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    DUAL PERIPHERAL AND DRIVER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67H481FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping and Brushed Motor Driver /Bipolar Type / Vout(V)=50 / Iout(A)=3.0 / IN input type / VQFN32 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67B001BFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC78B011FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=30/Square, Sine Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DUAL PERIPHERAL AND DRIVER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5713 5713 Data Sheet 29307B DUAL PERIPHERAL AND POWER DRIVER DUAL PERIPHERAL AND POWER DRIVER — TRANSIENT PROTECTED OUTPUTS This “mini-DlP” dual peripheral and power driver is a bipolar monolithic integrated circuit incorporating NOR logic gates, highcurrent switching transistors, and transient suppression diodes on the

    29307B UDN5713M MA-001-8A PDF


    Abstract: SN55451
    Text: SG55451B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 DUAL PERIPHERAL POSITIVE-AND DRIVER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG5541B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 series of dual peripheral Positive-AND drivers are a family of versatile devices designed for use in systems that employ TTL or DTL logic. This

    SG55451B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 SG5541B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471) SN55451B/61/71 SN75451B/61/71 SG55451B/SG55461/SG55471 SG55471L/883B SN55451 PDF


    Abstract: DS75461 "CMOS Dual Peripheral Drivers" GDIP1-T8 5962-9052201PA
    Text: QP1631 / QP1632 QP1633 / QP1634 February 17, 2005 CMOS Dual Peripheral Drivers QP1631 – AND QP1632 – NAND QP1633 – OR QP1634 – NOR General Description The QP163x series of dual peripheral drivers are designed to be a universal set of interface components for CMOS

    QP1631 QP1632 QP1633 QP1634 QP1631 QP1632 QP1633 QP163x Mil-Std-1835 macy1-x8 DS75461 "CMOS Dual Peripheral Drivers" GDIP1-T8 5962-9052201PA PDF


    Abstract: GDIP1-T8 5962-8863101pa QP1632 5962-9052201PA 5962-8863101GA CDIP2-T8 DS75461 QP SEMICONDUCTOR 5962-8982101
    Text: QP1631 / QP1632 QP1633 / QP1634 October 9, 2007 CMOS Dual Peripheral Drivers QP1631 – AND QP1632 – NAND QP1633 – OR QP1634 – NOR General Description The QP163x series of dual peripheral drivers are designed to be a universal set of interface components for CMOS

    QP1631 QP1632 QP1633 QP1634 QP1631 QP1632 QP1633 QP163x Mil-Std-1835 macy1-x8 GDIP1-T8 5962-8863101pa 5962-9052201PA 5962-8863101GA CDIP2-T8 DS75461 QP SEMICONDUCTOR 5962-8982101 PDF


    Abstract: GP-009
    Text: SERIES 5740 DUAL PERIPHERAL/POWER DRIVERS —TRANSIENT-PROTECTED OUTPUTS UDN5742M OUTKJT2 Peripheral and power drivers combining dual logic gates, highcurrent saturated output transistors, and transient-suppression diodes is the Series UDN5740M. These monolithic dual drivers surpass the

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    UDN5742M UDN5740M. 5740 GP-009 PDF


    Abstract: A7628 HJR 4102 relay 9789A GP-009 25CC UDN5741M UDN5742M UDN5743M UDN5744M
    Text: DUAL PERIPHERAL/POW ER D RIVERS TRANSIENT-PRO TECTED OUTPUTS — Peripheral and power drivers combining dual logic gates, high­ current saturated output transistors, and transient-suppression diodes is the Series UDN5740M . These monolithic dual drivers surpass the

    OCR Scan
    UDN5742M -9790B -7900B A7900 A7628 HJR 4102 relay 9789A GP-009 25CC UDN5741M UDN5742M UDN5743M UDN5744M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DUAL PERIPHERAL AND POWER DRIVER — TRANSIENT PROTECTED OUTPUTS This “mini-DIP” dual peripheral and power driver is a bipolar monolithic integrated circuit incorporating NOR logic gates, highcurrent switching transistors, and transient suppression diodes on the

    OCR Scan
    UDN5713M -7628C 0S0433Ã 0007B75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DUAL PERIPHERAL AND POWER DRIVER — TRANSIENT PROTECTED OUTPUTS This “mini-DIP” dual peripheral and power driver is a bipolar monolithic integrated circuit incorporating NOR logic gates highcurrent switching transistors, and transient suppression dtodes on the

