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    ICE ICC3 Search Results

    ICE ICC3 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: sublvds lvds 65L02 Y20150 38448 337 BGA footprint mini din pcb mount 442-665 7475 D flip-flop ice65l04
    Text: Handheld iCE: iCE65 Ultra Low-Power Programmable Logic Family R SiliconBlue March 25, 2009 1.4.4 Preliminary (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) First high-density, ultra low-power programmable logic family specifically designed for hand-held applications and long battery life

    iCE65TM iCE65 25-MAR-2009) ICE65L04F sublvds lvds 65L02 Y20150 38448 337 BGA footprint mini din pcb mount 442-665 7475 D flip-flop ice65l04 PDF

    CQ 4.000 crystal oscillator 4Mhz

    Abstract: Microcomputer 8080 78A0 M38867
    Text: RY n INA versio MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 3886 Group LIM emory E R P ash m . . tion hange c ifica pec ject to s l fina sub ot a its are is n his tric lim T : e m ice Not e para Som for fl SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER FLASH MEMORY VERSION DESCRIPTION



    Abstract: 45056 DSA003646
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS ARY N I LIM E R P 38B7 Group . ion icat ecif ect to p s j l fina re sub a ot a is n limits s i Th etric ice: am Not e par m o S nge. cha DESCRIPTION The 38B7 group is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740 family core technology.

    16-bit 16-channel 10-bit 38B7 45056 DSA003646 PDF


    Abstract: M38B79MFH-XXXXFP 38B7 UZ01
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS ARY N I LIM E R P 38B7 Group . ion icat ecif ect to p s j l fina re sub a ot a is n limits s i Th etric ice: am Not e par m o S nge. cha DESCRIPTION The 38B7 group is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740 family core technology.

    16-bit 16-channel 10-bit M38B79MFH M38B79MFH-XXXXFP 38B7 UZ01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS Y NAR M37753FFCFP M37753FFCHP MI ELI . ion. hange icat ecif ct to c p s al bje a fin are su not s is is ric limit h T met ice: Not e para Som PR SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER FLASH MEMORY VERSION DESCRIPTION APPLICATION The M37753FFCFP and the M37753FFCHP are single-chip microcomputers designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology, including the internal flash memory. These are housed in

    M37753FFCFP M37753FFCHP 16-BIT M37753FFCFP M37753FFCHP 80-pin M37754FFCGP, M37754FFCHP PDF


    Abstract: mitsubishi inverter air conditioning mitsubishi 7700 machine instruction M37753FFCHP d1047
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS Y NAR M37753FFCFP M37753FFCHP MI ELI . ion. hange icat ecif ct to c p s al bje a fin are su not s is is ric limit h T met ice: Not e para Som PR SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER FLASH MEMORY VERSION DESCRIPTION APPLICATION The M37753FFCFP and the M37753FFCHP are single-chip microcomputers designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology, including the internal flash memory. These are housed in

    M37753FFCFP M37753FFCHP 16-BIT M37753FFCFP M37753FFCHP 80-pin M37753FFCFP, mitsubishi inverter air conditioning mitsubishi 7700 machine instruction d1047 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS Y NAR M37754FFCGP M37754FFCHP MI ELI ion. hange. icat ecif ct to c p s al bje a fin are su not s is is ric limit h T met ice: Not e para Som PR SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER FLASH MEMORY VERSION DESCRIPTION APPLICATION The M37754FFCGP and the M37754FFCHP are single-chip microcomputers designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology, including the internal flash memory. These are housed in

    M37754FFCGP M37754FFCHP 16-BIT M37754FFCGP M37754FFCHP 100-pin M37754FFCGP, PDF

    mitsubishi inverter air conditioning

    Abstract: M37754FFCGP M37754FFCHP
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS Y NAR M37754FFCGP M37754FFCHP MI ELI ion. hange. icat ecif ct to c p s al bje a fin are su not s is is ric limit h T met ice: Not e para Som PR SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER FLASH MEMORY VERSION DESCRIPTION APPLICATION The M37754FFCGP and the M37754FFCHP are single-chip microcomputers designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology, including the internal flash memory. These are housed in

    M37754FFCGP M37754FFCHP 16-BIT M37754FFCGP M37754FFCHP 100-pin M37754FFCGP, mitsubishi inverter air conditioning PDF


    Abstract: ICE ICC3 MX93011 7400h 74640 HD15 MX9691 circuit LED sequential turn signal 6 volt 6016h 601EH
    Text: INDEX PRELIMINARY MX9691 SINGLE CHIP SOLID STATE DISK CONTROLLER FEATURES Host Interface Buffer RAM control • Fully compatible with PCMCIA Release 2.1, and PC Card ATA Release 1.02 specification. • Compatible with all PC Card Services and Socket Service.

