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    Jonard Tools JIC-600

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    Mouser Electronics JIC-600 8
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    Newark JIC-600 Bulk 10
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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC601

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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC601 6 36 Weeks
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    NAC PIC601 Tray 50
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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC600

    IC REG SW 5A TO-213AA
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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC600 53 36 Weeks
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    Avnet Silica PIC600 38 Weeks 50
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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC6094

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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC6094 44 Weeks
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    NAC PIC6094 Tray 50
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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC6065

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    Microchip Technology Inc PIC6065 52 Weeks
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    NAC PIC6065 Tray 50
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    IC60 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: A9F77416 A9F7 Schneider Electric ic60 IEC 60898-1 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 IC60N C CURVE IEC 60947-2 schneider ic60n 4p
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F77416 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 4 poles - 16 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 4P Number of protected poles 4 [In] rated current

    A9F77416 iC60N IC60N A9F77416 A9F7 Schneider Electric ic60 IEC 60898-1 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 IC60N C CURVE IEC 60947-2 schneider ic60n 4p PDF


    Abstract: IC60N A9F742 A9F7 IC60N 2P CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 50ka IEC 60947-2 60947-2 A9F74
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F74203 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 2 poles - 3 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 2P Number of protected poles 2 [In] rated current

    A9F74203 iC60N IC60N A9F74203 A9F742 A9F7 IC60N 2P CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 50ka IEC 60947-2 60947-2 A9F74 PDF


    Abstract: vigi A9Q11425 Ic60 a9q11 Vigi iC60 IC60 vigi COMB BUSBAR 61009-1 vigi 9
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9Q11425 Vigi iC60 4P 25A 30mA AC-type Range of product IC60 Device short name Vigi iC60 Poles description 4P Network type AC The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein.

    A9Q11425 SCHNEIDER MCB vigi A9Q11425 Ic60 a9q11 Vigi iC60 IC60 vigi COMB BUSBAR 61009-1 vigi 9 PDF


    Abstract: SCHNEIDER MCB Vigi iC60 61009-1 Schneider Electric ic60
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9Q11440 Vigi iC60 4P 40A 30mA AC-type Range of product IC60 Device short name Vigi iC60 Poles description 4P Network type AC The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein.

    A9Q11440 A9Q11440 SCHNEIDER MCB Vigi iC60 61009-1 Schneider Electric ic60 PDF


    Abstract: IC60N IC60N 2P 4A IC60N - 2 poles - 4A IEC 60947-2 circuit breaker IC60N 2 poles 4A IC60N 2p 60947-2 ABB+mccb+60947-2+max+zs siemens+IEC+60947-2
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F75204 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 2 poles - 4 A - D curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 2P Number of protected poles 2 [In] rated current

    A9F75204 iC60N IC60N A9F75204 IC60N 2P 4A IC60N - 2 poles - 4A IEC 60947-2 circuit breaker IC60N 2 poles 4A IC60N 2p 60947-2 ABB+mccb+60947-2+max+zs siemens+IEC+60947-2 PDF


    Abstract: IC60N - 2 poles IC60N 16 IEC 60898-1
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F75416 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 4 poles - 16 A - D curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 4P Number of protected poles 4 [In] rated current

    A9F75416 iC60N IC60N A9F75416 IC60N - 2 poles IC60N 16 IEC 60898-1 PDF

    Vigi iC60

    Abstract: 4p 63a 30ma SCHNEIDER MCB Schneider Electric ic60 A9V11463 Vigi iC60 4P IC60 schneider vigi vigi
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9V11463 Vigi iC60 4P 63A 30mA AC-type Range of product IC60 Reflex iC60 Device short name Vigi iC60 Poles description 4P Network type AC The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein.

    A9V11463 Vigi iC60 4p 63a 30ma SCHNEIDER MCB Schneider Electric ic60 A9V11463 Vigi iC60 4P IC60 schneider vigi vigi PDF


    Abstract: IC60N A9F7 IC60N 1P IEC 60947-2 category B
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F74603 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 1 pole + N 3 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 1P + N Number of protected poles 1 Neutral position

    A9F74603 iC60N IC60N A9F74 A9F7 IC60N 1P IEC 60947-2 category B PDF


    Abstract: IC60N - 2 poles IC60N schneider a9f74202 A9F74 IC60N - 2 poles - 2 A Schneider Electric ic60 ic60n 2A A9F742 A9F7
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F74202 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 2 poles - 2 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 2P Number of protected poles 2 [In] rated current

    A9F74202 iC60N IC60N A9F74202 IC60N - 2 poles schneider a9f74202 A9F74 IC60N - 2 poles - 2 A Schneider Electric ic60 ic60n 2A A9F742 A9F7 PDF


    Abstract: DC126A schneider SHUNT TRIP DC-12 shunt trip AC126
    Text: Characteristics Jun 7, 2011 Range of product IC60 IID ISW-NA Device short name IMX+OF Product or component type Shunt trip release with OC contact Signal contacts composition 1 C/O [Ie] rated operational current AC-12: 6 A AC 50 Hz 12 V AC-12: 6 A AC 50 Hz 24 V

    AC-12: DC-12: A9A26948 A9A26948 DC126A schneider SHUNT TRIP DC-12 shunt trip AC126 PDF


    Abstract: DC126A Schneider Electric ic60 240-415VAC DC-12 AC123 240-415V
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9A26929 auxiliary contact iOF/SD+OF - 240.415VAC 24.130VDC - 2OC - for iC60 iID Range of product IC60 IID ISW-NA Device short name IOF/SD+OF Signal contacts composition 2 C/O [Ie] rated operational current AC-12: 3 A AC 50/60 Hz 415 V

