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    GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1N4249 Search Results

    GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1N4249 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    GRM022C71A472KE19L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM033C81A224KE01W Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM155D70G475ME15D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM155R61J334KE01D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM2195C2A333JE01D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1N4249 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GP, 1N4246GP, 1N4247GP, 1N4248GP, 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Plastic Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier application SUPERECTIFIER structure for high reliability • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction

    1N4245GP, 1N4246GP, 1N4247GP, 1N4248GP, 1N4249GP 22-B106 DO-204AL DO-41) AEC-Q101 2002/95/EC. PDF


    Abstract: 1N4249GP DO-204AL J-STD-002
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier application SUPERECTIFIER structure for high reliability • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP MIL-S-19500 DO-204AL DO-41) 22-B106 AEC-Q101 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC 11-Mar-11 1N4249GP DO-204AL J-STD-002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier application SUPERECTIFIER structure for high reliability • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP MIL-S-19500 22-B106 AEC-Q101 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL DO-41) 2011/65/EU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier structure for high reliability application • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction • Low forward voltage drop ed* t n e Pat *Glass Encapsulation

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP DO-204AL DO-41) MIL-S-19500 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC 08-Apr-05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier structure for High Reliability application • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction • Low forward voltage drop ed* t n e Pat *Glass Encapsulation

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP MIL-S-19500 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC DO-204AL, J-STD-002B JESD22-B102D 08-Apr-05 PDF


    Abstract: 1N4249GP DO-204AL JESD22-B102D J-STD-002B
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier structure for high reliability application • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction • Low forward voltage drop ed* t n e Pat *Glass Encapsulation

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP DO-204AL DO-41) MIL-S-19500 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC 08-Apr-05 1N4249GP DO-204AL JESD22-B102D J-STD-002B PDF


    Abstract: 1N4249GP DO-204AL JESD22-B102 J-STD-002
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier structure for high reliability application • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction • Low forward voltage drop ed* t n e Pat *Glass Encapsulation

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP MIL-S-19500 DO-204AL DO-41) 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC 18-Jul-08 1N4249GP DO-204AL JESD22-B102 J-STD-002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier FEATURES • Superectifier application structure for high reliability • Cavity-free glass-passivated junction • Low forward voltage drop • Low leakage current • High forward surge capability

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP MIL-S-19500 22-B106 DO-204AL DO-41) AEC-Q101 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC 18-Jul-08 PDF

    equivalent components of diode 1N4249

    Abstract: General Semiconductor 1N4249 MIL-S-19500 1N4245 1N4246 1N4247 1N4248 1N4249 DO-204AP
    Text: 1N4245 thru 1N4249 Vishay Semiconductors formerly General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifiers * d e t n e t a P Features DO-204AP • High temperature metallurgically bonded construction • 1.0 ampere operation at TA = 55°C with no thermal runaway

    1N4245 1N4249 DO-204AP MIL-S-19500 50mVp-p 11-Feb-02 equivalent components of diode 1N4249 General Semiconductor 1N4249 MIL-S-19500 1N4246 1N4247 1N4248 1N4249 DO-204AP PDF

    UF4007 SMD

    Abstract: 1N5822 SMD smd UF4007 SS34 DO-214AC 1n5408 smd SMD DO-214AC SMA UF4007 smd package P6KE33a 1N5822 SMD PACKAGE 1N4004 SMD
    Text: General Semiconductor Rectifiers and Voltage Suppressors Schottky Rectifiers Mfr.Õs Type IF AV (A) 1N5817 1N5818 1N5819 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 SS14 SS16 SGL41-40 SS34 MBRB1045 MBRB1060 MBRB2045CT MBR745 MBR1045 MBR1060 MBR1645 MBR2045CT MBR2545CT MBR3045PT

    DO-204AC DO-15) 1N5817 DO-204AL DO-41) 1N5818 1N5819 UF4007 SMD 1N5822 SMD smd UF4007 SS34 DO-214AC 1n5408 smd SMD DO-214AC SMA UF4007 smd package P6KE33a 1N5822 SMD PACKAGE 1N4004 SMD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier Major Ratings and Characteristics IF AV 1.0 A VRRM 200 V to 1000 V IFSM 25 A IR 1.0 µA VF 1.2 V Tj max. 175 °C d* e t n Pate * Glass-plastic encapsulation technique is covered by

