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    GTO THYRISTOR DATASHEET Result Highlights (5)

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    CR8PM-12B-A8#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-C#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-Z-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-AT#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-ZK-E2-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    GTO THYRISTOR DATASHEET Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DGT409BCA DGT409BCA Reverse Blocking Gate Turn-off Thyristor Replaces January 2000 version, DS4414-4.0 APPLICATIONS The DGT409 BCA is a symmetrical GTO designed for applications which specifically require a reverse blocking capability, such as current source inverters CSI . Reverse

    DGT409BCA DS4414-4 DGT409 000V/Â PDF

    TGS 2600

    Abstract: GTO thyristor 3000V 800A 150a gto DGT409BCA DGT409BCA6565 TGS 200
    Text: DGT409BCA DGT409BCA Reverse Blocking Gate Turn-off Thyristor Replaces January 2000 version, DS4414-4.0 APPLICATIONS The DGT409 BCA is a symmetrical GTO designed for applications which specifically require a reverse blocking capability, such as current source inverters CSI . Reverse

    DGT409BCA DS4414-4 DGT409 TGS 2600 GTO thyristor 3000V 800A 150a gto DGT409BCA DGT409BCA6565 TGS 200 PDF

    TGS 2600

    Abstract: 150a gto TGS 2600 series TGS 800 GTO thyristor 3000V 800A GTO 6500V AN4506 DGT409BCA DGT409BCA6565 gto Gate Drive
    Text: DGT409BCA DGT409BCA Reverse Blocking Gate Turn-off Thyristor Replaces January 2000 version, DS4414-4.0 APPLICATIONS The DGT409 BCA is a symmetrical GTO designed for applications which specifically require a reverse blocking capability, such as current source inverters CSI . Reverse

    DGT409BCA DS4414-4 DGT409 TGS 2600 150a gto TGS 2600 series TGS 800 GTO thyristor 3000V 800A GTO 6500V AN4506 DGT409BCA DGT409BCA6565 gto Gate Drive PDF


    Abstract: EUPEC Thyristor gct thyristor 74x26mm eupec igbt BSM 100 gb FAST HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 4000 V EUPEC D1201 D1201 D170S eupec phase control thyristor
    Text: . power the Home Products F-Diode News Contact Editorials GTO Diodes . V RRM = 2500 V 2500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 6000 V 6000 V Company Search Site Content Fast Rectifier Diodes Freewh. Diodes for GCT & IGBT GTO Snubberdiodes part-no.

    D170S D170U snubber FOR 3PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER EUPEC Thyristor gct thyristor 74x26mm eupec igbt BSM 100 gb FAST HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 4000 V EUPEC D1201 D1201 eupec phase control thyristor PDF


    Abstract: D170U D1201 D170S single phase bridge rectifier pin configuration "921" Thyristor diode gto EUPEC Thyristor V4500 4500 igbt
    Text: . power the Home Products F-Diode News Contact Editorials GTO Diodes . V RRM = 2500 V 2500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 4500 V 6000 V 6000 V Company Search Site Content Fast Rectifier Diodes Freewh. Diodes for GCT & IGBT GTO Snubberdiodes part-no.

    D170S D170U DISC THYRISTOR D170U D1201 single phase bridge rectifier pin configuration "921" Thyristor diode gto EUPEC Thyristor V4500 4500 igbt PDF


    Abstract: GTO triac power IGBT MOSFET transistor GTO SCR di IR thyristor manual IR thyristor manual ST GTO thyristor driver power IGBT MOSFET GTO SCR diode power bjt advantages and disadvantages GTO thyristor Application notes Semiconductor Group igbt
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER SEMICONDUCTORS by J. M. Peter ABSTRACT Advantages and disadvantages are summarised, and the relative cost of each solution indicated. This paper aims to give a brief overview of the essential characteristics of power semiconductors,


    GTO thyristor Application notes

    Abstract: gto Gate Drive circuit HP optocoupler GTO gate drive unit DG306A GTO thyristor THYRISTOR GTO DGT304SE DGT409BCA AN4571
    Text: GDU 9X-XXXXX Series GDU 9X-XXXXX Series GTO Gate Drive Units Application Note Replaces March 1998 version, AN4571 - 5.1 AN4571-6.0 January 2000 This application note should be used in conjunction with individual Gate Drive Unit datasheets which contain electrical, timing and outline

    AN4571 AN4571-6 GTO thyristor Application notes gto Gate Drive circuit HP optocoupler GTO gate drive unit DG306A GTO thyristor THYRISTOR GTO DGT304SE DGT409BCA PDF

    GTO hvdc thyristor

    Abstract: 5STP 57U4200 abb thyristors 5STP03D6500 6" thyristor for HVDC field controlled thyristor ABB Thyristor Field measurements on High Power Press Pack Semiconductors 5STP20N8500 GTO thyristor ABB
    Text: Phase Control and Bi-directionally Controlled Thyristors ABB Semiconductors The work-horse of power conversion Since its introduction almost 50 years ago, the Phase Control Thyristor has been the back-bone of the high power electronics industry. Its field of application ranges from kW DC-drives

