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    Abstract: KMZ52 Philips application note using kmz51 kmz51 philips kmz51 compass KMZ51 application compass kmz with microcontroller compass ic compass philips KMZ10
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Electronic Compass Design using KMZ51 and KMZ52 AN00022 Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Application Note AN00022 Electronic Compass Design using KMZ51 and KMZ52 Abstract The KMZ51 and KMZ52 from Philips Semiconductors are magnetic field sensors, dedicated to compass

    KMZ51 KMZ52 AN00022 KMZ52 Philips application note using kmz51 kmz51 philips kmz51 compass KMZ51 application compass kmz with microcontroller compass ic compass philips KMZ10 PDF

    Short range radar sensor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-BAND RADAR SERIES Marine Electronics S-BAND • 20” or 23” LCD flat panel super TFT exceeding 340 mm PPI equivalent; • Very versatile solution allowing maximum configurability according to customer requirements; • Proven state of the art technology in a new



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRS39 Technical Datasheet Analogue Angular Rate Sensor High Performance MEMS Gyroscope CRS39-01 CRS39-02 Unpackaged Packaged Features 1 General Description • Proven and Robust silicon MEMS vibrating ring structure • FOG-like performance • DTG-like size and performance

    CRS39 CRS39-01 CRS39-02 CRS39-00-0100-132 PDF

    115v 400Hz with 5V DC

    Abstract: SAC1763 applications of ujt UJT specification transformer 400Hz 115v 15v SACI763S14 transformer 400Hz 115v 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter SAC1763622 pin out diagram of UJT
    Text: -. Synchro/Resolver to-LinearDCConverter ANALOG W DEVICES SAC1763 FEATURES High Dynamic Performance 27,000° /sec High Accuracy (:1:11Arc-Minutes) Internal Converter Tracking Loop Provides High Noise Immunity Low Output Ripple (Less than 5mV pop) DC Output Proportional to Input Rate

    SAC1763 SAC1763 SACl763SII SACI763611 SACI763S12 SACI763612 SACI763S22 SAC1763622 SAC1763513 SACI763613 115v 400Hz with 5V DC applications of ujt UJT specification transformer 400Hz 115v 15v SACI763S14 transformer 400Hz 115v 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter pin out diagram of UJT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMP-1.2K Lithium-Niobate Fiber Optic Gyroscopes FOG DATASHEET | MAY 2014 Applications „„ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Guidance „„ Missile Guidance „„ Aeronautics and Aviation „„ Robotics ADVANCED SYSTEMS EMCORE’s long standing leadership in development of highly-accurate defense



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C o So mi on ng CRS39 Analogue Angular Rate Sensor High Performance MEMS Gyroscope CRS39-01 CRS39-02 Unpackaged Packaged Features CRS39 provides the optimum solution for low angular rate range applications where bias instability, angle random walk and low noise are of critical importance.

    CRS39 CRS39-01 CRS39-02 CRS39 CRS39-00-0100-131 PDF


    Abstract: CRS09 Angular Rate
    Text: CRS09 Technical Datasheet Analogue Angular Rate Sensor High Performance MEMS Gyroscope Features 1 General Description • Proven and Robust silicon MEMS vibrating ring structure • FOG-like performance • Low Bias Instability • Excellent Angle Random Walk

    CRS09 CRS09-00-0100-132 Specification Angular Rate PDF

    bias stability gyro mems

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRH02 Technical Datasheet Analogue Angular Rate Sensor High Performance MEMS Gyroscope Sensing Axis Features 1 General Description • Proven and Robust silicon MEMS VSG3Q vibrating ring structure • Four rate ranges available: ±25°/s, ±100°/s, ±200°/s

    CRH02 CRH02-00-0100-132 bias stability gyro mems PDF

    mems gyroscope

    Abstract: mems gyroscope three axis Gyroscope mems gyro automotive applications of mems gyroscope MEMS gyro sensor gyrocompass MEMS output velocity gyroscopes gyroscope ANGLE
    Text: How to Use Programmable Analog to Measure MEMS Gyroscopes By Patrick Prendergast, Applications Engineer, Cypress Semiconductor Corp. and Ben Kropf, Application Engineer, Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Executive Summary Advances in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology have allowed manufacturers to create complete gyroscope


    26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter

    Abstract: SAC1763 115v 400Hz resolver SAC1763518 26v 400Hz output sac 1763 90v 400Hz resolver RESOLVER SAC1763511 gyrocompass
    Text: AN ALO G D E V IC E S Synchro/Resolverto-Linear DC Converter SAC1763 FEA TU R ES High Dynamic Performance 2 7,00 0‘Vsec High Accuracy (±11 Arc-Minutes) Internal Converter Tracking Loop Provides High Noise Im munity Low O utput Ripple (Less than 5m V p-p)

    OCR Scan
    SAC1763 SAC1763513 400Hz SAC1763613 1763S SAC1763614 SAC1763518 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter 115v 400Hz resolver 26v 400Hz output sac 1763 90v 400Hz resolver RESOLVER SAC1763511 gyrocompass PDF


    Abstract: RS 608G AD2033 ad2027 D7507 cmos cookbook TIC04 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book D7522 Model 289J
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S DATAACQUISITION DATABOOK 1982 VOLUME II MODULES-SUBSYSTEMS General Information 1 Comprehensive Index to Both Volumes 2 Ordering Guide 3 am Operational Amplifiers 4 Isolation Amplifiers 5 Analog Multipliers/Dividers 6 RMS-to-DC Converters

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