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    EMIT1200 Datasheets (1)

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    EMIT-1200L Sumida Analog Telephony/Modem Coupler Original PDF

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    Abstract: CTR21 EMIT-1200 sumida khz
    Text: EMIT-1200L Analog Telephony/Modem Couplers DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Suitable for modem speeds up to V.32bis 14.4 kbps . The Sumida EMIT-1200L is a "Dry" Encapsulated Modem Isolation Transformer suitable for up to V.32bis (14.4 kbps) fax, computer telephony,

    EMIT-1200L 32bis EMIT-1200L IEC60950 EMIT1200L CTR21 1250L EMIT-1200 sumida khz PDF


    Abstract: remtech EMIT-1200 remtech EMIT-1200L remtech "EMIT-1200" emit1200 CTR21 "REMtech Corporation" modem
    Text: EMIT-1200 TM A SUMIDA COMPANY Analog Telephony / Modem Couplers Improved Distortion Performance DESCRIPTION The REMtech REMtech Magnetics EMIT-1200 is a “Dry” Encapsulated Modem Isolation Transformer suitable for up to V.32bis 14.4 kbps fax, computer telephony, and

    EMIT-1200 EMIT-1200 32bis EMIT-1200L remtech EMIT-1200 remtech remtech "EMIT-1200" emit1200 CTR21 "REMtech Corporation" modem PDF

    cp clare reed relay

    Abstract: ECG transistor replacement guide book free sip 1A05 12V 40W Fluorescent Lamp Driver circuit Diagram CP Clare Prme 15002 cp clare u prma 2a05 REED RELAY 15005 LSR2C05 CLARE REED RELAY PRMA 1a24 clare prme 15005
    Text: SECTIONS CP Clare Company Overview 1 Product Selection Guide 2 Advanced Magnetic Products 3 Circuit Products 4 Reed Relay Products 5 Switch and Sensor Products 6 Surge Protection Products 7 Glossary 8 Index by Part Number 9 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS



    Abstract: D262 EMIT-1200L PG-04

    PG04-D262 RSE-5-1276 S-074-1511. EMIT-1200L EN60950 EN40003 UL1950 S-074-1511 D262 EMIT-1200L PG-04 PDF


    Abstract: ETAL P1200 671-8236 Directly replaces BS7002 CTR21 P1200 P3800 EMIT-1200
    Text: PRODUCT DATA SHEET LOW COST, LINE MATCHING TRANSFORMER Features Applications ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Low Cost 12.6mm 0.5" seated height Industry Standard Pinout IEC 950, UL 1950 and EN 60950 Certified UL Recognized Component BABT Certificate of Recognition

    P3800 EMIT-1200 ATS-079/A 32bis 22bis P3800 P1200, 12kVrms, MTLM1200 ETAL P1200 671-8236 Directly replaces BS7002 CTR21 P1200 PDF


    Abstract: CTR21 "REMtech Corporation" modem PCB 4210 EMIT-1200
    Text: MIT-4210 TM A SUMIDA COMPANY Analog Telephony / Modem Couplers New “Open Frame” version of EMIT-1200L DESCRIPTION The REMtech Magnetics MIT-4210 is a “Dry” Modem Isolation Transformer suitable for up to V.32bis 14.4 kbps fax, computer telephony, and other analog modem

    MIT-4210 EMIT-1200L MIT-4210 32bis IEC60950 EMIT-1200L. EMIT-1200L MIT-4210. CTR21 "REMtech Corporation" modem PCB 4210 EMIT-1200 PDF


    Abstract: CTR21 emit-1200-l
    Text: EMIT-1200L Analog Telephony/Modem Couplers DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Suitable for modem speeds up to V.32bis 14.4 kbps . The Sumida EMIT-1200L is a "Dry" Encapsulated Modem Isolation Transformer suitable for up to V.32bis (14.4 kbps) fax, computer telephony,

    EMIT-1200L 32bis EMIT-1200L IEC60950 EMIT1200L CTR21 1250L emit-1200-l PDF


    Abstract: EMIT-1250L 813 tube CTR21 EMIT-1200L Sumida Corporation
    Text: EMIT-1250L Analog Telephony/Modem Couplers DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Suitable for modem speeds up to V.32bis 14.4 kbps . The Sumida EMIT-1250L is a "Dry" Encapsulated Modem Isolation Transformer suitable for up to V.32bis (14.4 kbps) fax, computer telephony,

