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    107ma tdk

    Abstract: tdk 107MS 107ms FFE1070MA FFE1070MJ 107MA tdk 10.7MS tdk 107MA Ceramic filter 107ma tdk ceramic filters
    Text: F12_FFE 1/1 Piezoelectronic Products FFE Series FFE1070 Type Ceramic Filters Lead CERAMIC FILTERS 10.7MHz FEATURES • Color-coded center frequency rankings enable non-adjustable IF circuit implementations. • Large attenuation and superior temperature characteristics

    FFE1070 107MA 107MS FFE1070 25max. 107ma tdk tdk 107MS 107ms FFE1070MA FFE1070MJ 107MA tdk 10.7MS tdk 107MA Ceramic filter 107ma tdk ceramic filters PDF

    tdk 107MS

    Abstract: 107ma tdk tdk 10.7MS tdk 107MA tdk+107MS Ffe1070 107ma FFE1070MJ 107ms FFE1070NA
    Text: 1/1 001-01 / 20020807 / Piezoelectronic Products FFE Series FFE1070 Type Ceramic Filters Lead CERAMIC FILTERS 10.7MHz FEATURES • Color-coded center frequency rankings enable non-adjustable IF circuit implementations. • Large attenuation and superior temperature characteristics

    FFE1070 107MA 107MS 12MHz] 25max. tdk 107MS 107ma tdk tdk 10.7MS tdk 107MA tdk+107MS FFE1070MJ FFE1070NA PDF

    tdk 107MS

    Abstract: FFE1070MJ ffe tdk tdk 10.7MS
    Text: 1/2 001-03 / 20050927 / Piezoelectronic Products FFE Series Ceramic Filters Lead FEATURES • To small dispersion of center frequency in our products, devices in a single rank can be supplied. Consequently, adjustment-free IC circuits are easy produced.

    50ppm/ 1800pieces/box) 30min) 10Hz/min tdk 107MS FFE1070MJ ffe tdk tdk 10.7MS PDF


    Abstract: ceramic filter 10.7MHz FFE1070MJ tdk ceramic filters tdk 107MS ec ma 230 ffe tdk FFE1070NA sn3ag solder
    Text: Piezoelectronic Ceramic Filters Lead type 10.7MHz FFE series Issue date: August 2007 • All specifications are subject to change without notice. • Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific

    2002/95/EC, ma00h 30min) 10Hz/Amplitude: 107MS ceramic filter 10.7MHz FFE1070MJ tdk ceramic filters tdk 107MS ec ma 230 ffe tdk FFE1070NA sn3ag solder PDF

    tdk 107MS

    Abstract: FFE1070MJ tdk 10.7MS FFE1070MA sn3ag solder 107ms
    Text: 1/2 Ceramic Filters FFE Series(Lead) Conformity to RoHS Directive FEATURES • To small dispersion of center frequency in our products, devices in a single rank can be supplied. Consequently, adjustment-free IC circuits are easy produced. • Because of the small characteristic dependence on temperature,

    50ppm/ 1800pieces/box) tdk 107MS FFE1070MJ tdk 10.7MS FFE1070MA sn3ag solder 107ms PDF

    tdk 107MS

    Abstract: ffe1070ma11uxl 107ms FFE1070MJ FFE1070NA11UXL ffe tdk Ffe1070 mm bw3 FFE1070NA11UAL
    Text: 圧電セラミックフィルタ リードタイプ 10.7MHz FFE シリーズ Issue date: August 2007 ●製品をより正しく安全にご使用いただくために、さらに詳細な特性・仕様をご確認いただける納入仕様書をぜひご請求ください。

    2002/95/EC 50ppm/ 600MHz 700MHz 800MHz 50kHz 40kHz 107MS tdk 107MS ffe1070ma11uxl 107ms FFE1070MJ FFE1070NA11UXL ffe tdk Ffe1070 mm bw3 FFE1070NA11UAL PDF

    tdk 107MS

    Abstract: 107ms FFE1070MJ F 2452 ffe tdk FFE1070NA11UAL FFE1070NA tdk 10.7MS
    Text: 儿窮盲管陀襖匂 Lead type 10.7MHz FFE 狼双 Issue date: August 2007 ●芝墮坪否,壓短嗤嚠御議秤趨和嗤辛嬬個序才延厚,萩嚠參疎盾。 ● RoHS 峺綜議斤哘:燕幣茅阻卆象 EU Directive 2002/95/EC 窒茅議喘余岻翌,隆聞喘忍,鑽,康,鎗勺候式蒙協粤狼佃伴質 PBB,PBDE 吉。

