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    Rochester Electronics LLC TE28F400CEB120

    FLASH, 256KX16, 120NS, PDSO48
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TE28F400CEB120 Bulk 89
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $3.38
    • 1000 $3.38
    • 10000 $3.38
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    Intel Corporation TE28F400CEB120

    NOR Flash, 256KX16, 120ns, PDSO48
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Rochester Electronics TE28F400CEB120 7,160 1
    • 1 $3.25
    • 10 $3.25
    • 100 $3.06
    • 1000 $2.76
    • 10000 $2.76
    Buy Now

    E28F400CE Datasheets Context Search

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    wells 648-0482211

    Abstract: CIC-48TS-40D-B6-WEL-S 648-0482211
    Text: CIC-48TS-40D-B6-WEL-S 48-Lead TSOP to a 40-Pin DIP 7/97 EXAMPLES TSOP DEVICES: PIN CONFIGURATION: E28F200CV / B5 E28F400CE / CV / B5 E28F800CE / CV / B5 SOCKET: Wells 648-0482211-A31 PRICING: QTY PRICE EACH 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 $190.00 $171.00 $161.50 $142.50

    CIC-48TS-40D-B6-WEL-S 48-Lead 40-Pin E28F200CV E28F400CE E28F800CE 648-0482211-A31 E28F002BC/L/V/X/5 E28F004BE/L/V/X/5; wells 648-0482211 CIC-48TS-40D-B6-WEL-S 648-0482211 PDF


    Abstract: TSOP 48 socket
    Text: CIC-48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead TSOP to a 40-Pin DIP 7/97 EXAMPLES TSOP DEVICES: PIN CONFIGURATION: E28F200CV / B5 E28F400CE / CV / B5 SOCKET: Wells 648-0482211-A31 PRICING: QTY PRICE EACH 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 $190.00 $171.00 $161.50 $142.50 TYPICAL DIMENSIONS:

    CIC-48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead 40-Pin E28F200CV E28F400CE 648-0482211-A31 48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S TSOP 48 socket PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CIC-48TS-40D-B6-WEL-S 48-Lead TSOP to a 40-Pin DIP 9/97 EXAMPLES TSOP DEVICES: PIN CONFIGURATION: E28F200CV / B5 E28F400CE / CV / B5 E28F800CE / CV / B5 SOCKET: Wells 648-0482211-A31 PRICING: QTY PRICE EACH 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 $190.00 $171.00 $161.50 $142.50

    CIC-48TS-40D-B6-WEL-S 48-Lead 40-Pin E28F200CV E28F400CE E28F800CE 648-0482211-A31 E28F002BC/L/V/X/5 E28F004BE/L/V/X/5; 648-0482211 PDF


    Abstract: 48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S wells 648-0482211
    Text: CIC-48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead TSOP to a 40-Pin DIP 9/97 EXAMPLES TSOP DEVICES: PIN CONFIGURATION: E28F200CV / B5 E28F400CE / CV / B5 SOCKET: Wells 648-0482211-A31 PRICING: QTY PRICE EACH 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 $190.00 $171.00 $161.50 $142.50 TYPICAL DIMENSIONS:

    CIC-48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead 40-Pin E28F200CV E28F400CE 648-0482211-A31 648-0482211 48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S wells 648-0482211 PDF

    wells 648-0482211

    Abstract: 648-0482211 648-0482211-A31
    Text: CIC-48TS-44D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead TSOP to a 44-Pin DIP 7/97 EXAMPLES TSOP DEVICES: PIN CONFIGURATION: BASE 44-Pin DIP E28F200CV / B5 E28F400CE / CV / B5 E28F800CE / CV / B5 SOCKET: Wells 648-0482211-A31 PRICING: QTY PRICE EACH 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 $195.00 $175.50

    CIC-48TS-44D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead 44-Pin E28F200CV E28F400CE E28F800CE 648-0482211-A31 wells 648-0482211 648-0482211 648-0482211-A31 PDF


