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    IC UA 741 Search Results

    IC UA 741 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D1U74T-W-1600-12-HB4AC Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 1600W, Titanium Efficiency, 74 MM , 12V, 12VSB, Inlet C20, Airflow Back to Front, RoHs Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    IC UA 741 Datasheets Context Search

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    Kawasaki Microelectronics

    Abstract: KL5PWM4284 LQFP144 I881
    Text: P r e l i m i n a r y R e v 0 . 0 9 a KL5PWM4284 KL5PWM4284 Pulse Width Modulator 4ch IC Preliminary Data sheet revision 0.09a 営業部 〒261-8501 千葉市美浜区中瀬 1 丁目 3 番地 幕張テクノガーデン B-11 TEL 043-296-7412 2002 KAWASAKI MICROELECTRONICS,INC All right reserved

    KL5PWM4284 OP5PWM4284 Kawasaki Microelectronics KL5PWM4284 LQFP144 I881 PDF

    ic 741 working as comparator

    Abstract: 741 adjustable current limiter XC9201D09AKR 3 pins trimmer capacitor operation of ic 741 ic 741 comparator ic 741 comparator signal generator 220uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor DATASHEET OF IC 741 ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 220uF 25V
    Text: ◆Input Voltage Range : 2.5V ~20V ◆Output Voltage Range : 1.2V ~ 16V ◆Oscillation Frequency Range : 100kHz ~ 600kHz ◆Output Current : Up To 3.0A ◆Ceramic Capacitor Compatible ◆MSOP-8A Package •APPLICATIONS ■GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■FEATURES The XC9201 series are step-up multiple current and voltage

    100kHz 600kHz XC9201 100mV XC9201D09AKR XC9201 ic 741 working as comparator 741 adjustable current limiter XC9201D09AKR 3 pins trimmer capacitor operation of ic 741 ic 741 comparator ic 741 comparator signal generator 220uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor DATASHEET OF IC 741 ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 220uF 25V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ◆Input Voltage Range : 2.5V ~20V ◆Output Voltage Range : 1.2V ~ 16V ◆Oscillation Frequency Range : 100kHz ~ 600kHz ◆Output Current : Up To 3.0A ◆Ceramic Capacitor Compatible ◆MSOP-8A Package •APPLICATIONS ■GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■FEATURES The XC9201 series are step-down multiple current and voltage

    100kHz 600kHz XC9201 100mV XC9201D09AKR XC9201 PDF


    Abstract: U741 IC 7415 transistor 2Fn CMOS 7411 IC 7411 7415 14 pins 7411 pin diagram vhs motor drum qcp_e
    Text: L C 7 4 1 0 , 7 4 1 1, 741 5 No. 1852 C MOS LSI V T R B/VHS S E R V O CIRCUIT 3? SANYO The LC7410, 7411, 7415 ere digital controller CMOS LSI's for VTR (B/VHS) servo circuit use. Since any servo characteristics can be achieved by coding the on-chip mask ROM's and external.^ .address^ the ftQM's, they can be

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    LC741 LC7410, LA7110 100kohm 4-43MHz, LC7416 U741 IC 7415 transistor 2Fn CMOS 7411 IC 7411 7415 14 pins 7411 pin diagram vhs motor drum qcp_e PDF

    ic 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: 74138 PIN DIAGRAM 74139 pin diagram 74138 OCTAL decoder ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram ic 74138 gl520 74139 ic 74139 decoder chip pinout
    Text: H a r r is HPL-82C339 Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD F eatures • • • • • • • • • • Pinouts Memory or I/O Chip Select Decoding, Replaces 3-7 ICs Superset of the Industry Standard 74138/74139 Microprocessor Bus Oriented Interlace

    OCR Scan
    HPL-82C339 HPL-82C339-5. HPL-82C339-9. HPL-82C339-8. 1250C ic 74138 pin diagram 74138 PIN DIAGRAM 74139 pin diagram 74138 OCTAL decoder ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram ic 74138 gl520 74139 ic 74139 decoder chip pinout PDF


    Abstract: 74192 74LS193 74193 counter 74193 A 74193-74LS193 S 401 DF S 31 74192 counter 74LSI92
    Text: - - 153 74193 — Presettable Synchronous U p /D o w n Binary Counter dual clock, w ith clear INPUTS ’'CC ' data^ u A K LOAD M T t A C inw W C A W K 'r c DATA' p CKAft aonnowCAnftv DATA o 4 h 'y ut ua - y Os 04 c o u n t COt/M* Ymm&T v ry ^ 's y 9 uc mq

