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    IRFE9210 Search Results

    IRFE9210 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    IRFE9210 International Rectifier HEXFET Power Mosfet Original PDF
    IRFE9210 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF

    IRFE9210 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 93989 IRFE9210 200V, P-CHANNEL REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED  HEXFET TRANSISTORS SURFACE MOUNT LCC-18 Product Summary Part Number IRFE9210 BVDSS -200V RDS(on) 3.0Ω ID -1.3A The leadless chip carrier (LCC) package represents the logical next step in the continual evolution of surface

    IRFE9210 LCC-18) -200V gr252-7105 PDF


    Abstract: LCC-18
    Text: PD - 93989 IRFE9210 200V, P-CHANNEL REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED  HEXFET TRANSISTORS SURFACE MOUNT LCC-18 Product Summary Part Number IRFE9210 BVDSS -200V RDS(on) 3.0Ω ID -1.3A The leadless chip carrier (LCC) package represents the logical next step in the continual evolution of surface

    IRFE9210 LCC-18) -200V grounde52-7105 IRFE9210 LCC-18 PDF


    Abstract: SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING k38 smd transistor k38 we 751002 s SMD-6C transistor smd k45 RAD-HARD igbt IRF3504 afl2805s manufactured by international rectifier 550-065
    Text: Aerospace and Defense Products Short Form Catalog 2007 Welcome to the Aerospace and Defense Products Short Form Catalog. Inside is an overview of our product line including product specific information. To learn more, visit our web site at where you will find technical documents, data sheets for all products, application notes, design tips, technical papers, application-specific information,

    30am-5 44-0-1737-2com DB8029C IRF460 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING k38 smd transistor k38 we 751002 s SMD-6C transistor smd k45 RAD-HARD igbt IRF3504 afl2805s manufactured by international rectifier 550-065 PDF


    Abstract: irh7c50se IRFM460 irhy IRFE310 international rectifier p JANSR2N7261
    Text: International Rectifier Government and Space Products BVDSS Part Number Channel V RDS(on) (Ω) PD @ TC = 25°C ID @ T =100°C C (A) ID @ T =25 C (A) Total Dose Rating Rads (Si) (W) Fax-on-Demand HEXFET Power MOSFETs to view a data sheet, click on the part number

    IRHE7110 IRHE7130 IRHE7230 IRHE8110 IRHE8130 IRHE8230 IRHE9130 IRHE9230 IRHG7110 IRHG6110 IRFM9034 irh7c50se IRFM460 irhy IRFE310 international rectifier p JANSR2N7261 PDF


    Abstract: HFA40HF120 irfm9034 10RIA100 10RIA120 10RIA20 10RIA40 10RIA60 JANSR2N7261 70HF
    Text: Index International Rectifier Government and Space Products Level of Quality Part Number Rectifiers Voltage Current CECC Issue Issue Assessment and CECC V (A) Specs Number Date 50 000 Screen Level Options Fax-on-Demand CECC-Qualifed, Europe Mfg. in Italy

    DO-203AA HFA40HF120 HFA40HF60 O-254AA HFA35HB120 HFA35HB120C HFA35HB60 HFA35HB60C O-258AA HFA45HC120C 10RIA10 HFA40HF120 irfm9034 10RIA100 10RIA120 10RIA20 10RIA40 10RIA60 JANSR2N7261 70HF PDF

    Diode 400V 5A

    Abstract: lm1083 BZY55C transistor 2n1208 bc109 spice IRF9024 CV7404 mnt6337j sml1258 SML1004RGN
    Text: PRODUCT 2C415 2C425 2C444 2C746 2N1131L 2N1132 2N1132CSM 2N1132DCSM 2N1208 2N1209 2N1482 2N1483 2N1483A 2N1484A 2N1485 2N1485A 2N1486 2N1486A 2N1613 2N1613L 2N1616 2N1617 2N1618 2N1711 2N1717 2N1721 2N1722 2N1724 2N1724A 2N1889 2N1890 2N1893 2N1893CSM 2N1893DCSM

    2C415 2C425 2C444 2C746 2N1131L 2N1132 2N1132CSM 2N1132DCSM 2N1208 2N1209 Diode 400V 5A lm1083 BZY55C transistor 2n1208 bc109 spice IRF9024 CV7404 mnt6337j sml1258 SML1004RGN PDF


