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    ICX639 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: icx639 sony icx639 ICX639BKA ccd sensor sony ICX639 CM500S CXD1267AN ICX409AK ccd sony super HAD 2 CV3-820
    Text: Diagonal 6mm Type 1/3 CCD Image Sensor for PAL Color Video Cameras ICX639BKA Description The ICX639BKA is an interline CCD solid-state image sensor suitable for PAL color video cameras with a diagonal 6mm (Type 1/3) system. Compared with the conventional product ICX409AK, basic characteristics

    ICX639BKA ICX639BKA ICX409AK, 16Pin 450mil) ICX639BK icx639 sony icx639 ccd sensor sony ICX639 CM500S CXD1267AN ICX409AK ccd sony super HAD 2 CV3-820 PDF


    Abstract: ccd sensor sony ICX639 sony icx639
    Text: Diagonal 6mm Type 1/3 CCD Image Sensor for PAL Color Video Cameras ICX639BKA Description The ICX639BKA is an interline CCD solid-state image sensor suitable for PAL color video cameras with a diagonal 6mm (Type 1/3) system. Compared with the conventional product ICX409AK, basic characteristics

    ICX639BKA ICX639BKA ICX409AK, AS-C2-2-03 ICX639BK ccd sensor sony ICX639 sony icx639 PDF


    Abstract: ICX638 CXD3172AR ICX639AKA ICX639AK cxd3172 ICX638AKA sony icx ccd sony super HAD ICX408AK
    Text: High-Sensitivity Diagonal 6.0 mm Type 1/3 380K/440K-Effective Pixel Color CCDs Super HAD CCDs for Security Cameras ICX638AKA ICX639AKA The Type 1/3 CCD has become the mainstream optical system in the security camera market, where superb imaging characteristics are required.

    380K/440K-Effective ICX638AKA ICX639AKA ICX638AKA: 380K-effective ICX639AKA: 440K-effective ICX408AK ICX409AK* icx639 ICX638 CXD3172AR ICX639AKA ICX639AK cxd3172 ICX638AKA sony icx ccd sony super HAD PDF


    Abstract: icx633 ICX632
    Text: Ver0.01 Ai7152S A1 PROs Digital Signal Processor for Color CCD Cameras 1. Overview 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Ai7152S is a high performance CCD image signal processor for color video camera. It includes MCU, timing generator, 2 channel 10bit digital to analog converter and all other functions for camera

    Ai7152S Ai7152S 10bit 250K/380K 290K/410K Ai338, Ai325CA, ICX632, ICX638, RJ2315, ICX638 icx633 ICX632 PDF