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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057A LA1844MC Monolithic Linear IC Single-chip Tuner IC for Home Stereo Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus

    ENA2057A LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 PDF

    mitsumi 10.7 MHz YT-30224

    Abstract: la1828 Mitsumi PVC tuning capacitor AM antenna coil A10261 A10275 A10269 A1025-4 mitsumi coil rf Mitsumi Electronics
    Text: Ordering number : EN5837 LA1828 Monolithic Linear IC LA1828 Single-Chip Tuner IC for Portable Radio /Cassette Recorders with Manual Tuning Functions Package Dimensions • AM: unit:mm 24 ±0.25 ±0.25 13 +0.15 6.4 0.25-0.05 output, forced mono, internal VCO

    EN5837 LA1828 51min LA1828] 51198RM mitsumi 10.7 MHz YT-30224 la1828 Mitsumi PVC tuning capacitor AM antenna coil A10261 A10275 A10269 A1025-4 mitsumi coil rf Mitsumi Electronics PDF

    Mitsumi IF transformer

    Abstract: Intermediate frequency transformer mitsumi coil rf Mitsumi AM coil ift mitsumi ift coil mitsumi ift coil for 200 khz application mitsumi bar antenna coil pvc22ktl Mitsumi PVC-lyt mitsumi coil am
    Text: Ordering number : EN2056B Monolithic Linear IC LA1600 1-Band AM Radio Overview Package Dimensions The LA1600, being an AM tuner IC placed in a 9-pin SIP, unit : mm provides the functions of an AM tuner. It is usable in the band range up to SW band and is especially suited for use 3017B-SIP9

    EN2056B LA1600 LA1600, 3017B-SIP9 LA1600] Mitsumi IF transformer Intermediate frequency transformer mitsumi coil rf Mitsumi AM coil ift mitsumi ift coil mitsumi ift coil for 200 khz application mitsumi bar antenna coil pvc22ktl Mitsumi PVC-lyt mitsumi coil am PDF


    Abstract: LA1845N vsm stereo decoder 600BEAS-10471 DIP24S ic la1845n quadrature detector
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7185A Monolithic linear IC LA1845N Single-Chip Home Stereo IC Overview Package Dimensions The LA1845N is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technigue. It incorporates a

    ENN7185A LA1845N LA1845N 067A-DIP24S LA1845N] 51min la1845 vsm stereo decoder 600BEAS-10471 DIP24S ic la1845n quadrature detector PDF

    mitsumi HW-50425

    Abstract: mitsumi ift coil 2sb545 mitsumi bar antenna coil
    Text: UTC1600 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SINGLE-BAND AM RADIO DESCRIPTION The UTC1600, Being an Am tuner IC placed in SIP-9, provides the functions of Am tuner. It is usable in the band range up to SW band and is especially suited for use in lowcost AM radios and radio-controlled includes RF

    UTC1600 UTC1600, mitsumi HW-50425 mitsumi ift coil 2sb545 mitsumi bar antenna coil PDF


    Abstract: la1845 LA1845NV VS90
    Text: 注文コード No. N 7 9 3 1 LA1845NV モノリシックリニア集積回路 ホームステレオ用 1 チップチューナ IC LA1845NV はミニコンポ用に開発された、SD 方式/IF カウント方式での電子同調対応の 1 チップ

    LA1845NV LA1845NV 114kHz 190kHz 100dBµ 75kHz HW6215 HW50425 600BEAS-10471 la1845 VS90 PDF


    Abstract: 16 pin FM Stereo Decoder Integrated Circuit 600BEAS-10471 FM Stereo Decoder Integrated Circuit 16 pin toko fm detector coil fm pll demodulator detector 7931 LA1845NV FM stereo MPX Decoder FM stereo MPX Decoder TOKO
    Text: Ordering number : ENN*7931 LA1845NV Monolithic Linear IC Single-Chip Home Stereo IC The LA1845NV is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit,

    LA1845NV LA1845NV HW6215 HW50425 1000pF 600BEAS-10471 la1845 16 pin FM Stereo Decoder Integrated Circuit 600BEAS-10471 FM Stereo Decoder Integrated Circuit 16 pin toko fm detector coil fm pll demodulator detector 7931 FM stereo MPX Decoder FM stereo MPX Decoder TOKO PDF

    murata sfe10.7ma

    Abstract: KO387 2SK212E BFU450c la1265 B.P.F sny sfz450 BFU450CN sfz450b mitsumi variable coil 455KHz
    Text: Ordering number : EN1820D LA1265 Monolithic Linear IC FM/AM Tuner of Electronic Tuning Type Features • Minimum number of external parts required. • Excellent S/N. • Local OSC with ALC. • Local OSC buffer. • Tuning indicator pin common with narrow-band stop signal and muting drive output .