    Abstract: 2N7549 2n7545 2N7476T1 smd 92112 2N7546 IRHNJ9130SCS 2N7471 2N7426 2N7468
    Text: Hi-Rel Products Shortform Hermetic MOSFETs High Voltage MOSFETs for PFC and Primary Switch Applications Hi-Rel Components Schottky and HEXFRED Products Hi-Rel Schottky Diodes Hi-Rel HEXFRED  Diodes Hi-Rel Linear and Switching Regulators Fixed Voltage Regulators



    Abstract: irfg9110 H24 SMD
    Text: Other Products from IR Government and Space H EX FET Power M O SFETs Radiation Hardened N - and P-Channel Part • d@ T ,= 25°C Iq@ Tq = 100*C A (A) RthJC Max. (K/W) Pd@ Tq = 25°C Number BVq ss (V) RDS(on) (Ohms) IRHE7110 100 IRHE8110 IRHE7130 IRHE8130

    OCR Scan
    IRHE7110 IRHE8110 IRHE7130 IRHE8130 IRHE7230 IRHE8230 IRHE9130 IRHN7054 IRHN8054 IRHN7130 2N7334 irfg9110 H24 SMD PDF


    Abstract: IRF9510 SEC IRF510 SEC 2n6845 jantx D 10.7 A IRF540 smd irf740 STAND FOR irfm9230 2N7237 JANTXV BC 542
    Text: Government/ Space Products Products From ir Life, Power-Age, Environmental and Military Testing Capabilities — USA MIL-S-19500 Qualified Life Tests and Power-Age Capabilities A. H ig h te m p e ra tu re sto ra g e life te stin g up to 2 0 0 ° C . 0 . H T R B te st c a p a b ilitie s o v e r 2 5,00 0 p o s itio n s for V G S a n d for

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500 T0-254AA T0-204AA/AE MO-D36AB IRF9510 SEC IRF510 SEC 2n6845 jantx D 10.7 A IRF540 smd irf740 STAND FOR irfm9230 2N7237 JANTXV BC 542 PDF

    n10 smd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International Government and Space HEXFET Power MOSFETs [ ÏQ R R e c t ï f ie r Hermetic Package N & P Channel Part b v d ss RDS on Number (V) (Ohms) lp @ Tc = 100"C RthJC Max. Pd @ TC = 25°C Outline «1 (A) (K/W) (W) Number (1) IRFE024 60 0.15 6.7 4.2

    OCR Scan
    IRFE024 IRFE110 IRFE120 IRFE130 IRFE210 IRFE220 IRFE230 IRFE310 IRFE320 IRFE330 n10 smd PDF


    Abstract: T0-220
    Text: SEMELAB pic SELECTOR GUIDE MOS PRODUCTS June 1998 T ype N o Technology Polarity Package VDSS RDSS on 10 Pd IRF452 IRF453 IRF460 IRF520 IRF521 IRF522 IRF523 IRF530 IRF531 IRF532 IRF533 IRF540 IRF541 IRF542 IRF543 IRF620 IRF621 IRF622 IRF623 IRF720 IRF721 IRF722

    OCR Scan
    IRF452 IRF453 IRF460 IRF520 IRF521 IRF522 IRF523 IRF530 IRF531 IRF532 IRF540 T0-220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ I n t e r n a t i o n a l R e c t if ie r Government and Space Products Part Number P bvdss Vohj) RDS(on) (Ohmi) 10« To*25* ID« Tc*100° (Amp*) (Amps) Total Dos* Rating Radi (Si) PD« To2P (Watts) Fax-onDrniand Number

    OCR Scan
    IRHM7250 IRHM3250 IRHM4250 IRHM8250 JANSR2N7269 JANSF2N7269 JANSG2N7269 JANSH2N7269 IRHM7260 IRHM8260 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOR IRFE Series Devices IRFE Series Data Sheet The IRFE Data Sheet describes 19 devices, 12 N-Channel and 7 P-Channel, all contained in the LCC package. This data sheet is arranged to show common tabular and graphical information between devices. alphabetical order. W here the information is device

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    IRFE9210 IRFE9220 IRFE9230 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IOR IRFE Series Devices IRFE Series Data Sheet alph abetical order. W h e re the inform ation is device specific, w e have assigned a num eric c h a ra c te r for th e graph typ e and an a lp h a c h a ra c te r to a given d ev ic e . S e e T a b le A b elo w . W h e re graphs are

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