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP DO-204AL DO-41) MIL-S-19500 DO-204AL, UL-94V-0 14-Sep-05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GP thru 1N4249GP Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier Major Ratings and Characteristics IF AV 1.0 A VRRM 200 V to 1000 V IFSM 25 A IR 1.0 µA VF 1.2 V Tj max. 175 °C d* e t n Pate * Glass-plastic encapsulation technique is covered by

    1N4245GP 1N4249GP DO-204AL DO-41) MIL-S-19500 DO-204AL, UL-94V-0 08-Apr-05 PDF

    General Semiconductor 1N4249

    Abstract: 1N4248 1n4247 1N4245 1n4249
    Text: 1N4245 1N4246 1N4247 1N4248 1N4249 GLASS PASSIVATED SILICON RECTIFIERS 1.0 AMP, 200 THRU 1000 VOLT w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1N4245 series types are silicon rectifiers mounted in a hermetically sealed, glass passivated package for general purpose

    1N4245 1N4246 1N4247 1N4248 1N4249 1N4247 General Semiconductor 1N4249 1n4249 PDF


    Abstract: 1n5614 1N5622 1N4007 details 1n5062 equivalent 1N3611 1N3614 1N4001 1N4245 1N4249
    Text: PROCESS CPD05 Central General Purpose Rectifier TM Semiconductor Corp. 1 Amp Glass Passivated Rectifier Chip PROCESS DETAILS Process GLASS PASSIVATED MESA Die Size 50 x 50 MILS Die Thickness 9.5 MILS Anode Bonding Pad Area 34 x 34 MILS Top Side Metalization

    CPD05 1N3611 1N3614 1N4001 1N4007 1N4245 1N4249 1N5059 1N5062 1N5391 1N4007 1n5614 1N5622 1N4007 details 1n5062 equivalent 1N3614 1N4249 PDF

    Schottky Diode 039 B34

    Abstract: S4 84a DIODE schottky MELF ZENER DIODE color bands blue diode RGP 15J sb050 d 331 s104 diode 87a 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE SB050 transistor equivalent MELF DIODE color bands smd transistor P2D
    Text: VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY , INC . INTERACTIVE data book rectifiers vishay general semiconductor vse-db0001-0809 Notes: 1. To navigate: a Click on the Vishay logo on any datasheet to go to the Contents page for that section. Click on the Vishay logo on any Contents

    vse-db0001-0809 Schottky Diode 039 B34 S4 84a DIODE schottky MELF ZENER DIODE color bands blue diode RGP 15J sb050 d 331 s104 diode 87a 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE SB050 transistor equivalent MELF DIODE color bands smd transistor P2D PDF


    Abstract: gf1m DO-214BA DO204AC DO204AL GI816 DO-204AL RG02-20E RG02 RGP02 VR800
    Text: SUPERECTIFIERS 0.25 TO 3.0 AMPERES 50 VOLTS TO 4000 VOLTS INTRODUCTION TO SUPERECTIFIER General Semiconductor Superectifier is exactly that, a super rectifier. There is nothing else in the world like it. This is the most cost effective and highly reliable device on the market which is the result of a combination of patented technologies.

    RGP15D GP20D RGP20D RGP25D 1N5624GP GP30D RGP30D RGP10G GP15G RGP15G DO-204AC gf1m DO-214BA DO204AC DO204AL GI816 DO-204AL RG02-20E RG02 RGP02 VR800 PDF


    Abstract: 1n5062 equivalent SUF5402 diode cross reference BYS21-45 BYS21-45 1N4007 general instruments BY255 itt da3/1000 1N6644 FR207 equivalent
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Cross reference guide Power Diodes 1998 Dec 07 Philips Semiconductors Power Diodes Cross reference guide “Philips Type” refers to closest Philips alternative or direct equivalent if available. Always consider the application and

