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    DWM 1500 Search Results

    DWM 1500 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ST1500GXH35A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation IEGT, 4500 V, 1500 A, 2-120B1S Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    150-01A12L Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, Carbonyl J core, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    150-02A08L Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, aluminum core, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    150-05 Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.116uH, Air-Core, 2727, Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    150-06A08L Coilcraft Inc RF inductor, tunable, aluminum core, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    DWM 1500 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LPY4150AL
    Text: STEVAL-MKI100V1 MEMS demonstration board based on the LPY4150AL dual-axis pitch and yaw ±1500 dps analog gyroscope Data brief Features • Two working modes: – analog (AWM) – digital (DWM) ■ RoHS compliant Description The STEVAL-MKI100V1 is a demonstration board



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STEVAL-MKI100V1 MEMS demonstration board based on the LPY4150AL dual-axis pitch and yaw ±1500 dps analog gyroscope Data brief Features • Two working modes: – analog (AWM) – digital (DWM) ■ RoHS compliant ) s ( ct u d o Description r P e The STEVAL-MKI100V1 is a demonstration board


    u1560 DIODE

    Abstract: u1560 DIODE u1560 U1560A u1560 ON U1561-60001 U1602A U1562-60001 U1604A U1161A
    Text: U1600 Series Handheld Digital Oscilloscopes Data Sheet Delivering more functionality and performance with a handheld digital oscilloscope Features ‡ Three-in-one solution: Dual channel oscilloscope, True RMS DMM, and Real-Time Data Logger ‡ Large 4.5” color LCD display

    U1600 000-count U1604A/ U1604B) software848 5989-5576EN u1560 DIODE u1560 DIODE u1560 U1560A u1560 ON U1561-60001 U1602A U1562-60001 U1604A U1161A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U1600 Series Handheld Digital Oscilloscopes Data Sheet Delivering more functionality and performance with a handheld digital oscilloscope Features • Three-in-one solution: Dual channel oscilloscope, True RMS DMM, and Real-Time Data Logger • Large 4.5” color LCD display

    U1600 000-count 5989-5576EN PDF

    abb phase control thyristors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V DRM I T AV M I T(RMS) I TSM V T0 rT = 6500 V = 1370 A = 2160 A = 21.9x103 A = 1.18 V = 0.632 m Phase Control Thyristor 5STP 12K6500 Doc. No. 5SYA1069-02 Aug 10 • Patented free-floating silicon technology  Low on-state and switching losses  Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications

    12K6500 5SYA1069-02 CH-5600 abb phase control thyristors PDF

    fx-m 94v

    Abstract: FZK 105 GTK 274 gkm 6-12 SMC100 ehm smc EVK 201 SMC33 FZK 111 DYM 612
    Text: LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR SMC SERIES SURFACE MOUNT UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS STAND-OFF VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 Volts POWER DISSIPATION - 1500 WATTS FEATURES Rating to 200V VBR For surface mounted applications Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic

    SMC180 SMC180C SMC180A SMC180CA SMC200 SMC200C SMC200A SMC200CA fx-m 94v FZK 105 GTK 274 gkm 6-12 SMC100 ehm smc EVK 201 SMC33 FZK 111 DYM 612 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITE ON POWER SEMICONDUCTOR SMC SERIES SURFACE MOUNT UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS STAND-OFF VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 Volts POWER DISSIPATION - 1500 WATTS FEATURES Rating to 200V VBR For surface mounted applications Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic

    SMC170A SMC170CA SMC180 SMC180C SMC180A SMC180CA SMC200 SMC200C SMC200A SMC200CA PDF

    EGM 94V-0

    Abstract: maa 502 gkm 6-12 GTK 274 DYM 612 fdk 079 GKM Series egm 94V0 ehm smc FZK 105
    Text: SMC SERIES SURFACE MOUNT UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS REVERSE VOLTAGE FORWARD CURRENT FEATURES - 6.8 to 200 VOLTS - 1500 Amperes SMC Rating to 200V VBR For surface mounted applications Reiiable low cost construction utilizing

    60Maximum EGM 94V-0 maa 502 gkm 6-12 GTK 274 DYM 612 fdk 079 GKM Series egm 94V0 ehm smc FZK 105 PDF

    IC FZK 105

    Abstract: EGM 94V-0 ERM 547 NT maa 502 DDM 50 P 532 N marking dkk GSK 805 SMC100 egm 94V0 SMC11A
    Text: SMC SERIES SURF ACE MOUNT UNIDIREC TIONAL AND BIDIRECT IONAL TRANSIE NT V OLTA GE S UPPRESS ORS REVERSE VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 VOLTS FORWARD CURRENT - 1500 Amperes FEATURES Rating to 200V VBR For surface mou nted applications Reiiable low cost construction utilizing



