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    diagram rice cooker

    Abstract: OP103 D7556 Teapo capacitor SM series d7566 JPD7556A JPD7556ACS
    Text: fiPD7556/56A/66/66A 4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers With Comparator MEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description Ordering Information The /iPD7556/66A and /JPD7566/66A are low-end ver­ sions of /iPD7500 series products. These m icro com pu t­ ers in corp orate a 4-bit com parator input and are useful

    OCR Scan
    uPD7556 uPD7556A uPD7566 uPD7566A /JPD7556CS 24-pin /iPD7556/66A /JPD7566/66A /iPD7500 /PD7500 diagram rice cooker OP103 D7556 Teapo capacitor SM series d7566 JPD7556A JPD7556ACS PDF

    ka 75000

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHAPTER 1 GENERAL This chapter outlines the EP-75008GB-R. 1.1 Operating Environment The EP-75008GB-R is a probe set to connect the IE-75001-R and target system. By using the EP-75008GBR, the debugging environment for the /iPD75008GB subseries is created, in which total debugging of the target

    OCR Scan
    EP-75008GB-R. EP-75008GB-R IE-75001-R EP-75008GBR, /iPD75008GB PD75008GB IE-75001-R IE-75000-R-EM EP-75008GB-R ka 75000 PDF


    Abstract: NEC uPD 833 D750004CU 89P51 NEC Electronics uPD Series UPD 200A D750004GB UPD75008
    Text: DATA SHEET / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¡PD750008 is one of the 75XL series 4-bit single-chip m icrocontrollers, w hich provide data processing capability equal to that of an 8-bit m icrocontroller.

    OCR Scan
    uPD750004 uPD750006 uPD750008 PD750008 PD75008. d750008cu NEC uPD 833 D750004CU 89P51 NEC Electronics uPD Series UPD 200A D750004GB UPD75008 PDF


    Abstract: B553 IC B553 PD750008CU-XXX
    Text: DATA SH EET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD7 5 0 0 0 4 , 7 5 0 0 0 6 ,7 5 0 0 0 8 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER The ¿¿PD750008 is one of the 75XL series 4-bit single-chip microcomputers, which provide data processing capability equal to that of an 8-bit microcomputer.

    OCR Scan
    uPD750008 PD750008 PD75008. jiPD75008. /iPD75P0016Noto, EEU-1416 EEU-1493 EEU-1317 EEU-1305 EEU-1335 IC-3647 B553 IC B553 PD750008CU-XXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iPD75312,75316 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The /iPD75316 is on e o f th e 7 5X Series 4 -b it s in g le -c h ip m i c r o c o m p u t e r h a v in g a b u ilt-in LCD c o n tr o lle r / d r iv e r , and has a data p ro c e s s in g c a p a b ility c o m p a r a b le to th a t o f an 8 -b it m ic r o c o m p u t e r .

    OCR Scan
    uPD75312 uPD75316 /iPD75316 PD7531 D7514 /iPD7500 /iPD75P31 2477B d7514 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jW / X Y * 1^1Mid NEC Electronics Inc. fi PD7500x/75P008 General-Purpose 4-Bit Microcomputers With Multiple l/Os Description The /j PD7500x/75P008 is a family of single-chip CMOS microcomputers containing CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O ports, several timer/counters, vectored interrupts, subsystem

    OCR Scan
    PD7500x/75P008 PD7500x/75P008 83RD-6747A /iPD7SP008) pPD7500x/75P008 tPD75P008) 75P008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET / M OS IN TEG R A TED C IR C U IT ¿¿PD750064, 750066, 750068, 750064 A , 750066(A), 750068(A) 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The ¿¡PD750068 is one of the 75XL Series 4 -bit sin g le -ch ip m icro co n tro lle rs and has a data processing ca pa bility

    OCR Scan
    PD750064, PD750068 16-bit uPD750068 PD750068. U10165EJ2V0DS00 PDF

    KA 75008

    Abstract: 75P008 NEC 426 M 50198 HC-43/U p008c PD7500 HC-18U HC-6U R/UPD75P008
    Text: NEC pPD7500x/75P008 General-Purpose 4-Bit Microcomputers With Multiple l/Os NEC Electronics Inc. Description □ The /j PD7500 x/75P008 is a fam ily of single-chip CMOS m icrocom puters containing C PU , ROM, RAM, I/O ports, several tim er/counters, vectored interrupts, subsystem

