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    GT40G121 Search Results

    GT40G121 Datasheets (6)

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    GT40G121 Toshiba Discrete IGBTs; Surface Mount Type: N; Package: TO-220AB; Number Of Pins: 3; No Of Circuits: 1; Comments: Non isolation package; V_CES (V): (max 400) Original PDF
    GT40G121 Toshiba Original PDF
    GT40G121 Toshiba Silicon N Channel IGBT Original PDF
    GT40G121 Toshiba Discrete IGBTs Original PDF
    GT40G121 Toshiba Discrete IGBTs Original PDF
    GT40G121(Q) Toshiba TRANS IGBT CHIP N-CH 400V 40A 3(2-10P1C) Original PDF

    GT40G121 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GT40G121 TOSHIBA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Silicon N Channel IGBT GT40G121 The 4th Generation Current Resonance Inverter Switching Applications • Enhancement-mode • High speed: tf = 0.30 µs Typ. (IC = 60 A) • Low saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 1.8 V (Typ.) (IC = 60 A)

    GT40G121 GT40G121 PDF


    Abstract: ic401
    Text: GT40G121 TOSHIBA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Silicon N Channel IGBT GT40G121 The 4th Generation Current Resonance Inverter Switching Applications • Enhancement-mode · High speed: tf = 0.30 µs typ. (IC = 60 A) · Low saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 1.8 V (typ.) (IC = 60 A)

    GT40G121 O-220AB GT40G121 ic401 PDF


    Text: GT40G121 TOSHIBA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Silicon N Channel IGBT GT40G121 The 4th Generation Current Resonance Inverter Switching Applications • Enhancement-mode • High speed: tf = 0.30 µs Typ. (IC = 60 A) • Low saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 1.8 V (Typ.) (IC = 60 A)



    Abstract: GT40G121
    Text: GT40G121 TOSHIBA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Silicon N Channel IGBT GT40G121 Fourth-Generation IGBT Current Resonance Inverter Switching Applications • Enhancement mode type • High speed: tf = 0.30 s typ. (IC = 60 A) • Low saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 1.8 V (typ.) (IC = 60 A)

    GT40G121 O-220AB 40G121 GT40G121 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GT40G121 TOSHIBA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Silicon N Channel IGBT GT40G121 Fourth-Generation IGBT Current Resonance Inverter Switching Applications • Unit: mm Enhancement mode type • High speed: tf = 0.30 µs typ. (IC = 60 A) • Low saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 1.8 V (typ.) (IC = 60 A)

    GT40G121 O-220AB 40G121 PDF


    Abstract: 40G121 gt40
    Text: GT40G121 TOSHIBA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Silicon N Channel IGBT GT40G121 Fourth-Generation IGBT Current Resonance Inverter Switching Applications • Unit: mm Enhancement mode type • High speed: tf = 0.30 µs typ. (IC = 60 A) • Low saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 1.8 V (typ.) (IC = 60 A)

    GT40G121 O-220AB GT40G121 40G121 gt40 PDF


    Abstract: GT40G121
    Text: GT40G121 TOSHIBA Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Silicon N Channel IGBT GT40G121 The 4th Generation Current Resonance Inverter Switching Applications • Unit: mm Enhancement-mode • High speed: tf = 0.30 µs typ. (IC = 60 A) • Low saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 1.8 V (typ.) (IC = 60 A)

    GT40G121 O-220AB tr39 GT40G121 PDF


    Abstract: GT30F123 GT45F122 gt30g122 gt40j323 gt30g123 gt30f122 IGBT GT30J124 GT45f122 Series gt45f123
    Text: 2009-3 PRODUCT GUIDE Discrete IGBTs SEMICONDUCTOR 1 Features and Structure IGBT: I nsulated G ate Bipolar Transistor IGBTs combine the MOSFET advantage of high input impedance with the bipolar transistor advantage of high-voltage drive.

    BCE0010E BCE0010F GT30J124 GT30F123 GT45F122 gt30g122 gt40j323 gt30g123 gt30f122 IGBT GT30J124 GT45f122 Series gt45f123 PDF


    Abstract: GT50T101 mosfet 500V 50A GT60M102 S5J53 GT60J101 gt15q101 equivalent GT60M101 S5783F 500V N-Channel IGBT TO-3P
    Text: Discrete IGBTs PRODUCT GUIDE Features and Structure •Low carrier accumulation, excellent frequency and switching characteristics •Large forward-bias and reverse-bias safe operating areas FBSOA and RBSOA , high damage resistance •MOSFET-like high input impedance characteristics enable voltage drive