    PBYR3045WT BYD73D CTB34M BYD73G SB1035 PBYR1040 1N5059 SB1040 EQUIVALENT BYD33D 1n5062 equivalent SUF5402 diode cross reference BYS21-45 BYS21-45 1N4007 general instruments BY255 itt da3/1000 1N6644 FR207 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: C556A POWER MOSFET DATA BOOK GFB50N03 GUR460 List of rectifier MOSFET BC337 1N414* zener MOSFET BOOK k mbrf10
    Text: ALPHANUMERICAL LIST OF ALL GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR TYPES Note: Listed below are General Semiconductor’s part numbers, along with the Data Book in which they appear. For MOSFET page references, see the MOSFET Device Index on pages 5 in this book. 1 5KA6.8 thru 1.5KA43A .Zener/TVS

    OCR Scan
    5KA43A 5KE440CA 1N746 1N759 1N957 UF4001 UF4007 UF5400 UF5408 UG06A C549B C556A POWER MOSFET DATA BOOK GFB50N03 GUR460 List of rectifier MOSFET BC337 1N414* zener MOSFET BOOK k mbrf10 PDF

    KL SN 102 94v-0

    Abstract: diode EGP 30D circuit diagram of 5kw smps full bridge MELF ZENER DIODE color bands blue y-349 diode GI 2W06G DO-213AB smd diode color marking code 6j 507 SMD TRANSISTOR smd diode marking g2a zener Marking BJ9
    Text: General Instrument / Power Semiconductor Division / I * r .jr > / INTRODUCTION General Instrument Corporation is a world leader in developing technology, systems and product solutions for the interactive delivery o f video and data. G l’s success results

    OCR Scan

    1N6122A JANTX

    Abstract: 1N6121 1N6116A JANTX JANTX1N5626 JANTX 1N4246 JANTX 1N5811 JAN 1N5811 1N5416 JANTX JANTX 1N647-1 "general instrument 1n4946
    Text: GENERAL INSTRUMENT # 1 IN PRICE, # 1 IN SERVICE, # 1 IN MILITARY General Instrument Power Semiconductor Division , is the world’s largest manufacturer of rectifiers and bridges, supplying over 2 billion annually. We’re proud to be number one in quality and reliability as we are

    OCR Scan
    1N4245 1N4246 1N4247 1N4248 1N4249 1N4942 1N4944 1N4946 1N4947 1N4948 1N6122A JANTX 1N6121 1N6116A JANTX JANTX1N5626 JANTX 1N4246 JANTX 1N5811 JAN 1N5811 1N5416 JANTX JANTX 1N647-1 "general instrument 1n4946 PDF


    Abstract: ZENER b29 B2950 BRF20100C BZY97C11 BRF20100CT BC337 B2060CT BRF1060 General Semiconductor 1N4249
    Text: ALPHANUMERICAL LIST OF ALL GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR TYPES Note: Listed below are General Sem iconductor's part num bers, along with the Data Book in w hich they appear. For Zener and T V S page references, see the Zener/TVS Device Index on page 5 in th is book.

    OCR Scan
    5KA43A 5KE440CA 1N746 1N759 1N957 1N979 ZTK33C Z4KE100 ZGL41 ZGL41-200A 5SBA20 ZENER b29 B2950 BRF20100C BZY97C11 BRF20100CT BC337 B2060CT BRF1060 General Semiconductor 1N4249 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    1N3611 1N3612 1N3613 1N3614 1N3957 1N4245 1N4246 1N4247 1N4248 1N4249 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245 THRU 1N4249 GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION RECTIFIER Reverse Voltage - 200 to 1000 Volts Forward Current - 1.0 Ampere FEATURES D O -2Q 4AP I I ♦ High temperature metallurgically bonded construction ♦ 1.0 Ampere operation T a =55°C with no thermal runaway

    OCR Scan
    1N4245 1N4249 MIL-S-19500 D0-204AP MIL-STD-750, 1N4245THRU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N4245GPTHRU 1N4249GP GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION RECTIFIER Reverse Voltage - 200 to 1000 Volts Forward Current - 1.0 Ampere DO-2Q4AL FEATURES «o ♦ Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Flammability Classification 94V-0 ♦ High temperature metallurgically

    OCR Scan
    1N4245GPTHRU 1N4249GP MIL-S-19500 D0-204AL PDF