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    H11G3M Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    H11G3M Fairchild Semiconductor High Voltage Photodarlington Optocouplers Original PDF
    H11G3M Fairchild Semiconductor 6-Pin DIP High Voltage Photodarlington Output Optocoupler; Package: DIP-W; No of Pins: 6; Container: Bulk Original PDF

    H11G3M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M High Voltage Photodarlington Optocouplers Features General Description • High BVCEO The H11GXM series are photodarlington-type optically coupled optocouplers. These devices have a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode coupled with a silicon

    H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M H11GXM H11G1M H11G2M E90700, H11G2M PDF


    Abstract: H11G1SR2M H11G1TM H11G1VM H11G2M H11G3M H11G1M H11G1SM fairchild logic
    Text: H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M High Voltage Photodarlington Optocouplers Features General Description • High BVCEO The H11GXM series are photodarlington-type optically coupled optocouplers. These devices have a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode coupled with a silicon

    H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M H11GXM H11G1M H11G2M E90700, H11G1 H11G1SR2M H11G1TM H11G1VM H11G2M H11G3M H11G1M H11G1SM fairchild logic PDF


    Abstract: H11G1M H11G1SM H11G1SR2M H11G1TM H11G1VM H11G2M H11G3M
    Text: H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M High Voltage Photodarlington Optocouplers Features General Description • High BVCEO The H11GXM series are photodarlington-type optically coupled optocouplers. These devices have a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode coupled with a silicon

    H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M H11GXM H11G1M H11G2M E90700, H11G1 H11G1M H11G1SM H11G1SR2M H11G1TM H11G1VM H11G2M H11G3M PDF


    Abstract: H11G1M H11G1SM H11G1SR2M H11G1TM H11G1VM H11G2M H11G3M
    Text: H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M High Voltage Photodarlington Optocouplers tm Features General Description • High BVCEO The H11GXM series are photodarlington-type optically coupled optocouplers. These devices have a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode coupled with a silicon

    H11G1M, H11G2M, H11G3M H11GXM H11G1M H11G2M E90700, H11GX H11G1M H11G1SM H11G1SR2M H11G1TM H11G1VM H11G2M H11G3M PDF

    optocoupler crossreference

    Abstract: fairchild optocoupler cross reference MOC256 H11AA1M H11AA2M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11L1M H11AA4M MOC3062M MOC3081M
    Text: AC Input Phototransistor Small Outline Surface Mount Optocoupler MOC256 The MOC256 is an AC input phototransistor optocoupler. The device consists of two infrared emitters connected in anti–parallel and coupled to a silicon NPN phototransistor detector. They are designed for applications requiring the

    MOC256 E90700, InputC215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M optocoupler crossreference fairchild optocoupler cross reference H11AA1M H11AA2M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11L1M H11AA4M MOC3062M MOC3081M PDF


    Abstract: MOC3051 "cross reference" moc3052 cross reference fairchild tape reel moc3052 MOC3052 "cross reference" parallel triacs triac operation MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS 4N25 zero CROSS MOC3051FM
    Text: MOC3051 MOC3052 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers 600 Volts Peak The MOC3051 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a non–Zero–crossing silicon bilateral AC switch (triac). The MOC3051 Series

    MOC3051 C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3051 "cross reference" moc3052 cross reference fairchild tape reel moc3052 MOC3052 "cross reference" parallel triacs triac operation MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS 4N25 zero CROSS MOC3051FM PDF

    application notes MOC3062

    Abstract: inverse-parallel scr drive circuit moc3061 application note moc3063 application note MOC3061-63 MOC3062M 4n25 application note zero crossing pulse MOC3061 optocoupler MOC 4N35 moc3063sm
    Text: MOC3061 MOC3062 MOC3063 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Zero-Cross Optoisolators Triac Driver Output 600 Volts Peak The MOC3061, MOC3062 and MOC3063 devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to monolithic silicon detectors