    OCR Scan
    74LSI92 74LS193 74193 74192 74193 counter 74193 A 74193-74LS193 S 401 DF S 31 74192 counter 74LSI92 PDF


    Abstract: 7400N 7404N 74121N 7474N 7493N 7404N TTL 7401N 7402N 7403AN
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LIST OF COMPARABLE TYPES T T L RANGE COMMERCIAL VERSIONS Type No. 7400N 7401N 7401 AN 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 741 ON 7420N 7430N 7440N 7441 AN 7442N 7450N 7451N 7453N Mullard types Type No. Mullard types FJH131 FJH231 FJH311

    OCR Scan
    7400N 7401N 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 7420N 7430N 6474N 74121N 7474N 7493N 7404N TTL PDF

    circuit ALU 74-181

    Abstract: 74181 alu active high ALU pin specification 74181 74182 carry look-ahead 74181 74181 ALU 74181 alu active low ttl 74181 74181 function diagram 74181 pin diagram
    Text: TTL/MSI 9341/54181, 74181 4-BITARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT D E S C RIPT ION — T h e T T L / M S I 9 3 4 1 / 5 4 1 8 1 , 74181 is a 4 -b it high speed A r it h m e t ic L o g ic U n it A L U w h ic h can p e rfo rm all th e p ossib le 16 lo g ic o p e ra tio n s o n tw o variables and a v a rie ty o f

    OCR Scan

    74152 PIN DIAGRAM

    Abstract: Multiplexer 74152 S54152W 74152
    Text: 54/74152 L O G IC SYM BO L 5 D E S C R IP T IO N FEATURES The “ 152” is a high speed 8 -ln p u t D igital M u ltip le x e r pro vid in g , in one package, the a b ility to select one b it of data fro m up to e ig h t sources. T h e device can be used as a

    OCR Scan
    14-pin 54S/74S 54LS/74LS 54H/74H, 54S/74S 54LS/74LS 74152 PIN DIAGRAM Multiplexer 74152 S54152W 74152 PDF


    Abstract: 74123 phu 3.3 9602 74123 T2333
    Text: 74123 V cc Ca, t c ,t IQ 20 CLR 2B l<r> 7 4 1 2 2 *“' 2 11*1Ä ' j "C ^ IN PU T S O U TP U T S C LEA R A B Q L X X L X H X L H X X L L H H L t H n TL "IT L H _TL i_r H t Q H 2A - 97- Dual Retriggerable Single Shot m M ' a tpd •ax A tpd ■ax B tpd ■ax

    OCR Scan

    ic 747 d

    Abstract: ic ca 747 PM-747 IR 747 uA 747
    Text: PM-747 DUAL COMPENSATED OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER M n r m l it h t c s J u t. FEATURES G ENERAL D E S C R IP T IO N • Dual PM-741 Internally-Compensated Operational Amplifier • Internal Frequency Compensation • Low Power Consumption • Continuous Short-Circuit Protection

    OCR Scan
    PM-747 PM-741 ic 747 d ic ca 747 PM-747 IR 747 uA 747 PDF

    pj 66 diode

    Abstract: pj 57 diode DIODE PJ 57 74175 truth table 1000kA LS175 LS174 ECG74 ECG74174 ECG74175
    Text: S y lv a n ia ECG S e m ic o n d u c to rs ECG74174, LS174, S174, 74175, LS175, S175 Hex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear These positive-edge-triggered flip-flop s u tilize T T L c irc u itry to im plem ent D t y p e flip -flo p logic. A ll have a d ire ct clear in p u t, and the quad 1 7 5 versions feature

    OCR Scan
    ECG74174, LS174, LSI75, LS175, pj 66 diode pj 57 diode DIODE PJ 57 74175 truth table 1000kA LS175 LS174 ECG74 ECG74174 ECG74175 PDF

    LT 5216

    Abstract: ic 74132 LT 5212 74132 LT 5215 f 74132 74132 data LS132 ls132 equivalent TTL 74LS 00
    Text: 74132, LS132 Signetics Schmitt Triggers Quad 2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger Product Specification Logic Products The '132 contains four 2-input NAND gates which accept standard TTL input signals and provide standard TTL output levels. They are capable of transforming

