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    H125 LOGIC Search Results

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    DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN55NJ0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 55nH 1500mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CNR56J0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 560nH 450mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DFE322520F-2R2M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 2.2uH 4400mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN4N9D0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 4.9nH 2600mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    H125 LOGIC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DSUB111 M33 TRANSISTOR RB1010 DIOD003 H124-H125 ws106 T08I3 BF113 H125
    Text: AN1598/D H124, 125, 350−352 Translator I/O SPICE Modelling Kit Prepared by: Debbie Beckwith Andrea Diermeier ECL Applications Engineering APPLICATION NOTE This application note provides the SPICE information necessary to accurately model system interconnect situations for

    AN1598/D H124 DSUB111 M33 TRANSISTOR RB1010 DIOD003 H124-H125 ws106 T08I3 BF113 H125 PDF


    Abstract: H124 PNT02 H124-H125 XR2444 AN1598 npn TTL LOGIC pspice model designing with mecl 10,000 H352 H351
    Text: AN1598 Application Note H124, 125, 350-352 Translator I/O SPICE Modelling Kit Prepared by Debbie Beckwith Andrea Diermeier ECL Applications Engineering This application note provides the SPICE information necessary to accurately model system interconnect situations for designs which utilize the translator circuits of

    AN1598 MECL10KH AN1598/D DL140 DSUB111 H124 PNT02 H124-H125 XR2444 AN1598 npn TTL LOGIC pspice model designing with mecl 10,000 H352 H351 PDF

    cpu schematic

    Abstract: 82385 t1ts MECL System Design Handbook AP-442 f245 motorola 386DX EDN handbook cmos disadvantages 74AS646
    Text: AP-442 APPLICATION NOTE 33 MHz 386 System Design Considerations SHAHZAD BAQAI KIYOSHI NISHIDE May 1990 Order Number 240725-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-442 IE-34 cpu schematic 82385 t1ts MECL System Design Handbook AP-442 f245 motorola 386DX EDN handbook cmos disadvantages 74AS646 PDF

    motorola mecl system design handbook

    Abstract: MECL System Design Handbook f245 motorola 82385 74AS08 cpu schematic H124 BF245 SE 442 386 cpu
    Text: AP-442 APPLICATION NOTE 33 MHz 386 System Design Considerations SHAHZAD BAQAI KIYOSHI NISHIDE May 1990 Order Number 240725-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-442 IE-34 motorola mecl system design handbook MECL System Design Handbook f245 motorola 82385 74AS08 cpu schematic H124 BF245 SE 442 386 cpu PDF

    h122 ic

    Abstract: h123 H129 H131 H117 D1 H121 .h116 ic h122 logic H113 of ic 74HC14
    Text: 19-3717; Rev 1; 11/05 MAX1179 Evaluation Kit Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout ♦ Convenient On-Board Test Points ♦ Fully Assembled and Tested Ordering Information PART MAX1179EVKIT TEMP RANGE 0°C to +70°C Quick Start Component List DESIGNATION QTY

    MAX1179 MAX1179EVKIT LMK325BJ106MN JMK212BJ106MG DG2020A MAX1156 h122 ic h123 H129 H131 H117 D1 H121 .h116 ic h122 logic H113 of ic 74HC14 PDF


    Abstract: H121 H117 H117 D1 IC 74HC14 DATA SHEET 74HC14 capacitor h128 LMK325BJ106MN MAX1165 MAX1165EVKIT
    Text: 19-2558; Rev 0; 6/02 MAX1165 Evaluation Kit The MAX1165 evaluation kit EV kit is an assembled and tested circuit board that demonstrates the MAX1165 analog-to-digital converter. The EV kit can also evaluate the MAX1065/MAX1066 and MAX1165/ MAX1166. Request free samples of the desired parts

    MAX1165 MAX1065/MAX1066 MAX1165/ MAX1166. MAX1165EVKIT LMK325BJ106MN DG2020a H121 H117 H117 D1 IC 74HC14 DATA SHEET 74HC14 capacitor h128 LMK325BJ106MN MAX1165EVKIT PDF


    Abstract: C105K c1608x5r1 TDS3012 MAX14548AEEWL H123 H117 D1 H222 C1005X5R0J105K GRM155R71C104K
    Text: 19-5298; Rev 0; 6/10 MAX14548E Evaluation Kit The MAX14548E evaluation kit EV kit provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX14548E 16-channel, bidirectional level translator. The MAX14548E translates between VL and VCC logic levels for data rates up to

