803 IRLML5103 PDF


    Abstract: CPV362M4F IRFK4H250 12A800 IRFK4H350 27101 IC 50039 CPV362M4K IRFK6J350 CPV364M4F
    Text: International Rectifier The IGBT SIP & HEXPak Navigator Effective 14 June, 1999 EXISTING Products NEW Products UPCOMING Products POTENTIAL Products released to production in last 6-9 months to be released within next 3-4 months no current plans. see bus.mgmt.

    IRFK2D054* IRFK2F054* CPV362M4U CPV363M4U CPV364M4U CPV362M4F CPV363M4F CPV364M4F CPV362M4K CPV363M4K 27108 IRFK4H250 12A800 IRFK4H350 27101 IC 50039 IRFK6J350 PDF

    IRFBE30 equivalent

    Abstract: irf9640 REPLACEMENT GUIDE IRGKI200F06 IRGP440U replacement IRF3205 smd IRGBC20FD2 IRFK3D450 IRFBg30 equivalent IRGNIN150M06 irc540
    Text: Electronic Switches Catalog of Available Documents Revised 8/27/98 IR ProCenter Fax-On-Demand 310 252-7100  HEXFET Power MOSFETs Description Gen Package Document # Pages Date 11 10 12 7 May-97 May-97 91615 91650 91651 90454 90592 90565 90566

    May-97 Sep-95 Sep-94 IRFBE30 equivalent irf9640 REPLACEMENT GUIDE IRGKI200F06 IRGP440U replacement IRF3205 smd IRGBC20FD2 IRFK3D450 IRFBg30 equivalent IRGNIN150M06 irc540 PDF


    Abstract: surface mount IRFZ44N IRFK3D450 IRFK4H054 IRLI640G IRFBg30 equivalent hexfet power mosfets international rectifier IRFP260 IRC540 equivalent irf 3250
    Text: HEXFET Power MOSFETs Part Number International Rectifier ID R DS on V(BR)DSS Continuous On-State Drain-to-Source Drain Current Breakdown Voltage Resistance 25°C (Ω) (A) (V) ID Continuous Drain Current 70°C (A) Rθ A Max Thermal Resistance (°C/W) P Max.

    OT-23) IRLML2402* IRLML2803 IRLML5103 IRLML6302* IRFK3DC50 IRFK3F150 O-240AA IRFK3F250 IRFK3F350 9137 surface mount IRFZ44N IRFK3D450 IRFK4H054 IRLI640G IRFBg30 equivalent hexfet power mosfets international rectifier IRFP260 IRC540 equivalent irf 3250 PDF


    Abstract: irf9640 REPLACEMENT GUIDE IRF3205 smd IRGTI165F06 irg4pc50fd *g4pc50w IRGKI115U06 IRGTI200F06 *gBC20f IRLIZ34
    Text: Electronic Switches Catalog of Available Documents Revised 5/11/99 IR ProCenter Fax-On-Demand 310 252-7100 HEXFET Power MOSFETs Description Gen Package Document # Pages Date 11 10 12 7 May-97 May-97 91615 91650 91651 90454 90592 90565 90566

    FA38SA50LC OT-227 FA57SA50LC FB180SA10 IRC530 O-220 IRC540 IRF734 irf9640 REPLACEMENT GUIDE IRF3205 smd IRGTI165F06 irg4pc50fd *g4pc50w IRGKI115U06 IRGTI200F06 *gBC20f IRLIZ34 PDF


    Abstract: IC 50039 IRFK2D450 IRFK3D450 irfk4h350 CPV364M4K CPV363M4U CPV363M4K cpv364m4k application notes IRFK2F250
    Text: International Rectifier The IGBT SIP & HEXPak Navigator Effective 22 July, 98 EXISTING Products NEW Products UPCOMING Products POTENTIAL Products released to production in last 6-9 months to be released within next 3-4 months no current plans. see bus.mgmt.

    CPV362M4U CPV363M4U IRFK4H054 IRFK4J054 CPV364M4U IRFK6H054 IRFK6J054 CPV362M4F IRFK2D150 IRFK2F150 hex-pak IC 50039 IRFK2D450 IRFK3D450 irfk4h350 CPV364M4K CPV363M4U CPV363M4K cpv364m4k application notes IRFK2F250 PDF


    Abstract: IR E78996 E78996 rectifier module IRFK4J054 e78996 india hex-pak J054 rfk4
    Text: Bulletin E27103 International ^ R e c tifie r IRFK4H054,IRFK4J054 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration • • • • High Current Capability. UL recognised E78996. Electrically Isolated Base Plate. Easy Assembly into Equipment.

