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    4pin opto isolator

    Abstract: energy meter ic 0038 MCP3905A transformer pst 39 4pin male connector PCB Mount VR1 7805 DS21948 ac transformer microchip PICmicro Reference Manual PICC-18
    Text: MCP3905A/06A Evaluation Board User’s Guide 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51567B Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    MCP3905A/06A DS51567B DS51567B-page 4pin opto isolator energy meter ic 0038 MCP3905A transformer pst 39 4pin male connector PCB Mount VR1 7805 DS21948 ac transformer microchip PICmicro Reference Manual PICC-18 PDF

    MCP3909 application note

    Abstract: PIC microcontroller 3 phase energy meter MCP3909
    Text: MCP3909 Energy Metering IC with SPI Interface and Active Power Pulse Output Features Description • Supports IEC 62053 International Energy Metering Specification • Digital Waveform Data Access Through SPI Interface - 16-bit Dual ADC Output Data Words - 20-bit Multiplier Output Data Word

    MCP3909 16-bit 20-bit Mech778-366 DS22025C-page MCP3909 application note PIC microcontroller 3 phase energy meter MCP3909 PDF


    Abstract: ACT245 74AC245MTC 74AC245PC 74AC245SC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245 74ACT245SC 74ACT245SJ 74ACT245 NS
    Text: Revised November 1999 74AC245 74ACT245 Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Inputs/Outputs General Description Features The AC/ACT245 contains eight non-inverting bidirectional buffers with 3-STATE outputs and is intended for bus-oriented applications. Current sinking capability is 24 mA at

    74AC245 74ACT245 AC/ACT245 74AC245 ACT245 74AC245MTC 74AC245PC 74AC245SC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245 74ACT245SC 74ACT245SJ 74ACT245 NS PDF


    Abstract: 74AC244MTC 74AC244PC 74AC244SC 74AC244SJ 74ACT244 74ACT244SC 74ACT244SJ ACT244
    Text: Revised November 1998 74AC244 74ACT244 Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The AC/ACT244 is an octal buffer and line driver designed to be employed as a memory address driver, clock driver and bus-oriented transmitter/receiver which provides

    74AC244 74ACT244 AC/ACT244 ACT244 74AC244SC 74AC244SJ 74AC244MTC MTC20 20-Lead MS-013, 74AC244 74AC244MTC 74AC244PC 74AC244SC 74AC244SJ 74ACT244 74ACT244SC 74ACT244SJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Revised November 1999 74AC191 Up/Down Counter with Preset and Ripple Clock General Description Features The AC191 is a reversible modulo 16 binary counter. It features synchronous counting and asynchronous presetting. The preset feature allows the AC191 to be used in programmable dividers. The Count Enable input, the Terminal

    74AC191 AC191 74AC191SWITHOUT 74AC191 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: General Description Features The ’AC/’ACT257 is a quad 2-input multiplexer with TRI-STATE outputs. Four bits of data from two sources can be selected using a Common Data Select input. The four outputs present the selected data in true noninverted form.

    ACT257 AC257: ACT257: ds009949 PDF

    lm7805 5v regulator

    Abstract: AN994 Sine wave generation in excel MCP3905A static kwh meter DS00994B-page kwh meter kwh meter IC kwh meter mcp3905 power factor PIC circuit
    Text: AN994 IEC Compliant Active-Energy Meter Design Using The MCP3905A/06A Author: GOALS Craig L. King Microchip Technology Inc. OVERVIEW The MCP3905A/06A energy-metering Integrate Circuits ICs supply active real power measurements for single-phase residential meter designs. These

    AN994 MCP3905A/06A MCP3905A/06A DS00994B-page lm7805 5v regulator AN994 Sine wave generation in excel MCP3905A static kwh meter kwh meter kwh meter IC kwh meter mcp3905 power factor PIC circuit PDF

    energy meter ic 0038

    Abstract: 7805 8PIN ecg manual ic 7805 smd st 7805 5V REGULATOR IC smd zener diode mark J2 varistor 332k METAL OXIDE VARISTOR application note on AC DS51565 mcp3905 power meter
    Text: MCP3905/6 Evaluation Board User’s Guide 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51567A Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    MCP3905/6 DS51567A DS51567A-page energy meter ic 0038 7805 8PIN ecg manual ic 7805 smd st 7805 5V REGULATOR IC smd zener diode mark J2 varistor 332k METAL OXIDE VARISTOR application note on AC DS51565 mcp3905 power meter PDF