    A9A26929 415VAC 130VDC AC-12: DC-12: A9A26929 DC126A Schneider Electric ic60 240-415VAC DC-12 AC123 240-415V PDF


    Abstract: IC60N IC60N 32 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 IC60N - 2 poles 220-240V A9F7 IC60N 2P 60947-2 32 A Type D
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F75232 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 2 poles - 32 A - D curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 2P Number of protected poles 2 [In] rated current

    A9F75232 iC60N IC60N A9F75232 IC60N 32 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 IC60N - 2 poles 220-240V A9F7 IC60N 2P 60947-2 32 A Type D PDF


    Abstract: 61009-1 Vigi iC60 vigi IC60 2P schneider vigi vigi 610091 vigi 9 A9Q14240 Schneider Electric ic60
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9Q14240 Vigi iC60 2P 40A 300mA AC-type Range of product IC60 Device short name Vigi iC60 Poles description 2P Network type AC The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein.

    A9Q14240 300mA SCHNEIDER MCB 61009-1 Vigi iC60 vigi IC60 2P schneider vigi vigi 610091 vigi 9 A9Q14240 Schneider Electric ic60 PDF


    Abstract: IC60N IC60N 3 poles D curve MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 50 kv A9F7 IC60N C CURVE IEC 60947-2 circuit breaker
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F75316 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 3 poles - 16 A - D curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 3P Number of protected poles 3 [In] rated current

    A9F75316 iC60N IC60N A9F75316 IC60N 3 poles D curve MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 50 kv A9F7 IC60N C CURVE IEC 60947-2 circuit breaker PDF


    Abstract: a9f94220
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F94220 miniature circuit breaker - iC60L - 2 poles - 20 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60L Poles description 2P Number of protected poles 2 [In] rated current

    A9F94220 iC60L IC60L a9f94220 PDF


    Abstract: A9F77450 ic60n 4p IC_U A9F7 CIRCUIT BREAKER 60947-2
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F77450 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 4 poles - 50 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 4P Number of protected poles 4 [In] rated current

    A9F77450 iC60N IC60N A9F77450 ic60n 4p IC_U A9F7 CIRCUIT BREAKER 60947-2 PDF


    Abstract: A9F75463 ic60n 4p A9F7 CIRCUIT BREAKER 60947-2 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 380-415V IC60N D 13 a 60947-2 IC60N d curve
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F75463 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 4 poles - 63 A - D curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 4P Number of protected poles 4 [In] rated current

    A9F75463 iC60N IC60N A9F75463 ic60n 4p A9F7 CIRCUIT BREAKER 60947-2 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 380-415V IC60N D 13 a 60947-2 IC60N d curve PDF


    Abstract: IC60N IC60N 3 poles A9F7 IC60N 3 poles curve ic60n - 3 poles - 16 A - C Schneider Electric ic60 IC60N C 16
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F77316 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 3 poles - 16 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 3P Number of protected poles 3 [In] rated current

    A9F77316 iC60N IC60N A9F77316 IC60N 3 poles A9F7 IC60N 3 poles curve ic60n - 3 poles - 16 A - C Schneider Electric ic60 IC60N C 16 PDF


    Abstract: A9F75425 A9F7 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER Breaking capacity ic60n 4p
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F75425 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 4 poles - 25 A - D curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 4P Number of protected poles 4 [In] rated current

    A9F75425 iC60N IC60N A9F75425 A9F7 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER Breaking capacity ic60n 4p PDF


    Abstract: D613 D552 transistor d613 D611 D612 C551 r574 C613 C614
    Text: IC B/D IC601 D613 R626 R616 D612 C613 R574 C551 D552 C615 C614 C611C610 D614 D611

    IC601 C611C610 IC601 D613 D552 transistor d613 D611 D612 C551 r574 C613 C614 PDF


    Abstract: A9F74604 A9F74 IEC 60947-2 category B IC60N 1p IEC 60947-2 schneider iC60N 1P SCHNEIDER IC60N 1P N EN 60947-2 VAC-50
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F74604 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 1 pole + N 4 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 1P + N Number of protected poles 1 Neutral position

    A9F74604 iC60N IC60N A9F74604 A9F74 IEC 60947-2 category B IC60N 1p IEC 60947-2 schneider iC60N 1P SCHNEIDER IC60N 1P N EN 60947-2 VAC-50 PDF


    Abstract: A9F77320 IC60N 3 poles Schneider Electric iC60 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER Breaking capacity IC60N 3P A9F7 380-415VAC
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F77320 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 3 poles - 20 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 3P Number of protected poles 3 [In] rated current

    A9F77320 iC60N IC60N A9F77320 IC60N 3 poles Schneider Electric iC60 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER Breaking capacity IC60N 3P A9F7 380-415VAC PDF


    Abstract: IC60N 1P IEC 60947-2 category B A9F77620 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 A9F7 Schneider Electric iC60 IEC 60947-2 schneider
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F77620 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 1 pole + N 20 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 1P + N Number of protected poles 1 Neutral position

    A9F77620 iC60N IC60N IC60N 1P IEC 60947-2 category B A9F77620 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 A9F7 Schneider Electric iC60 IEC 60947-2 schneider PDF


    Abstract: A9F77616 IEC 60947-2 category B MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 IC60N 1P N iC60N - 1 pole -16 A IC60N 1p A9F7
    Text: Product data sheet Characteristics A9F77616 miniature circuit breaker - iC60N - 1 pole + N 16 A - C curve Circuit breaker application Distribution Range of product IC60 Device short name IC60N Poles description 1P + N Number of protected poles 1 Neutral position

    A9F77616 iC60N IC60N A9F77616 IEC 60947-2 category B MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 6000 IC60N 1P N iC60N - 1 pole -16 A IC60N 1p A9F7 PDF