    MOC3061, MOC3062 MOC3063 C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M application notes MOC3062 inverse-parallel scr drive circuit moc3061 application note moc3063 application note MOC3061-63 MOC3062M 4n25 application note zero crossing pulse MOC3061 optocoupler MOC 4N35 moc3063sm PDF


    Abstract: motorola optocoupler moc5007 mocd208m MOC3052M H11AA4M H11G2M MOC8050M
    Text: MOC5007 MOC5008 MOC5009 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators Logic Output The MOC5007, MOC5008 and MOC5009 have a gallium arsenide IRED optically coupled to a high–speed integrated detector with Schmitt trigger output. Ideal for applications requiring electrical isolation, fast response time,

    MOC5007, MOC5008 MOC5009 MOC5007 MOC5009 CompuC215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC5009-M motorola optocoupler moc5007 mocd208m MOC3052M H11AA4M H11G2M MOC8050M PDF

    optocoupler 2705

    Abstract: AN-3006 CNY 817 AN-3004 FOD3180 fod3180 applications mct 3021 FOD073L POWER MOSFET DRIVE semiconductors cross reference
    Text: optocoupler selection guide Saving our world, 1mW at a time introduction Fairchild semiconductor is a leader in the design and production of optocouplers. We offer a broad range of package platforms and incorporate various combinations of input and output configurations. our offerings include


    216 OPTO SO8

    Abstract: MOC216R1 motorola 4n35 Dual opto coupler IC SOIC 8 footprint MOC3052M MOC215/buy/GDZ4.3BD5 H11AA4M H11G2M MOC3081M
    Text: Transistor Output Low Input Current These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. They are ideally suited for high density

    MOC215, andC215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M MOC3081-M 216 OPTO SO8 MOC216R1 motorola 4n35 Dual opto coupler IC SOIC 8 footprint MOC3052M MOC215/buy/GDZ4.3BD5 H11AA4M H11G2M MOC3081M PDF

    Opto Coupler 4N36

    Abstract: MOC207R1-M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11D1M E90700 motorola 4N35 opto - coupler MOC206 "cross reference" Surface wave coupler 4N33 "cross reference" MOC205-M
    Text: Transistor Output These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. They are ideally suited for high density applications, and eliminate the need for through–the–board mounting.

    MOC205, E90700, MOC205-M Opto Coupler 4N36 MOC207R1-M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11D1M E90700 motorola 4N35 opto - coupler MOC206 "cross reference" Surface wave coupler 4N33 "cross reference" PDF


    Abstract: Dual opto coupler IC MOC3023-M 4N26-M MOC306 MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11AA4M 4N32M MOC8050M MOC223M
    Text: Transistor Output These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. They are ideally suited for high density applications, and eliminate the need for through–the–board mounting.

    MOC211, MOCC215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M MOC3081-M H11D1M Dual opto coupler IC MOC3023-M 4N26-M MOC306 MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11AA4M 4N32M MOC8050M MOC223M PDF


    Abstract: motorola 4n35 MOCD208-M 17434 MOTOROLA 813 transistor CNY17 pulse circuit H11AA4M H11G2M H11AV1M MOC8050M
    Text: MOC8100 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Optoisolator Transistor Output The MOC8100 device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector. It is designed for applications requiring higher output collector current IC with lower input

    MOC8100 C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M MOC3081-M H11D1M motorola 4n35 MOCD208-M 17434 MOTOROLA 813 transistor CNY17 pulse circuit H11AA4M H11G2M H11AV1M MOC8050M PDF

    MOC3163 cross reference

    Abstract: ac motor speed control circuit with triac and moc Triac trigger circuit triac snubber ac motor Triac 4N35 triac snubber varistor MOC8100M 4n25 application note zero crossing pulse zero crossing triac H11AA4M
    Text: MOC3162 MOC3163 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Zero-Cross Optoisolators Triac Driver Output 600 Volts Peak The MOC3162 and MOC3163 devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to monolithic silicon detectors performing the