    Abstract: MCP3909 DS22025 iec 62053 AN994 IEC62053 DS00994A thermistor SCK 123 thermistor SCK 085
    Text: MCP3909 带 SPI 接口和有功功率脉冲输出的电能计量 IC 特性 概述 • 支持 IEC62053 国际电能计量技术规范 (International Energy Metering Specification)及 传统 IEC 1036/61036/687 规范 • 通过 SPI 接口读取数字波形数据

    MCP3909 IEC62053 kHz16 DS22025A MCP390X MCP3909 DS22025 iec 62053 AN994 IEC62053 DS00994A thermistor SCK 123 thermistor SCK 085 PDF

    MCP3909 application note

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCP3909 Energy Metering IC with SPI Interface and Active Power Pulse Output Features Description • Supports IEC 62053 International Energy Metering Specification • Digital Waveform Data Access Through SPI Interface - 16-bit Dual ADC Output Data Words - 20-bit Multiplier Output Data Word

    MCP3909 16-bit 20-bit DS22025C-page MCP3909 application note PDF


    Abstract: 74AC191PC 74AC191MTC 74AC191SC 74AC191SJ AC191 M16A M16D MTC16 N16E
    Text: Revised November 1999 74AC191 Up/Down Counter with Preset and Ripple Clock General Description Features The AC191 is a reversible modulo 16 binary counter. It features synchronous counting and asynchronous presetting. The preset feature allows the AC191 to be used in programmable dividers. The Count Enable input, the Terminal

    74AC191 AC191 speed--133 74AC191SCITHOUT 74AC191 74AC191PC 74AC191MTC 74AC191SC 74AC191SJ M16A M16D MTC16 N16E PDF

    varistor MOV1

    Abstract: DS00994 1000w class d circuit diagram schematics mcp3905 power meter ecg manual ic 7805 smd energy meter circuit diagram 5- pin smd IC HF CRYSTAL kwh meter mcp3905 AN994
    Text: MCP3905/6 Energy Meter Reference Design User’s Guide 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51565A Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.

    MCP3905/6 DS51565A DS51565A-page varistor MOV1 DS00994 1000w class d circuit diagram schematics mcp3905 power meter ecg manual ic 7805 smd energy meter circuit diagram 5- pin smd IC HF CRYSTAL kwh meter mcp3905 AN994 PDF


    Abstract: MCP3906 microchip 16 channel ADC
    Text: MCP3905/06 带有功功率脉冲输出的电能计量 IC 特性 概述 • 为单相住宅电能计量提供有功功率测量 • 支持国际电能计量技术规范 (International Energy Metering Specification)IEC 62053 及传统 IEC 规范 1036/61036/687

    MCP3905/06 MCP3905 MCP3906 G086-757-2839-5571 DS21948C MCP3905 MCP3906 microchip 16 channel ADC PDF


    Abstract: iec 62053 electrical specification
    Text: MCP3905 Energy Metering IC with Active Real Power Pulse Output Features Description • Supplies active real power measurement for single-phase, residential energy metering • Supports IEC 62053 International Energy Metering Specification and legacy IEC

    MCP3905 16-bit, t1-632-634-9065 DS21948A-page 11-F0 iec 62053 electrical specification PDF

    iec 62053 electrical specification

    Abstract: MCP3905A ic mcp3906a MCP3905L MCP3906A
    Text: MCP3905A/05L/06A Energy Metering ICs with Active Real Power Pulse Output Features Description • Supplies active real power measurement for single-phase, residential energy metering • Supports IEC 62053 International Energy Metering Specification and legacy IEC

    MCP3905A/05L/06A 16-bit, MCP3905L) MCP3905A MCP3906A9305 DS22011B-page iec 62053 electrical specification ic mcp3906a MCP3905L MCP3906A PDF


    Abstract: 74AC245pc 74AC245MTC 74AC245SC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245SC AC245 ACT245 74ACT245 national
    Text: General Description Features The ’AC/’ACT245 contains eight non-inverting bidirectional buffers with TRI-STATE outputs and is intended for bus-oriented applications. Current sinking capability is 24 mA at both the A and B ports. The Transmit/Receive T/R