    OCR Scan
    uPD7500x uPD75P008 PD7500 x/75P008 /iPD7SP008) JJPD7500X/75P008 fiPD7500x/75P008 KA 75008 75P008 NEC 426 M 50198 HC-43/U p008c HC-18U HC-6U R/UPD75P008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET / M O S IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT ¿¿PD750064, 750066, 750068, 750064 A , 750066(A), 750068(A) 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The ¿¡PD750068 is one of the 75X L series 4 -b it sin g le -ch ip m icro co n tro lle rs and has a data processing ca p ability

    OCR Scan
    PD750064, PD750068 16-bit uPD750068 PD750068. C10535J 10535E C11531J 11531E PDF


    Abstract: IR SMD pakage smd diode code pj 1209 17137 UPD17137A D17137AGT-xxx D17137ACT-xxx Diode SMD SJ 94 TOKO CRK400 PD17137A
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SMALL GENERAL-PURPOSE 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¿PD17135A, ¿¿PD17137A, and /xPD17137A A are a 4-bit single-chip microcontroliers containing an 8-bit A/D converter (four channels), three timers, an AC zerocross detector, a power-on/power-down reset circuit, and a

    OCR Scan
    uPD17135A uPD17137A the/iPD17135A /iPD17137A, PD17137A PD17P137A, PD17135A, PD17137A, D1713 IR SMD pakage smd diode code pj 1209 17137 D17137AGT-xxx D17137ACT-xxx Diode SMD SJ 94 TOKO CRK400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS 30E D INC SEC- NEC Electronics Inc. [□427555 0 0 3 5 7 0 0 & pPD75P54/P64 4-Bit, Single-Chip, One-Time Programmable OTP CMOS Microcomputers With Serial I/O Description The juPD75P54 and /iPD75P64 are 1024 x 8 -bit on-chip, one-time programmable (OTP) ROM versions of the

    OCR Scan
    uPD75P54 uPD75P64 /JPD75P54CS iPD7SP64CS PD75P54G JUPD75P64Q 20-pin juPD75P54 /iPD75P64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC• NEC Electronics Inc. PPD75P54/P64 4-Bit, Single-Chip, One-Time Programmable OTP CMOS Microcomputers With Serial I/O Description The juPD75P54 and /iPD75P64 are 1024 x 8 -bit on-chip, one-time programmable (OTP) ROM versions of the mask ROMs, /JPD7554 and //PD7564. They have the

    OCR Scan
    uPD75P54 uPD75P64 juPD75P54 /iPD75P64 /JPD7554 //PD7564. PD75P54/P64 juPD7554/64 /JPD75P54CS //PD75P64CS d75p54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iPD75312 A , 75316(A) 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The /¿PD7531 6(A) is one o f th e 75 X S eries 4 -b it s in g le -c h ip m i c r o c o m p u t e r havi ng a b u ilt-i n LCD c o n tr o lle r / d riv e r, and has a data p ro c e s s in g c a p a b ility c o m p a r a b le to th a t o f an 8 -b it m ic r o c o m p u t e r .

    OCR Scan
    uPD75312 uPD75316 PD7531 /iPD7514 /iPD7500 /iPD75P316, /iPD75P316A) IC-2825A IC-8270A) PDF


    Abstract: PD7500 LED60 UPD75008 diode SKE 39 CA P621 capacitor pd6122 75P0016 IC-3647 diode 937 ke
    Text: APPLICA T/ON NOTE P D 7 5 0 0 0 8 SUBSERIES 4 -B IT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER /¿PD750004 aPD75G006 ¿¿PD750008 /¿PD75P0G1 B NEC Corporation 1996 Document No. U10452EJ1VOANOO 1st edition Date Published February 1996 P Printed in Japan The export o f th is p ro d u ct from Japan is regulated by the Ja panese g o vernm ent. To export th is p roduct may be p rohibited

