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    Abstract: DS90CR286MTD MTD56 DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286
    Text: DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description The DS90CR285 transmitter converts 28 bits of CMOS/TTL data into four LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling data streams. A phase-locked transmit clock is transmitted in parallel with the data streams over a fifth LVDS link. Every cycle

    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 DS90CR285 DS90CR286 DS012910 DS90CR286MTD MTD56 DS90CR285MTD PDF


    Abstract: DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286 DS90CR286MTD MTD56
    Text: DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link— 66 MHz General Description The DS90CR285 transmitter converts 28 bits of CMOS/TTL data into four LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling data streams. A phase-locked transmit clock is transmitted in parallel with the data streams over a fifth LVDS link. Every cycle

    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit DS90CR285 DS90CR286 lines959 DS012910 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286MTD MTD56 PDF


    Abstract: DS90CR285MTD DS90CR285SLC DS90CR286 DS90CR286ASLC MTD56 LVDS out connector 26 pin DS012910 LVDS 40 pin cable
    Text: DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description Features The DS90CR285 transmitter converts 28 bits of LVCMOS/ LVTTL data into four LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling data streams. A phase-locked transmit clock is transmitted in parallel with the data streams over a fifth LVDS link.

    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 DS90CR285 DS90CR286 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR285SLC DS90CR286ASLC MTD56 LVDS out connector 26 pin DS012910 LVDS 40 pin cable PDF


    Abstract: DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286 DS90CR286MTD MTD56
    Text: DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description The DS90CR285 transmitter converts 28 bits of CMOS/TTL data into four LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling data streams. A phase-locked transmit clock is transmitted in parallel with the data streams over a fifth LVDS link. Every cycle

    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 DS90CR285 DS90CR286 DS012910 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286MTD MTD56 PDF


    Abstract: AN-1108 DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286 DS90CR286MTD MTD56 DS90CR286MTD56
    Text: DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description The DS90CR285 transmitter converts 28 bits of LVCMOS/ LVTTL data into four LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling data streams. A phase-locked transmit clock is transmitted in parallel with the data streams over a fifth LVDS link.

    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 DS90CR285 DS90CR286 AN-1041 AN-1108 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286MTD MTD56 DS90CR286MTD56 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS90CR285,DS90CR286 DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz Literature Number: SNLS130B DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description The DS90CR285 transmitter converts 28 bits of LVCMOS/

    DS90CR285 DS90CR286 DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 SNLS130B ds90cr286mtd PDF


    Abstract: DS90CR285MTD DS90CR285SLC DS90CR286 DS90CR286ASLC DS90CR286MTD MTD56 SLC64A DS90CR285MTD56 DS90CR286MTD56
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容 が最新でない場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際 しては、必ず最新の英文データシートをご確認ください。

    DS90CR285 DS90CR286 66MHz 462Mbps 848Gbps 231Mbyte/s) 250mW 231MByte/S 848Gbit/s 290mV DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR285SLC DS90CR286 DS90CR286ASLC DS90CR286MTD MTD56 SLC64A DS90CR285MTD56 DS90CR286MTD56 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r D S 9 0 C R 2 8 5 /D S 9 0 C R 286 +3.3V Rising E d g e Data S tro b e LVDS 28-Bit C h a n n e l Link-66 M H z General Description • Single +3.3V supply ■ C hipset Tx + Rx pow er consum ption < 2 5 0 m W (typ) ■ Power-down mode (< 0 .5 m W total)

    OCR Scan
    28-Bit Link-66 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tß Semiconductor DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description The DS90CR285 transmitter converts 28 bits ot CMOS/TTL data into tour LVDS Low Voltage Deferential Signaling data streams. A phase-locked transmit clock is transmitted in par­

    OCR Scan
    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 DS90CR285 DS90CR286 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r D S 9 0 C R 2 8 5 /D S 9 0 C R 286 +3.3V Rising E d g e Data S tro b e LVDS 28-Bit C h a n n e l Link-66 M H z General Description • Single +3.3V supply ■ C hipset Tx + Rx pow er consum ption < 2 5 0 m W (typ) ■ Power-down mode (< 0 .5 m W total)

    OCR Scan
    28-Bit Link-66 PDF


    Abstract: AUI lsi DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286 DS90CR286MTD MTD56
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link— 66 MHz General Description The DS90CR285 transm itter converts 28 bits o f CMOS/TTL data Into lo u r LVDS Low Vbltage D ifferential S ignaling data stream s. A phase-locked transm it d o ck is transm itted In par­

    OCR Scan
    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit DS90CR285 DS90CR286 80-S30 8S-25444Â bS0112b ds9ocr285 AUI lsi DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286MTD MTD56 PDF

    ir transmitter and receiver pair

    Abstract: DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286 DS90CR286MTD MTD56 deutsch rsm connector
    Text: M arch 1998 National Semiconductor DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description The D S90C R285 tra n sm itte r converts 28 bits o f C M O S /TTL data into fo u r LVDS Low Voltage D ifferential Signaling data

    OCR Scan
    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 DS90CR285 DS90CR286 ir transmitter and receiver pair DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286MTD MTD56 deutsch rsm connector PDF


    Abstract: DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286 DS90CR286MTD MTD56 LVDS out connector cable 30 pins
    Text: # Ju ly 1997 N a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link— 66 MHz General Description The D S90C R285 tra n sm itte r converts 28 bits o f C M O S /TTL data into fo u r LVDS Low Voltage D ifferential Signaling data

    OCR Scan
    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit DS90CR285 DS90CR286 DS90CR285 DS90CR285MTD DS90CR286MTD MTD56 LVDS out connector cable 30 pins PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M arch 1999 DS90CR285/DS90CR286 +3.3V Rising Edge Data Strobe LVDS 28-Bit Channel Link-66 MHz General Description The D S90C R285 tra n sm itte r converts 28 bits o f C M O S /TTL data into fo u r LVDS Low Voltage D ifferential Signaling data stream s. A phase-locked transm it clock is transm itted in par­

    OCR Scan
    DS90CR285/DS90CR286 28-Bit Link-66 DS90CR285 DS90CR286 PDF