    5SYA2006 5SYA2020 5SYA2034 5SYA2036 5SYA2048 5SYA2049 5SYA2051 5SZK9104 5SZK9105 CH-5600 GTO hvdc thyristor 5STP 57U4200 abb thyristors 5STP03D6500 6" thyristor for HVDC field controlled thyristor ABB Thyristor Field measurements on High Power Press Pack Semiconductors 5STP20N8500 GTO thyristor ABB PDF

    thyristor Q 720

    Abstract: thyristor N 600 ch 14 GTO hvdc thyristor 5STP03D6500 ABB thyristors abb phase control thyristors 13N65 field controlled thyristor 5stp 5STP25M5200
    Text: Phase Control and Bi-directionally Controlled Thyristors ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors The work-horse of power conversion remains vital and is ready to conquer new applications and setting new power records. Since its introduction in the 1960s, the phase control thyristor

    1960s, 5SYA2006 5SYA2020 5SYA2034 5SYA2036 5SYA2048 5SYA2049 5SYA2051 5SZK9104 5SZK9105 thyristor Q 720 thyristor N 600 ch 14 GTO hvdc thyristor 5STP03D6500 ABB thyristors abb phase control thyristors 13N65 field controlled thyristor 5stp 5STP25M5200 PDF


    Abstract: DCR370T18 DCR1560F26 DCR1560F drd2960y40 alsic 105 DCR1710F18 DCR650G34 DCR2760V DRD850D34
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors Choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 2 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches

    4500Vee DS5766-4. DCR370T DCR370T18 DCR1560F26 DCR1560F drd2960y40 alsic 105 DCR1710F18 DCR650G34 DCR2760V DRD850D34 PDF

    Tag 225-600

    Abstract: IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. Tag 225-600 IGBT cross-reference SCR GTO fast diode 3000V tag 200-600 522.500. 5 x 20 mm HVDC plus scr phase control battery charger esm 30 450 v GTO thyristor Application notes PDF


    Abstract: K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. DCR2950W K1457 Tag 225-600 dim1200fss12 thyratron IGBT cross-reference DCR890F DSF110 igbt types 6000v DIM800DCS12-A PDF


    Abstract: igbt types 6000v igbt sinewave inverter thyristor phase control 600v to 1600v DCR2630Y Tag 225-600 PT85QWX45 HVDC plus bi-directional switches IGBT GTO hvdc thyristor
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 10 Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 3 Pulsed Power Capability 10 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. DCR2950W igbt types 6000v igbt sinewave inverter thyristor phase control 600v to 1600v DCR2630Y Tag 225-600 PT85QWX45 HVDC plus bi-directional switches IGBT GTO hvdc thyristor PDF

    kpb 307

    Abstract: KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor
    Text: Contents Powerline IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors 1200V IGBT Modules Pulsed Power Thyristors Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half bridges and single switches 2 1700V IGBT Modules Bi-directional switches, choppers, dual switches, half

    DS5766-4. kpb 307 KP8 500 KP9 1500 -12 KPd 1500 TEG KP5-600 THYRISTOR KP8 800 igbt types 6000v KP7 500 TBA 1240 ic teg thyristor PDF

    photo thyristor application

    Abstract: control circuit with triac photo thyristor FKN08PN60 JESD51-10 K08PN60
    Text: FKN08PN60 tm TRIAC Silicon Bidirectional Thyristor Application Explanation • • • • Switching mode power supply, light dimmer, electric flasher unit, hair drier TV sets, stereo, refrigerator, washing machine Electric blanket, solenoid driver, small motor control

    FKN08PN60 FKN08PN60 photo thyristor application control circuit with triac photo thyristor JESD51-10 K08PN60 PDF

    photo thyristor application

    Abstract: To92 thyristor photo thyristor FKN1N60SA JESD51-10 K1N60SA
    Text: FKN1N60SA tm TRIAC Silicon Bidirectional Thyristor Application Explanation • • • • Switching mode power supply, light dimmer, electric flasher unit, hair drier TV sets, stereo, refrigerator, washing machine Electric blanket, solenoid driver, small motor control

    FKN1N60SA FKN1N60SA photo thyristor application To92 thyristor photo thyristor JESD51-10 K1N60SA PDF

    photo thyristor

    Abstract: FKN08PN40S JESD51-10 thyristor green TP833 TO92 triac
    Text: FKN08PN40S TRIAC Silicon Bidirectional Thyristor Application Explanation • • • • Switching mode power supply, light dimmer, electric flasher unit, hair drier TV sets, stereo, refrigerator, washing machine Electric blanket, solenoid driver, small motor control