    Abstract: tk3160 TK1406V TK2140 TK3120 TK1401 TK1402 TK1414 TK2120 tk2160
    Text: Caractéristiques électriques Electrical characteristics Valeurs limites Absolute max. ratings >TSM vdw m TY PE S 'o vrw m V rsM 10ms Vq t 'g t Ih RGK = oo V TM ,amb = 25°C <RM@ V DWM v rw m (A) 140 A eff (rms) TK1401 TK1402 TK1404 TK1406 TK1408 TK1410

    OCR Scan
    000A2s TK1401 TK1402 TK1404 TK1406 TK1408 TK1410 TK1412 TK1414 TK1416 TK-212 tk3160 TK1406V TK2140 TK3120 TK2120 tk2160 PDF


    Abstract: 3N81 TB4140V CG2-22-10 CG2-22-14 CG2-25-10 TB4100V TB4120V TB4160V 3N82
    Text: THYRISTORS , AT Caractéristiques électriques Electrical characteristics Valeurs limites Absolute max. ratings V DWM TYPES 'o A V RWM (V) ITSM V RSM (10ms) (V) (A) lH V GT (V) 'GT ImA) rg k= V TM oo Im A ] (V) 345 A eff (rms) / tcase=80°C t(vj)=125°C l2t=80.000A2s

    OCR Scan
    000A2 CG2-22- CG2-22-10 CG2-22-14 10Kii 200mA 3n84 3N81 TB4140V CG2-25-10 TB4100V TB4120V TB4160V 3N82 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C O N V E R T E R G R A D E T H Y R IS T O R Voltage Ratings C R 121 U, M and F Series lT A V 8 5 °C = 1 2 0 A It s m = 2 5 0 0 A l2t = 3 0 .0 0 0 A 2se c RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS J I I 500 I_ I I 1000 I I_I 1500 I I I_ I I UNIT 2000 I V rsm

    OCR Scan
    -t-20 -t-60 PDF

    CHN 220 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THE FLUORACTOR Y1112 FLUORESCENT LAMP STARTER SWITCH C o p y rig h t 1997, Power Innovations Limited, UK • V BR 1200 to 1500 V • Ih > 175 mA • IGt < 2 m A JUNE 1984 - REVISED SEPTEM BER 1997 T0-220 PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) o K c A C description This product is intended fo r use as a T8/T12

    OCR Scan
    Y1112 T0-220 T8/T12 CHN 220 diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITEL XT2116 Fast Turn-on Asymmetric Thyristor SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes January 1997 version, DS4674 - 2.1 DS4674 - 2.2 APPLICATIONS • Pulse M odulators. ■ Laser Diode Triggering. ■ C apacitor D ischarge Applications. March 1998 KEY PARAMETERS V DRM

    OCR Scan
    DS4674 XT2116 350ns PDF


    Abstract: asymmetric thyristor 100A gate turn-off thyristor ACR44U12LE ACR44U14LE ACR44U12 ACR44U 1996 IS-2000-A
    Text: ACR44U MITEL Fast Turn-off Asymmetric Thyristor SEM ICON D UCTOR Supersedes M ay 1996 version, DS4222 - 3.3 DS4222 - 3.4 APPLICATIONS • High Frequency Applications. ■ Regulated Power Supplies. KEY PARAMETERS V DRM _. 1600V 44A Jt AV 550A TSM dVdt*

    OCR Scan
    ACR44U DS4222 ACR44U ACR44U14LE ACR44U12LE asymmetric thyristor 100A gate turn-off thyristor ACR44U12 ACR44U 1996 IS-2000-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5VË GEC P L E S S E Y J a n u a r y 1997 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4674-2.1 XT2116 FAST TURN-ON ASYMMETRIC THYRISTOR APPLICATIONS • Pulse Modulators. ■ Laser Diode Triggering. ■ Capacitor Discharge Applications. KEY PARAMETERS v DRM 1600V 50A | t a v

    OCR Scan
    DS4674-2 XT2116 000A/JIS 350ns XT2116 37bflS22 002TGH2 PDF


    Abstract: ACR44U 1996 Diode 44U
    Text: ACR44U M ITEL Fast Turn-off Asymmetric Thyristor SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes May 1996 version, DS4222 - 3.3 DS4222 - 3.4 KEY PARAMETERS V DRM _. 1600V 44A Jt AV 550A TSM dVdt* 600V/|iS dl/dt 2000A/|iS t. 6.0(iS APPLICATIONS • High Frequency Applications.