    EN1820D LA1265 murata sfe10.7ma KO387 2SK212E BFU450c la1265 B.P.F sny sfz450 BFU450CN sfz450b mitsumi variable coil 455KHz PDF


    Abstract: LA1600 C536 f8 TN10896 QO120 HW-50422 HW-50426 TN-10896 HW-50397 HW-50425
    Text: LA1600 注文コード No. N 2 0 5 6 C 半導体ニューズ No.N2056B とさしかえてください。 LA1600 モノリシックリニア集積回路 1 バンド AM ラジオ LA1600 は AM チューナ用 IC で AM チューナの機能を SIP9 のパッケージに内蔵している。SW 帯まで使用可能でロー

    LA1600 N2056B N1005 1kHz-30% 2SB598 HW-50447 LA1600 C536 f8 TN10896 QO120 HW-50422 HW-50426 TN-10896 HW-50397 HW-50425 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENN*7931 LA1845NV Monolithic Linear IC Single-Chip Home Stereo IC The LA1845NV is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit,

    LA1845NV LA1845NV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN8271 LA1837M Monolithic Linear IC Single-Chip AM/FM Tuner IC for Home Stereo Systems ht t p://onse m i.c om Overview The LA1837M is a single-chip AM/FM tuner IC that provides AM and FM IF and multiplex decoding circuits for electronic tuning and was developed for use in home stereo systems. It provides both SD and IF counting techniques for

    EN8271 LA1837M LA1837M PDF


    Abstract: LA1844M LA1844 600BEAS-10471
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057A Monolithic Linear IC LA1844MC For Home Stereo Single-chip Tuner IC Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus allows

    ENA2057A LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 600BASE-10471 LA1844M LA1844 600BEAS-10471 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057 Monolithic Linear IC LA1844MC For Home Stereo Single-chip Tuner IC Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus allows

    ENA2057 LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 la1844 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN5688C LA1837 Monolithic Linear IC Single-Chip IC for Home Stereo IC with Electronic Tuning Support Overview The LA1837 is a single-chip AM/FM IF and MPX IC that supports electronic tuning and was developed for use in home stereo systems. It is optimal for use in automatic station selection systems that use the SD and IF counting

    EN5688C LA1837 LA1837 PDF


    Abstract: sfe10.7ma HW50448 LA1178M PC 88 SFE10 EKSC-30174FCU mixer HW50356
    Text: 注文コード No. N 2 7 1 2 B 半導体ニューズNo.N2712Aとさしかえてください。 モノリシックリニア集積回路ファンモータ用 カーラジオ,カーステレオ用 LA1178M FM フロントエンド 機能 ・ダブルエンド形ミキサ回路

    N2712A LA1178M 88MHz 100dB 110dB 3086B EKSC30174FCU HW50356( SFE10,7ma sfe10.7ma HW50448 LA1178M PC 88 SFE10 EKSC-30174FCU mixer HW50356 PDF


    Abstract: la1845 3067B DIP24S LA1845N SN23 VSM-100
    Text: 注文コード No.N 7 1 8 5 C 半導体データシートNo.N7185Bをさしかえてください。 モノリシックリニア集積回路 LA1845N ホームステレオ用 1チップチューナIC 概要 LA1845Nはミニコンポ用に開発された、SD方式/IFカウント方式での電子同調対応の1チップ

    N7185B LA1845N LA1845NSD/IF1 114kHz 190kHz) B8-6036 100dB 75kHz 600BEAS-10471 la1845 3067B DIP24S LA1845N SN23 VSM-100 PDF

    b598 transistor

    Abstract: Mitsumi IF transformer TN10896 transistor C536 HW-50397 transistor c536 sanyo Intermediate frequency transformer mitsumi bar antenna coil LA1600 Mitsumi de RF
    Text: LA1600 Ordering number : EN2056C LA1600 Monolithic Linear IC Single-Band AM Radio Overview The LA1600, being an AM tuner IC placed in a 9-pin SIP, provides the functions of an AM tuner. It is usable in the band range up to SW band and is especially suited for use in low-cost AM radios and radio-controlled receivers.