    OCR Scan
    UDN5713M A7628 PDF

    la 5752

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5752 DUAL PERIPHERAL AND POWER DRIVER -TRANSIENT-PROTECTED OUTPUTS Com bining dual AND logic gates, high-current switching transistors, and transient suppression diodes in a bipolar m onolithic integrated circuit, this peripheral and power driver meets interface requirem ents

    OCR Scan
    UDN5752M UDN5752M la 5752 PDF


    Abstract: TD62476P Dual Peripheral and driver UDN5711
    Text: — Dual Peripheral AND Driver UDN5711M , TD 62476P 15 —

    OCR Scan
    UDN5711M, TD62476P 300mA 150mA 300rnA-70V UDN5711M 150mA UDN5711M TD62476P Dual Peripheral and driver UDN5711 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5713 DUAL PERIPHERAL AND POWER DRIVER — TRANSIENT PROTECTED OUTPUTS This “mini-DIP" dual peripheral and power driver is a bipolar monolithic integrated circuit incorporating NOR logic gates, high-current switching transistors, and transient suppression diodes on the same

    OCR Scan
    UDN5713M -7628C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5713 DUAL PERIPHERAL AND POWER DRIVER — TRANSIENT PROTECTED OUTPUTS This “mini-DIP” dual peripheral and power driver is a bipolar monolithic integrated circuit incorporating NOR logic gates, high-current switching transistors, and transient suppression diodes on the same

    OCR Scan
    UDN5713M -7628C PDF


    Abstract: ca 5713 UDN5712N UDN5713N UDN5714 UDN5714N udn5713 CMOS Dual Peripheral Drivers
    Text: Siginetics Interface - Peripheral Power Driver UDN 5711/5712/5713/5714 Dual High Voltage Peripheral Drivers CONNECTION DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The UDN 5711 series of dual peripheral drivers have high voltage 80V and high current (300mA) NPN output transistors. In addition an overshoo-: clamp diode is pro­

    OCR Scan
    300mA) UDN5712 ca 5713 UDN5712N UDN5713N UDN5714 UDN5714N udn5713 CMOS Dual Peripheral Drivers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3611 3614 DUAL 2-INPUT PERIPHERAL/POWER DRIVERS UDS3612H 'CC These mini-DIP dual 2-input peripheral and power drivers are bipolar monolithic integrated circuits incorporating AND, NAND, OR, or NOR logic gates, and high-current switching transistors on the same chip. The

    OCR Scan
    UDS3612H MIL-STD-883, UDS361 S3612H PDF


    Abstract: A-9795A UDS3611H UDS3611H883 UDS3612H UDS3612H883 UDS3613H883 UDS3614H883 A9942 7900a
    Text: !U DUAL 2-INPU T PERIPHERAL/POW ER D RIVERS UDS3612H 'CC These mini-DIP dual 2-input peripheral and power drivers are bipolar monolithic integrated circuits incorporating AND, NAND, OR, or NOR logic gates, and high-current switching transistors on the same chip. The

    OCR Scan
    UDS3612H 600ma MIL-STD-883C 150mA OV3650 A-9795A UDS3611H UDS3611H883 UDS3612H UDS3612H883 UDS3613H883 UDS3614H883 A9942 7900a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5IL1Œ1N GENERAL LINEAR IN TEG R ATED CIRCUITS SG55451B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 DUAL PERIPHERAL POSITIVE-AND DRIVER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG5541B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 se­ ries of dual peripheral Posilive-AND drivers are a family of versatile devices

    OCR Scan
    SG55451B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 300mA SG5541B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471) SN55451B/61 SN75451B/61/71 20-PIN SG55451BLV883B SG55451BL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD62476P, TD62477P, S BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T n C 0 J 7 0 D IU D £ 4 / o r, s il ic o n m o n o l it h ic T H C O in f ill = ^ = E I U u £ 4 / y r TD62476P DUAL PERIPHERAL AND DRIVER TD62477P DUAL PERIPHERAL N A N D DRIVER TD62478P DUAL PERIPHERAL CR DRIVER

