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    HCS373DTR Search Results

    HCS373DTR Datasheets (1)

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    HCS373DTR Intersil Radiation Hardened Octal Transparent Latch, Three-State Original PDF

    HCS373DTR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D1417 "silicon on sapphire" HCS373 HCS373DTR HCS373KTR HCS373T
    Text: HCS373T Data Sheet July 1999 Radiation Hardened Octal Transparent Latch, Three-State Intersil’s Satellite Applications FlowTM SAF devices are fully tested and guaranteed to 100kRAD total dose. These QML Class T devices are processed to a standard flow intended

    HCS373T 100kRAD HCS373T TA143 D1417 "silicon on sapphire" HCS373 HCS373DTR HCS373KTR PDF


    Abstract: HCS373KTR HCS373T
    Text: HCS373T TM Data Sheet July 1999 Radiation Hardened Octal Transparent Latch, Three-State FN4617.1 Features • QML Class T, Per MIL-PRF-38535 Intersil’s Satellite Applications FlowTM SAF devices are fully tested and guaranteed to 100kRAD total dose. These QML

    HCS373T FN4617 MIL-PRF-38535 100kRAD HCS373T HCS373DTR HCS373KTR PDF


    Abstract: HCS373
    Text: R E V IS IO N S LTR D E S C R IP T IO N D A TE Y R -M O -D A APPROVED C han ges IA W N O R 5 9 6 2 -R 0 9 3 -9 8 - thl 98-04-21 R aym ond L. Monnin A dd de vice class T criteria. Editorial cha nges throughout. - jak 98 -12-07 M o nica L. Poelking C orrect th e Total Dose Rate and update R H A levels. - LTG

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    5962-R093-98 D9201V9A HCS373HMSR 5962R9579201TRC HCS373DTR 5962R9579201TXC HCS373KTR qml-38535 HCS373 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCS373T Semiconductor December 1998 Data Sheet Radiation Hardened Octal Transparent Latch, Three-State Harris’ Satellite Applications Flow SAF devices are fully tested and guaranteed to 100kRAD total dose. These QML Class T devices are processed to a standard flow intended

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    HCS373T 100kRAD MIL-PRF-38535 HCS373T 1-800-4-HARR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCS373T July 1999 Data Sheet Radiation Hardened Octal Transparent Latch, Three-State Harris’ Satellite Applications Flow SAF devices are fully tested and guaranteed to 100kRAD total dose. These QML Class T devices are processed to a standard flow intended

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    HCS373T 100kRAD MIL-PRF-38535 HCS373T 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HCS373T Semiconductor D e c e m b e r 1998 D a ta S h e e t Radiation Hardened Octal Transparent Latch, Three-State H arris’ Satellite Applications Flow SAF devices are fully tested and guaranteed to 100kRAD total dose. These QML Class T devices are processed to a standard flow intended

    OCR Scan
    HCS373T 100kRAD HCS373T 1-800-4-HARR PDF