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    HL7832HG Search Results

    HL7832HG Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HL7832HG Laser Diode Description H L 7 8 3 2 H G is a 0 .7 8 ¿¿m G a A lA s la se r d io d e w ith d o u b le h e te ro ju n c tio n s tru c tu re . It is s u ita b le a s a lig h t s o u rc e in o p tic a l v id e o d isc p la y e rs a n d v a rio u s o th e r ty p e s o f o p tical

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    HL7832HG PDF


    Abstract: HL7832G HL7832HG HL8312E he8813vg Hitachi Scans-001 LRTBGVTG-U9V5-1 A7A9-5 TT7-6
    Text: H IT A C H I/C O P T O E L E C T R O N IC S S l4 E D • G 012D 32 HL7832G/HG bMT « H GaAIAsLD *7 Description The HL7832G/HG are 0.78 pm band GaAlAs laser diodes with a double heterojunction structure, and are appropriate as the light sources for various optical application devices, including optical video disk play­

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    HL7832G/HG G012D32 HL7832G/HG HL7832HG) HE8815VG HE8813VG HE8815VG TjSPo100Â HE8811, HE8812SG, HE8807SG HL7832G HL7832HG HL8312E he8813vg Hitachi Scans-001 LRTBGVTG-U9V5-1 A7A9-5 TT7-6 PDF


    Abstract: HL7806 HE8807CL HL7801E HL1324MF HL83M HL7831 HL83H HE8812 hitachi he1301
    Text: Family Introduction Family Introduction Laser Diodes LD feckages AC \ E HL671I G HG FG TR DM BF DL HL1321BF HL132IDL HL 1341 BF HLI341DL HL 1541 BF HL1541DL HL7801E HL7802 HL7802E HL7802G HL7806 HL7806G HL7831 HL7831G HL7832 HL7832G HL7836 HL7836G HL7838

    OCR Scan
    HL671IG HL671I HL7801 HL7802 HL7806 HL7831 HL7832 HL7836 HL7838 HL83H HE8807CL HL7801E HL1324MF HL83M HE8812 hitachi he1301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI/COPTOELECTRONICS S l4E D • G012D32 HL7832G/HG bMT « H i m G aAIAsLD *7 Description The HL7832G/HG are 0.78 pm band GaAlAs laser diodes with a double heterojunction structure, and are appropriate as the light sources for various optical application devices, including optical video disk play­

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    G012D32 HL7832G/HG HL7832G/HG HL7832HG) 001203b HL7832G) T-41-05 PDF