    OCR Scan
    uPD750004 PD75G006 PD750008 PD75P0G1 U10452EJ1VOANOO P621 PD7500 LED60 UPD75008 diode SKE 39 CA P621 capacitor pd6122 75P0016 IC-3647 diode 937 ke PDF

    SKIP 603 GB 122 CT

    Abstract: UAA 1006 75P0016 uPD7500* instruction set upd75p0016
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iP D 7 5 P 0 0 1 6 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICRO CONTROLLER The /iPD75P0016 replaces the / jPD750008's internal mask ROM with a one-time PROM and features expanded ROM capacity. Because the ¿¿PD75P0016 supports programming by users, it is Suitable for use in prototype testing for system

    OCR Scan
    uPD75P0016 uPD750008 iPD750004, pPD75P0008 IEU-1421 PD750008 iPD750008 U1Q328EJ1V0OS01 b427525 SKIP 603 GB 122 CT UAA 1006 75P0016 uPD7500* instruction set PDF


    Abstract: uPD17001 10X14 JUPD6700 LED10 PD17001 PD6700 PD75516 uPD6700 tl 5069
    Text: x-51•i/-S NEC ^ M O S & 8 II 1 E& M O S Integrated Circuit «PD6700 Ju P D 6 7 0 0 i^ ^ x < "J 0 M l < r > ^ % m . 7 ^ (FIP * $ < L / ^ H ; K -7 * ^ H ^ ' C M O S t i i i C O ^ K 7 < AT* To ^ U / J v ^ 5 6 t f> QFPT48 fci-y h • '> 7 h U v * £ , S n n 'S f o

    OCR Scan
    uPD6700 QFPT48 3fi-H14 IC-7750 uPD17001 10X14 JUPD6700 LED10 PD17001 PD6700 PD75516 tl 5069 PDF


    Abstract: 2732 eprom EPROM 2732 NEC 2732 pd7538 EPROM2732 NEC sl 1000 ports interfacing the 2732 eprom nec PD753 PD7500
    Text: /¿PD7537A/38A/75CG38E 4-B it, S in g le -C h ip C M O S M icro co m pu ters W ith FIP D river ^ - E V NEC Electronics Inc. D e scrip tio n The fjPD7537A, ^PD7538A, and j PD75CG38E are 4-bit, single-chip C M O S m icrocomputers with the /j PD7500 architecture and FIP direct-drive capability.

    OCR Scan
    uPD7537A uPD7538A uPD75CG38E fjPD7537A, PD7538A, 75CG38E PD7537A PD7538A fiPD7537A IIPD7SCQ38E 7537A 2732 eprom EPROM 2732 NEC 2732 pd7538 EPROM2732 NEC sl 1000 ports interfacing the 2732 eprom nec PD753 PD7500 PDF

    uPD7500* instruction set

    Abstract: D7556 JPD7566ACS uPD7500 instruction set a diagram rice cooker microcomputer stop mode halt mode NEC retenti EVAKIT-7500 20ppd7556 uPD7500 instruction set
    Text: NEC #iPD7556/56A/66/66A 4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers With Comparator NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /JPD7556/66A and /JPD7566/66A are low-end ver­ sions of pPD7500 series products. These m icrocom put­ ers in corp orate a 4-bit com parator input and are useful

    OCR Scan
    uPD7556 uPD7556A uPD7566 uPD7566A /JPD7556/66A /JPD7566/66A pPD7500 /JPD7500 COM-87 juPD7556/56A/66/66A uPD7500* instruction set D7556 JPD7566ACS uPD7500 instruction set a diagram rice cooker microcomputer stop mode halt mode NEC retenti EVAKIT-7500 20ppd7556 uPD7500 instruction set PDF


    Abstract: EP-750068CU-R EP-750068GT-R IE-75000-R IE-75001-R IE-75300-R-EM
    Text: a i mm «magra«! rafpma i i M M « TJ TJ EMULATION PROBE CJ1 o o h □ 0 GO O *^*1 Cmh I 3J j I m n The export of this product from Japan is prohibited w ithout governm ental license. To export or re-export this product from a country other than Japan may also be prohibited w ith o u t a license from that country. Please call

