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    Toshiba America Electronic Components KIA78L12BP

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    Toshiba America Electronic Components KIA78L05BP

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    Hoyato Connectors NJ-A-EIA7-8

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    DigiKey NJ-A-EIA7-8 1
    • 1 $85.94
    • 10 $77.34
    • 100 $69.8
    • 1000 $69.8
    • 10000 $69.8
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    Hoyato Connectors 7-16J-A-EIA7-8

    7/16J-A-EIA7/8 7/16 ADAPTER
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    DigiKey 7-16J-A-EIA7-8 1
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    • 10 $84.38
    • 100 $76.15
    • 1000 $76.15
    • 10000 $76.15
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    Hoyato Connectors 4.3-10J-A-EIA7-8

    4.3/10J-A-EIA7/8 4.3/10 FLANGE A
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    DigiKey 4.3-10J-A-EIA7-8 1
    • 1 $85.94
    • 10 $77.34
    • 100 $62.65
    • 1000 $62.65
    • 10000 $62.65
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    IA78 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MA78L10 nA78xx 5S30 0.33 MF CAPACITOR LA78L iA78L09AC MA78L05QLP
    Text: iA78L00 SERIES POSITIVE-VOLTAGE REGULATORS SLVS010D - JANUARY 1976 - REVISED OCTOBER 1995 • • • • • • 3-Termlnal Regulators Output Current Up to 100 mA No External Components Internal Thermal Overload Protection Internal Short-Circuit Current Limiting

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    iA78L00 SLVS010D 78L10C MA78L10 nA78xx 5S30 0.33 MF CAPACITOR LA78L iA78L09AC MA78L05QLP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAIRCHILD A S chlum berger C om pany /iA78M05QB 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator MIL-STD-883 July 1986— Rev 25 Aerospace and Defense Data Sheet Linear Products Description Connection Diagram 3-Lead TO-39 Can Top View The /iA 78M 05Q B 3-Terminal Medium Current Positive V olt­

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    /iA78M05QB MIL-STD-883 MA78M05QB EQ00670F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A IR C H IL D L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT S • /iA7800 S E R IE S MA7818 E L E C T R I C A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S V jN * 27 V , I q u T 85 500 m A, —S5°C < T j < 150°C, C |n = 0.33 ßF, C q u T “ 0.1 unless otherwise specified

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    /iA7800 MA7818 MA7818 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAIRCHILD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS • /iA78L00 SERIES M A 7 8 L 6 2 A C and ju A 7 8 L 6 2 A V E L E C T R I C A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S Note 1 V |n • 12 V , I q u T * 4 0 m A * ° ° c < T J < 125°C , C |N “ 0-33 » ? . C q u T * ° - 1 mF, unless otherwise specified.

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    /iA78L00 MA78L62AC 78L62AV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A IR C H IL D L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT S • /iA7800 S E R IE S MA7885 E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S V|N - 15 V, I q u T = 500 m A, - 5 5 ° C < T j < 150°C, C|N = 0.33 ^ F . C q U T “ Q-1 unless otherwise specified

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    jiA7800 JUA7885 PDF


    Abstract: na7805 nA78xx IA78
    Text: iA7800-SERIES POSITIVE-VOLTAGE REGULATORS SLVS056D - MAY 1976 - REVISED NOVEMBER 1998 KC PACKAGE (TOP VIEW • 3-Terminal Regulators • Output Current Up to 1.5 A • Internal Thermal-Overload Protection • High Power-Dissipation Capability • Internal Short-Circuit Current Limiting

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    iA7800-SERIES SLVS056D iA7800 O-22QAB HA78xx 1N4001 ha7812 na7805 nA78xx IA78 PDF


    Abstract: 25c3358 25C1162 78L05A 8 terminal 78L09A
    Text: |iA78L00 SERIES POSITIVE-VOLTAGE REGULATORS SLVS01OG - JAN U A R Y 1976 - R EVISED JA N U A R Y 1999 • 3-Terminal Regulators • Output Current up to 100 mA • No External Components • Internal Thermal-Overload Protection • Internal Short-Circuit Current Limiting

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    iA78L00 SLVS01OG aA78L00 78L05A 25c3358 25C1162 78L05A 8 terminal 78L09A PDF

    motorola application notes an920

    Abstract: motorola op amp ua78s40 mA78S40PC Motorola AN920 application note
    Text: M MOTOROLA |iA78S40 Universal Switching Regulator Subsystem The nA78S40 is a switching regulator subsystem, consisting of a temperature compensated voltage reference, controlled-duty cycle oscillator with an active current limit circuit, comparator, high-current and

