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    Apex Tool Group LLC UG-SF-5120

    Sckt Cvr 1/2 Sq Dr 5/8 Sf-Hex 1.530" Oal |Apex UG-SF-5120
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    Newark UG-SF-5120 Bulk 1
    • 1 $89.6
    • 10 $89.6
    • 100 $89.6
    • 1000 $89.6
    • 10000 $89.6
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    Apex Tool Group LLC UG-SF-5118

    Sckt Cvrd 1/2 Sqdr 9/16 Sf-Hex 1-1/2 Oal/Apex |Apex UG-SF-5118
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark UG-SF-5118 Bulk 12
    • 1 -
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    HTC Korea TJ9198GSF5-1.8D

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    NAC TJ9198GSF5-1.8D 1
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    GSF51 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: glp-403 GSF51
    Text: PRINTED FILTERS * G o o d te m p e r a tu r e - s ta b ility . c o m p a c t a n d lo w c o s t f o r o u r o r ig in a l th ic k film p r in tin g te c h n o lo g y * A le ss n u m b e r o f e x te rn a l c o n n e c tio n s a s s u r e s h ig h re lia b ility o f th e c o n n e c tio n s a n d c o n tr ib u te s to c o s t r e d u c tio n

    OCR Scan
    PDF GLP-101 GLP-102 GLP-401 GLP-402 GLP-403 GLP-802 GLP-122 typ11 GDPX150/35Q GLP150A2 gdpx150 GSF51


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Multilayered Filters SMD MDR series (Multilayered Dielectric Type) T yp e Application Frequency (MHz) I.L. (dB m ax.) A ttenuation (d B m in.) Dim ensions (m m ) L W T M D R 605C DECT T O P -B P F 1 8 8 0 -1 9 0 0 1.0 2 8 (1 6 6 0 -1 6 8 0 M H z ) 3 .2 2 .5

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    PDF GSF505-LPF1990 GSF515-SEP0919


    Abstract: dr605 006-BM 027b
    Text: Multilayered Filters SMD MDR series (Multilayered Dielectric Type) Type M DR605C M DR 017B M DR617E M DR 018B M D R 620B M DR 026B M DR 027B M D R 028B M DR 029B M DR601C M DR 001B2 M DR 004B M DR 008B M D R602C M DR 002B M DR 006B M DR 606E M DR 603C M DR 003B

    OCR Scan
    PDF DR605C DR617E DR601C 001B2 R602C GSF743-LPF2200 GSF507-LPF0960 F511-LPF0870 GSF506-LPF1550 GSF505-LPF1990 LP1217 dr605 006-BM 027b


    Abstract: GBP201-1450 GLP10-512M GSF511-LPF0870 glp-403 GLP174A2 GDPX150/350A301
    Text: PRINTED FILTERS * G ood tem perature-stability, com pact and low cost for our original thick film printing technology * A less num ber o f external connections assures high reliability of the connections and contributes to cost reduction For Mobile Radio Tx-LPF

    OCR Scan
    PDF GLP-101 GLP-102 GLP-401 GLP-402 GLP-403 GLP-802 GLP-122 GLP8-148 GLP150A2 GLP174A2 gdpx150 GBP201-1450 GLP10-512M GSF511-LPF0870 GDPX150/350A301


    Abstract: glp-403 GSF506-LPF1550 LP150A2
    Text: Printed Filters * G ood tem perature-stability, com pact and low cost for our original thick film printing technology * A less num ber of external connections assures high reliability o f the connections and contributes to cost reduction For Mobile Radio Tx-LPF

    OCR Scan
    PDF GLP-101 GLP-102 GLP-401 LP-402 GLP-403 GLP-802 GLP-122 GLP8-148M GLP12-174M GLP16-400M gdpx150 GSF506-LPF1550 LP150A2


    Abstract: DR024B GEF5
    Text: Multilayered Filters SMD MDR series (Multilayered Dielectric Type) Type Frequency (MHz) I.L. (dBmax.) Application TO P-BPF M DR605C DECT DECT RX-BPF M DR017B RX-BPF M DR617E DECT M DR018B TX-BPF DECT M DR620B DECT LO.-BPF MDR026B TX-BPF PCS MDR027B LO.-BPF