    OCR Scan
    LS132 OP01670S LT 5216 ic 74132 LT 5212 74132 LT 5215 f 74132 74132 data LS132 ls132 equivalent TTL 74LS 00 PDF

    AND-OR-INVERT gate

    Abstract: 7446 J-K Flip-Flop SN74L73N MIC7443J AND Gate TTL 7446 SN74H73N MIC7408J 7447 decoder bcd to hex code
    Text: ITT Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - T T L REFERENCE T A B L E — 74 S e r ie s C e r a m ic P a c k a g e c o n tin u e d C ode F u n ctio n S to c k No. C o n n e c tio n D ia g ra m No. B8 MIC7407J 30V 4 0m A hex b u ffe r o pe n c o lle c to r

    OCR Scan
    MIC7407J 30954B MIC7408J 30955X MIC7409J 30956R MIC7409AJ MIC7410J 16810B MIC7411J AND-OR-INVERT gate 7446 J-K Flip-Flop SN74L73N MIC7443J AND Gate TTL 7446 SN74H73N 7447 decoder bcd to hex code PDF

    "AND Gate"

    Abstract: 7447 7 segment decoder TTL 7446 7447 TTL 7447 MIC7407J MIC7408J MIC7409AJ MIC7409J MIC7410J
    Text: ITT Semiconductors Integrated Circuits - T T L REFERENCE T A B L E — 74 S e r ie s C e r a m ic P a c k a g e c o n tin u e d C ode F u n ctio n S to c k No. C o n n e c tio n D ia g ra m No. B8 MIC7407J 30V 4 0m A hex b u ffe r o pe n c o lle c to r 30954B

    OCR Scan
    MIC7407J 30954B MIC7408J 30955X MIC7409J 30956R MIC7409AJ MIC7410J 16810B MIC7411J "AND Gate" 7447 7 segment decoder TTL 7446 7447 TTL 7447 PDF

    TTL 7446

    Abstract: bcd to hex decimal 16812 hex to 7 segment decoder SN7480N 7447 SN7411N SN74C74N TTL 7447 MIC7408J
    Text: IT T Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - T T L REFERENCE T A B L E — 74 S e r ie s C e r a m ic P a c k a g e c o n tin u e d C ode F u n ctio n S to c k No. C o n n e c tio n D ia g ra m No. B8 MIC7407J 30V 4 0m A hex b u ffe r o pe n c o lle c to r

    OCR Scan
    MIC7407J 30954B MIC7408J 30955X MIC7409J 30956R MIC7409AJ MIC7410J 16810B MIC7411J TTL 7446 bcd to hex decimal 16812 hex to 7 segment decoder SN7480N 7447 SN7411N SN74C74N TTL 7447 PDF

    CI 74138

    Abstract: 74HCXX 74HCxx logic table 74138 logic gates decoder 74138 74138 decoder 74138 logic circuit T3D 62 HPL-82C138-5 HPL-82C138-8
    Text: f f lH a r r i sH P L - 8 2 C 1 3 8 Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD Features P in o u t • M em ory or I/O C hip Select D ecoding, Replaces 2-3 ICs T O P VIEW • Sim ilar to Industry Standard 74138 Gl C 3 14 H vcc 3 ŸÔ D ŸÏ G2 C 4 13 □ Ÿ2

    OCR Scan
    -82C13Q 16-Pin HPL-82C138 CI 74138 74HCXX 74HCxx logic table 74138 logic gates decoder 74138 74138 decoder 74138 logic circuit T3D 62 HPL-82C138-5 HPL-82C138-8 PDF

    pin diagram of 74109

    Abstract: 74109 74109 dual JK PIN CONFIGURATION 74109 TTL 74109 1N3064 1N916 74LS 74LS109 74LS109A
    Text: 74109, LS109A Signetics Flip-Flops Dual J-K Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products TYPICAL f MAX TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 74109 33MHz 9mA 74LS109A 33MHz 4mA DESCRIPTION The '109 is dual positive edge-triggered JK-type flip-flop featuring individual J, K,

