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    HCGF5 Datasheets (1)

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    Abstract: HCGF5A2G
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Product Numbering System for HCGF5 and HCGF6 Series Example: HCGF6 Series, A terminals, 400V, 10,000µF ±20%, Y bracket, 77 x 195mm HCGF6 A 2G 103 Y E20R Case code Type of bracket Y or I Capacitance code Rated Voltage code

    195mm 120Hz hcgf5a2c HCGF5A2G PDF


    Abstract: HCGF6A2G153Y HCGF6A2G822Y HCGF6A2W123YF Hitachi AIC C12R D10R E20R 064115 HCGF6A2G682Y
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF6A Series Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85°C Product Specifications Features • The size is reduced by about 14% of the HCGF5 type and the rating 500 V DC is added in the series. A super large case product of ø100 is also added.

    120Hz) HCGF6A2H122YC HCGF6A2H122YD HCGF6A2H152YC HCGF6A2H152YD HCGF6A2H182Y HCGF6A2H222Y HCGF6A2H272Y HCGF5 HCGF6A2G153Y HCGF6A2G822Y HCGF6A2W123YF Hitachi AIC C12R D10R E20R 064115 HCGF6A2G682Y PDF


    Abstract: HITACHI 4700 400V HCGF5 HCGF5A2G472Y C12R D10R hcgf5a2c HCGF5A2G822Y hcgf5a2c223 hcgf5a
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF5A Series Useful of 4,000 hours at 85°C Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85°C Product Specifications Features • Standard products that have been used for many years. Items Temperature range Capacitance tolerance

    120Hz) 120Hz 120Hz HCGF5A2G3311 HCGF5A2G3911 HCGF5A2G4711 HCGF5A2G5611 HCGF5A2G6811 HCGF5A2W103Y HITACHI 4700 400V HCGF5 HCGF5A2G472Y C12R D10R hcgf5a2c HCGF5A2G822Y hcgf5a2c223 hcgf5a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF5A Series Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85°C Product Specifications Features • Standard products that have been used for many years. Items Temperature range Capacitance tolerance Rated voltage Leakage current

    120Hz) convolutio06 HCGF5A2G3311 HCGF5A2G3911 HCGF5A2G4711 HCGF5A2G5611 HCGF5A2G6811 HCGF5A2G8211 PDF


    Abstract: HCGF5A2V222Y HCGF5 HITACHI 4700 400V hcgf5a2v472 470 uf 400V C12R D10R CODE A12 HCGF5A2G472Y
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF5A Series Useful of 4,000 hours at 85°C Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85°C Product Specifications Features • Standard products that have been used for many years. Ripple current correction coefficient

    120Hz) 120Hz 120Hz HCGF5A2G3311 HCGF5A2G3911 HCGF5A2G4711 HCGF5A2G5611 HCGF5A2G6811 HCGF5A HCGF5A2V222Y HCGF5 HITACHI 4700 400V hcgf5a2v472 470 uf 400V C12R D10R CODE A12 HCGF5A2G472Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Product Development Trends SCREW CAPACITORS 10,000-hour product guarantee 5,000-hour product guarantee 2,000-hour product guarantee Longer Life HCG7 P.28 Higher Temperature More Compact GXA (P.41) FXA (P.36) HCGF5 (P.32)

    000-hour PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF5A Series Useful of 4,000 hours at 85°C Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85°C • Conform RoHS Features • Standard products that have been used for many years. Product Specifications Items Temperature range

    120Hz) HCGF5A2W271â HCGF5A2W331â HCGF5A2W391â HCGF5A2W471â HCGF5A2W561â HCGF5A2W681â HCGF5A2W821Y HCGF5A2W102Y HCGF5A2W122Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF6A Series Useful of 4,000 hours at 85°C Warranty of 2,000 hours at 85°C • Conform RoHS Features • The size is reduced by about 14% of the HCGF5A series and the rating 500 V DC is added in the series. A super



    Abstract: HCGF5A2V222Y HCGF5A2G822Y HCGF5A2G hcgf5a2v472 hcgf5a E20R HCGF5A2G152Y 2G103 HCGF5A2G272YD10R
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Product Numbering System for HCGF5 and HCGF6 Series Example: HCGF6 Series, A terminals, 400V, 10,000µF ±20%, Y bracket, 77 x 195mm HCGF6 A 2G 103 Y E20R Case code Type of bracket Y or I Capacitance code Rated Voltage code