    Abstract: wells 648-0482211 wells 648-0482211-A31 648-0482211-a31
    Text: CIC-48TS-44D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead TSOP to a 44-Pin DIP 9/97 EXAMPLES TSOP DEVICES: PIN CONFIGURATION: BASE 44-Pin DIP E28F200CV / B5 E28F400CE / CV / B5 E28F800CE / CV / B5 SOCKET: Wells 648-0482211-A31 PRICING: QTY PRICE EACH 1-4 5-9 10-24 25-49 $195.00 $175.50

    CIC-48TS-44D-A6-WEL-S 48-Lead 44-Pin E28F200CV E28F400CE E28F800CE 648-0482211-A31 648-0482211 wells 648-0482211 wells 648-0482211-A31 648-0482211-a31 PDF


    Abstract: ALLPRO-88XR 48440 B*C MICROSYSTEMS allpro 88 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET BP-1200 PROTEUS-UPLC88 F3272 proteus
    Text: M3272 Specification Number: _ PROGRAMMING ADAPTER SPECIFICATION Item: Description: 484401TS600WELS AS-48-44-01TS-6WEL-S REPLACEMENT SOCKET: S-TSO-00-048-B Call Emulation Technology for a replacement socket price and delivery quote. CONNECTION TABLE:

    M3272 484401TS600WELS AS-48-44-01TS-6WEL-S S-TSO-00-048-B F3272) E28F200B5 E28F200CE E28F200CV E28F400B5 E28F800B5 AS-48-44-01TS-6WEL-S ALLPRO-88XR 48440 B*C MICROSYSTEMS allpro 88 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET BP-1200 PROTEUS-UPLC88 F3272 proteus PDF


    Abstract: 302A F28F020 TSOP-56 DD28F032SA E28F008SA DIP48 psop44 intel E28F008BE
    Text: Intel Corporation Memory Components Div. 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Mail Stop: FM3-83 October 7, 1997 Intel Corporation 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Dear Programmer Vendor: I am pleased to inform Intel Corp. that your device programming hardware and software has passed programmer

    FM3-83 TSOP56 302A F28F020 TSOP-56 DD28F032SA E28F008SA DIP48 psop44 intel E28F008BE PDF


    Abstract: 39BASE-0201 l 0701 testing of diode DD28F032SA E28F008SA 39BASE-9901
    Text: Intel Corporation Memory Components Div. 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Mail Stop: FM3-83 Data I/O Corp. 10525 Willows Rd. NE Redmond, WA 98073 REF: Intel and Data I/O Corp. Test Services Agreement dated 08/15/95 Dear PROM Programmer Vendor: I am pleased to inform Data I/O Corp. that your PROM programming hardware and software has passed

    FM3-83 39BASE-0101 39BASE-0201 l 0701 testing of diode DD28F032SA E28F008SA 39BASE-9901 PDF

    BIOS chip

    Abstract: DD28F032SA E28F008SA TSOP 48 48-tsop memory TSOP56 PSOP4 E28F016XD FLASHPRO DA28F0
    Text: Intel Corporation Memory Components Div. 1900 Prairie City Road Folsom Ca. 95630 Mail Stop: FM3-83 February 14, 1997 Intel Corp. 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Dear PROM Programmer Vendor: I am pleased to inform Intel Corp. that your PROM programming hardware and software has passed PROM

    FM3-83 BIOS chip DD28F032SA E28F008SA TSOP 48 48-tsop memory TSOP56 PSOP4 E28F016XD FLASHPRO DA28F0 PDF


    Abstract: PLCC32 socket tsop56 socket BIOS PLCC32 socket MBGA48 psop44 TSOP*56 DD28F032SA E28F008SA GT28F640J5
    Text: Intel Corporation Flash Products Div. 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Mail Stop: FM3-83 March 20, 1998 Intel Corporation 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Dear Programmer Vendor: I am pleased to inform Intel Corp. that your device programming hardware and software has passed programmer

    FM3-83 TSOP56 PLCC32 socket tsop56 socket BIOS PLCC32 socket MBGA48 psop44 TSOP*56 DD28F032SA E28F008SA GT28F640J5 PDF


    Abstract: EP-1140 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET AS-48-40-01TS-6WEL-S M3269 "Turpro 840" as-48-40-01ts TSOP 40 socket TSOP 44 socket TSOP 50 socket
    Text: M3269 Specification Number: _ PROGRAMMING ADAPTER SPECIFICATION Item: Description: 484001TS600WELS AS-48-40-01TS-6WEL-S CONNECTION TABLE: REPLACEMENT SOCKET: S-TSO-00-048-B Call Emulation Technology for a replacement socket price and delivery quote.

