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    GA22VP10 Search Results

    GA22VP10 Datasheets (11)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    GA22VP10-10SC Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-10SC Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-10SC-GP Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-10SM Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-12SC Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-12SC Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-12SC-GP Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-12SM-GP Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-7GP Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-7SC Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF
    GA22VP10-7SC-GP Gazelle Microcircuits High Performance Logic Device, Gallium Arsenide Original PDF

    GA22VP10 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G A 2 2 V P 10 High-Perform ance Logic Device G allium Arsenide g a z e lle Features G eneral Description Gazelle’s GA22VP10 is a TTL-compatible, high-performance logic device HPLD . The GA22VP10 is functionally equivalent to the popular GA22V10, but with the improved Output Logic Macrocells (OLMs) offering

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    GA22VP10 GA22V10, A22VP10 PDF


    Abstract: Federal fuse switch Gazelle Gazelle Microcircuits 80386 microprocessor pin out diagram hpld
    Text: GA22VP10 H ig h -P erfo rm an ce Logic D evice G allium A rsen id e gazelle F e a tu re s G en e ra l D esc rip tio n Gazelle’s GA22VP10 is a TTL-compatible, high-performance logic device HPLD . GA22VP10 is functionally equivalentto the popular GA22V10,

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    GA22VP10 GA22VP10 TheGA22VP10 GA22V10, GA22V10 Federal fuse switch Gazelle Gazelle Microcircuits 80386 microprocessor pin out diagram hpld PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VSS I I I I I I I I I I GA22V10 GA22VP10 CLK/I High-Performance Logic Device Features TriQuint’s GA22V10/VP10 is a TTL-compatible, high-performance logic device HPLD |. For existing users of PLDs, it provides a pincompatible path to upgrade system performance. For designers who have been

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    GA22V10 GA22VP10 GA22V10/VP10 GA22VP10 GA22V10, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G A 22VP10-10 H igh*Perform ance Logic Device G allium Arsenide g a z e l l e - Features G eneral Description Gazelle’s GA22VP10 is a TTL-compatible, high-performance logic device HPLD . The GA22VP10 is functionally equivalent to the popular GA22V10,

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    22VP10-10 GA22VP10 GA22V10, GA22VP10-7 GA22VP10-10 GA22VP10-7SC-GP GA22VP10-10SM-GP PDF


    Abstract: A22V10
    Text: >r i 992 T R I Q C O M P U T I N G VSS U A N D I I l ‘ N T S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I N C N E T W O R K I N G I I I I I I I I GA22V10 GA22VP10 CLK/I High-Performance Logic Device Features TriQuint's GA22V10/VP10 is a TTL-com patible, high-perform ance logic device HPLD ).

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    GA22V10 GA22VP10 GA22V10/VP10 GA22VP10 GA22V10, A22V10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G azelle M icrocircuits, Inc. PLD Product Sum m ary gazelle SPEED GA22V10 GA22VP10 GA23S8 GA23SV8 Notes: * MHz (ns) PART NUMBER (mA) 'cc PRODUCT TERMS REGISTERS DEDICATED INPUTS I/O PIN COUNT 200 220 124 10 12 10 24/28 DIP/CLCC 111 200 220 124 10 12 10 24/28

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    GA22V10 22V10 A22VP10 PDF

    ga22vp10-7 gazelle

    Abstract: 80386 80386 microprocessor pin out diagram Federal fuse switch GA22V10
    Text: GA22VP10-10 H ig h -P e rfo rm a n c e Lo gic D e v ic e G a lliu m A rsen id e g a z e l l e ,— -F e a tu re s G en eral D e s c rip tio n Gazelle’s GA22VP10 is a TTL-compatible, high-performance logic device HPLD .

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    GA22VP10 GA22VP10-7SC-GP GA22VP10-10SM-GP ga22vp10-7 gazelle 80386 80386 microprocessor pin out diagram Federal fuse switch GA22V10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G A 22VP10-7 High*Perform ance Logic Device Gallium Arsenide gazelle - Features G eneral Description Gazelle’s GA22VP10 is a TTL-compatible, high-performance logic device HPLD . GA22VP10 isf unctionally equivalent to the popular GA22V10,

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    22VP10-7 GA22VP10 GA22VP10-7 GA22VP10-10 TheGA22VP10 GA22V10, GA22VP10-7SC-GP GA22VP10-10SM-GP PDF