    OCR Scan
    ACR44U DS4222 ACR44U 1996 Diode 44U PDF

    Marconi dcr1274

    Abstract: Marconi high power button capsule DCR1004 dcr1675 DCR1004 Marconi high power button capsule dcr1007 DCR604 dcr Thyristor dcr804 DCR707
    Text: MARCONI CKT Series Typ« TECHNOLOGY S ilicon Diameter Repetitive P«ak Voltages Available VDRM VRRM V 30E Maan Onestata Currant at 180* half alna 'HAV A t HS •c BUTTON CAPSU LE CONVERTER THYRISTOR DCR508 22 100-1200 295 55 DCR504 22 100-1400 55 420 DCR707

    OCR Scan
    J-Z5-20 Tj-125Â dcr508 dcr504 dcr707 dcr818 dcr604 dcr703 dcr601 dcr806 Marconi dcr1274 Marconi high power button capsule DCR1004 dcr1675 DCR1004 Marconi high power button capsule dcr1007 DCR604 dcr Thyristor dcr804 DCR707 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC P L E S S E Y j a n u a r y i 997 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4680-4.1 TA329.Q ASYMMETRIC THYRISTOR APPLICATIONS KEY PARAMETERS 1400V DRM 370A -T RMS 2000A ^SM dVdt 1 0 0 0 V / ( is 1000A /H S dl/dt • High Frequency Applications. ■ High Power Choppers And Inverters.

    OCR Scan
    DS4680-4 TA329. 400Hz 40kHz. 37b6S22 PDF

    thyristor tt 31 1600

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACR400SE M ITEL Fast Turn-off Asymmetric Thyristor SEMICONDUCTOR Advance Inform ation Supersedes O ctober 1995 version, DS4202 - 3.0 DS4202 - 3.1 KEY PARAMETERS 1800V DRM 380A Jt AV 6000A TSM 1000V/|iS dVdt 500A/(iS dl/dt t. APPLICATIONS •

    OCR Scan
    ACR400SE DS4202 ACR400SE18 ACR400SE16 thyristor tt 31 1600 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITEL TA329.Q Asymmetric Thyristor S E M IC O N D U C T O R DS4680 - 2.1 Supersedes January 1997 version, DS4680 - 2.0 KEY PARAMETERS 1400V DRM 370A ^T RMS 2000A ^TSM dVdt 1000V/|iS d l/d t 1000A/|iS t. 7.0(iS APPLICATIONS • High Frequency Applications.

    OCR Scan
    DS4680 TA329. TA32910Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TA449.W M ITEL Asymmetric Thyristor S E M IC O N D U C T O R DS4681 - 4.1 Supersedes January 1997 version, DS4681 - 4.0 KEY PARAMETERS 1400V DRM 400A ^T RMS 4000A ^TSM dVdt 1 0 0 0 V /|iS APPLICATIONS • UPS. ■ Induction Heating. March 1998 ■ A.C. Motor Drives.

    OCR Scan
    TA449. DS4681 20kHz. TA44914W TA44912W TA449 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TA449.W M ITEL Asymmetric Thyristor S E M IC O N D U C T O R Supersedes January 1997 version, DS4681 - 4.0 DS4681 - 4.1 APPLICATIONS March 1998 KEY PARAMETERS 1400V DRM 400A ^T RMS 4000A ^TSM dVdt 1000V/(is d l/d t 1OOOA/jis t. 10.0|is • UPS. ■ Induction Heating.

    OCR Scan
    TA449. DS4681 20kHz. TA44914W TA44912W TA44910W PDF

    Marconi high power button capsule DCR1004

    Abstract: DCR1004 DCR1003SN1818 DCR1004SN1616 DCR1004SN0303 A1365 Marconi high power button capsule Scans-0012647 DCR1004S DCR1003
    Text: MARCONI 30E D CKT T E C H N O L O G Y • High Power Button Capsule Thyristor Tvpe Number Non-Repetitive Repetitive Peak Voltages Peak Voltages VoSM V rsm V drm V rrm f-Ag-Ai S7Ô3M4S OQQ174Ü 3 ■ DCR1003 Series DCR1004 Series IT AV = 1540A VRRM = 1700V

    OCR Scan
    DCR1003 DCR1004 DCR1003SN1818 DCR1004SN1818 DCR1003SN1717 DCR1004SN1717 DCR1003SN1616 DCR1004SN1616 DCR1003SN1515 DCR1004SN1515 Marconi high power button capsule DCR1004 DCR1004SN0303 A1365 Marconi high power button capsule Scans-0012647 DCR1004S PDF