    2002/95/EC 50ppm/ 600MHz 700MHz 800MHz 107MS 50kHz 40kHz tdk 107MS 107ms FFE1070MJ F 2452 ffe tdk FFE1070NA11UAL FFE1070NA tdk 10.7MS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RP400x SERIES High Efficiency , Small Packages, Step-Up DC_DC Converters NO.EA-193-080710 OUTLINE RP400xseries are high efficiency, step-up DC-DC converter ICs packaged in compact 5pin SOT23 or 6pin DFN PLP . This converter starts up of low voltage(typ. 0.8V) operation from one to two alkaline or

    RP400x EA-193-080710 RP400xseries RP400x RP400x001A 100mA 16Hold-on PDF

    700 v power transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RP400x SERIES High Efficiency , Small Packages, Step-Up DC_DC Converters NO.EA-193-080324 OUTLINE RP400xseries are high efficiency, step-up DC-DC converter ICs packaged in compact 5pin SOT23 or 6pin DFN PLP . This converter starts up of low voltage(typ. 0.8V) operation from one to two alkaline or

    RP400x EA-193-080324 RP400xseries PWM00 RP400x001A 100mA 100mA 700 v power transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RP400x SERIES High Efficiency , Small Packages, Step-Up DC_DC Converters NO.EA-193-080418 OUTLINE RP400xseries are high efficiency, step-up DC-DC converter ICs packaged in compact 5pin SOT23 or 6pin DFN PLP . This converter starts up of low voltage(typ. 0.8V) operation from one to two alkaline or

    RP400x EA-193-080418 RP400xseries RP400x RP400x001A 100mA PDF


    Abstract: M65830AFP
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M65830AP.AFP DIGITAL ECHO DIGITAL DELAY DESCRIPTION The M 65830 CMOS 1C is used to add echoes to karaoke * singing. It is optimal to provide the echo e ffe c t function fo r karaoke players, such as radio cassette recorders, mini audio components and television sets.

    OCR Scan
    M65830AP 5710K FCR500K3 M65830AFP PDF


    Abstract: 2sk2479
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR _ 2SK2479 SWITCHING N-CHANNEL POWER MOS FET INDUSTRIAL USE D ESCRIPTION T h e 2S K2479 is N -C h a n n e l M O S F ie ld E ffe c t T ra n s is to r d e ­ s ig n e d f o r h ig h v o lta g e s w itc h in g a p p lic a tio n s .

    OCR Scan
    2SK2479 K2479 2sk2479 PDF


    Abstract: TDK TH SERIES
    Text: 13 M otors/Actuators j Pumps Pumps PUMPS LP70 series Th ese are sm all liq u id pum ps w h ich e m p lo y an e ffe c tiv e a rra n g e m e n t o f ra re -e a rth m a g n e ts and s p e c ia l m a g n e t movement patent pending . FEATURES • Very efficient micro-pumps using new magnetic circuit (based

    OCR Scan
    LP70A SUS316 100ml/min AVE-002 pumps TDK TH SERIES PDF


    Abstract: UPD70116
    Text: MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //PD70116H V30HL V30HL 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION T h e /iP D 70116H (V30H L) is a C M O S 16 -b it m ic ro p ro c e s s o r d e v e lo p e d fro m th e ,uPD70116 (V30™ ). It o ffe rs h ig h e r p ro c e s s in g sp e e d and lo w e r p o w e r c o n s u m p tio n th a n th e ¿¿PD70116.

    OCR Scan
    uPD70116H V30HL) V30HLTM 16-BIT 70116H uPD70116 V30TM PD70116. iPD70116H mpd70116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1260/1660 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C1260N, TMP47C1660N TMP47C1260F , TMP47C1660F The 47C1260/1660 are the high speed and high perform ance 4 -b it single chip m icrocom puter, w ith large capacity ROM and RAM, based on the 47C660/860 TLCS-470 series .