    EMIT-1250L 32bis EMIT-1250L IEC60950 EMIT1250L CTR21 1250L Sumida 813 tube EMIT-1200L Sumida Corporation PDF

    isolation transformer v.90

    Abstract: isolation transformer v.92 EMIT-200L EMIT-2001L 10x4 EMIT-1200 v.90 transformer EMIT-1250L EMIT4033L EMIT-400L
    Text: MODEM Transformer< Pin Type: MT Series> Type: MT1812/MT1812B ◆ Product Description ・18.3x18.3mm Max. L×W ,12.6mm Max. Height. ・Operating frequency: 4MHz Max. ◆ Feature ・International safety standard approved for reinforced isolation. ・Ideally used in set-top box,FAX,MODEM.

    MT1812/MT1812B 56kbps) 32bis EMIT-4033L 600Hz MT1812 EMIT-4031L EMIT-2001L isolation transformer v.90 isolation transformer v.92 EMIT-200L EMIT-2001L 10x4 EMIT-1200 v.90 transformer EMIT-1250L EMIT4033L EMIT-400L PDF


    Abstract: MTLM1200 EMIT-1200 CTR21 P1200 P5100 ats-079 ats-079a ETAL P1200
    Text: PRODUCT DATA SHEET P5100 ULTRA-LOW COST, LINE MATCHING TRANSFORMER Features Applications ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Low Cost 11mm 0.43" seated height Industry Standard Pinout IEC 60950 Certified High thermal stability Directly replaces 9000, 671-8236,

    P5100 EMIT-1200 ATS-079/A 32bis 22bis P5100 P1200, 671-8236 MTLM1200 CTR21 P1200 ats-079 ats-079a ETAL P1200 PDF


    Abstract: MIT-101 CP Clare ESM 3020 EMIT-3020 V.34 FAX MODEM IC isolation transformer v.90 application notes audio transformers EMIT2020 cp clare EMIT-3020 EMIT-1200
    Text: APPLICATION NOTES Modem Isolation Transformers Modem Isolation Transformers Basic Function of the Modem Isolation Transformer Modem Isolation Transform ers M IT’s provide three essential fu n ctio n s w ithin the te le co m m u nica tio n s network. First, the MIT must provide electrical isolation

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    56-kbps) EMIT-2020 MIT-101 CP Clare ESM 3020 EMIT-3020 V.34 FAX MODEM IC isolation transformer v.90 application notes audio transformers EMIT2020 cp clare EMIT-3020 EMIT-1200 PDF

    cp clare mrb

    Abstract: CP Clare rp 8047 CP Clare RELAY cup REED RELAY clare cUP REED RELAY clare MRB cp clare reed relay EMIT-3020 cp clare DSS4 REED RELAY clare cp clare relay cup
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE Advanced Magnetics Products D a t a i .i n k ' • DataLink Product Family • P ro d u ct N am e M IT - 1 0 1 ^ M IT - 1 0 1 V M IT - 1 1 5 ^ M IT - 1 1 5 V M IT - 1 2 5 | f l ^ ' C?0?V i K f l t „5»?« ■ H y Ü Product Type Wet Couplers

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    BD-650 BD-750 75-825V BD-850 BT-10 UGT-10 BT-12 UGT-12 BT-15 GT-15 cp clare mrb CP Clare rp 8047 CP Clare RELAY cup REED RELAY clare cUP REED RELAY clare MRB cp clare reed relay EMIT-3020 cp clare DSS4 REED RELAY clare cp clare relay cup PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ENCAPSULATED MODEM ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS EMIT-1200 D a t a i Ank " DataLink P roduct Fam ily ~ DESCRIPTION CP C !ar e E W i r -1 2< ü T h e C P C la r e E M IT - 1 2 0 0 E n c a p s u la te d M o d e m Isolation T ran sfo rm er is a low -cost “Dry” m o d em coupler

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    EMIT-1200 600Hz, -10dBm 200Hz 4000Hz z-1000H 1000H z-4000Hz EMIT-1200 PDF