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    EXTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR Result Highlights (5)

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    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0512MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    EXTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    bc 301 transistor

    Abstract: 2SA1213 RN5RG30A RN5RG50A RN5RG50AA-TR
    Text: VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL POWER TRANSISTOR RN5RG SERIES APPLICATION MANUAL NO.EA-020-0006 VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL POWER TRANSISTOR RN5RG SERIES OUTLINE The RN5RG Series are voltage regulator ICs with an external power transistor with high output voltage accuracy and lowest supply current by CMOS process. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of a voltage reference unit, an error amplifier and resistors.

    EA-020-0006 RN5RG50A 100mA 2SA1213 bc 301 transistor 2SA1213 RN5RG30A RN5RG50AA-TR PDF


    Abstract: 1853 transistor AN-1853 APP1853 transistor crossover
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Keywords: External Pass Transistor Lowers Dropout Voltage Jan 15, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 1853 External Pass Transistor Lowers Dropout Voltage For linear regulators, dropout voltage VIN - VOUT is measured at the minimum input voltage for which

    100mA 100mV com/an1853 AN1853, APP1853, Appnote1853, AN1853 1853 transistor AN-1853 APP1853 transistor crossover PDF


    Abstract: TOSHIBA 2SA1213Y S-816A27AMC-BACT2G S-816 S-816A25AMC-BAAT2G 2SA1213Y
    Text: Rev.5.1_00 EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR TYPE CMOS VOLTAGE REGULATOR S-816 Series The S-816 Series consists of external transistor type positive voltage regulators, which have been developed using the CMOS process. These voltage regulators incorporate an overcurrent

    S-816 S-816, S-816A26AMC-BABT2G TOSHIBA 2SA1213Y S-816A27AMC-BACT2G S-816A25AMC-BAAT2G 2SA1213Y PDF


    Abstract: TOSHIBA 2SA1213Y RA 816 SL 100 NPN Transistor S-816 S-816A25AMC-BAAT2G S-816A27AMC-BACT2G S816A33
    Text: Rev.5.0_01 EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR TYPE CMOS VOLTAGE REGULATOR S-816 Series The S-816 Series consists of external transistor type positive voltage regulators, which have been developed using the CMOS process. These voltage regulators incorporate an overcurrent

    S-816 S-816, S-816A26AMC-BABT2G TOSHIBA 2SA1213Y RA 816 SL 100 NPN Transistor S-816A25AMC-BAAT2G S-816A27AMC-BACT2G S816A33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM2744 LM2744 Low Voltage N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller with External Reference Literature Number: SNVS292D LM2744 Low Voltage N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller with External Reference General Description Features

    LM2744 LM2744 SNVS292D PDF

    BC pnp 200mA

    Abstract: 1. VOUT 2. GND 3. VIN 4. CE 5. VOUT SOT-23-5 2SA1213 RN5RG30A RN5RG50A RN5RG50AA-TR
    Text: VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL POWER TRANSISTOR NO. EA-020-0204 RN5RG SERIES OUTLINE The RN5RG Series are CMOS-based voltage regulator ICs with an external power transistor with high output voltage accuracy and lowest supply current. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of a voltage reference

    EA-020-0204 OT-23-5 RN5RG50A 100mA 2SA1213 BC pnp 200mA 1. VOUT 2. GND 3. VIN 4. CE 5. VOUT SOT-23-5 2SA1213 RN5RG30A RN5RG50AA-TR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL POWER TRANSISTOR NO. EA-020-130521 RN5RG SERIES OUTLINE The RN5RG Series are CMOS-based voltage regulator ICs with an external power transistor with high output voltage accuracy and lowest supply current. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of a voltage reference

    EA-020-130521 OT-23-5 Room403, Room109, 10F-1, PDF


    Abstract: S-816A50AMC-BAZ-T2 S-816A56AMC-BBF-T2 TH2028.1A
    Text: EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR TYPE VOLTAGE REGULATOR The S-816 series is an external transistor type positive voltage regulator with overcurrent protection and shutdown function, and has been developed using CMOS technology. Using an external PNP transistor, the S-816 series can configure a low dropout regulator with an output current in the

    S-816 OT-23-5 inp56AMC-BBF-T2 S-816A57AMC-BBG-T2 S-816A58AMC-BBH-T2 S-816A59AMC-BBI-T2 S-816A60AMC-BBJ-T2 s 816 VOLTAGE REGULATOR S-816A50AMC-BAZ-T2 S-816A56AMC-BBF-T2 TH2028.1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR TYPE VOLTAGE REGULATOR The S-816 series is an external transistor type positive voltage regulator with overcurrent protection and shutdown function, and has been developed using CMOS technology. Using an external PNP transistor, the S-816 series can configure a low dropout regulator with an output current in the

    S-816 OT-23-5 PDF


    Abstract: HSOP20 TDA3604Q TDA3604TH WQCCN32L
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA3604Q; TDA3604TH Multiple voltage regulators with external reset delay and switch Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Aug 21 2004 Feb 17 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Multiple voltage regulators with external

    TDA3604Q; TDA3604TH TDA3604Q TDA3604TH SCA76 R32/05/pp21 DBS13P HSOP20 WQCCN32L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN5RF SERIES LOW RIPPLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR NO. EA-043-111116 OUTLINE The RN5RF Series are CMOS-based voltage regulator ICs which control external driver transistors with high ripple rejection, high accuracy output voltage, low supply current. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of