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1260/1660 TMP47C1260N, TMP47C1660N TMP47C1260F TMP47C1660F 47C1260/1660 47C660/860 TLCS-470 TMP47C1260N TMP47C1260F OP12A PDF

    tll 111

    Abstract: M2009
    Text: C o r p o r a t e T D Ä k m m ä “ c s r ä g m p. a g f t g s ìw 3 k * f & a f t ü * S o c ia l R e s p o n s ib i li t y ” . TDK ft CSR S a# 3ffi7ftÄ lfe!llÜ l:4 :W & ^ 3m “lì ^ s f t è 'J ì I * , a lc Ä f llH if iW j^ Ä Ä S f iif t lf iU & t t a ^ x

    OCR Scan
    ip/csr/kankyo/report/report08 7ggEi2015Â Sl2010 M2009 tll 111 PDF


    Abstract: analog rgb 15 pin
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C637/837 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C637N, TMP47C837N The 47C637/837 are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1237/1637 have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks which indicate channel or tim e on TV screen, A/D converter (Conparator) input,

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C637/837 TMP47C637N, TMP47C837N 47C637/837 TLCS-470A 47C1237/1637 TMP47C637N TMP47C837N SDIP42-P-600-1 TMP47P1637VN analog rgb 15 pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA TMP47C1238AN/1638AN C M O S 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C1238AN, TMP47C1638AN The 47C1238A/1638A are based on th e TLCS-470A series. The 47C1238A/1638A have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and m arks w h ich in d ica te channel or tim e on TV screen, AID c o n v e rte r

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1238AN/1638AN TMP47C1238AN, TMP47C1638AN 47C1238A/1638A TLCS-470A TMP47C1238AN SDIP54-P-600-1 TMP47P1638VN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1238AN/1638AN CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C1238AN, TMP47C1638AN The 47C1238A/1638A are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1238A/1638A have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks w hich indicate channel or tim e on TV screen, A/D co n ve rte r

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1238AN/1638AN TMP47C1238AN, TMP47C1638AN 47C1238A/1638A TLCS-470A TMP47C1238AN TMP47C1638AN SDIP54-P-600-1 TMP47P1638VN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 32C9001 PC-AT Combo Controller With Reed Solomon, 48 Mbit/s cm m s y s b t js ' A TDK Group/Company Advance Information January 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32C9001 is an advanced CMOS VLSI device which integrates major portions of the hardware needed to build an ATA disk drive. The circuitry of the

    OCR Scan
    32C9001 32C9001 88-bit PDF


    Abstract: toshiba tv circuit crt OSD Displays TMP47C637N TMP47P1637VN dot led display large size with circuit diagram 450 khz ceramic filter
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C637/837 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C637N, TMP47C837N The 47C637/837 are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1237/1637 have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks which indicate channel or time on TV screen, A/D converter (Conparator) input,

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C637/837 TMP47C637N, TMP47C837N 47C637/837 TICS-470A 47C1237/1637 TMP47C637N TMP47C837N* 6144x8 SDIP42-P-600-1 TMP47C837N toshiba tv circuit crt OSD Displays TMP47C637N TMP47P1637VN dot led display large size with circuit diagram 450 khz ceramic filter PDF

    nec A2C

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / 421165 MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ _ ¿ ¿ P D 1 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 64K-WORD BY 16-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE EDO , BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description T h e /¿PD421165 is a 6 5,536 w o rd s b y 16 b its C M O S dy n a m ic R A M w ith o p tio nal h y p e r pag e m ode (EDO ).

    OCR Scan
    64K-WORD 16-BIT, uPD421165 PD421165 44-pin HPD421165-25-A PP421165 P40LE-400A-2 PD421165 /1PD421165G5-7JF: nec A2C PDF

    M 8824 lf

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: First Edition LCD Module Technical Specification Au g 18 2008 Final Revision Nov. 27, 2008 T-55264GD057J-FW-ADN Type No. C ustom e r : C ustom er's P roduct No : OPTREX STANDARD . OPTREX CORPORATION A pproved: Checked: Yasuo K aw asaki QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION

    OCR Scan
    T-55264GD057J-FW-ADN T-55264G 057J-FW M 8824 lf PDF


    Abstract: 05XW0 1K 1608 NTCG164KF104F rfft P1005 NTCG103JF103F thermistors TDK
    Text: P r o d u c U t p d a t e F i l e Multilayer Chip NTC Thermistors for Rechargeable Battery Packs NTCG jfÎJSRoHSlB^ SÎtëZRoHSifr$-:£âMafi EU Directive 2002/95/EC, Series a*ä6M Ä-ff!iKi* awaE(PBB «)iiaraE«(PBDE). ÄjBtÜTÄ^SH. NTCfMM Ein m m « S W . ä t T Ä f e f lM M iS Ä B H * .

    OCR Scan
    2002/95/EC, 1608i! NTCG103JF103F 1608SÃ NTCG163JF103F 100MQ 150pF PUF-SA02CA2008 NTC THERMISTORS 5.0 05XW0 1K 1608 NTCG164KF104F rfft P1005 thermistors TDK PDF