    OCR Scan
    TD62476P, TD62477P, TD62476P TD62477P TD62478P TD62479P 350mA TD62476P TD62477P TD62478P PDF


    Abstract: SN55450 SG75450BJ 79lc SN55450B
    Text: SG55450B/60/70 SERIES SILICON LINEAR IN TEGRATED C IRCUITS DUAL PERIPHERAL POSITIVE-AND DRIVER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG55450B/SG55460/SG55470 SG75450B/SG75460/SG75470 series of dual peripheral Posltive-AND drivers are a family of versatile devices designed for use in systems that employ TTL or DTL logic. This

    OCR Scan
    SG55450B/60/70 300mA SG55450B/SG55460/SG55470 SG75450B/SG75460/SG75470) SN55450B/60/70 SN75450B/60/70) SN75450B SN55450 SG75450BJ 79lc SN55450B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG55451B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 SILICON LINEAR IN TEGR ATED C IRCUITS DUAL PERIPHERAL POSITIVE-AND DRIVER D E S C R IP T IO N FEATURES The SG5541B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 se­ ries of dual peripheral Positive-AND drivers are a family of versatile devices

    OCR Scan
    SG55451B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471 SG5541B/SG55461/SG55471 SG75451B/SG75461/SG75471) SN55451B/61 SN75451B/61/71 SG55451B/ SG55461/SG55471 PDF


    Abstract: SN75450B sg75450bj SG75450 SG55470J sn75450 sg55470 SG75460J SG55450BJ/883B Transistor 2y
    Text: SG55450B/60/70 SERIES SILICON GENERÄL LINEAR IN TEGRATED C IRCUITS DUAL PERIPHERAL POSITIVE-AND DRIVER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG55450B/SG55460/SG55470 SG75450B/SG75460/SG75470 series of dual peripheral Posltive-AND drivers are a family of versatile devices designed for use in systems that employ TTL or DTL logic. This

    OCR Scan
    SG55450B/60/70 SG55450B/SG55460/SG55470 SG75450B/SG75460/SG75470) SN55450B/60/70 SN75450B/60/70) SG55450BL/883B SG55450BL SG55460L/883B SG55460L SG55470L/883B SN55450 SN75450B sg75450bj SG75450 SG55470J sn75450 sg55470 SG75460J SG55450BJ/883B Transistor 2y PDF


    Abstract: SN75450B sg75450bj XX460
    Text: SG55450B/60I70 SERIES 5ILIEDN GENERAL LINEAR IN TEG R ATED CIRCUITS DUAL PERIPHERAL POSITIVE-AND DRIVER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG55450B/SG55460/SG55470 SG75450B/SG75460/SG75470 series of dual peripheral Positive-AND drivers are a family of versatile devices designed for use in systems that employ TTL or DTL logic. This

    OCR Scan
    SG55450B/60I70 300mA SG55450B/SG55460/SG55470 SG75450B/SG75460/SG75470) SN55450B/60/70 SN75450B/60/70) 20-PIN SG55450BL/883B SG55450BL SG55460L/883B sn55450 SN75450B sg75450bj XX460 PDF


    Abstract: LM350N LM350 8 pin package LM75450 LM75450N SN75450A schematic of TTL OR Gates dtl logic gates LM350
    Text: LM 75450. KI3 Peripheral/Power Drivers LM 350 LM 75450.LM 350 dual peripheral driver general description The L M 75 4 5 0 and L M 3 5 0 are general purpose dual peripheral drivers. The design em plo ys tw o standard T T L gates N O R in L M 3 5 0 , N A N D in

    OCR Scan
    LM75450 LM350 LM350, LM75450I SN75450 SN75450A 500i2. LM350N LM350 8 pin package LM75450N schematic of TTL OR Gates dtl logic gates PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: signotics DUAL PERIPHERAL DRIVER 7 5 4 5 1 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The SN75451 and S N 7545 1A dual peripheral drivers are versatile devices designed fo r use in systems th a t em ploy T T L or D T L logic. These circuits are dual A N D drivers

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M • ALLE6R0 MICROSYS TE MS INC . 33E D ■ 050M33a 00055^1 S « ’ALGR 1 'T'ST-t? U ijiBiiej -. V » —* : ¿ n -ïa m n DUAL 2-INPUT PERIPHERAL/POWER DRIVERS These mini-DIP dual 2-input peripheral and power drivers are bipolar monolithic integrated circuits Incorporating AND, NAND, OR, or NOR

    OCR Scan
    050M33a MIL-STD-883, 3612H UDS361 150mA -790QA PDF