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    telemecanique contactor catalogue

    Abstract: Telemecanique LC1D1210 GV3M63 LC1D1210 LC1K09 Telemecanique LC1D4011 LC1D4011 LC1-D4011 lc1k0910 lc1d8011
    Text: Telemecanique LH4 simple soft starting April 99 Why choose a Soft Start? Traditional starting methods, whilst ideal for many Electrical problems, such as current peaks and voltage drop on starting, and the need for overly large power supplies to cater for start


    moeller DIL 3M

    Abstract: 3VU1300-1MF00 XCM-A103 CA2-DN40 telemecanique XCMA102 LC1-D1810 TPE 11 DIL PKZM1-16 ca2-Dn22 CA10Y
    Text: Issued November 1994 018-455 Data Pack B Control and switch gear cross references Data Sheet Index 1. Krause and Naimer 2. Klockner Moeller 3. MTE 4. Omron 5. Pilz 6. Siemens 7. Square D 8. Télémécanique RS stock no. Manufacturer’s part no. 1. Krause and Naimer

    GBA001E CA10Y A203/GBA001EG moeller DIL 3M 3VU1300-1MF00 XCM-A103 CA2-DN40 telemecanique XCMA102 LC1-D1810 TPE 11 DIL PKZM1-16 ca2-Dn22 PDF


    Abstract: GV2-AN11 GV2AE11 GV2-AE11 GV2-M20 GV2M14 GV2-M05 GV2-AE20 GV2-M10 GV2-G05
    Text: Motor circuit-breakers Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers type GV2-M References Thermal-magnetic motor circuit-breakers GV2-M Pushbutton control Standard power ratings of 3-phase motors 50/60 Hz in category AC-3 220 400 230 V 415 V 440 V 500 V kW kW kW

    GV2-AS415 GV2-AS385 GV2-AS505 GV2-AK00 GV2-AK00 GV1-l3 GV2-AN11 GV2AE11 GV2-AE11 GV2-M20 GV2M14 GV2-M05 GV2-AE20 GV2-M10 GV2-G05 PDF


    Abstract: Telemecanique LC1k09 lp1k09 LC1K09 LP1K06 LP4K09 Telemecanique LC1k06 telemecanique ca2kn telemecanique contactors lc1-K09
    Text: Telemecanique GV2-M and K range with spring terminals References GV2-M motor circuit breakers References GV2-M013 GV2-M023 GV2-M033 GV2-M043 GV2-M053 GV2-M063 GV2-M073 Power kW 400/415V <0.06 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.25 0.37 0.75 Rating (A) 0.1 - 0.16 0.16 - 0.25

    GV2-M013 GV2-M023 GV2-M033 GV2-M043 GV2-M053 GV2-M063 GV2-M073 400/415V GV2-M083 GV2-M103 LC1k06 Telemecanique LC1k09 lp1k09 LC1K09 LP1K06 LP4K09 Telemecanique LC1k06 telemecanique ca2kn telemecanique contactors lc1-K09 PDF