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    Abstract: DM74ALS564AN DM74ALS564AWM MS-001 MS-013
    Text: Revised February 2000 DM74ALS564A Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features These 8-bit registers feature totem-pole 3-STATE outputs designed specifically for driving highly-capacitive or relatively low-impedance loads. The high-impedance state and

    DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564AN DM74ALS564AWM MS-001 MS-013 PDF


    Abstract: DM74ALS DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564AN DM74ALS564AWM
    Text: General Description These 8-bit registers feature totem-pole 3-STATE outputs designed specifically for driving highly-capacitive or relatively low-impedance loads. The high-impedance state and increased high-logic-level drive provide these registers with the capability of being connected directly to and driving the

    ALS564A at80-530 ds006225 DM74ALS DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564AN DM74ALS564AWM PDF


    Abstract: DM74ALS564AN DM74ALS564AWM MS-001 MS-013 DM74ALS564
    Text: Revised November 1999 DM74ALS564A Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features These 8-bit registers feature totem-pole 3-STATE outputs designed specifically for driving highly-capacitive or relatively low-impedance loads. The high-impedance state and

    DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564AN DM74ALS564AWM MS-001 MS-013 DM74ALS564 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Revised November 1999 SEMICONDUCTOR TM DM74ALS564A Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features These 8-bit registers feature totem-pole 3-STATE outputs designed specifically for driving highly-capacitive or rela­

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    DM74ALS564A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E M IC D N D U C T D R t General Description The output control does not a ffect the internal operation of the flip-flops. T h a t is, th e old d ata can be retained or new data can be entered even w hile th e outputs are off. These 8-bit registers feature totem -pole 3-STATE outputs

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    DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564A ds006225 PDF


    Abstract: DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564AN DM74ALS564AWM 32697
    Text: + E M IC O N D U C T Q R , D M 74A LS564A Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop w ith 3-STATE O utputs General Description T h e s e 8 - bit re g is te rs fe a tu re to te m -p o le 3 -S T A T E o u tp u ts d e s ig n e d s p e c ific a lly fo r d riv in g h ig h ly -c a p a c itiv e o r re la ­

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    DM74ALS564A ALS564Aare X35555 DM74AL564AWM DM74ALS564AN ds006225 DM74ALS DM74ALS564A DM74ALS564AWM 32697 PDF