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    HMC18214 Search Results

    HMC18214 Datasheets Context Search

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    BTS antenna structure

    Abstract: hmc192 HMC18214 hittite cross HMC187MS8 HMC165S14 HMC172QS24 HMC173MS8 HMC175MS8 HMC183QS24
    Text: MICROWAVE CORPORATION GaAs MMICs FOR CHANGING BASESTATION REQUIREMENTS FEBRUARY 2000 GAAS MMICS FOR CHANGING BASE STATION REQUIREMENTS oday wireless infrastructure designers are being faced with increasingly challenging requirements. Cellular base transceiver stations BTS , or base station, are becoming smaller,

    HMC175MS8 HMC187MS8 BTS antenna structure hmc192 HMC18214 hittite cross HMC187MS8 HMC165S14 HMC172QS24 HMC173MS8 HMC175MS8 HMC183QS24 PDF