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: D27C1000 d27c1000a B7AD D27C256 Schematic PA-78P324LP PA-78P214CW UPD27256A D27C1 D27C256 nec
    Text: User’s Manual P G -1500 PROM PROGRAMMER Document No. U11940EJ4V0UM00 {4th edition O.D.No. EEU-651B) Date Published May 1997 N NECCorporation 1990 Printed in Japan NEC [M E M O ] 1 V2S/35 and V30 are trademarks of NEC Corporation. INTELLEC is a trademark of Intel Corporation.

    OCR Scan
    PG-1500 U11940EJ4V0UM00 EEU-651B) V2S/35 d75p308 D27C1000 d27c1000a B7AD D27C256 Schematic PA-78P324LP PA-78P214CW UPD27256A D27C1 D27C256 nec PDF


    Abstract: d75p008cu d75p008 PD7500X KL3 Y4 PD75008G NEC pd7500
    Text: pPD7500x/75P008 General-Purpose 4-Bit Microcomputers With Multiple l/Os 1^ 1 NEC Electronics Inc. Description g 8-bit serial interface — SBI mode — 2- or 3-wire mode: data transfer can be full duplex or receive only, and can be MSB or LSB first g Vectored interrupts

    OCR Scan
    uPD7500x uPD75P008 PD750Qx/75P008 pPD7500x/75P008 fiPD75P008) PD7500 /75P008 75P008 d75p008cu d75p008 PD7500X KL3 Y4 PD75008G NEC pd7500 PDF

    NEC Vacuum Fluorescent Display

    Abstract: JHD 162 XH100NS dst-400 fip 450 P52C display 8 segment si8 930 nec 1 x 40 vacuum fluorescent display mpd7516
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. ¿¿PD7516H 4-BIT, SINGLE-CHIP CMOS MICROCOMPUTER W ITH FIP CONTROLLER/DRIVER Description □ Vectored, prioritized interrupts — Two external: INTO, INT1 — Two internal: timer INTT and serial (INTS) □ Four 4-bit general purpose registers

    OCR Scan
    uPD7516H uPD75CG16H iPD7500 14-bit 24-port 16-character, 14-segment fiPD7516H mPD7519H 3-002958A NEC Vacuum Fluorescent Display JHD 162 XH100NS dst-400 fip 450 P52C display 8 segment si8 930 nec 1 x 40 vacuum fluorescent display mpd7516 PDF


    Abstract: 69RD-6963A NEC J 302 75P008 PD75008
    Text: pPD75008 Family ¿IPD75004/006/008/P008 4-Bit General-Purpose Single-Chip Microcontrollers NEC Electronics Inc. O cto b er 1994 Description — 25 software selectable pullup resistors — Eight mask option selectable resistors (mask ROM devices only) The iPD75008 fam ily o f high perform ance 4-bit single­

    OCR Scan
    uPD75008 uPD75004 uPD75006 uPD75P008 jiPD75008 /JPD75004 /PD75008 pPD75004 //PD75008 PD75P008GB-3B4 69RD-6963A NEC J 302 75P008 PD75008 PDF

    NEC D7228

    Abstract: D7228 PD7228 NEC binary Date Codes upd7228 equivalent integrated circuit stk407-070b binary to dotmatrix decoder q070 nec D 8243 C LT 7228
    Text: • M E C m w f MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD7 2 2 8 PROGRAMMABLE LCD CONTROLLER/DRIVER DESCRIPTION /¿PD7228 is an LCD controller/driver having all the functions necessary for interfacing an 8-/16-time division dot-matrix LCD with a microprocessor. A single /iPD7228 chip is capable of driving a dot-matrix LCD, consisting

    OCR Scan
    uPD7228 8-/16-time /iPD7228 /iPD7228G12. L427S2S NEC D7228 D7228 PD7228 NEC binary Date Codes equivalent integrated circuit stk407-070b binary to dotmatrix decoder q070 nec D 8243 C LT 7228 PDF