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    Philips Semiconductors HEF4041BD

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    Bristol Electronics HEF4041BD 94
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    TC4013BP equivalent

    Abstract: D4066BC SCL4160BE SCL4081BE SCL4017BE CF4017BE scl4584be cd4013be equivalent CD4069BE CD4049CN
    Text: Cross-Reference Guide T h is guide provides a quick reference to a wide variety of industry C M O S logic integrated circuits that can be replaced by R C A types. The R C A types listed as replacements are electrically and m echanically equivalent to the corre sp on d ing industry types and can be used as direct replacements in m ost

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    CD4000CN CD4000M CD4014BE CD4015BE CD4016BE CD4017BE CD4018BE CD4019BE CD4020BE CD4021BE TC4013BP equivalent D4066BC SCL4160BE SCL4081BE SCL4017BE CF4017BE scl4584be cd4013be equivalent CD4069BE CD4049CN PDF


    Abstract: HEF4041BD hef4041bp HEF4041B
    Text: EF4041B buffers QUADRUPLE TRUE/COMPLEMENT BUFFER The EF4041 B is a quadruple tru e /co m p le m e n t b u ffe r w hich provides b o th an inverted active LOW o u tp u t 0 and a non-inverted active H IG H o u tp u t (O) fo r each in p u t (I). The b uffers e x h ib it high c u rre n t o u tp u t c a p a b ility suitable fo r d rivin g T T L o r high capacitive loads.

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    HEF4041B HEF4041B EF4041 14-lead OT-27) HEF4041BT HEF4041BD hef4041bp PDF


    Abstract: 4013BP 4069BP 4016BP 4066bp hef 4011bp IC NAND 4040BP 4000BP 40106BP 4030BP
    Text: Signetics Integrated Circuits - Loemos HEF 4000 Series LOCIMOS Locally Oxidised CMOS LOCM OS g e n e r a l d e s c r ip t io n LOCMOS is com ple tely pin, fu n c tio n and ty p e num ber com patible w ith th e 4 0 0 0 and 14000 fam ilies. Compared w ith o rd in a ry CMOS, LOCMOS c irc u it

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    HEF4737B HEF4737V CI0000 C1000 C20000 HEF4S43S idi05 idi06 idi04 idi07 4017BP 4013BP 4069BP 4016BP 4066bp hef 4011bp IC NAND 4040BP 4000BP 40106BP 4030BP PDF


    Abstract: 4017BD 4013BD 4093bd 40194BD 4049BD HEC4556BDB 4066BD EF4104BP 4539bd
    Text: ^ NUMERICAL INDEX extended type no. description page HEC4001 BDB HEC 4002BD B HEC 4007U BDB H EC 40097BD B H EC 40098BD B Q uadruple 2-input NOR gate Dual 4-input NOR gate Dual com plem entary pair and inverter 3-state hex non-inverting buffer 3-state hex inverting buffer

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    HEC4001 4002BD 4007U 40097BD 40098BD 4012BD 4013BD HEC4014BDB 4015BD EC4016BDB 40175BD 4017BD 4093bd 40194BD 4049BD HEC4556BDB 4066BD EF4104BP 4539bd PDF