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    GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR SM 11 Result Highlights (5)

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    GRM022C71A472KE19L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM033C81A224KE01W Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM155D70G475ME15D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM155R61J334KE01D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM2195C2A333JE01D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR SM 11 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM8 0 C3 5 / 4 8 MSM8 0 C3 9 / 4 9 MSM8 0 C4 0 / 5 0 _ CMOS 8-B IT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM 80C 48/M SM 80C 49/M SM 80C 50 m icrocontroller is a low-power, high-performance 8-bit single chip device implemented in silicon gate complementary metal oxide semiconductor

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    Abstract: MSM80C31F MSM80C51F QFP44-P-910-0 5M80C 2f 1001 oki
    Text: E2E1037-19-41 O K I Semiconductor MSM80C31F/MSM80C51F_ CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM 80C 31F/M SM 80C 51F m icrocontroller is a low-power, 8 -bit device implem ented in OKI's silicon-gate com plem entary m etal-oxide semiconductor process technology. The

    OCR Scan
    E2E1037-19-41 MSM80C31F/MSM80C51F_ MSM80C31F /MSM80C51F MSM80C51F 16-bit cjne QFP44-P-910-0 5M80C 2f 1001 oki PDF


    Abstract: pco cpl 100 39p m80c35 m80c48 MSM80C39 80C39 80C35/80C49/80C39 INTEL 80C40
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM80C35/48 MSM80C 39/49 MSM80C40/50_ CMOS 8-B IT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI M S M 80C 48/M SM 80C 49/M SM 80C 50 microcontroller is a low-power, high-performance 8-bit single chip device implemented in silicon gate complementary metal oxide semiconductor

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    MSM80C35/48 MSM80C MSM80C40/50_ 40-pin 80C40 pco cpl 100 39p m80c35 m80c48 MSM80C39 80C39 80C35/80C49/80C39 INTEL 80C40 PDF


    Abstract: 82C59A2 80C85AH
    Text: E200021-27-X3 O K I Semiconductor MSM82C59A-2RS/GS/JS Previous version: Aug. 1996 PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 82C59A-2 is a program m able interrupt for use in M SM 80C85AH and M SM 80C86 A1 0 / 8 8 A - 1 0 m icrocom puter systems.

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    E200021-27-X3 MSM82C59A-2RS/GS/JS 82C59A-2 80C85AH 80C86 82C59A-2RS/GS/JS asterm 82C59A2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM82C88-2RS/GS/JS BUS CONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 82C 88 is a bus controller fo r the M SM 80C 86 and the M SM 80C 88 CPUs. Based on silicon gate CMOS technology, a low -pow er 16-bit microprocessor system can be realized.

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    MSM82C88-2RS/GS/JS MSM82C88 MSM80C86 MSM80C88 16-bit DIP20-P-300-S1) MSM82C88-2RS QFJ20-P-S350) MSM82C88-2JS MSM82C88-2RS PDF

    TXC1 rf

    Abstract: IP10L SM66507
    Text: O K I Sem iconductor M SM 66507/66P 507 nX 66K CMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 66507/66P507 is a high-performance 16-bit microcontroller that em ploys silicon-gate complementary metal-oxide semiconductor CMOS process technology.

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    66507/66P 16-Bit 66507/66P507 10-bit 125ns 32MHz 143ns TXC1 rf IP10L SM66507 PDF

    Crystal oscillator 12 MHz

    Abstract: 850C MSM82C84A-5GS MSM82C84A-5RS
    Text: O K I SEM I CO N DU C TOR GROUP IDE I I O K I semiconductor MSM82C84A -5 RS/GS 0003574 S | */^ CLOCK GENERATOR AND D R IVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 82C 84A-5R S/G S is a clo c k generator designed to generate M SM 80C86 and M SM 80C88 system clocks.

    OCR Scan
    MSM82C84A-5RS/GS MSM82C84A-5RS/GS MSM80C86 MSM80C88 82C84A-5 MSM82C84A-5 Crystal oscillator 12 MHz 850C MSM82C84A-5GS MSM82C84A-5RS PDF


    Abstract: TCSVS 13MM CS3310 CS3310-KP CS3310-KS CS3310KP
    Text: Sm S S S S ^ CS3310 S S S Sm Semiconductor Corporation Stereo Digital Volume Control General Description Features The CS3310 is a complete stereo digital volume control designed specifically for audio systems. It features a 16-bit serial interface that controls two independent, low

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    CS3310 CS3310 16-bit 25Mb32M 100-pin R254b324 CDB3310 TCSVS 13MM CS3310-KP CS3310-KS CS3310KP PDF

    power on delay timer circuit diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor Version E2: Sep. 1998 M SM 66573 Family Oki's Original High-Performance, 16-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontrollers Microcontrollers for Controlling Compact Devices GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 66573 fam ily consists of high-performance, 16-bit CMOS single-chip microcontrollers

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    16-Bit MSM66573 power on delay timer circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM6996H/6996V/6998 A-Law MSM6997H 6997V 6999(M-Law) SINGLE CHIP CODEC WITH FILTER (COMBO) GENERAL DESCRIPTION M SM 6996, M SM 6997, M SM 6998, M SM 6 9 9 9 are C M O S devices containing a companding C O D E C and PCM filters on a single chip. It converts voice signals to PCM signals (/x-law or

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    MSM6996H/6996V/6998 MSM6997H IV-C-32 6996H/96V/98 6997H MSM6998, MSM6999) IV-C-33 PDF


    Abstract: MSM82C84ARS b7am Crystal oscillator 12 MHz MSM82C84AGS efi system
    Text: K I S E M IC O N D U C T O R GROUP ID E D | L?a4E4D 000B2b4 5 | Q 1 C 1 semiconductor» MSM82C84ARS/GS _ -~ r CLOCK GENERATOR AND DRIVER ' GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 82C 84ARS/G S is a clo ck generator designed to generate M SM 80C86 and M SM 80C88 system clocks.

