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    Abstract: AN0019
    Text: AN0019 GPR23L800D Jul. 18, 2007 SYSTEM APPLICATION DIV. GPR23L800D Power on Issue Output Buffers GRP23L800D Cell Matrix Sense Amp Address Decoder DESCRIPTION DATA ADD Sense amp enable CE# OE# Output buffers enable Fig.1 Block Diagram Pin Function ADD A0~A19

    AN0019 GPR23L800D GPR23L800D GRP23L800D AN0019 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GPR23L12811B 128M-Bit Page Mode Mask ROM APR. 01, 2008 Version 1.2 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS

    GPR23L12811B 128M-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GPR23L12800B 128M-Bit Mask Rom AUG. 16, 2007 Version 1.0 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS However, GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. makes no warranty for any errors which may

    GPR23L12800B 128M-Bit PDF

    TLO 70

    Abstract: generalplus TSP70
    Text: GPR23L1622A 16M-Bit Serial ROM AUG. 22, 2006 Version 1.0 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS However, GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. makes no warranty for any errors which may

    GPR23L1622A 16M-Bit TLO 70 generalplus TSP70 PDF


    Abstract: 47d15
    Text: GPR23L1611D 3.3 Volt 16-Mbit 2M x 8 / 1M x 16 Mask ROM with Page Mode OCT. 15, 2009 Version 1.2 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS

    GPR23L1611D 16-Mbit 47d-15 47d15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GPR23L3211E 32M-Bit 4M x 8 / 2M x 16 Mask Rom with Page Mode SEP. 24, 2008 Version 1.1 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS

    GPR23L3211E 32M-Bit PDF


    Abstract: generalplus
    Text: GPR23L6411E 64M-Bit Page Mode Mask ROM APR. 01, 2008 Version 1.1 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS

    GPR23L6411E 64M-Bit GPR23L6411E generalplus PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN0024 GPR23L12800B Bonding and Layout Issue Sep. 11, 2007 GPR23L12800B Bonding and Layout Issue Power Pad Bonding Guideline 1. Except NC pads, all the other Power pads should be wire bonded, please do not keep them floating. 2. Please keep the PCB layout width ≧ 20 mil for the VCC/VCCQ and VSS/VSSQ. Figure 1

    AN0024 GPR23L12800B 300mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GPR23L800D 8M-BIT MASK ROM JAN. 03, 2008 Version 1.4 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS However, GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. makes no warranty for any errors which may

    GPR23L800D GPR23L800D SPR23L800D PDF


    Abstract: GPR23L
    Text: GPR23L402A 4M-Bit Mask ROM 8 Bit Output OCT. 31, 2006 Version 1.0 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS

    GPR23L402A 32-PIN GPR23L PDF


    Abstract: 48-PIN
    Text: GPR23L3200E 32M-BIT MASK ROM JAN. 03, 2008 Version 1.5 Generalplus Technology Inc. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. Information provided by Generalplus Technology Inc. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Generalplus Technology Inc. makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document. Contact

    GPR23L3200E 32M-BIT 48-PIN GPR23L3200E SPR23L3200E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN0023 GPR23LXXXX First Read Issue Sep 10, 2007 SYSTEM APPLICATION DIV. GPR23LXXXX First Read Issue DESCRIPTION The POR circuit has two major functions in GPR23LXXXX. One is when VCC rises from OFF state to ON state, the POR circuit will generate one POR pulse to reset test register. The other is when the POR pulse goes



    Abstract: SPR23L1600D
    Text: GPR23L1600D 16M-Bit Mask ROM OCT. 14, 2009 Version 1.7 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS However, GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. makes no warranty for any errors which may

    GPR23L1600D 16M-Bit GPR23L1600D SPR23L1600D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GPR23L822A 8M-Bit Serial ROM AUG. 22, 2006 Version 1.0 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS However, GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. makes no warranty for any errors which may

    GPR23L822A generalplus PDF


    Abstract: GPR25L080B GPLB5X GPR25 27mhz car toys remote control GPL162006A 6502 MCU gpr25l321b a2400 gpc11033d
    Text: Product Selection Guide 2009 凌通科技主要以研發和行銷消費性積體電路IC產品為主,本公司擁有IC電路設計及應用軟體設計相關技術,包括嵌入式記憶 體(Embedded Memory)類比的IP和DSP等,將高科技技術商品化,使人們享受高科技帶來的歡樂、舒適與便利是我們努力

    GPBA01B GPBA02A GPUSB101A GPR25L GPR25L080B GPLB5X GPR25 27mhz car toys remote control GPL162006A 6502 MCU gpr25l321b a2400 gpc11033d PDF


    Abstract: GPL162006A GPLB5X GPM6P1001A GPY0031A GPR25 GPR25L080B GPCE063 GPF16256B GPM6P1033a
    Text: GPCH Created by Generalplus Product Data Center 2009/11/18 DOCUMENTS VERSION SUMMARY No IC Programming Guide User Guide Confirm Sheet Data Sheet 1 GPBA01B GPBA01B Data Sheet 1.1 2005/5/28 2 GPBA02A GPBA02A Data Sheet 1.4 2008/10/14 3 GPC1000A1 4 5 GPC1000A2

    GPBA01B GPBA01B GPBA02A GPBA02A GPC1000A1 GPC1000A2 GPC1000B GPC10024D GPC10048A GPC10064A GPM6P1004A GPL162006A GPLB5X GPM6P1001A GPY0031A GPR25 GPR25L080B GPCE063 GPF16256B GPM6P1033a PDF


    Abstract: gpt1000a GPT1000 8512A GPL162006A A3400pro GPF32001 GPCE063A GPCE064A GPL16925X
    Text: Created by Generalplus Product Data Center 2009/11/9 下午 05:33:26 Documents Information with memo (2009/10/9 ~ 2009/11/9) No Title Version Releaseed Date Memo Source 1 GPCE048A/063A/064A Confirmation Sheet 1.1 2009/10/9 1.Modify CPU Freq (MHz) 2.Add check item to Hardware / Software

    GPCE048A/063A/064A GPFA120F/64F/32F GPL162005A GPL162006A 320x240 640x480. Mo009/11/4 GPTC7610 GPLB38C gpt1000a GPT1000 8512A A3400pro GPF32001 GPCE063A GPCE064A GPL16925X PDF

    ST BEX

    Abstract: st bex 104 al p55 transistor GPBA01B GPLB31 GPLB30A B1A16 AT29C040 SPBA01B GPR23L
    Text: GPBA01B Bus Extender MAY 28, 2007 Version 1.1 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. TECHNOLOGY INC. is believed to be accurate and reliable. Information provided by GENERALPLUS However, GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. makes no warranty for any errors which may

    GPBA01B GPBA01B SPBA01B ST BEX st bex 104 al p55 transistor GPLB31 GPLB30A B1A16 AT29C040 GPR23L PDF