    EN2056C LA1600 LA1600, b598 transistor Mitsumi IF transformer TN10896 transistor C536 HW-50397 transistor c536 sanyo Intermediate frequency transformer mitsumi bar antenna coil LA1600 Mitsumi de RF PDF

    B.P.F sny

    Abstract: LA1265 mitsumi tuner fm if 10.7Mhz 2SK212e sfe10.7ma Korin LA300 bl70 sumida ift coil sfz450 sanyo LA1265
    Text: Ordering number : EN1820D LA1265 Monolithic Linear IC FM/AM Tuner of Electronic Tuning Type Features • Minimum number of external parts required. • Excellent S/N. • Local OSC with ALC. • Local OSC buffer. • Tuning indicator pin common with narrow-band stop signal and muting drive output .

    EN1820D LA1265 B.P.F sny LA1265 mitsumi tuner fm if 10.7Mhz 2SK212e sfe10.7ma Korin LA300 bl70 sumida ift coil sfz450 sanyo LA1265 PDF

    AM 5888

    Abstract: LA1836 LA1838 YD-1073-1 l4035 5888 CDA10 DIP30S HW-50425 SFU-450B
    Text: Ordering number : EN5888 Monolithic linear IC LA1838 Single-Chip Home Stereo IC with Electronic Tuning Support Overview Features The LA1838 is designed for use in home stereo systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions for AM, FM IF, and MPX reception. It is

    EN5888 LA1838 LA1838 AM 5888 LA1836 YD-1073-1 l4035 5888 CDA10 DIP30S HW-50425 SFU-450B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN7185C LA1845N Monolithic Linear IC Single-Chip Tuner IC for Home Stereo IC ht t p://onse m i.c om Overview The LA1845N is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technigue. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus allows

    EN7185C LA1845N LA1845N 114kHz, 190kHz) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2057A LA1844MC Monolithic Linear IC Single-chip Tuner IC for Home Stereo ht t p://onse m i.c om Overview The LA1844MC is designed for use in mini systems and is a single-chip tuner IC that provides electronic tuning functions using SD/IF-count technique. It incorporates a pilot canceler and an adjustment-free MUX VCO circuit, thus

    ENA2057A LA1844MC LA1844MC 114kHz, 190kHz) MFP24SJ 300mil) A2057-11/11 PDF

    mitsumi HW-50425

    Abstract: Intermediate frequency transformer mitsumi 455KHz filter TOKYO fi transformer 455KHZ HW-50426 Mitsumi IF 455Khz 0077K if transformer 455khz TN-10896 8478M
    Text: Ordering number : EN 2056B Monolithic Linear 1C The LA1600, being an AM tuner IC placed in a 9-pin SEP, provides the functions of an AM tuner. It is usable in the band range up to SW band and is especially suited for use in low-cost AM radios and radio-controlled

    OCR Scan
    2056B LA1600, mitsumi HW-50425 Intermediate frequency transformer mitsumi 455KHz filter TOKYO fi transformer 455KHZ HW-50426 Mitsumi IF 455Khz 0077K if transformer 455khz TN-10896 8478M PDF


    Abstract: LAI265 Mitsumi variable capacitor mitsumi variable capacitor PVC k03-87 LA1265 xt 12 mhz hlx sumida QUADRATURE coil mitsumi tuner EO II 5 GE SVC321
    Text: Ordering number:EN 1820C Monolithic Linear IC No. 1820C SAWO L A 1 2 6 5 I i FM/AM T u n e r of El e c t r o n i c Tu n i n g Type Functions FM: IF amp, quadrature detector, AF preamp, signal meter, tuning indicator drive output common with stop signal, muting drive output

    OCR Scan
    1820C LA1265 K0387 LAI265 Mitsumi variable capacitor mitsumi variable capacitor PVC k03-87 LA1265 xt 12 mhz hlx sumida QUADRATURE coil mitsumi tuner EO II 5 GE SVC321 PDF

    Mitsumi IF transformer

    Abstract: Intermediate frequency transformer TOKYO fi transformer 455KHZ mitsumi 455KHz filter Intermediate frequency transformer 455khZ LA4510 Mitsumi PVC-lyt
    Text: Ordering number : EN 2056B Monolithic Linear 1C The LA1600, being an AM tuner IC placed in a 9-pin SEP, provides the functions of an AM tuner. It is usable in the band range up to SW band and is especially suited for use in low-cost AM radios and radio-controlled

    OCR Scan
    2056B LA1600, Mitsumi IF transformer Intermediate frequency transformer TOKYO fi transformer 455KHZ mitsumi 455KHz filter Intermediate frequency transformer 455khZ LA4510 Mitsumi PVC-lyt PDF