    MX9691 20MB/ 600fh ICE ICC3 MX93011 7400h 74640 HD15 MX9691 circuit LED sequential turn signal 6 volt 6016h 601EH PDF


    Abstract: 74640 8088 memory interface SRAM interfacing of RAM and ROM with 8088 6002H AS 108-120 PCMCIA SRAM Card HD11 MX93011 MX9691A
    Text: MX9691A SINGLE CHIP SOLID STATE DISK CONTROLLER FEATURES Host Interface Buffer RAM control • Fully compatible with PCMCIA Release 2.1, and PC Card ATA Release 1.02 specification. • Compatible with all PC Card Services and Socket Service. • Fast ATA host-to-buffer burst transfer rates up to 20MB/

    MX9691A 20MB/ PM0539 -100mA 100mA PCMCIA ATA FLASH CARD 74640 8088 memory interface SRAM interfacing of RAM and ROM with 8088 6002H AS 108-120 PCMCIA SRAM Card HD11 MX93011 MX9691A PDF


    Abstract: 74640 HD15 MX93011 ICE ICC3
    Text: PRELIMINARY MX9691 SINGLE CHIP SOLID STATE DISK CONTROLLER FEATURES Host Interface Buffer RAM control • Fully compatible with PCMCIA Release 2.1, and PC Card ATA Release 1.02 specification. • Compatible with all PC Card Services and Socket Service. • Fast ATA host-to-buffer burst transfer rates up to 20MB/

    MX9691 20MB/ 100mA MX9691 74640 HD15 MX93011 ICE ICC3 PDF


    Abstract: RASH M37920FCMHP M37920FGMHP 2TC15 0p27
    Text: Y NAR I MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS . e n. atio chang cific o spe bject t l a u fin s ot a its are is n m This etric li : e m ic Not e para Som IM REL M37920F8MHP, M37920FCMHP, M37920FGMHP P SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER FLASH MEMORY VERSION DESCRIPTION

    M37920F8MHP, M37920FCMHP, M37920FGMHP 16-BIT 100-pin M37920FGMHP M37920F8MHP RASH M37920FCMHP 2TC15 0p27 PDF

    blw 64 transistor

    Abstract: P20P2 bhw 49 transistor 5P47 M37902F8MHP M37902FCMHP M37902FEMHP M37902FGMHP M37902FHMHP M37902FJMHP
    Text: Y NAR I MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS . e n. atio chang cific o spe bject t l a u fin s ot a its are is n m This etric li : e m ic Not e para Som IM REL P M37902F8MHP, M37902FCMHP, M37902FEMHP M37902FGMHP, M37902FHMHP, M37902FJMHP DESCRIPTION These are single-chip microcomputers designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology, including the internal flash

    M37902F8MHP, M37902FCMHP, M37902FEMHP M37902FGMHP, M37902FHMHP, M37902FJMHP 16-bit M37902FxM 00FFC016 blw 64 transistor P20P2 bhw 49 transistor 5P47 M37902F8MHP M37902FCMHP M37902FEMHP M37902FGMHP M37902FHMHP M37902FJMHP PDF

    9 BJE 53

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Y NAR I MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS . e n. atio chang cific o spe bject t l a u fin s ot a its are is n m This etric li : e m ic Not e para Som IM REL P M37902F8MHP, M37902FCMHP, M37902FEMHP M37902FGMHP, M37902FHMHP, M37902FJMHP DESCRIPTION These are single-chip microcomputers designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology, including the internal flash

    M37902F8MHP, M37902FCMHP, M37902FEMHP M37902FGMHP, M37902FHMHP, M37902FJMHP 16-BIT M37902FxM 00FFC016 9 BJE 53 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 'T i i: ! ' ,: y < * j 5=2 ' CJ • J Am29C833/834 <5^^V^3 ô ’H J fljt-IU ZJ O ÿ to ijL f CMOS Parity Bus Transceivers PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Low-power CMOS - Ice Static = 80 (M High-speed bidirectional bus transceiver for processor

    OCR Scan
    Am29C833/834 200-mV Am29C853/854 Am29C853/54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CAT28F512 L ice n se d In tel second so u rce 512K-Bit CMOS Flash Memory FEATURES • Commercial, Industrial and Automotive Temperature Ranges ■ Fast Read Access Time: 90/120/150 ns ■ Low Power CMOS Dissipation: -A ctive: 30 mA max CMOS/TTL levels -S tan d b y: 1 mA max (TTL levels)