    OCR Scan
    LS109A 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns pin diagram of 74109 74109 74109 dual JK PIN CONFIGURATION 74109 TTL 74109 1N3064 1N916 74LS 74LS109 74LS109A PDF

    j001 1003

    Abstract: 13001 TRANSISTOR si 13001 j001 1003 led 13001 TRANSISTOR equivalent 13001 LZ transistor te 13001 marking 2U diode t5 tr 13001 darlington array 2804
    Text: M I L - M - 385 1 0 / i 41 A 4 Mav 1988 WfRSEfilNi-M I L - M - 385 10/ 14 l 1 N o v e m b e r 1984 MILITARY SPECIFICATION MICROCIRCUITS, DARLINGTON T R A N S I S T O R A R R A Y , S E V E N AND E I G H T MONOLITHIC SILICON T h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n is a p p r o v e d

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510. MIL-H-38510 MIL-M-38510 j001 1003 13001 TRANSISTOR si 13001 j001 1003 led 13001 TRANSISTOR equivalent 13001 LZ transistor te 13001 marking 2U diode t5 tr 13001 darlington array 2804 PDF

    TTL 74192

    Abstract: 74193 counter ttl 74193 pin diagram of 74192 74192 counter 74193 state diagram 74193 state diagram up counter 74193 74192 74193 A
    Text: TTL/MSI 9360/54192, 74192 9366/54193, 74193 UP/DOWN DECADE AND BINARY COUNTERS DESCRIPTIO N - The T T L /M S I 9360/5 4 1 9 2 , 74192 is a synchronous Up/Down BCD Decade Cbunter, and the T T L /M S I 9366/5 4 1 9 3 , 74193 is a synchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter. Both counters have separate up/down clocks, parallel load facility, terminal

    OCR Scan
    30MHz 300mW 16-LEAD 400tt TTL 74192 74193 counter ttl 74193 pin diagram of 74192 74192 counter 74193 state diagram 74193 state diagram up counter 74193 74192 74193 A PDF

    7445 pin diagram and truth table

    Abstract: 74145 diagram TTL 74145 7445 TTL OR TTL 7445 7445 74145 7445 pin diagram pin diagram of 7445 9345
    Text: TTL/MSI 9345/5445, 7445 93145/54145, 74145 1-OF-lO DECODER/DRIVER D E S C R IP T IO N - The 9 3 4 5 /5 4 4 5 , 7 4 4 5 and 9 3 1 4 5 /5 4 1 4 5 , 7 4 1 4 5 1-of-10 Decoder/Drivers are designed to accept BCD inputs and provide appropriate outputs to drive 10 digit incandescent displays.

    OCR Scan
    1-of-10 7414ontinued) 7445 pin diagram and truth table 74145 diagram TTL 74145 7445 TTL OR TTL 7445 7445 74145 7445 pin diagram pin diagram of 7445 9345 PDF

    ic 74109

    Abstract: TTL 74109 PIN CONFIGURATION 74109 8 pin dip j k flipflop ic
    Text: 74109 , LS109 A Signetics Flip-Flops Dual J-K Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION TYPE The '109 is dual positive edge-triggered JK-type flip-flop featuring individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs; also com ­

    OCR Scan
    LS109 74LS109A 33MHz 33MHz N74109ll 500ns 500ns ic 74109 TTL 74109 PIN CONFIGURATION 74109 8 pin dip j k flipflop ic PDF

    IC 74175

    Abstract: H1322 sylvania logic
    Text: Sylvania ECG Sem ico nd ucto rs ECG74174, LS174, S174, 74175, LS175, S175 Hex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear These positive-edge-triggered flip-flop s u tilize T T L c irc u itry to im plem ent D t y p e flip -flo p logic. A ll have a d ire ct clear in p u t, and the quad 1 7 5 versions feature

    OCR Scan
    ECG74174, LS174, LS175, S17te LS175 IC 74175 H1322 sylvania logic PDF

    74157 pin diagram

    Abstract: ttl 74157 pin diagram multiplexer 74157 TTL 74158 74157 74158 pin diagram of 74157 74157 pin configuration N74LS157N LS157
    Text: Sjgnetìcs 74157, 74158, LS157, LS158, S157, S158 Data Selectors/Multiplexers '157 Quad 2-Input Data Selector/Multiplexer Non-lnverted '158 Quad 2-Input Data Selector/Multiplexer (Inverted) Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '157 is a quad 2-input multiplexer

    OCR Scan
    LS157, LS158, 74157 pin diagram ttl 74157 pin diagram multiplexer 74157 TTL 74158 74157 74158 pin diagram of 74157 74157 pin configuration N74LS157N LS157 PDF