    FKN08PN40S FKN08PN40S photo thyristor JESD51-10 thyristor green TP833 TO92 triac PDF

    photo thyristor

    Abstract: JESD51-10 FKN08PN60 6 thyristor driver circuit electric blanket thyristor gate control circuit TRIAC dimmer control triac gate control circuits triac triggering K08PN60
    Text: FKN08PN60 tm TRIAC Silicon Bidirectional Thyristor Application Explanation • • • • Switching mode power supply, light dimmer, electric flasher unit, hair drier TV sets, stereo, refrigerator, washing machine Electric blanket, solenoid driver, small motor control

    FKN08PN60 FKN08PN60 photo thyristor JESD51-10 6 thyristor driver circuit electric blanket thyristor gate control circuit TRIAC dimmer control triac gate control circuits triac triggering K08PN60 PDF

    photo thyristor application

    Abstract: photo thyristor FKN08PN60S JESD51-10 TO92 triac 0,8 a
    Text: FKN08PN60S TRIAC Silicon Bidirectional Thyristor Application Explanation • • • • Switching mode power supply, light dimmer, electric flasher unit, hair drier TV sets, stereo, refrigerator, washing machine Electric blanket, solenoid driver, small motor control

    FKN08PN60S FKN08PN60S photo thyristor application photo thyristor JESD51-10 TO92 triac 0,8 a PDF

    ELECTRONIC BALLAST 36W 230v 50Hz circuit diagram

    Abstract: circuit diagram electronic ballast for 18W tube l HIS 0169 circuit diagram electronic ballast for 36W tube l electronic ballast for tube light 36 circuit diagram electronic ballast for 18W tube circuit diagram electronic ballast for 36W tube fluorescent tube starter HIGH ENERGY IGNITION CIRCUIT circuit diagram T5 Ballast
    Text: EFS  STARLIGHT-KIT Application Specific Discretes 2-CHIPS SET FOR FLUORESCENT LAMP STARTER A.S.D. PRELIMINARY DATASHEET DESCRIPTION The EFS Kit is a 2 chips set used with 4 additional passive components as direct replacement of the Glow switch Starter.


    GTO 100A 750V

    Abstract: GTO gate drive unit dc-dc GTO 100A and 750V Gate Turn-off 100A 750V GTO 100A and 750V GTO 750V 100A GTO thyristor 100A, 2000V DG858DW45 DS4334-4 dvd motor
    Text: DG858DW45 DG858DW45 Gate Turn-Off Thyristor Replaces July 1999 version, DS4334-4.0 DS4334-4.1 May 2000 FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS ITCM 3000A VDRM 4500V IT AV 1100A dVD/dt 750V/µs dIT/dt 300A/µs ● Double Side Cooling ● High Reliability In Service ● High Voltage Capability

    DG858DW45 DS4334-4 GTO 100A 750V GTO gate drive unit dc-dc GTO 100A and 750V Gate Turn-off 100A 750V GTO 100A and 750V GTO 750V 100A GTO thyristor 100A, 2000V DG858DW45 dvd motor PDF

    electric blanket

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FKN2L80 FKN2L80 Application Explanation • • • • Switching mode power supply, light dimmer, electric flasher unit, hair drier TV sets, stereo, refrigerator, washing machine Electric blanket, solenoid driver, small motor control Photo copier, electric tool

    FKN2L80 N2L80 FKN2L80 FKN2L80BU FKN2L80FBU electric blanket PDF

    GTO thyristor

    Abstract: GTO ABB ABB GTO CSG THYRISTOR GTO GTO thyristor ABB abb ys thyristor CSG-601 THYRISTOR DE PUISSANCE 601-25-A ABB GTO
    Text: , A B B S E M I C O N D U C TORS Asymmetric GTO Thyristors AG 001bß3ö 0000036 1 B A B B _ _ 3 6 E J>. Asymmetrische GTO Thyristoren Free-floating silicon High-dynamic voltage capability at turn-off Low on-state and switching losses Coaxial gate leads soldered

    OCR Scan
    Q000Q36 Vorm815 GTO thyristor GTO ABB ABB GTO CSG THYRISTOR GTO GTO thyristor ABB abb ys thyristor CSG-601 THYRISTOR DE PUISSANCE 601-25-A ABB GTO PDF

    ELECTRONIC BALLAST 36W 230v 50Hz circuit diagram

    Abstract: circuit diagram electronic ballast for 36W tube EFS I high side gate driver GTO 522j T5 fluorescent tube EFS11 arc lamp power supply wiring diagram starlight
    Text: SGS-IHOMSON EFS •m Application Specific Discretes STARLIGHT KIT A.S.D. 2-CHIPS SET FOR FLUORESCENT LAMP STARTER PRELIMINARY DATASHEET DESCRIPTION The EFS Kit is a 2 chips set used with 4 additional passive components as direct replacement of the Glow switch Starter.

    OCR Scan
    350mA, ELECTRONIC BALLAST 36W 230v 50Hz circuit diagram circuit diagram electronic ballast for 36W tube EFS I high side gate driver GTO 522j T5 fluorescent tube EFS11 arc lamp power supply wiring diagram starlight PDF