    OCR Scan
    CAT28F512 512K-Bit -32-p CAT28F512 28F512-12 28F512-15 28F512 PDF

    time delay program of 8085

    Abstract: HD6309 HMCS6800 MBD701 hitachi HD6309 1N4148 1S2074 HD6301 HD6801 PROCESSOR 8085
    Text: HD146818A- RTC Real Time Clock Plus RAM Description The H D146818A RTC is a H M C S6800 perip h­ eral CMOS d ev ice w h ich inclu des th e unique M OTEL co n ce p t for use w ith various m icro­ processors, m icrocom puters, and la rg e com ­

    OCR Scan
    HD146818A- HD146818A HMCS6800 HD6801, HD6301 HD146818A 130pF 1S2074Â 130pF time delay program of 8085 HD6309 MBD701 hitachi HD6309 1N4148 1S2074 HD6801 PROCESSOR 8085 PDF


    Abstract: SN74ACT2163 SN74ACT216 74ACT2163 SN74ACT2164
    Text: SN74ACT2163, SN74ACT2164 16K x 5 CACHE ADDRESS COMPARATORS D 3 2 9 8 . SEPTEMBER 1 9 8 9 -R E V IS E D JUNE 1990 Fast Address to Match Delay 20 ns Max - A C T 2 1 6 3 18 ns Max - A C T 2 1 6 4 FM PACKAGE TOP VIEW u kn o Tw I5 loc z Ice a a I Il—il Il—il—il—il—I

    OCR Scan
    SN74ACT2163, SN74ACT2164 75-pF 74ACT21 SN74ACT2163 SN74ACT216 74ACT2163 PDF


    Abstract: D8085 hmcs6800p SK 8085 equivalent
    Text: HD146818A - RTC Real Time Clock Plus RAM Description T he HD146818A RTC is a HM CS6800 p e rip h ­ eral CMOS d ev ice w h ic h in clu d es th e u n iq u e MOTEL c o n c e p t for u se w ith v a rio u s m icro ­ processors, m icrocom p u ters, a n d la rg e co m ­

    OCR Scan
    HD146818A CS6800 HD6801, HD6301 HD146818A HD146818A. HD146818AP D8085 hmcs6800p SK 8085 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 6009H macronix dsp 7400h 74640 ic 74640
    Text: PRELIMINARY MX9691 SINGLE CHIP SOLID STATE DISK CONTROLLER FEATURES Host Interface Buffer RAM control • Fully compatible with PCMCIA Release 2.1, and PC Card ATA Release 1.02 specification. • Compatible with all PC Card Services and Socket Service. • Fast ATA host-to-b uffe r burst transfe r rates up to 20 MB/

    OCR Scan
    MX9691 6016h 6009H macronix dsp 7400h 74640 ic 74640 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: nccic MX9B91 Single Chip Solid State Disk Controller 1. Features Host Interface • Fully compatible with PCMCIA Release 2.1, and PC Card ATA Release 1.02 specification. • Compatible with all PC Card Services and Socket Service. • Fast ATA host-to-buffer burst transfer rates up to 20MB/sec. which support PIO mode 4 16.6MB/sec and DMA

    OCR Scan
    MX9B91 20MB/sec. ha-iocs16) MX9691 mx9691 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY MX9691 SINGLE CHIP SOLID STATE DISK CONTROLLER FEATURES Host Interface Buffer RAM control • Fully compatible with PCMCIA Release 2.1, and PC Card ATA Release 1.02 specification. • Compatible with all PC Card Services and Socket Service. • Fast AT A host-to-buffer bu rst transfer rates up to 20M B/

    OCR Scan
    MX9691 -100mA 100mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY MICRON MT28F004 512K x 8 FLASH MEMORY 512K x 8 I 5V/12V, BOOT BLOCK BOOT BLOCK FLASH MEMORY FLASH MEMORY FEATURES • S even e rase blocks: 16KB b o o t block protected T w o 8KB p a ra m e te r blocks F o u r m a in m e m o ry blocks • 5V ±10% Vcc; 12V ±5% Vpp

    OCR Scan
    MT28F004 100ns V/12V, 100ns 00000H) MT28F004VG-8 MT28F004VG PDF

    ICE ICC3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LH532000B FEATURES • Selectable memory organization: 26 2 ,1 4 4 x 8 bit byte mode 131,072 x 16 bit (word mode) • B YTE input pin selects bit configuration • Access time: 1 20/150 ns (M AX.) • Low-power consumption: CMOS 2M (256K x 8 / 128K x 16)

    OCR Scan
    LH532000B 40-pin, 600-m 525-m 48-pin, 44-pin, LH532000B program4-32 ICE ICC3 PDF