    OCR Scan
    E27103 IRFK4H054 IRFK4J054 E78996. T0-240 CH-8032 IL60067. NJ07650. FL32743. CA90245. IR E78996 E78996 rectifier module IRFK4J054 e78996 india hex-pak J054 rfk4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER bSE D • M Û 5 5 4 5 5 Q 0 1 b E b 3 45b ■ INR Bulletin E27103 International liÔRlRectifier IRFK4H054,IRFK4J054 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration ■ • • • High Current Capability. UL recognised E78996.

    OCR Scan
    E27103 IRFK4H054 IRFK4J054 E78996. T0-240 PDF


    Abstract: IRFK4H054 IRFK4H450 IRFK4J054
    Text: Bulletin E27107 International _ «ectmer 1RFK4H450,1RFK4J450 X Ö .K Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration • • • • High Current Capability. UL recognised E78996. Electrically Isolated Base Plate. Easy Assembly into Equipment.

    OCR Scan
    E27107 IRFK4H450 IRFK4J450 E78996. O-240 1RFK4H450JRFK4J450 IRFK4H054 IRFK4J054 PDF

    IRF460 in TO220

    Abstract: IRF09110 IRF448 of IRF9540 and IRF540 irf460 switching irf460 to247 IRF250 TO-247 IRF244 Application of irf250 IRFD9120 N CHANNEL
    Text: HEXFET Power MOSFETs Products From IR FullPak N-Channel FullPak Fully-isolated HEXFETs from the heatsink/enclosure , then the FullPak is for you. Until now, semiconductors were insulated from grounded heatsinks with insulating w ashers and nylon screws. Improper Installation of

    OCR Scan
    T0-240AA IRF460 in TO220 IRF09110 IRF448 of IRF9540 and IRF540 irf460 switching irf460 to247 IRF250 TO-247 IRF244 Application of irf250 IRFD9120 N CHANNEL PDF

    ior e78996

    Abstract: irfk4h450 E78996 ior E78996
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER b5E J> WÊ 4 0 5 5 45 2 OOlt.207 «l^T • INR Bulletin E2710/ International Rectifier IRFK4H450,IRFK4J450 Isolated Base Power HEX-pak Assembly - Parallel Chip Configuration • ■ • • High Current Capability. UL recognised E78996.

    OCR Scan
    E2710/ IRFK4H450 IRFK4J450 E78996. O-240 ior e78996 E78996 ior E78996 PDF

    IRFZ44 equivalent

    Abstract: IRFBE30 equivalent IRFP260 equivalent IRFC110 irf634 equivalent IRF540 IRFZ48 equivalent irf*234 n IRFCG50 IRFC034
    Text: I I n t e r n a t io n a l R e c t if ie r HEXFET Power MOSFETS BVdss Drain Sourct Vofcag* Vote PMt Numbtr Rd s m Ondate IMltMCI (Ohm) H E X -P a k M o d u l« P a ra lle l Chip N-Cham xel 60 IRFK4H054 100 IRFK4H150 200 IRFK4H250 400 IRFK4H350 500 IRFK4H450

    OCR Scan
    IRFK4H054 IRFK4H150 IRFK4H250 IRFK4H350 IRFK4H450 IRFK4HC50 IRFK4HE50 IRFK4J054 IRFK4J150 IRFK4J250 IRFZ44 equivalent IRFBE30 equivalent IRFP260 equivalent IRFC110 irf634 equivalent IRF540 IRFZ48 equivalent irf*234 n IRFCG50 IRFC034 PDF


    Abstract: LL110 irf7408 lr014 IRC540 equivalent IRL1Z14G IRFC024 IRFBE30 equivalent IRFCG50 irfbc10lc
    Text: H EXFET Other Products from IR SOT-89 N-Channel V BR q s s Drain-to-Source ROS(on) Part Breakdown On-State Number Voltage Resistance (Volt) (Ohms) IRFS1Z0 100 Power MOSFETs Surface Mount Iq Continuous Drain Current 25°C (Amps) 2.4 0.82 Iq Continuous RthJAMax P d @ T c = 25°C Case

    OCR Scan
    OT-89 OT-89 IRCC044 IRCC140 IRCC240 IRCC244 IRCC340 IRCC440 IRCC054 FL110 LL110 irf7408 lr014 IRC540 equivalent IRL1Z14G IRFC024 IRFBE30 equivalent IRFCG50 irfbc10lc PDF