    ACT245 ds009944 74ACT245PC 74AC245pc 74AC245MTC 74AC245SC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245SC AC245 74ACT245 national PDF

    iec 62053

    Abstract: MCP3905 MCP3906 ic 4742 microchip 16 channel ADC
    Text: MCP3905/06 带有功功率脉冲输出的电能计量 IC 特性 概述 • 为单相住宅电能计量提供有功功率测量 • 支持国际电能计量技术规范 (International Energy Metering Specification)IEC 62053 及传统 IEC 规范 1036/61036/687

    MCP3905/06 MCP3905 MCP3906 DS21948D iec 62053 MCP3905 MCP3906 ic 4742 microchip 16 channel ADC PDF


    Abstract: 74AC240PC 74AC240SC 74AC240SJ 74ACT240 74ACT240SC 74ACT240SJ ACT240 74AC240
    Text: Revised November 1999 74AC240 74ACT240 Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The AC/ACT240 is an octal buffer and line driver designed to be employed as a memory address driver, clock driver and bus oriented transmitter or receiver which provides

    74AC240 74ACT240 AC/ACT240 ACT240 74AC240SC 20-Lead MS-013, 74AC240SJ 74ACWITHOUT 74AC240MTC 74AC240PC 74AC240SC 74AC240SJ 74ACT240 74ACT240SC 74ACT240SJ 74AC240 PDF


    Abstract: 74AC241MTC 74AC241PC 74AC241SC 74AC241SJ 74ACT241 74ACT241MTC 74ACT241SC
    Text: Revised December 1998 74AC241 74ACT241 Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The AC/ACT241 is an octal buffer and line driver designed to be employed as a memory address driver, clock driver and bus-oriented transmitter or receiver which provides

    74AC241 74ACT241 AC/ACT241 ACT241 74AC241SC 74AC241MTC MTC20 74AC241SJ 20-Lead MS-013, 74AC241 74AC241MTC 74AC241PC 74AC241SC 74AC241SJ 74ACT241 74ACT241MTC 74ACT241SC PDF

    t04 68 diode

    Abstract: 74AC245SC 74AC245 74AC245MTC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245 ACT245 M20D MS-013 MTC20
    Text: ^ . ,^ . , Revised O ctober 1998 74AC245 74ACT245 Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Inputs/Outputs General Description when HIGH, disables both A and B ports by placing them in a HIGH Z condition. T he AC /AC T245 contains eight non-inverting bidirectional

    OCR Scan
    74AC245 74ACT245 AC/ACT245 t04 68 diode 74AC245SC 74AC245 74AC245MTC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245 ACT245 M20D MS-013 MTC20 PDF


    Abstract: 74AC245MTC 74AC245SC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245 ACT245 M20D MS-013 MTC20
    Text: Revised N ovem ber 1999 S E M IC O N D U C T G R T M 74AC245 74ACT245 Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Inputs/Outputs General Description Features The A C /AC T245 contains eight non-inverting bidirectional buffers w ith 3-STATE outputs and is intended for bus-oriented applications. C urrent sinking capability is 24 m A at

    OCR Scan
    74AC245 74ACT245 AC/ACT245 74AC245 74AC245MTC 74AC245SC 74AC245SJ 74ACT245 ACT245 M20D MS-013 MTC20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e m ic o n d u c t o r Revised November 1999 74AC253 74ACT253 Dual 4-Input Multiplexer with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The AC/ACT253 is a dual 4-input multiplexer with 3-STATE outputs. It can select two bits of data from four sources

    OCR Scan
    74AC253 74ACT253 AC/ACT253 ACT253 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Revised November 1999 S E M IC O N D U C T O R T M 74AC245 74ACT245 Octal Bidirectiona I Transceiver with 3-STATE Inputs/Outputs • General Description Features The AC/ACT245 contains eight non-i nverting bidirectional buffers with 3-STATE outputs and is ntended for bus-oriented applications. Current sinking c apability is 24 mA at

    OCR Scan
    74AC245 74ACT245 AC/ACT245 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I R C H November 1988 iL D s e m ic o n d u c t o r Revised November 1999 74A C 251 • 74A C T251 8 -In p u t M u ltip le x e r w ith 3 -S T A T E O u tp u t General Description Features The AC/ACT251 is a high-speed 8-input digital multiplexer. It provides, in one package, the ability to select one bit of

    OCR Scan
    AC/ACT251 ACT251 PDF