    MOC3162 MOC3163 C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M MOC3163 cross reference ac motor speed control circuit with triac and moc Triac trigger circuit triac snubber ac motor Triac 4N35 triac snubber varistor MOC8100M 4n25 application note zero crossing pulse zero crossing triac H11AA4M PDF

    4n25 application note zero crossing pulse

    Abstract: moc3081 application note MOC3082 MOC3081 MOC3083 moc3083 application MOC3083 and applications ac motor speed control circuit with triac and moc optocoupler 4n33 4N37-M
    Text: MOC3081 MOC3082 MOC3083 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Zero-Cross Optoisolators Triac Driver Output 800 Volts Peak The MOC3081, MOC3082 and MOC3083 devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to monolithic silicon detectors

    MOC3081, MOC3082 MOC3083 C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M 4n25 application note zero crossing pulse moc3081 application note MOC3081 moc3083 application MOC3083 and applications ac motor speed control circuit with triac and moc optocoupler 4n33 4N37-M PDF

    D217 OPTO

    Abstract: MOC 4N25 MOCD217 Opto Coupler 4N33 MOCD217R2M 4N33 "cross reference" moc opto h11d1 motorola MOC3041-M application notes 4N25A
    Text: Dual Channel Small Outline Optoisolators MOCD217 Transistor Output Low Input Current The MOCD217 device consists of two gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to two monolithic silicon phototransistor detectors, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. It is ideally suited for high

    MOCD217 RS481A InpC215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M D217 OPTO MOC 4N25 Opto Coupler 4N33 MOCD217R2M 4N33 "cross reference" moc opto h11d1 motorola MOC3041-M application notes 4N25A PDF

    D223 OPTO

    Abstract: darlington optocoupler cross reference MOCD217M H11AA2M MOC8204M H11AA4M H11G2M MOC3081M H11D1M 4N32M
    Text: Dual Channel Small Outline Optoisolators MOCD223 Darlington Output The MOCD223 device consists of two gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to two monolithic silicon phototransistor darlington detectors, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. It is ideally

    MOCD223 3C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M MOC3081-M D223 OPTO darlington optocoupler cross reference MOCD217M H11AA2M MOC8204M H11AA4M H11G2M MOC3081M H11D1M 4N32M PDF

    opto transistor moc

    Abstract: MOCD211 H11AA1M MOCD211R2 D211 OPTO 4n33 4n25 H11AA4M MOC3081M 4N35M H11D1M
    Text: Dual Channel Small Outline Optoisolators MOCD211 Transistor Output The MOCD211 device consists of two gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to two monolithic silicon phototransistor detectors, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. It is ideally suited for high

    MOCD211 E90700, InformC215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M opto transistor moc H11AA1M MOCD211R2 D211 OPTO 4n33 4n25 H11AA4M MOC3081M 4N35M H11D1M PDF


    Abstract: PWM IC 6-PIN DIP optocoupler 4-pin dip open collector TIL117-M equivalent hcpl3700 74OL6000M FODM121 FOD3181 H11F1M zener diode reference guide
    Text: Optocoupler Selection Guide Introduction Fairchild Semiconductor is a leader in the design and production of optocouplers, offering a broad range of package platforms, incorporating various combinations of input and output configurations. We offer simple function optocouplers for low-bandwidth/general switching applications, high performance optocouplers for high bandwidth/high-gain applications, highvoltage optocouplers for AC load switching applications, and other complex functions that provide unique performance



    Abstract: MOCD223M H11AA2M MOC 4N25 MOC223R2M H11AA4M MOC3062M MOC3081M 4N35M H11D1M
    Text: Small Outline Optoisolators MOC223 Darlington Output These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon photodarlington detector, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. They are ideally suited for high density

    C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M MOC3081-M MOC3163-M MOC223 MOCD223M H11AA2M MOC 4N25 MOC223R2M H11AA4M MOC3062M MOC3081M 4N35M H11D1M PDF