    EA-043-111116 Room403, Room109, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER SUPPLY ICs EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR TYPE VOLTAGE REGULATOR The S-816 series is an external transistor type positive voltage regulator with overcurrent protection and shutdown function, and has been developed using CMOS technology. Using an external PNP transistor, the S-816 series can configure a low dropout regulator with an output current in the

    S-816 OT-23-5 PDF


    Abstract: flyback transformer sanyo BSC 24 flyback CTX02-14989 COILTRONICS BAS16 IRF620 LT1725 LT1725CGN LT1725CS LT1725IGN
    Text: LT1725 General Purpose Isolated Flyback Controller U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Drives External Power MOSFET with External ISENSE Resistor Application Input Voltage Limited Only by External Power Components Senses Output Voltage Directly from Primary Side

    LT1725 50kHz 250kHz 16-Pin LT1425 LT1533 LT1681/LTC1698 LT1737 1725f CTX02-14989 flyback transformer sanyo BSC 24 flyback CTX02-14989 COILTRONICS BAS16 IRF620 LT1725 LT1725CGN LT1725CS LT1725IGN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN 5 RF SERI ES LOW RIPPLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR NO. EA-043-111116 OUTLINE The RN5RF Series are CMOS-based voltage regulator ICs which control external driver transistors with high ripple rejection, high accuracy output voltage, low supply current. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of

    EA-043-111116 Room403, Room109, 10F-1, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1725 General Purpose Isolated Flyback Controller FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO Drives External Power MOSFET with External ISENSE Resistor Application Input Voltage Limited Only by External Power Components Senses Output Voltage Directly from Primary Side

    LT1725 50kHz 250kHz 16-Pin 200kHz LT3804 LTC3806 250kHz LTC3901 LTC3900, PDF

    ic L 816a y

    Abstract: diode 816
    Text: Rev.4.0 S-816 Series External Transistor Type Voltage Regulators The S-816 Series consists of external transistor type positive voltage regulators, which have been developed using the CMOS process. These voltage regulators incorporate an overcurrent protection, and power-off function. A low drop-out type

    S-816 S-816, ic L 816a y diode 816 PDF

    transistor k 4110

    Abstract: TOSHIBA 2SA1213Y overcurrent circuit protection SL 100 NPN Transistor bau 95 s 816 VOLTAGE REGULATOR S-816A50AMC-BAZ S-816A50AMC-BAZ-T2 S-816 S-816A25AMC-BAA-T2
    Text: Rev.4.1_10 EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR TYPE VOLTAGE REGULATOR S-816 Series The S-816 Series consists of external transistor type positive voltage regulators, which have been developed using the CMOS process. These voltage regulators incorporate an overcurrent protection, and shutdown function. A low drop-out type regulator

    S-816 S-816, transistor k 4110 TOSHIBA 2SA1213Y overcurrent circuit protection SL 100 NPN Transistor bau 95 s 816 VOLTAGE REGULATOR S-816A50AMC-BAZ S-816A50AMC-BAZ-T2 S-816A25AMC-BAA-T2 PDF


    Abstract: SEIKO ic L 816a y 1661m diode 816 816a4
    Text: Rev.4.1 S-816 Series External Transistor Type Voltage Regulators The S-816 Series consists of external transistor type positive voltage regulators, which have been developed using the CMOS process. These voltage regulators incorporate an overcurrent protection, and power-off function. A low drop-out type

    S-816 S-816, SEIKO ic L 816a y 1661m diode 816 816a4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-816 Series EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR TYPE CMOS VOLTAGE REGULATOR Rev.6.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 1996-2010 The S-816 Series consists of external transistor type positive voltage regulators, which have been developed using the CMOS process. These voltage regulators incorporate an overcurrent protection, and shutdown

    S-816 S-816, PDF

    PT 4962

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KO VOLTAGE REGULATOR W ITH EXTERNAL POWER TRANSISTOR OUTLINE The EN5RG Series are voltage regulator ICs with an external power transistor with high output voltage accu­ racy and lowest supply current by CMOS process. Each of these voltage regulator [Cs consists of a voltage refer­

    OCR Scan
    OT-23-5 2SA1213 10pRtantalum PT 4962 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: "IH JU LOW RIPPLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR RN5RFSERIES OUTLINE The RN5RF Series are voltage regulator ICs which control external driver transistors with high ripple rejection, high accu­ racy output voltage, low supply current by CMOS process. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of a voltage refer­

    OCR Scan
    800mA. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n r a LOW RIPPLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR o RN5RF SERIES OUTLINE The RN5RF Series are voltage regulator ICs which control external driver transistors with high ripple rejection, high accu­ racy output voltage, low supply current by CMOS process. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of a voltage refer­

    OCR Scan
    800mA. 7744b10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPE HIC107 NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR HYBRID MICROCIRCUIT • Output current to 1 ampere without external pass transistor z • No external compensation required a • Output voltage adjustable from —2 to —37 volts • Optional output with internal current limiting

    OCR Scan
    HIC107 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: im VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH EXTERNAL POWER TRANSISTOR m R N 5 R G S E R IE S IOUTLINE The RN5RG Series are voltage regulator ICs with an external power transistor with high output voltage accu­ racy and lowest supply current by CMOS process. Each of these voltage regulator ICs consists of a voltage refer­

    OCR Scan
    OT-23-5 QQ02bMD PDF