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    IC K 902 DATA SHEET Search Results

    IC K 902 DATA SHEET Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NFMJMPC226R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Data Line Filter, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    IC K 902 DATA SHEET Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: DFT301-801X7R S21-Frequency DFT301801X7R GRM39 GRM40 marking C8 amplifier ghz transmitter receiver 35369
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPC8204TK VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER FOR TRANSMITTER AGC DESCRIPTION The µPC8204TK is a silicon monolithic integrated circuit designed as variable gain amplifier. The package is 6-pin lead-less minimold suitable for surface mount.

    PC8204TK PC8204TK PC8119T PC8120T, DFT301-801X7R102S50 DFT301-801X7R S21-Frequency DFT301801X7R GRM39 GRM40 marking C8 amplifier ghz transmitter receiver 35369 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 34S SERIES DATA SHEET METAL OXIDE VARISTOR – 34S SERIES FEATURE — — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 33V to 1600V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no follow-on current.

    J-STD-020 821KS34 911KS34 951KS34 102KS34 112KS34 122KS34 142KS34 162KS34 15-Feb-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 53ĭ SERIES DATA SHEET METAL OXIDE VARISTOR – 53ĭ SERIES FEATURE — — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 33V to 1600V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no follow-on current.

    J-STD-020 Eleme500 821KD53 911KD53 951KD53 102KD53 112KD53 122KD53 142KD53 162KD53 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 34S SERIES DATA SHEET ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR – 34 S SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 8V to 1800V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no following-on current.

    821KS34 911KS34 951KS34 102KS34 112KS34 122KS34 142KS34 162KS34 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32ĭ SERIES DATA SHEET METAL OXIDE VARISTOR – 32ĭ SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 33V to 1600V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no follow-on current.

    J-STD-020 821KD32 911KD32 951KD32 102KD32 112KD32 122KD32 142KD32 162KD32 15-Feb-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32Φ SERIES DATA SHEET ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR – 32 Φ SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 8V to 1800V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no following-on current.

    821KD32 911KD32 951KD32 102KD32 112KD32 122KD32 142KD32 162KD32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32Φ SERIES DATA SHEET METAL OXIDE VARISTOR – 32Φ SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 33V to 1600V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no follow-on current.

    821KD32 911KD32 951KD32 102KD32 112KD32 122KD32 142KD32 162KD32 ul-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32Φ SERIES DATA SHEET ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR – 32 Φ SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 8V to 1800V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no following-on current.

    821KD32 911KD32 951KD32 102KD32 112KD32 122KD32 142KD32 162KD32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 53Φ SERIES DATA SHEET ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR – 53 Φ SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 8V to 1800V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no following-on current.

    SERI1450 821KD53 911KD53 951KD53 102KD53 112KD53 122KD53 142KD53 162KD53 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 40ĭ SERIES DATA SHEET METAL OXIDE VARISTOR – 40ĭ SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 33V to 1600V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no follow-on current.

    J-STD-020 821KD40 911KD40 951KD40 102KD40 112KD40 122KD40 142KD40 162KD40 15-Feb-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 40Φ SERIES DATA SHEET ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR – 40 Φ SERIES FEATURE — — — — Wide operating voltage V1mA range from 8V to 1800V. Fast responding to transient over-voltage. Large absorbing transient energy capability. Low clamping ratio and no following-on current.

    821KD40 911KD40 951KD40 102KD40 112KD40 122KD40 142KD40 162KD40 PDF

    T902 transformer

    Abstract: TRANSFORMER T902
    Text: DATA SHEET "• V y • - 7 - : > w - . •. - r4 . \ a p r il , 1996 LXT902 Ethernet Twisted-Pair Media Attachment Unit T he LX T902 tw isted-pair M edia A ttachm ent U n it TPM A U is designed to allow E thernet connections to use the existing tw isted-pair w iring plant through an E thernet A t­

    OCR Scan
    LXT902 LXT902 000133b T902 transformer TRANSFORMER T902 PDF


    Abstract: zenamic Z 330 zenamic 220 Oneida Electronic MFG 2SA50A 0Z7L101 0Z7L220 0Z7L330 0Z7L560 0Z7L680
    Text: ONEIDA ELECTRONIC MFfi I NC 6792335 Sfl ONEIDA ELECTRON IC dËT| ^,7 ^ 3 3 5 MFG INC 58C 0030Ô D 0 D D 3 DD T - / / - ¿ S ’ #4 Data Sheet No. a - io i nelda F 1 Ie # E 7 l2 2 ° Z e n a m ia * Z-MOV Transient Voltage Suppressors Z7, ZIO, ZI5.Z2I.&Z33 SERIES

    OCR Scan
    E7l22Â 7TE33S POBOX678 zenamic zenamic Z 330 zenamic 220 Oneida Electronic MFG 2SA50A 0Z7L101 0Z7L220 0Z7L330 0Z7L560 0Z7L680 PDF

    zenamic 220

    Abstract: zenamic 910-820 zenamic Z 330 Oneida Electronic MFG Transient Voltage Suppressors 340 V 0Z7L101 0Z7L121 0Z7L220 0Z7L270
    Text: ONEIDA ELECTRONIC MFfi INC 6792335 Sfl ONEI DA ELECTRONI C d ËT| ^,7^335 D0DD3DD 7 f MFG INC 58C 0 0 3 0 Ô T - / / - ¿ S #4 Data Sheet No. a - i o i nelda F 1 Ie # E 7 l2 2 ° Z e n a m ia * Z-MOV Transient Voltage Suppressors Z7, ZIO, ZI5.Z2I.&Z33 SERIES

