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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N Small Package 8-Bit OTP MCU Technical Document • Application Note - HA0075E MCU Reset and Oscillator Circuits Application Note Features CPU Features · LIRC oscillator function for watchdog timer · Operating voltage:

    HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N HA0075E 12MHz: 12MHz 10-pin 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N Small Package 8-Bit OTP MCU Technical Document • Application Note - HA0075E MCU Reset and Oscillator Circuits Application Note Features CPU Features · LIRC oscillator function for watchdog timer · Operating voltage:

    HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N HA0075E 12MHz: 12MHz 10-pin 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HT46R01B-1/HT46R01N-1 HT48R01B-1/HT48R01N-1 Small Package 8-Bit OTP MCU Technical Document • Application Note - HA0075E MCU Reset and Oscillator Circuits Application Note Features CPU Features · 6-level subroutine nesting · Operating voltage: · All instructions executed in one or two instruction

    HT46R01B-1/HT46R01N-1 HT48R01B-1/HT48R01N-1 HA0075E 12MHz: 12MHz 10-pin 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N Small Package 8-Bit OTP MCU Technical Document • Application Note - HA0075E MCU Reset and Oscillator Circuits Application Note Features CPU Features · LIRC oscillator function for watchdog timer · Operating voltage:

    HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N HA0075E 12MHz: 12MHz 10-pin 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: HT46R01N
    Text: HT46R01B-1/HT46R01N-1 HT48R01B-1/HT48R01N-1 Small Package 8-Bit OTP MCU Technical Document • Application Note - HA0075E MCU Reset and Oscillator Circuits Application Note Features CPU Features · 6-level subroutine nesting · Operating voltage: · All instructions executed in one or two instruction

    HT46R01B-1/HT46R01N-1 HT48R01B-1/HT48R01N-1 HA0075E 12MHz: 12MHz 10-pin 16-pin HT46R01B HT46R01N PDF


    Abstract: HT46R02B PWM PA5 HT46R01B ht48r01n HT48R01 HT-48
    Text: HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N Small Package 8-Bit OTP MCU Technical Document • Application Note - HA0075E MCU Reset and Oscillator Circuits Application Note Features CPU Features · LIRC oscillator function for watchdog timer · Operating voltage:

    HT46R01B/02B/01N/02N HT48R01B/02B/01N/02N HA0075E 12MHz: 12MHz 10-pin 16-pin HT48R01B HT46R02B PWM PA5 HT46R01B ht48r01n HT48R01 HT-48 PDF

    315mhz module receiver

    Abstract: ASK transmitter 433mhz D1006A 433MHz IC RF Transmitter 315MHz rf traNsmitter receiver 315mhz HT66F03 433mhz transmitter 433MHZ PCB antenna antenna 433MHZ PCB
    Text: HT66F03T3/68F03T3 MCU with 315MHz/433MHz ASK Transmitter HT66F03T3/68F03T3 MCU with 315MHz/433MHz ASK Transmitter D/N:HA0220E General Description The HT66F03T3/68F03T3 is a Flash type MCU with an RF ASK transmitter function. Data generated from the MCU will be transmitted at a carrier frequency of 315M/433MHz to a

    HT66F03T3/68F03T3 315MHz/433MHz D/NHA0220E 315M/433MHz 300MHz 450MHz 10dBm 315mhz module receiver ASK transmitter 433mhz D1006A 433MHz IC RF Transmitter 315MHz rf traNsmitter receiver 315mhz HT66F03 433mhz transmitter 433MHZ PCB antenna antenna 433MHZ PCB PDF

    433mhz rf module

    Abstract: rf transmitter circuit diagram USING ASK ASK receiver 433mhz pin diagram 433mhz rf traNsmitter receiver 433mhz ASK transmitter 433mhz rf 433mhz 433mhz transmitter 433Mhz ASK Transmitter and Receiver crystal 433mhz
    Text: Using the 315M/433MHz ASK Transmitter HT4xR01T3 MCU Using the 315M/433MHz ASK Transmitter HT4xR01T3 MCU D/N:HA0205E Introduction Holtek’s HT46R01T3 and HT48R01T3 are OTP One-Time Programmable type versatile RF ASK transmitter MCUs. Data generated by the internal MCU will be transmitted by the

    315M/433MHz HT4xR01T3 D/NHA0205E HT46R01T3 HT48R01T3 300MHz 450MHz 433mhz rf module rf transmitter circuit diagram USING ASK ASK receiver 433mhz pin diagram 433mhz rf traNsmitter receiver 433mhz ASK transmitter 433mhz rf 433mhz 433mhz transmitter 433Mhz ASK Transmitter and Receiver crystal 433mhz PDF

