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    EL4432 Search Results

    EL4432 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    EL4432CN Elantec Video Instrumentation Amplifiers Scan PDF
    EL4432CS Elantec Video Instrumentation Amplifiers Scan PDF

    EL4432 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: EL4430CN MAGNETIC HEAD ltad
    Text: elantec EL4430C/EL4431C/EL4432C Video Instrumentation Amplifiers HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIR CU ITS Features General Description • Fully d ifferential inputs and feedback T h e E L 4430, 4431, and 4432 are a fam ily o f video instrum entation

    OCR Scan
    EL4430C/EL4431C/EL4432C EL4430CN 100i2 220pF 03fltm EL4432CS MAGNETIC HEAD ltad PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL4430C/EL4431C/EL4432C é la n te c Video Instrumentation Amplifiers HIGH PERFORM ANGE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features General Description • Fully differential inputs and feedback The EL4430, 4431, and 4432 are a family o f video instrumentation amplifiers which are ideal for line receivers, differential-to-singleended converters, transducer interfacing, and any situation where a

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    EL4430C/EL4431C/EL4432C 80V/ps EL4430CN ELM30CS 100i2 220pF eu431cs PDF

    4431 ah

    Abstract: EL4431CN EL4432
    Text: élantec EL4430C/EL4431C/EL4432C Video Instrumentation Amplifiers HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features General Description • Fully differential inputs and feedback The EL4430, 4431, and 4432 are a family o f video instrumentation amplifiers which are ideal for line receivers, differential-to-singleended converters, transducer interfacing, and any situation where a

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    EL4430C/EL4431C/EL4432C EL4430, EL4430 220pF 4431 ah EL4431CN EL4432 PDF


    Abstract: L4431C
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features General Description T h e E L 4430 a n d 4431 are v ideo in s tru m e n ta tio n am p lifie rs w h ic h a re id eal fo r lin e receivers, d iffere n tia l-to -sin g le -en d e d c o n v e rters, tra n s d u c e r in te rfa c in g , a n d a n y s itu a tio n w h ere a

    OCR Scan
    EL4430C/EL4431C l4431 L4431C PDF