    Abstract: S5783F GT30J322 S5783 Electronic IH rice cooker GT50j101 MG30T1AL1 igbt induction cooker MG60M1AL1 mosfet 500V 50A
    Text: 2003-3 03-3 E0010A BCE0010A PRODUCT GUIDE Discrete IGBTs Discrete IGBTs 2003 1. Features and Structure IGBT: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ● MOSFET-like high input impedance characteristics enable voltage drive ● With the conductivity modulation characteristics of a bipolar transistor, ideal for applications that require

    E0010A BCE0010A 3503C-0109 s5j53 S5783F GT30J322 S5783 Electronic IH rice cooker GT50j101 MG30T1AL1 igbt induction cooker MG60M1AL1 mosfet 500V 50A PDF

    transistor bc 245

    Abstract: 247Y smd transistor h2a gt30g122 gt35j321 GT45F123 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT45F122 GT45f122 Series gt30f122
    Text: Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors z 190 Small-Signal FETs z 205 Combination Products of Different Type Devices z 215 Bipolar Power Transistors z 217 Power MOSFETs z 232 Power Transistor Modules z 242 Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors z 243

    SC-43) 2SC1815 TPS615 TPS616 TPS610 transistor bc 245 247Y smd transistor h2a gt30g122 gt35j321 GT45F123 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT45F122 GT45f122 Series gt30f122 PDF


    Abstract: gt30g122 gt30f122 gt45f123 GT45f122 Series gt35j321 GT45G122 gt60n323 *45F122 GT45F124
    Text: 2008-3 PRODUCT GUIDE Discrete IGBTs s e m i c o n d u c t o r h t tp://w w w.semico n .to shib a /en g 1 Features and Structure IGBT: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor IGBTs combine the MOSFET advantage of high input impedance with the bipolar transistor

    BCE0010D S-167 BCE0010E GT45F122 gt30g122 gt30f122 gt45f123 GT45f122 Series gt35j321 GT45G122 gt60n323 *45F122 GT45F124 PDF


    Abstract: MP6750 MG200Q2YS40 MG100Q2YS42 MG75J2YS50 GT60M301 GT60N321 IGBT gt20d201 mg300j2ys50 MIG75Q7CSA0X
    Text: [2] ⵾ຠ⚫੺ [ 2 ] ⵾ຠ⚫੺ 1. 600 V ࡕࠫࡘ࡯࡞ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ᓸ⚦ൻᛛⴚࠍዉ౉ߒ‫ߣ࠼࡯ࡇࠬࠣࡦ࠴࠶ࠗࠬޔ‬㘻๺㔚࿶ߣߩ࠻࡟࡯࠼ࠝࡈߩᡷༀࠍታ⃻ߒ߹ߒߚ‫ޕ‬ VCE sat = 2.1 V (typ.) tf = 0.2 µs (typ.) 㜞ᾲવዉߩ⓸ൻࠕ࡞ࡒ᧚ߩ⛘✼ၮ᧼ߩ૶↪ߦࠃࠅᾲᛶ᛫ߩૐᷫࠍታ⃻ߒ‫ޔ‬㜞ା㗬ൻࠍ࿑ࠅ߹ߒߚ‫ޕ‬

    MG800J2YS50A) MG300J1US51 MG400J1US51 MG50J2YS50 MG75J2YS50 MG100J2YS50 MG150J2YS50 MG200J2YS50 MG300J2YS50 MG100J7KS50 GT30J322 MP6750 MG200Q2YS40 MG100Q2YS42 GT60M301 GT60N321 IGBT gt20d201 mg300j2ys50 MIG75Q7CSA0X PDF

    2SA1930 2sc5171

    Abstract: tpc8107 equivalent TPC8107 application circuit 2SC4157 equivalent 2sa1930 transistor equivalent 2SA949 equivalent 2sd880 equivalent equivalent 2SC5200 2SK2865 Equivalent marking 4d npn
    Text: Power Transistors Power Transistors z 218 Power Amps z 224 POWER-MOLD transistors SC-63/64 z 225 PW-MINI Transisters (SC-62) z 226 TSM Transistors (Thinnest package in the world in SC-59 and SOT-23 class) z 227 Power Transistors for Switching Power Supply z 228

    SC-63/64) SC-62) SC-59 OT-23 2SA1483 2SC3803 2SA1426 2SA1204 2SA1734 2SA2065 2SA1930 2sc5171 tpc8107 equivalent TPC8107 application circuit 2SC4157 equivalent 2sa1930 transistor equivalent 2SA949 equivalent 2sd880 equivalent equivalent 2SC5200 2SK2865 Equivalent marking 4d npn PDF