    ASK transmitter 433mhz

    Abstract: 433mhz rf module 433mhz rf transmitter 4 pin 433mhz pcb antenna holtek 433MHZ PCB antenna rf 433mhz HT48R01T3 433mhz tx module HT46R01T3 rf transmitter 433mhz
    Text: HT46R01T3 & HT48R01T3 MCU with 315M/433MHz ASK Transmitter HT46R01T3 & HT48R01T3 MCU with 315M/433MHz ASK Transmitter 文件編碼:HA0205T 簡介 由 Holtek 公司設計生産的 HT46R01T3 & HT48R01T3 系列是一款 OTP One-Time Programmable 版本的 MCU 之全功能編碼射頻傳送晶片附 ASK Transmitter。由內建 MCU 產生資料輸出,

    HT46R01T3 HT48R01T3 315M/433MHz HA0205T HT48R01T3 315M/433MHz) ASK transmitter 433mhz 433mhz rf module 433mhz rf transmitter 4 pin 433mhz pcb antenna holtek 433MHZ PCB antenna rf 433mhz 433mhz tx module HT46R01T3 rf transmitter 433mhz PDF

    Futaba display

    Abstract: HT7L4091 HT1632C HT16K33 ht8972 HT12D ht82v46 HT46F47 Futaba VFD ht12e dip 18
    Text: Selection Guide Holtek Company Introduction Introduction Continual growth and a persistent stream of new product releases onto the global market has been the hallmark of Holtek Semiconductor since the establishment of the company in 1983 to the present date. Although remaining focused in the area of



    Abstract: HT46F47 HT46R48A HT66F30 HT48R07A-1 HT46R49 HT46R065 HT46R52A HT66F50 HT82M72E
    Text: Update Date:2010/05/12 MCU HT45R02 HT45R03 HT45R04 HT45R06 HT45R0G HT45R22E HT45R34 HT45R35 HT45R35V HT45R36 HT45R37 HT45R37V HT45R38 HT45RM03 HT46F46E HT46F47E HT46F48E HT46F49E HT46R01 HT46R01A HT46R01B HT46R01M HT46R01N HT46R02 HT46R02B HT46R02M HT46R02N

    Date2010/05/12 HT45R02 HT45R03 HT45R04 HT45R06 HT45R0G HT45R22E HT45R34 HT45R35 HT45R35V HT48R01C HT46F47 HT46R48A HT66F30 HT48R07A-1 HT46R49 HT46R065 HT46R52A HT66F50 HT82M72E PDF


    Abstract: HT7L4091 HT6P20B controller remote Futaba HT1628 code C HT16515 HT7612 HT7610B HT48R05A-1 HT7536-1
    Text: Holtek Company Introduction Introduction Continual growth and a persistent stream of new product releases onto the global market has been the hallmark of Holtek Semiconductor since the establishment of the company in 1983 to the present date. Although remaining focused in the area of


    rf module 315mhz

    Abstract: 433mhz rf module RF Transmitter 315MHz 433MHZ PCB antenna HT66F03 RF 433Mhz 433.92mhz rf ic tx module 315mhz ASK transmitter 433mhz rf transmitter 433mhz
    Text: HT66F03T3/68F03T3 MCU with 315MHz/433MHz ASK Transmitter HT66F03T3/68F03T3 MCU with 315MHz/433MHz ASK Transmitter 文件編碼:HA0220T 概述 由 Holtek 公司設計生産的 HT66F03T3/68F03T3 系列是一款 Flash 版本的 MCU 之全功能編碼 射頻傳送晶片附 ASK Transmitter。由內建 MCU 產生資料輸出,藉由射頻載波 315M/433MHz

    HT66F03T3/68F03T3 315MHz/433MHz HA0220T HT66F03T3/68F03T3 315M/433MHz) 300MHz 450MHz 10dBm rf module 315mhz 433mhz rf module RF Transmitter 315MHz 433MHZ PCB antenna HT66F03 RF 433Mhz 433.92mhz rf ic tx module 315mhz ASK transmitter 433mhz rf transmitter 433mhz PDF


    Abstract: HT16515 HT46R48 HT7L4091 ht82v46 HT 648 decoder Rx touch switch ht45r35 HT7612 BS808B futaba
    Text: Holtek Company Introduction Introduction Continual growth and a persistent stream of new product releases onto the global market has been the hallmark of Holtek Semiconductor since the establishment of the company in 1983 to the present date. Although remaining focused in the area of