    OCR Scan
    b72424D 000B2L4 MSM82C84ARS/GS MSM82C84ARS/GS MSM80C86 MSM80C88 100/iA E4240 MSM82C84ARS b7am Crystal oscillator 12 MHz MSM82C84AGS efi system PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM6926 CCITT V.21/ MSM6946 BEL 103 300 BPS SINGLE CHIP MODEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6926 and the M SM 6946 are O K I's 300 bps single chip modem series that transmit and receive serial, binary data over a switched telephone network using frequency

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    MSM6926 MSM6946 IV-A-24 MODEM-MSM6926/46 IV-A-25 IV-A-26 IV-A-27 PDF


    Abstract: reloading A15PCH S-83C154 JLH 94 V0
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM80C154S/83C154S CMOS 8-bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 80C 154S /M S M 83C 154S , designed for the high speed version of the existing M SM 80C154 / MSM83C154, is a higher perform ance 8-bit m icrocontroller providing low -pow er

    OCR Scan
    MSM80 80C154 MSM83C154, 80C154S/M 83C154S 80C15 80C31F. MSM80C154S MSM83C154S MSM80C154S/83C154S S83C154 reloading A15PCH S-83C154 JLH 94 V0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM6408_ HIGH-SPEED 4-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM 6408 m icro controller' is a low power, high-performance single-chip device implemented in complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology. 64K bits of mask program

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    MSM6408_ PDF


    Abstract: AO201 MSC1161 k 2699 MSM6212GS MSM6212RS MSM62* ADPCM
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM6212_ ADPCM 288K ROM VOICE SYNTHESIZER GENERAL DESCRIPTION M SM 6212 is a single-chip ADPCM speech synthesizer incorporating 288K bits ROM to store speech data In addition to ROM and speech synthesizer circu its, M SM 6212 co n tains an input m terfaee tim in g

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    MSM6212 MSM6212 10-bit MSC1161 NC-2H AO201 k 2699 MSM6212GS MSM6212RS MSM62* ADPCM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6310 PCM RECORDING & PLAYBACK LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6310 is a PCM recording & playback LSI which is manufactured using O ki's low power CM OS silicon gate technology. The M SM 6310 is designed for the purpose of endless loop recording by 8-bit PCM.

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    MSM6310 2200Hz 1700Hz 3600Hz 2700Hz 4000Hz 7500Hz 200ki2 PDF


    Abstract: OKI 6295
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM6295_ 4-CHANNEL MIXING ADPCM VOICE SYNTEHSIS LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Oki M SM 6295 is a 4-channel m ixing ADPCM voice synthesis LSI which is fabri­ cated using using O ki's low power CMOS silicon gate technology. The M SM 6295 can access an external ROM,

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    MSM6295 MSM6295 OKI 6295 PDF

    SM 6442

    Abstract: SM 6442 B sm6442 m6442
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM6442_ CMOS 4-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER WITH LCD DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM 6442 is a low power, high performance single chip device implemented in complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology with 46 segment outputs and 2 commons.

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    MSM6442_ SM 6442 SM 6442 B sm6442 m6442 PDF


    Abstract: iepe circuit 331P8 EASE63180 SASM63K VDD111
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM63184_ Operatable at 0.9V and Built-in 640-dot LCD Driver 4-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 63184 is a CMOS 4-bit m icrocontroller to support dot m atrix LCDs. The M SM 63184 has an OKI-original n X -4 /2 5 0 CPU core.

    OCR Scan
    MSM63184_ 640-dot MSM63184 nX-4/250 64Kx8 b7242 0G24107 P903H iepe circuit 331P8 EASE63180 SASM63K VDD111 PDF


    Abstract: SA73A
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM514256B/BL 262,144-W ord x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 514256B/B L is a new generation dynamic RAM organized as 262,144 words x 4 bits. The technology used to fabricate the M SM 514256B/BL is OKI's CM OS silicon gate process technology.

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    MSM514256B/BL 514256B/B 514256B/BL MSM514256B/B ----------------------------MSM514256B/BL BL70M SA73A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6789A/6789L SBC Solid-State Recorder 1C GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6789A /6789L, an improved version of MSM6788, is a solid-state recorder developed using the Sub Band Coding SBC method. Just like MSM6788, the M SM 6789A/6789L has a stand-alone mode and a microcontroller interface

    OCR Scan
    MSM6789A/6789L /6789L, MSM6788, 789A/6789L MSM6789A /6789L MSM6789L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6652-X X X /M S M 6653-X X X / M S M 6654-X X X /M S M 6655-X X X / M SM 6656-XXX_ Internal MASK ROM Speech Synthesis LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6650 fam ily is a su ccesso r to the M SM 6375 fam ily that are speech synthesis LSIs w ith

    OCR Scan
    6652-X 6653-X 6654-X 6655-X 6656-XXX_ 12bit 09MGU 09MGWU 2424D MSM6652/6653/6654/6655/6656 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 6636B_ SAE-J1850 Multiplex Communication Protocol Conformity Transmission Controller for Automotive LAN GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6636B is a transmission controller for automotive LAN based on data communication

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    6636B_ SAE-J1850 MSM6636B SAE-J1850. MSM6636B J1850 MSM6636B. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM6352 CMOS 4BIT SINGLE CHIP LOW POWER MICROCONTROLLER FOR TELEPHONE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM 6352 is a low-power, high-performance single-chip 4-bit microcontroller employing complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology, especially designed for use in sophisticated

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    MSM6352 PDF