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    iA78S40 uA78S40 iA78S40 AN920 3-G05 motorola application notes an920 motorola op amp mA78S40PC Motorola AN920 application note PDF


    Abstract: MA7812 circuits design from 7805C regulator 7805C 7805CKC LA7805 MA7805C la7812 na7805 MA7805
    Text: |iA7800 SERIES POSITIVE-VOLTAGE REGULATORS S LV S05 6A - MAY 1 9 7 6 - R EV IS E D AU G U ST 1995 K C PA CK A G E 3-Terminal Regulators Output Current Up to 1.5 A Internal Thermal Overload Protection High Power Dissipation Capability Internal Short-Circuit Current Limiting

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    A7800 SLVS056A- iA7800 O-22QAB MA7812 circuits design from 7805C regulator 7805C 7805CKC LA7805 MA7805C la7812 na7805 MA7805 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document |iA78S40/D MOTOROLA Universal Sw itching Regulator Subsystem UNIVERSAL SWITCHING REGULATOR SUBSYSTEM The nA78S40 is a switching regulator subsystem, consisting of a tem perature com pensated voltage reference, c o n tro lle d -d u ty cycle

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    iA78S40/D nA78S40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E jâiS /IA78M24QB 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator SaiLS A Schlum berger Com pany MIL-STD-883 July 1986 — Rev 25 Aerospace and Defense Data Sheet _ Linear Products_ Connection Diagram 3-Lead TO-39 Can

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    MIL-STD-883 MA78M24QB pA78M24QB juA78M24QB EQ00670F PDF


    Abstract: mA78HGA A78HG uA78HG hybrid voltage regulator UA78HGA
    Text: MA78HGA Positive Adjustable 5-Amp Voltage Regulator FAIRCHILD A S c h lu m b e rg e r C o m p a n y Hybrid Products Description The *iA78HGA is an adjustable 4-term inal positive voltage regulator capable of supplying in excess of 5.0 A over a 5.0 V to 24 V output range. Only

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    MA78HGA iA78HGA A78HGA UA78HGASC A78HG uA78HG hybrid voltage regulator UA78HGA PDF


    Abstract: UA79G vw v2 pA79G vw t25 RA1A UA79G TO3
    Text: /iA78G, 79G 4 âSfSŒSÆS IE*JŒ/Â*JŒ, #

    OCR Scan
    /iA78G, UA79G) 500mA, M78GC) fiA79G: M79GC) jiA78G iA79G VW-15VS A78G UA79G vw v2 pA79G vw t25 RA1A UA79G TO3 PDF


    Abstract: HA78M05
    Text: /iA78M05QB F A IR C H IL D A Schlum berger C o m p any 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator MIL-STD-883 July 1986— Rev 25 A ero sp ace and D efense Data Sheet Linear Products Description Connection Diagram 3-Lead TO-39 Can Top View T he /iA 7 8 M 0 5 Q B 3-Term inal Medium Current Positive V olt­

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    MIL-STD-883 /iA78M05QB /JA78M05QB A78M05QB E000670F A78M05 HA78M05 PDF

    Fairchild ua7818c

    Abstract: D2154 uA7818C TEXAS INSTRUMENTS uA7800 A7806 MA78xx A7824C UA7812C TO-3
    Text: UA7800 SERIES POSITIVE-VOLTAGE REGULATORS D2154, MAY 19 76-REV ISED A U G U ST 1991 3-Terminal Regulators NOM INAL O UTPUT VO LTAGE Output Current Up to 1.5 A Internal Therm al Overload Protection High Power Dissipation Capability internal Short-Circuit Current Limiting

    OCR Scan
    UA7800 D2154, 76-REV UA7805C UA7805Q UA7806C UA7885C UA7810C UA7812C Fairchild ua7818c D2154 uA7818C TEXAS INSTRUMENTS uA7800 A7806 MA78xx A7824C UA7812C TO-3 PDF


    Abstract: 78l00 78L12CS 78L05ACS 78L05ACDB 78L12ACD 78L12 78L05CS IN4149 A78L
    Text: MA78L02/5/6/8/12/15-DB.S DESCRIPTION FEATURES The iA78L00 series of 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulators employ internal current lim iting and thermal shutdown, making them essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they candeliverup

    OCR Scan
    MA78L02/5/6/8/12/15-DB fiA78L00 100mA 78L00 78LXX 78lq5 78L12CS 78L05ACS 78L05ACDB 78L12ACD 78L12 78L05CS IN4149 A78L PDF