    M3269 484001TS600WELS AS-48-40-01TS-6WEL-S S-TSO-00-048-B F3269) 048-TS01 NC/A18 NC/A17 DQ15/A-1 40-Pin AllPro-40 EP-1140 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET AS-48-40-01TS-6WEL-S M3269 "Turpro 840" as-48-40-01ts TSOP 40 socket TSOP 44 socket TSOP 50 socket PDF

    TSOP 56 socket

    Abstract: TSOP 48 socket TSOP 48 Pattern TSOP 44 Pattern PSOP 44 Pattern TSOP 44 socket TSOP 32 socket flashpro TSOP 40 socket psop 1 psop 44 of PA28F008SA
    Text: Intel Corporation Flash Products Div. 1900 Prairie City Road Folsom Ca. 95630 Mail Stop: FM3-163 February 20, 1998 Intel Corp. 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Dear Programmer Vendor: I am pleased to inform Intel Corp. that your device programming hardware and software has passed programmer

    FM3-163 TSOP 56 socket TSOP 48 socket TSOP 48 Pattern TSOP 44 Pattern PSOP 44 Pattern TSOP 44 socket TSOP 32 socket flashpro TSOP 40 socket psop 1 psop 44 of PA28F008SA PDF


    Abstract: a56 equivalent DD28F032SA EMP-20 Needhams Electronics E28F002BE-B
    Text: Intel Corporation Memory Components Div. 1900 Prairie City Road Folsom Ca. 95630 Mail Stop: FM3-83 February 14, 1997 Needhams Electronics 4630 Beloit Drive #20 Sacramento, CA 95838 Dear PROM Programmer Vendor: I am pleased to inform Needhams Electronics that your PROM programming hardware and software has

    FM3-83 EMP-20 P28F512 a56 equivalent DD28F032SA EMP-20 Needhams Electronics E28F002BE-B PDF


    Abstract: aval pkw 3000 m3270 bytek S-TSO-00-048-B E28F200B5 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET E28F800B5 bytek Programmers elan 5000
    Text: M3270 Specification Number: _ PROGRAMMING ADAPTER SPECIFICATION Item: Description: 484002TS600WELS AS-48-40-02TS-6WEL-S REPLACEMENT SOCKET: S-TSO-00-048-B Call Emulation Technology for a replacement socket price and delivery quote. CONNECTION TABLE:

    M3270 484002TS600WELS AS-48-40-02TS-6WEL-S S-TSO-00-048-B F3270) E28F200CV E28F200CE E28F200B5 E28F400CV E28F800CV proteus aval pkw 3000 m3270 bytek S-TSO-00-048-B E28F200B5 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET E28F800B5 bytek Programmers elan 5000 PDF


    Abstract: N28F020 BIOS PLCC32 socket PMB7900V2.1-B TSOP*56 DD28F032SA E28F008SA EMP-30 SSOP56 N28F256A
    Text: Intel Corporation Flash Products Div. 1900 Prairie City Rd. Folsom, CA 95630 Mail Stop: FM3-83 July 31, 1997 Needham’s Electronics Inc. 4630 Beloit Dr. Suite 20 Sacramento, CA 95838 REF: Intel and Needham’s Electronics Inc. Test Services Agreement dated 10/30/95

    FM3-83 EMP-30 TSOP56 N28F020 BIOS PLCC32 socket PMB7900V2.1-B TSOP*56 DD28F032SA E28F008SA EMP-30 SSOP56 N28F256A PDF

    48 tsop flash pinout

    Abstract: F28F020 48TS-40D-A6-WEL-S E28F010 E28F020 F28F010 N28F010 N28F020 TSOP dip adapter TSOP 48 socket
    Text: SOCKET ADAPTERS CALIFORNIA INTEGRATION COORDINATORS Flash Programming Adapters • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Signal integrity - using 6 layer board design - decoupling capacitors optional High quality - durable and easy-touse sockets Long life - plug-in socket option