    MAX14548E 16-channel, 100Mbps 50MHz) MAX14548EEWL+ 40-bump MAX14548AEEWL+ R49-R56 C105K c1608x5r1 TDS3012 MAX14548AEEWL H123 H117 D1 H222 C1005X5R0J105K GRM155R71C104K PDF


    Abstract: H352 DL122 DL140 ept20 EPT25 LVEL92 EPT22 H124 ttl databook
    Text: AN1672/D The ECL Translator Guide ECL • TTL • PECL • LVECL • LVPECL • CMOS • LVTTL How To Make Them Talk To Each Other Prepared by: Paul Shockman, Paul Hunt ON Semiconductor Logic Applications Engineering APPLICATION NOTE Translation between ECL signals off different power

    AN1672/D r14525 el90 H352 DL122 DL140 ept20 EPT25 LVEL92 EPT22 H124 ttl databook PDF


    Abstract: h911 D4S20D H914 H918 H714 H710 LVTLL 13h3 GRM21BR61C106K
    Text: 19-4939; Rev 0; 9/09 MAX9217/MAX9218 Evaluation Kit The MAX9217/MAX9218 evaluation kit EV kit provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX9217 27-bit, 3MHz to 35MHz DC-balanced LVDS serializer and the MAX9218 27-bit, 3MHz to 35MHz DC-balanced LVDS deserializer.

    MAX9217/MAX9218 MAX9217 27-bit, 35MHz MAX9218 MAX9218 D4S20D-40ML5-Z h911 D4S20D H914 H918 H714 H710 LVTLL 13h3 GRM21BR61C106K PDF


    Abstract: D4S20D-40ML5-Z LVTLL H313 H417 D4S20D h9540 ROSENBERGER MAX9247 H515
    Text: 19-4940; Rev 0; 9/09 MAX9247/MAX9248 Evaluation Kit The MAX9247/MAX9248 evaluation kit EV kit provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX9247 27-bit, 2.5MHz to 42MHz DC-balanced LVDS serializer and the MAX9248 27-bit, 2.5MHz to 42MHz DC-balanced LVDS deserializer. The MAX9247 serializes 27 bits of parallel

    MAX9247/MAX9248 MAX9247 27-bit, 42MHz MAX9248 H911 D4S20D-40ML5-Z LVTLL H313 H417 D4S20D h9540 ROSENBERGER H515 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BA6109 Reversible-motor driver The BA6109 is a monolithic IC used to drive small electric motors. Dimensions Units : mm BA6109 (HSIP10) Features • available in a HSIP10 package • supply voltage range (6 to 18 V) • power dissipation (2200 mW) • output motor driving current up to

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    BA6109 BA6109 HSIP10 HSIP10) PDF


    Abstract: 2N5066
    Text: D /A SWITCHiES These circuits are designed specifically fo r D /A conversion, where low and stable Ron is o f prim ary concern. Most o f these circuits use o u r ow n epitaxial ju n c tio n bip o la r transistors such as the 2N 3677 and 2N 5066. In addition to low Ron , m ost have an o ffse t voltage o f under 1 m illiv o lt. A ll o f o u r circuits w ill

    OCR Scan
    2N3677 2N5066. 10KS2 2N5066 PDF


    Abstract: IR2412 wj3 transistor transistor wj3 idf2
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC DIV 15E 0 | ô lô O T 'ïâ OOOmS IR2412A 13-Bit Serial-Input/Parallel-Output Driver IR2412A 13-Bit Serial-Input/Parallel-Output Driver Pin Connections Description The IR2412A is a 13-circuit serial- input/parallel output driver. The internal clamping diodes enable

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    13-Bit IR2412A IR2412A 13-circuit 13-bit) 28-pin 100mA. IR2412 wj3 transistor transistor wj3 idf2 PDF

    SW 520D

    Abstract: PST520C PST520D T520D PST520E pst520
    Text: n i T S U n i E L E C T R I C CO^ LTD <4ÖE D b 2 S G 2 7 5 0 G 0 1 5 4 1 b?l • MEC J \\ 1 C 'V X x A U t '^ h f f l F o r S y s te m R e s e ttin g Monolithic IC PST520 Series * I C t t3 i? ii: C P U 7- D ÿ y ÿ W f iK ; m % ycv7~ 7 - Afe. ' -fe -> h

