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    HMCS412CL Search Results

    HMCS412CL Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HMCS412CL Hitachi Semiconductor CMOS 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer Scan PDF
    HMCS412CL Hitachi Semiconductor 4-bit single-chip microcomputer Scan PDF

    HMCS412CL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: iNEMO M1 HD614P180 hitachi pmos microcomputer hmcs404 HMCS400 HMCS412AC HMCS412C HMCS412CL R22-C
    Text: H I T A C H I / tlCU/HPU IflE D • 4 4 T b 204 0 0 1 7 0 0 S 5 HM CS 412 C /H M C S 412 CL/ HM CS 412 AC H D 6 1 4 1 2 0 /H D 6 1 4 1 2 5 / H D 6 1 4 1 2 8 • Description The HMCS412C/CL/ AC are CMOS 4-bit singlechip microcomputers in the HMCS400 series.

    OCR Scan
    tiS04 HMCS412C/HMCS412 HMCS412AC D614120/H D614125/H D614128) HMCS412C/CL/ HMCS400 10-bit -11-bit hd614120 iNEMO M1 HD614P180 hitachi pmos microcomputer hmcs404 HMCS412AC HMCS412C HMCS412CL R22-C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H M C S 412C /C L /A C — H M C S 414C /C L /A C H M C S 424C /C L /A C D e sc rip tio n T y p e of P ro d u c ts T he H M C S412/414/424 a re HM CS400 se rie s CMOS 4 -b it sin g le -c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te rs . E ach d ev ice in c o rp o ra te s a ROM, RAM, I/O ,

    OCR Scan
    S412/414/424 CS400 S412C 614121P 614121S CS412CL 614126P 614126S HMCS424C HMCS424CL 614149S PDF


    Abstract: HD404240
    Text: H M C S 412 S eries/ H M C S414 S eries/ H M C S424 S eries Description The HMCS412/414/424 Series are HMCS400 Series CMOS 4-bit single-chip microcomputers. Each device incorporates a ROM, RAM, I/O, serial interface, and timer/counter, including high-voltage

    OCR Scan
    HMCS412/414/424 HMCS400 42-pin DP-42) DP-42S) 44-pin FP-44A) 2048-word 10-bit 614149H HD404240 PDF


    Abstract: TFP-80
    Text: C ontents • G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t io n • • • • • • • F u n c tio n O v e rv ie w . In tro d u c tio n o f P a c k a g e s .

    OCR Scan
    H48XX FP-80A, FP-80B, TFP-80 FP-100A, FP-100B, TFP-100B TFP-80C HMCS400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 6 1 4 P 1 8 0 Description The HD614PI80 is a 4-bit single chip microcomputer which has mounted a standard EPRO M 2764/27128 for program memory. Hie HD614P180 is pin-compatible with the mask ROM type HMCS412C, but has some differences with it as shown in Table

    OCR Scan
    614P180 HD614PI80 HD614P180 HMCS412C, HMCS412C 42-pin DP-42S) PDF


    Abstract: HD614141S 4240P B204 hitachi pmos microcomputer DP-42 HMCS400 HMCS412 HMCS414 HMCS424
    Text: HMCS412 Series/ HMCS414 Series/ HMCS424 Series Description The H M C S412/414/424 Series are HMCS400 Series CMOS 4-bit single-chip microcomputers. Each device incorporates a ROM , RAM , I/O, serial interface, and timer/counter, including high-voltage I/O pins with high-current output pins to directly

    OCR Scan
    HMCS412 HMCS414 HMCS424 HMCS412/414/424 HMCS400 42-pin DP-42) DP-42S) 44-pin HD404240S HD614141S 4240P B204 hitachi pmos microcomputer DP-42 PDF

    EPROM 2764

    Abstract: HN4827128-25 hitachi hmcs40 HN27C64G25 XMRA 50-8 OC42 8k eprom 2764 hitachi hitachi 27128 HN4827128
    Text: H D 6 1 4 P 1 8 Description The HD614PI80 is a 4-bit single chip microcomputer which has mounted a standard EPRO M 2764/27128 for program memory. The HD614P180 is pin-compatible with the mask ROM type HMCS412C, but has some differences with it as shown in Table

    OCR Scan
    HD614PI80 HD614P180 HMCS412C, HMCS412C HN482764, HN27C64 HN4827128 42-pin DP-42) EPROM 2764 HN4827128-25 hitachi hmcs40 HN27C64G25 XMRA 50-8 OC42 8k eprom 2764 hitachi hitachi 27128 PDF