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    GL5ZR43 Search Results

    GL5ZR43 Datasheets (1)

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    GL5ZR43 Sharp LED Lamps Original PDF

    GL5ZR43 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: GP2S40Jj000F PQ07RX11 GL8ED48 GP1S525 PC8Q51 GP1A521 gp1sq59c GP2S27C GP2DM03
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: Product Discontinuance ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 30 April 2005 31 December 2004 20050430-01 31 March 2005 This is to remind you that the following product s have been discontinued.

    PCN-1-14 PCN-1-15 gp2d04 GP2S40Jj000F PQ07RX11 GL8ED48 GP1S525 PC8Q51 GP1A521 gp1sq59c GP2S27C GP2DM03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: General Description of Light Emitting Diodes • Handling Precautions This product is sensitive to static electricity and demands a lot of attention. Please take all possible measures for static electricity and surge solution. ■ Lead Forming Method ; ;


    ECG 815

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LEDランプ総合カタログ 009-024 -E 02.3.19 1:43 PM ページ 18 Super-luminosity(AlGaInP)LED Lamp Viewing Angle: 8˚ (2θ1/2) ø5mm, Cylinder Type, Colorless Transparency Super-luminosity LED Lamps for Outdoor Use GL5Z❏43 series • Outline Dimensions

    GL5Z43 54NOM ECG 815 PDF

    catalogue automatic lamp

    Abstract: GL5XS022BOS GL5ZE43 GL5ZG43 GL5ZJ43 GL5ZR43 GL5ZS43 GL5ZV43
    Text: Super-luminosity AlGaInP LED Lamp Viewing Angle: 8˚ (2θ1/2) ø5mm, Cylinder Type, Colorless Transparency Super-luminosity LED Lamps for Outdoor Use GL5Z❏43 series • Outline Dimensions (Unit : mm) ■ Radiation Diagram (Ta=25˚C) -20˚ -10˚ 100 +10˚

    GL5Zt43 54NOM catalogue automatic lamp GL5XS022BOS GL5ZE43 GL5ZG43 GL5ZJ43 GL5ZR43 GL5ZS43 GL5ZV43 PDF


    Abstract: 5mm orange led LT3U20TR Sharp GM5 5mm 7 segment GH6D407B5A SHARP LED GL9D04 Direct Replacement GL-8D06
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: Product Discontinued ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 17 September 2004 29 September 2004 20040917-01 29 March 2005 This is to advise you that the following product s have been discontinued.

    LT5005T GL5TR40 GL8D06 5mm orange led LT3U20TR Sharp GM5 5mm 7 segment GH6D407B5A SHARP LED GL9D04 Direct Replacement GL-8D06 PDF


    Abstract: GL5ZE43 GL5ZG43 GL5ZJ43 GL5ZR43 GL5ZS43 GL5ZV43
    Text: Super-luminosity AlGaInP LED Lamp Viewing Angle: 8˚ (2θ1/2) ø5mm, Cylinder Type, Colorless Transparency Super-luminosity LED Lamps for Outdoor Use • Directive Characteristics (Ta=25˚C) ø4.8±0.15 Protruded resin 1.5MAX -20˚ -10˚ 1.0 (Tie-bar cut)

    GL5Z43 54NOM GL5XS022BOS GL5ZE43 GL5ZG43 GL5ZJ43 GL5ZR43 GL5ZS43 GL5ZV43 PDF


    Abstract: LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506
    Text: INDEX 1 0 4 - 1 0 9 _ DC_ GL1PR112.69 GL3KG63. 66 GL5EG41.66 1 0 4 - n 0 5 O o c .113 DC1B1CP. 100 GL1PR135.69 GL3KG8. 66

    OCR Scan
    109-n GL1PR112. GL1PR135. GL1PR136. GL1PR211. GL1PR212. GL3KG63. GL3P201. GL3P202. GL3P305. LQ070T5BG01 LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ì TYPE M ODEL N U M BER PACKAGE 0.8 mm thickness Compact 1608 size general purpose CO LU o > Ul a aUJ _I a. 0.5 mm thickness Compact 1608 size Radiation diagram Standard 2125 size o Middle 3428 size 50 100 0.8 mm thickness 1.9 mm thickness LEO CHIP COLOR

    OCR Scan
    Jx77A LTlZx67A LT1Zx40A s13050 PDF


    Abstract: 18198 GM5ZE01200A GM5ZG01200A GM5ZJ01200A GM5ZS01200A GM5ZV01200A IR sensor for 40khz EIAJ C-3
    Text: No. SHARP CORPORATION DG-98Y016 TECHNICAL LITERATURE FOR Light Emitting Diode MODEL No. DATE G M 5 Z R 0 1 2 Q 0 A s e r ie s 1 3 -N o v -9 8 1. These specification sheets include m aterials protected under the copyright o f Sharp Corporation "Sharp" . Please do not reproduce or cause anyone to reproduce them without Sharp's consent

    OCR Scan
    DG-98Y0I6 GM5ZR01200A 13-Nov-98 PO1200A GM1ZSO1200A GM5ZS95200A 180sec 18198 GM5ZE01200A GM5ZG01200A GM5ZJ01200A GM5ZS01200A GM5ZV01200A IR sensor for 40khz EIAJ C-3 PDF


    Abstract: LT3U76TR
    Text: fMEb SUPER-LUMINOSITY LED LAMP/HIGH-LUMINOSITY LED LAMP ★ U nder developm ent • SUPER-LUMINOSITY LED LAMPS / HIGH-LUMINOSITY LED LAMPS If =20 mA, T a =25°C S uper-lum inosity High-luminosity | • 3 M odel No. GL3UR8 300 GL3UR44 250 • GL3UR43 100

    OCR Scan
    LT9560T LT3U76TR GL6UR31 LT9550U LT9560U 042BS LT9562U GL8TR21 lt9550u PDF