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    PST520 55/iA PST520C PST520D PST520E PST520F PST520G PST520H PST520C. SW 520D T520D PDF

    pin diagram LM710

    Abstract: LM710 LM710H
    Text: LM710 Voltage Comparators NS LM710 voltage com parator ge n e ra l d e sc rip tio n saturating co m p arator applications. In fact, the low stray and w irin g capacitances that can be realized w ith m o n o lith ic co nstru ction m ake the device d if­ ficult to d uplicate w ith discrete co m p o n e n ts op e r­

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    LM710 pin diagram LM710 LM710H PDF


    Abstract: 20b7 DAC0812 DAC08
    Text: 8-B IT HIGH SPEED MULTIPLYING D/A CONVERTER NJMDAC-08C N JM DA C-08C series are 8-bit monolithic multiplying digital to analog converters with very highspeed perfomance. O pen collecto r o u tp u t provides d u al com plem entary cu rren t o u tp u ts increasing versatility in ap p licatio n .

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    NJMDAC-08C C-08C NIMDAC-08C 40H1 20b7 DAC0812 DAC08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Communication ICs Read/Write Amplifier for FDD BH6628AFS The BH6628AFS is a 4 -m o de rea d/w rite 1C d e sig n e d fo r flo p p y d isk drives and has an active filte r th a t can be set according to transfer rate. Any o f m ultiple write current settings can be selected, and inner e d ge/outer edge sw itch­

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    BH6628AFS BH6628AFS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SA M S U N G SEMICONDUCTOR INC OS KS54HC5TOS ÿ à f à Ï T & Â KS74HCTLS A w X / W * De | 7 ^ 4 1 4 5 OODhbOE 8-Bit Latch/Register with Readback Preliminary Specifications FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 1 0 port configuration enables output data back onto input bus

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    KS54HC5TOS KS74HCTLS 54/74LS KS74HCTLS: 7Tb414S 14-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R 74LVX125 Low Voltage Quad Buffer w ith 3-STATE O utputs General Description Features The LVX125 contains lour independent non-inverting buffers with 3-STATE outputs. The inputs tolerate voltages up to 7V allowing the interface of 5V systems to 3V systems.

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    74LVX125 LVX125 74LVX125M 74LVX125SJ 74LVX125MTC MTC14 14-Lead PDF


    Abstract: J24E W24B I-7520
    Text: Semiconductor 100364 Low Power 16-lnput Multiplexer General Description The 100364 is a 16-input multiplexer. Data paths are con­ trolled by four S elect lines S0—S3 . T h e ir decoding is shown in th e truth table. O utput data polarity is the sam e as the seleted input data. All inputs have 50 kQ pulldown resistors.

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    16-lnput 24-Lead F100K J24E W24B I-7520 PDF


    Abstract: fg m 004 26 01 1851M
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN 3659 M onolithic D igital IC N o.3659 / LB 1 8 5 1 M 3-Phase Brushless Motor Driver The LB1851M is a 3-phase brushless motor driver IC ideally suited for use in V C R capstan motor driver, drum motor driver, and D A T motor driver applications.

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    LB1851M LB1851M fg m 004 26 01 1851M PDF

    til 31a

    Abstract: IRHF7110 IRHF8110

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    IRHF7110 IRHF8110 IRHF8110 1x106 1x105 H-125 IRHF7110, H-126 til 31a PDF

    tc 3086

    Abstract: 100352 F100K J24E W24B
    Text: Semiconductor & 100352 Low Power 8-Bit Buffer with Cut-Off Drivers General Description Features The 100352 contains an 8-bit buffer, ind ivid ual in puts Dn , outputs (Qn), and a data output e n a ble pin (OEN). A Q out­ put fo llows its D input w hen the OEN pin is LOW. A HIGH on

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    24-Lead tc 3086 100352 F100K J24E W24B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.671A INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER AVALANCHE ENERGY AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTORS IRHF7110 IRHF811Q MEGA RAD HARD 100 Volt, 0.60ft, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s MEGA RAD HARD Technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown

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    IRHF7110 IRHF811Q 1x10s 1x106 H-125 IRHF7110, IRHF8110 PDF