    OCR Scan
    E7l22Â 7TE33S zenamic 220 zenamic 910-820 zenamic Z 330 Oneida Electronic MFG Transient Voltage Suppressors 340 V 0Z7L101 0Z7L121 0Z7L220 0Z7L270 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D E V E L O P M E N T DATA TIP3055T T S ? -!' T his data sheet contains advance inform ation and specifications are subject to change w ithout notice. SbE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 711GflEb DGM3t.m 174 PHIN SILICON EPITAXIAL-BASE POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor in a plastic envelope. With its p-n-p complement T IP2955T they are primarily intended

    OCR Scan
    TIP3055T 711GflEb IP2955T TIP3055T 711002b 0043blb T--33--13 7110fl2b 0D43bl? PDF


    Abstract: TIP2955T IEC134 TIP2955 transistor x 313
    Text: DEVELO PM ENT DATA This data sheet contains advance in fo rm a tio n and TIP3055T specifications are subject to change w ith o u t notice. 7 - 3 3-13 PHILIPS SbE INTERNATIONAL D 7110fl2b G G M B b m 174 IPHIN SILICON EPITAXIAL-BASE POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor in a plastic envelope. W ith its p-n-p complement T IP 2 9 5 5 T they are prim arily intended

    OCR Scan
    TIP3055T 7110fl2b 43Lj14 TIP2955T O-220. 711Dfl2b T-33-13 IEC134 TIP2955 transistor x 313 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEIMNUM _ qm C O R P O R A T I GENLINX I I G S 9 0 2 5 Serial Digital Receiver OI M PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET S TA N DA RD FEATURES D ES C R IPTIO N fully com patible with SMPTE 259M and operational to 540 Mb/s autom atic cable equalization typically greater than

    OCR Scan
    applic-7700 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D E V E L O P M E N T DATA TIP3055T This data sheet contains advance information and specifications are subject to change without notice. SILICON EPITAXIAL-BASE POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor in a plastic envelope. With its p-n-p complement TIP295ST they are primarily intended

    OCR Scan
    TIP3055T TIP295ST O-220 bbS3R31 0D3SQ31 003S032 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GENNUM G □ R P Q R A T I □ GENLINX II GS9035 Serial Digital Reclocker N PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET STANDARD FEATURES DEVICE DESCRIPTION • • adjustment-free operation auto-rate selection for 5 SMPTE data rates: The GS9035 is a high perform ance clock and data recovery

    OCR Scan
    GS9035 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B U R R - BRO W N C [ ADS902 ] 10-Bit, 30MHz Sampling ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • • • • The A D S 902 is a high speed pipelined analog-todigital converter that is specified to operate from a single + 5 V supply. This converter includes a wide

    OCR Scan
    ADS902 10-Bit, 30MHz 10-bit 130mW 28-PIN ADS902 PDF

    marking C1s

    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET_ M F f ~ / BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS / //PC2747TB, /¿PC2748TB 3 V, SUPER MINIMOLD SILICON MMIC AMPLIFIER FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION The /iPC2747TB, /¿PC2748TB are silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as amplifier, for mobile

    OCR Scan
    uPC2747TB uPC2748TB /iPC2747TB, PC2748TB /JPC2747T, //PC2748T PC2747TB, iPC2748TB marking C1s PC2747 SUPER CAPACITOR BASED CIRCUIT MPC2747TB-E3 PDF


    Abstract: USA060-1 transistor 8771 transistor 902
    Text: DEVELOPMENT DATA TIP3055T T h is data sheet contains advance inform ation and «peclfleationi are subject to change w ithout notice. SILICON EPITAXIAL-BASE POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor in a plastic envelope. W ith its p-n-p complement T IP 2 9 5 S T they are prim arily intended

    OCR Scan
    TIP3055T TIP295ST T0-220. bb53T31 003S03E TIP3055T USA060-1 transistor 8771 transistor 902 PDF

    aui rj45

    Abstract: LXT902PC
    Text: DATA SHEET APRIL, 1996 LXT902 Ethernet Twisted-Pair Media Attachment Unit The LXT902 twisted-pair Media Attachment Unit TPM A U is designed to allow Ethernet connections to use the existing twisted-pair wiring plant through an Ethernet A t­ tachment Unit Interface (A U I). The LXT902 provides the

    OCR Scan
    LXT902 LXT902 S-T902-0696-5K aui rj45 LXT902PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet [^ WiDIGICS AWT0903X TX POWER MMIC Your GaAs IC Source Advanced Product Information Rev 3 900 MHz Band ETACS GaAs Power Amplifier IC DESCRIPTION The AWT0903X Is a monolithic Power Am plifier suited for ETACS cellular telephone applications in a plastic package, reducing both size and cost

    OCR Scan
    AWT0903X AWT0903X AWT0903 PDF