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    H1183NL3A Search Results

    H1183NL3A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10/100BASE-T SINGLE PORT SURFACE MOUNT MAGNETICS With Various Turns Ratios RoHS-5 peak reflow temperature rating 235°C RoHS-6 peak reflow temperature rating 245°C°° Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint for use in the most space-restrictive applications

    10/100BASE-T H1100NL3a H1101NL3a H1102NL3a H1121NL3c H1183NL3a H1199NL3a HX1188NL1, HX1198 H1302NL3a PDF


    Abstract: H1102 H110X
    Text: 10/100BASE-T SINGLE PORT SURFACE MOUNT MAGNETICS With Various Turns Ratios RoHS-5 peak reflow temperature rating 235°C RoHS-6 peak reflow temperature rating 245°C°° Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint for use in the most space-restrictive applications

    10/100BASE-T H1100 H1101 H1102 H1121 H1183 H1199 HX1188 HX1198 H1302 H110X PDF


    Abstract: h1102 H110X
    Text: 10/100BASE-T SINGLE PORT SURFACE MOUNT MAGNETICS With Various Turns Ratios RoHS-5 peak reflow temperature rating 235°C RoHS-6 peak reflow temperature rating 245°C°° Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint for use in the most space-restrictive applications

    10/100BASE-T H1100NL3a H1101NL3a H1102NL3a H1121NL3c H1183NL3a H1199NL3a HX1188NL1, HX1198 H1302NL3a HX1188 h1102 H110X PDF


    Abstract: HX1198 H1101 H1102 HX1188NL1 H1102 10/100 H110X H1121 H1100 H1183
    Text: 10/100BASE-T SINGLE PORT SURFACE MOUNT MAGNETICS With Various Turns Ratios RoHS-5 peak reflow temperature rating 235°C RoHS-6 peak reflow temperature rating 245°C°° Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint for use in the most space-restrictive applications

    10/100BASE-T H1100 H1101 H1102 H1121 H1183 H1199 HX1188 HX1198 H1302 H1101 H1102 HX1188NL1 H1102 10/100 H110X H1121 H1100 H1183 PDF

    hx1188 pulse

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10/100BASE-T SINGLE PORT SURFACE MOUNT MAGNETICS With Various Turns Ratios RoHS-5 peak reflow temperature rating 235°C RoHS-6 peak reflow temperature rating 245°C°° Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint for use in the most space-restrictive applications

    10/100BASE-T H1100 H1101 H1102 H1121 H1183 H1199 HX1188 HX1198 H1302 hx1188 pulse PDF


    Abstract: hx1198nl hx1188nl H1102NL H1183NL H110XNL H1121NL H1102NL PULSE HX1188NL1 H1302NL
    Text: 10/100BASE-T SINGLE PORT SURFACE MOUNT MAGNETICS With Various Turns Ratios RoHS peak reflow temperature rating: 245°C°° Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint for use in the most space-restrictive applications Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature 0°C to 70°C

    10/100BASE-T Hz-100 H1100NL3a H1101NL3a H1102NLT hx1198nl hx1188nl H1102NL H1183NL H110XNL H1121NL H1102NL PULSE HX1188NL1 H1302NL PDF


    Abstract: H1102NLT HX1198NL H1102NL HX1188NL1 H110XNL H1102NL PULSE h1183nl H11XXNL HX1198N
    Text: 10/100BASE-T SINGLE PORT SURFACE MOUNT MAGNETICS With Various Turns Ratios RoHS peak reflow temperature rating: 245°C°° Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint for use in the most space-restrictive applications Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature 0°C to 70°C

    10/100BASE-T Hz-100 H1100NL3a H1101NL3a HX1188NL H1102NLT HX1198NL H1102NL HX1188NL1 H110XNL H1102NL PULSE h1183nl H11XXNL HX1198N PDF