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HT46R01T3/HT48R01T3 8-Bit OTP MCU with RF Transmitter Features MCU Features • MCU Operating voltage: fSYS= 4MHz: 2.2V~3.6V fSYS= 8MHz: 3.0V~3.6V · Power Down modes and wake-up functions to reduce power consumption · Oscillator types - External high frequency Crystal

    HT46R01T3/HT48R01T3 HT46R01T3 PDF

    433 mhz ask rf module

    Abstract: rf traNsmitter receiver 315mhz ht48r01t3 "Rf Transmitter" RF transmitter datasheet RF Transmitter 315MHz 433.92mhz rf module circuit diagram of rf transmitter RF transmitter 433.92 rf transmitter circuit diagram
    Text: HT46R01T3/HT48R01T3 8-Bit OPT MCU with RF Transmitter Features MCU Features • MCU Operating voltage: fSYS= 4MHz: 2.2V~3.6V fSYS= 8MHz: 3.0V~3.6V · Power Down modes and wake-up functions to reduce power consumption · Oscillator types - External high frequency Crystal

    HT46R01T3/HT48R01T3 433 mhz ask rf module rf traNsmitter receiver 315mhz ht48r01t3 "Rf Transmitter" RF transmitter datasheet RF Transmitter 315MHz 433.92mhz rf module circuit diagram of rf transmitter RF transmitter 433.92 rf transmitter circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: HT1632C HT 648 decoder Rx HT82F543 Futaba display HT7L4091 HT12D decoder datasheet IR SENSOR ball mouse HT16K33 BS83B16-3
    Text: Holtek Company Introduction Introduction Continual growth and a persistent stream of new product releases onto the global market has been the hallmark of Holtek Semiconductor since the establishment of the company in 1983 to the present date. Although remaining focused in the area of

    HT95R64 HT9234. HT93LC46 HT95R65 HT9251* HT93LC66 HT9831. HT9252* HT93LC86 HT98R068* HT82F553 HT1632C HT 648 decoder Rx HT82F543 Futaba display HT7L4091 HT12D decoder datasheet IR SENSOR ball mouse HT16K33 BS83B16-3 PDF


    Abstract: HT48R01C crystal 32768hz HT46R01 crystal oscillator crystal oscillator 32768hz HT45F23 HT68F03 transistor crystal oscillator 32768hz HT66F03
    Text: Special Considerations when using a 32K Crystal Special Considerations when using a 32K Crystal D/N:HA0259E Introduction Holtek offers a diverse range of MCUs which can operated with various oscillator options. Different oscillator options provide the user with a larger functional range for various

    D/NHA0259E 32768Hz HT66Fx0: 32768Hz ht46r01c HT48R01C crystal 32768hz HT46R01 crystal oscillator crystal oscillator 32768hz HT45F23 HT68F03 transistor crystal oscillator 32768hz HT66F03 PDF


    Abstract: ht46r01c HT48R01C HT48R063 HT68F03 holtek mcu 32768Hz HOLTEK HT66F40 HT66F40 HOLTEK
    Text: 使用 32K 晶振注意事項 使用 32K 晶振注意事項 文件編碼:HA0259T 簡介 Holtek MCU 種類很多,不同的 MCU 支持振盪器的種類也不同。不同的振盪器選擇可以讓使 用者在不同的應用需求中實現更大範圍的功能。Holtek MCU 支持的振盪器類型有外部晶振

    HA0259T 32768Hz MCU32768Hz HT48R063/064/065/066 HT48R0662/067 HT46R92/94 HT46R92 HT66F40 32768-Hz ht46r01c HT48R01C HT48R063 HT68F03 holtek mcu 32768Hz HOLTEK HT66F40 HT66F40 HOLTEK PDF


    Abstract: Futaba display HT82B40RE HT7L4091 HT1632C 2-bt-167g ht46f49 HT46R068 HT16K33 2-bt-167gn
    Text: Holtek Company Introduction Introduction Continual growth and a persistent stream of new product releases onto the global market has been the hallmark of Holtek Semiconductor since the establishment of the company in 1983 to the present date. Although remaining focused in the area of

    con95R64 HT9231. HT93214B HT95R65 HT9232. HT93LC46 HT9831. HT9234. HT93LC66 HT98R068* ht46f47 Futaba display HT82B40RE HT7L4091 HT1632C 2-bt-167g ht46f49 HT46R068 HT16K33 2-bt-167gn PDF