    195mm 120Hz HCGF5 HCGF5A2V222Y HCGF5A2G822Y HCGF5A2G hcgf5a2v472 hcgf5a E20R HCGF5A2G152Y 2G103 HCGF5A2G272YD10R PDF

    Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

    Abstract: DAEWOO CAPACITORS FHS Nippon KMM Samwha electrolytic capacitors Nippon Chemi-Con smh LXQ nippon Daewoo electrolytic capacitors Nichicon KMM Nichicon GU
    Text: Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Cross Reference Load Life 2000h at 85C Capacitors JNC 3000h at 85C B41231 B43510/B43520 B43511/B43521 B41252 B43504 B43515/B43525 B43501 B43540 2000h at 105C JNE 5000h at 85C JNG 3000h at 105C JNJ 5000h at 105c JNK

    2000h 3000h B41231 B43510/B43520 B43511/B43521 B41252 B43504 B43515/B43525 B43501 B43540 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors DAEWOO CAPACITORS FHS Nippon KMM Samwha electrolytic capacitors Nippon Chemi-Con smh LXQ nippon Daewoo electrolytic capacitors Nichicon KMM Nichicon GU PDF

    Hitachi AIC GXH

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Large Can Capacitors with Screw Terminals This Section Contains: HCG7 Series – 2000 hours at 85°C. 15% smaller than HCG6 series is achieved through development of foil technology, yet has the same permissible ripple current

    400-500VDC. 100mm Hitachi AIC GXH PDF

    hitachi hu5

    Abstract: GXA Series
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Service Life Handling Cautions Test Conditions Rated Voltage Rated Ripple Current Rated Temperature Polarity Electrolytic capacitors are polar and must never be used with incorrect polarity, as this creates a likely danger of shorting or



    Abstract: capacitor mcd2e204m FXA2V392YD Hitachi AIC FX2 mddsa vent capacitor 2E103 MMX-E2A104JT hitachi hu5 HL22G471MRA
    Text: HITACHI AIC CAPACITORS To Our Friends and Customers As one of the leading capacitor manufacturers in the world, Hitachi AIC offers an excellent variety of capacitors to serve your design needs. In this catalog, along with an expanded product offering, we have included

    C5102-1994 100kHz) 100kHz, mcd2e204m capacitor mcd2e204m FXA2V392YD Hitachi AIC FX2 mddsa vent capacitor 2E103 MMX-E2A104JT hitachi hu5 HL22G471MRA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS TECHNICAL REPORT Structure, characteristics and failures 1. Electrostatic capacitance of capacitors Capacitors have a structure like that shown in Figure 1, in which a dielectric substrate is sandwiched between two electrodes. The



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI AIC CAPACITORS TABLE OF CONTENTS Voltage Codes and Capacitance Tolerance Product Development Trends Screw



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS HCGF5 and HCGF6 Product Specifications Items Température range Capacitance Iterance Leakage current Specifications -25°C to +85°C Product symbol : Example HCGF6 Series A ±20% (20°C, 120Hz) 0.01CV (|JA) or 5mA, whichever is smaller.

    OCR Scan
    120Hz) PDF


    Abstract: HCGF5
    Text: A LU M IN U M ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS La rg e C a n A lu m in u m Ele ctro lytic C a p a c ito rs HGG7 series [Small size] Warranty of 2000 hours at 85°C The size is reduced by 15% of HGG6 series through developm ent of new foil technology and has the same permissible ripple current capability as HCG6 series.

    OCR Scan

    hitachi hp3

    Abstract: Hitachi tantalum Hitachi HU3 HU4 capacitor hitachi TMCU
    Text: HITACHI CAPACITORS REMARKS FEATURES TYPE PAGE TMCM C hip Tantalum Capacitors Miniature type 6 oc o TMCS Chip Tantalum Capacitors Standard type 6 ô < TMCU Chip Tantalum Capacitors Ultra flat-low profile 7 < o TMCP Chip Tantalum Capacitors 0805 size 7 TMCTX

    OCR Scan
    hours/85 hours/105 hoirs/85 hitachi hp3 Hitachi tantalum Hitachi HU3 HU4 capacitor hitachi TMCU PDF