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    Abstract: ACS103 HFE4404 hafo ABB HAFO OPF372 ACS100 HFE4214-013 HFE4404-013 OPF322
    Text: ACS103 - 3 Channel, Synchronous or Asynchronous Single Fiber Modem Acapella Optical Modem IC ACS103 3 Channel, Synchronous or Asynchronous Single Fiber Modem Main Features: General Description: * Enables three full-duplex serial transmission channels through a single fiber optic cable,

    ACS103 ACS103 ISO9001 ACS101 HFE4404 hafo ABB HAFO OPF372 ACS100 HFE4214-013 HFE4404-013 OPF322 PDF

    27mhz remote control transmitter circuit

    Abstract: Honeywell DBM 01 LED monitor circuit diagram ACS102 ACS102A ACS102A-PL ACS102A-TQ ACS402 Honeywell rs232 fiber 4-pin 27mhz crystal
    Text: 100 SERIES ACS102A Revision 1.6 September 2000 Advanced Communications ACS102A FiberACS102A Modem Data Sheet Features * Full duplex serial transmission over single/twin fiber. * Link lengths up to 25km. * Supports asynchronous data rates from DC to 162kbps.

    ACS102A 162kbps. RS-232 ACS102A-PL PLCC44 ISO9001 27mhz remote control transmitter circuit Honeywell DBM 01 LED monitor circuit diagram ACS102 ACS102A-PL ACS102A-TQ ACS402 Honeywell rs232 fiber 4-pin 27mhz crystal PDF

    ABB ACS401

    Abstract: ACS401 4pin xtal Can type hafo HFE4214-013 HFE4404-013 IN4001 ZVP4424A 4pin xtal 51214X
    Text: Acapella Optical Modem IC ACS401 Main Features: * Enables up to four full-duplex serial transmission channels through a single fiber optic cable, providing eight virtual fiber paths. * Two additional low speed handshake signals. * Supports Ping Pong LED PPLED and LASER Duplex

    ACS401 ABB ACS401 4pin xtal Can type hafo HFE4214-013 HFE4404-013 IN4001 ZVP4424A 4pin xtal 51214X PDF


    Abstract: ACS102A ACS102A-PL ACS102A-TQ ACS402 1A-212-ST-05 27MHz transmitter module 1A-212SMA
    Text: ACS102A Main Features: * Full duplex serial transmission over single/twin fiber. * Link lengths up to 25km. * Supports asynchronous data rates from DC to 162kbps. * Full diagnostic modes - Remote and Local loopback. * Ultra low power consumption, typically 2-3mA, which could be

    ACS102A 162kbps. RS-232 ACS102 ACS102A-PL ACS102A-TQ ACS402 1A-212-ST-05 27MHz transmitter module 1A-212SMA PDF


    Abstract: hafo HFE4404-013 ACS100 ACS101 ACS103 HFE4214-013 OPF322 OPF372
    Text: Acapella Optical Modem IC ACS103 3 Channel, Synchronous or Asynchronous Single Fiber Modem Main Features: General Description: * Enables three full-duplex serial transmission channels through a single fiber optic cable, providing a virtual six fiber path.

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    ACS103 RS-232 ACS103 ACS101 ISO9001 HFE4404 hafo HFE4404-013 ACS100 HFE4214-013 OPF322 OPF372 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS8123/4 Semiconductor Corporation OPTIMODEM TM Features General Description • Time Compression Multiplexing for full-duplex communication over a single optical fiber The CS8123 and CS8124 from Crystal Semiconductor Corporation are SMART Analog full-duplex modem

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    CS8123/4 CS8123 CS8124 DS17PP4 CS8123-IP5 CS8123-IP CS8123-IL5 CS8123A-IP CS8124-IP5 PDF

    link budget calculation

    Abstract: HCP-M02000T-A01VS ABB HAFO microcontroller optics fiber Honeywell DBM 01 PCB txc crystal CRYSTAL 20 MHZ with 74hc14 fiber to rs232 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM hcpm Crystal Oscillator TXC
    Text: CS8123/4 Sem iconductor Corporation O P T IM O D E M TM Features General D escrip tio n • Time Compression Multiplexing for full-du 1 communication over a single • full-duplex - I fiber optica The CS8123 and CS8124 from Crystal Semiconductor Corporation are SMART Analog full-duplex modem

    OCR Scan
    CS8123/4 CS8123 CS8124 DS17PP4 CS8123-IP5 CS8123-IP CS8123-IL5 CS8123A-IP CS8124-IP5 CS8124-IP link budget calculation HCP-M02000T-A01VS ABB HAFO microcontroller optics fiber Honeywell DBM 01 PCB txc crystal CRYSTAL 20 MHZ with 74hc14 fiber to rs232 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM hcpm Crystal Oscillator TXC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 00 Acapella Optical Modem IC ACS102A Main Features: * Full duplex serial transm ission over one fiber. Link lengths up to 25km. Supports asynchronous data rates from DC to 162kbps. Full diagnostic modes - Remote and Local loopback. Ultra low power consumption, typically 2-3mA, which could be

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    ACS102A 162kbps. RS-232 ISO9001 IG09001 S102A PDF

    800w power amplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: 800w rf power amplifier circuit diagram 800w power supply circuit diagram 4-pin 27mhz crystal HFE4404 LED monitor circuit diagram ACS102 ACS102A ACS102A-PL ACS102A-TQ
    Text: Acapella Optical Modem IC ACS102A Main Features: * Full duplex serial transm ission over single/twin fiber. * Link lengths up to 25km. * Supports asynchronous data rates from DC to 162kbps. * Full diagnostic modes - Remote and Local loopback. * Ultra low power consumption, typically 2-3mA, which could be

    OCR Scan
    ACS102A 162kbps. RS-232 800w power amplifier circuit diagram 800w rf power amplifier circuit diagram 800w power supply circuit diagram 4-pin 27mhz crystal HFE4404 LED monitor circuit diagram ACS102 ACS102A-PL ACS102A-TQ PDF

    ABB ACS401

    Abstract: st 01703 Honeywell DBM 01 16 PIN duplex led display hafo HFE4404 ACS401 HFE4214-013 HFE4404-013 bcp64
    Text: GO W I—I w GO O o Acapella Optical Modem IC ACS401 Main Features: * Enables up to fo u r fu ll-d u p le x serial tra n sm issio n channels through a single fiber optic cable, providing eight virtual fiber paths. * Two additional low speed handshake signals.

    OCR Scan
    ACS401 ABB ACS401 st 01703 Honeywell DBM 01 16 PIN duplex led display hafo HFE4404 HFE4214-013 HFE4404-013 bcp64 PDF