    Abstract: SYPM SE5554 ua723 transistor substitution chart regulator 78G cs 550-is MA79G S659 uA78G
    Text: Voltage Regulators INTRODUCTION The wide use of integrated circuits in sys­ tems has frequently led to the power supply and regulator portions taking a dispropor­ tionate share of the volume of the system. The introduction of flexible, high perform­ ance regulator ICs such as the 550 has made

    OCR Scan
    2N4906 UA79G SYPM SE5554 ua723 transistor substitution chart regulator 78G cs 550-is MA79G S659 uA78G PDF


    Abstract: regulator MA7805 MA7805 to-3 MA7805A fairchild a78h05 voltage regulators A78H05 xA7805 M78H05 voltage regulators 20 amp to3 MA78H05
    Text: FAIRCHILD * mA78H05A 5-Volt 5-Amp A Sch,um berger C o .p a n y V o lt a g e R e g U la tO fS H ybrid P ro d u cts D escrip tio n T he /uA78H05 and juA 78H05A are hybrid re g u la to rs w ith 5.0 V fix e d o u tpu ts and 5.0 A output c a p a b ilitie s . T hey have th e inherent c h a ra c te ris tic s of th e

    OCR Scan
    MA78H05 A78H05A mA78H05 mA78H05A MA7805 regulator MA7805 MA7805 to-3 MA7805A fairchild a78h05 voltage regulators A78H05 xA7805 M78H05 voltage regulators 20 amp to3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MA431A Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt Regulator FAIRCHILD A S chlum berger C om pany Linear Division Voltage Regulators Description Connection Diagram TO-92 Package Top View The piA431 A is a 3-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed tem perature stability over the entire tem pera­

    OCR Scan
    MA431A piA431 CR03B50F /iA7805 JUA431A PDF


    Abstract: MA79G A79G MA78G A78G 1A79G TAG L0 220 Scans-00117072 1A78G nA78G
    Text: juA78G mA79G 4-Terminal Adjustable Voltage Regulators F A IR C H IL D A Schlumberger Company Linear Division Voltage Regulators D escription The ¡1 A78G and /jA79G are 4-terminal adjustable voltage regulators. They are designed to deliver continuous load

    OCR Scan
    juA78G mA79G 1A78G /jA79G uA78G jiA79G. juA78G /jA78G piA79G MA78GU1C A79G MA78G A78G 1A79G TAG L0 220 Scans-00117072 nA78G PDF


    Abstract: uA79G IA78g UA79G TO3 RA-1A 0-H251C fiA79G
    Text: 167 — //A78G, 79G 4 * ÿ « œ * 3è » îe « œ / â * œ , ñ r * U * f m * « Œ i î i æ a i O 4 ÍSsT-> l ) - X - u f » A S O « * « is e S: rt * L T i-' S . #(A 78G It Œ^Œ, M 7 9 G l i Ä Œffl T-, tÜ* * Œ l à 1u A 7 8 G ¿ S 5 V ¡ ¡ . t , 3 0 V , /îA 7 9 G f i - 2 . 2 V *> 6 , - 3 0 V c D ü iH T - ff S i c l â

    OCR Scan
    //A78G, //A79G O-202 fiA79G) H251C /JA78GC 120Hz iA78G -18Vs7mà A78G uA79G UA79G TO3 RA-1A 0-H251C fiA79G PDF


    Abstract: JIA7806C
    Text: FAIRCHILD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS • juA7800 SERIES MA7806 E L E C T R I C A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S V|N “ 1 1 V , Io u t “ 500 m A , - 5 5 ° C < T j < 150°C, C|sj - 0.33 # iF ,C o U T ” °-1 unless otherwise specified PARAM ETER C O N D IT IO N S

    OCR Scan
    mA7800 /1A7806 JIA7806C PDF


    Abstract: c 945 TRANSISTOR equivalent A78L00
    Text: MA78L00 Series 3-terminal positive voltage regulators FAIRCHILD A Schlumberger Company Linear Division Voltage Regulators_ Description Connection Diagram TO-92 Package Top View The iA78L00 series of 3-terminal positive voltage regula­ tors is constructed using the Fairchild Planar Epitaxial pro­

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    MA78L00 jtiA78L00 78LOO MA78L05AWC c 945 TRANSISTOR equivalent A78L00 PDF


    Abstract: MA799 0A79 MA741 A799 uA799 PA741 1N914 wein bridge oscillator ma799c
    Text: pA799 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER F A IR C H IL D LIN EA R INTEGRATED C IR C U IT G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N — The f*A 799 is a m onolithic Operational A m p lifier consisting of a high gain, internally frequency compensated operational am plifier designed to operate fro m a single power

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    pA799 uA799 a798 MA799 0A79 MA741 A799 PA741 1N914 wein bridge oscillator ma799c PDF