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    PDF 1660-1680MHz) 160dB GSF515-SEP0919 GLP12-178M GLP13-130M GLP1-240M dr605 DR024B GEF5


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Printed Filters * G o o d te m p e ra tu re -stab ility , c o m p a ct an d low c o st fo r o u r orig in al thick film prin tin g te c h n o lo g y * A less n u m b e r o f e x tern al c o n n ec tio n s assu re s high re lia b ility o f the c o n n ec tio n s and c o n trib u te s to c o st reduction

    OCR Scan
    PDF GLP-101 GLP-102 GLP-401 GLP-402 GLP-403 GLP-802 GLP-122 GLP150A2 GLP174A2 GLP430A1


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH POWER CHIP BALUN •Compact & High power handling. A "9 - W I S I T o •For Push-Pull ended power transistor. • 7 'V V I ^U 0 S S lca@ T ;T o •GSC-BAL series •Adjustment - free. Frequency Type Allowable Power [MHz] GSC184-BAL0600 120W 470-860 GSC172-BAL0800

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    PDF GSC184-BAL0600 GSC172-BAL0800 GSC371-BAL2000 GSC376-BAL2500 To200 GSF746-LPF2700 GSF603-SEP0918 SF606-SEP1021 GSF710-SEP0918 L880-960 GSC371BAL2000


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Printed Filters * Good temperature-stability, compact and low cost for our original thick film printing technology * A less number of external connections assures high reliability of the connections and contributes to cost reduction For Mobile Radio Tx-LPF

    OCR Scan
    PDF GLP-101 GLP-102 GLP-401 GLP-402 GLP-403 GLP-802 GLP-122 1800MHz) GBP201-1450 2250MHz)


    Abstract: GSF741-LPF0960 MDR603 GLP SERIES MDR605C GSF51
    Text: 'M. U l i Vs i'iU '.ü ä ' I S . T K R s i S M i MDR seríes Multilayered Dielectric Type) # Type + * Application DECT MDR605C MDR017B DECT MDR617E DECT MDR018B DECT DECT MDR620B MDR026B PCS MDR027B PCS MDR028B PCS MDR029B PCS MDR601C PHS MDR001B2 PHS

    OCR Scan
    PDF 680MHz) GSF515-SEP0919 GLP12-178M GLP13-130M GLP1-240M GSF743-LPF2200 GSF741-LPF0960 MDR603 GLP SERIES MDR605C GSF51


    Abstract: MDR603 pdc1 MDR605C GSF51
    Text: MULTILAYERED FILTERS SMD * M u ltila y ered filters w ith co m p act an d h ig h -p e rfo rm a n ce (lo w -lo ss & h ig h -a tte n u a tio n )d u e to o u r o rig in al m aterial te c h n o lo g y and m a n u fa c tu rin g m eth o d * V ario u s freq u en cy and ap p licatio n are av ailab le w ith 3 ty p es c o n stru ctio n (M U L T IL A Y E R E D D IE L E C T R IC T Y P E , M U L T IL A Y E R E D LC

    OCR Scan
    PDF GSF515-SEP0919 GLP12-178M GLP13-130M GLP1-240M MDR-60-5 MDR603 pdc1 MDR605C GSF51


    Abstract: MDR603 DR602C 1-LPF0870 GSF51
    Text: Multilayered Filters SMD MDR series (Multilayered Dielectric Type) Type Application Frequency (MHz) I.L. (dBmax.) TO P-BPF MDR605C DECT MDR017B D EC T RX-BPF DECT RX-BPF MDR617E DECT TX-BPF MDR018B DECT LO.-BPF M DR620B TX-BPF M DR026B PCS LO.-BPF PCS MDR027B

    OCR Scan
    PDF 1660-1680MHz) GSF515-SEP0919 GLP12-178M GLP13-130M GLP1-240M DR624C MDR603 DR602C 1-LPF0870 GSF51


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Printed Filters * Good tem perature-stability, com pact and low cost for our original thick film printing technology * A less num ber o f external connections assures high reliability o f the connections and contributes to cost reduction For Mobile Radio Tx-LPF

    OCR Scan
    PDF GLP-101 GLP-102 GLP-401 GLP-402 GLP-403 GLP-802 GLP-122 GLP8-148M GLP12-174M GLP150A2 gbp202