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    Abstract: DS7820 DS78C120 J16A
    Text: DS78C120 Dual CMOS Compatible Differential Line Receiver General Description Features The DS78C120 is a high performance, dual differential, CMOS compatible line receiver for both balanced and unbalanced digital data transmission. The inputs are compatible

    DS78C120 DS78C120 DS7820 RS423 J16A PDF


    Abstract: HEART BEAT SENSOR nmis 3007 16C54 AN585 PIC16C54 PIC16C57 PIC16C64
    Text: AN585 A Real-Time Operating System for PICmicro Microcontrollers Why do I Need a Real-Time Kernel? Author: Jerry Farmer Myriad Development Company INTRODUCTION Ever dream of having a Real-Time Kernel for the PIC16CXXX family of microcontrollers? Or ever wonder what Multitasking or Threads are all about? Then

    AN585 PIC16CXXX DS00585B-page 01AE HEART BEAT SENSOR nmis 3007 16C54 AN585 PIC16C54 PIC16C57 PIC16C64 PDF


    Abstract: BCD-TO-7-SEGMENT DECODER 11 pin 7 segment filament MM74C48 MS-001 N16E
    Text: Revised January 1999 MM74C48 BCD-to-7 Segment Decoder General Description Features The MM74C48 BCD-to-7 segment decoder is a monolithic complementary MOS CMOS integrated circuit constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement transistors. Seven NAND gates and one driver are connected in pairs

    MM74C48 MM74C48 MM74C48N BCD-TO-7-SEGMENT DECODER 11 pin 7 segment filament MS-001 N16E PDF


    Abstract: 200B AN581 PIC16C54 PIC16C55 PIC16C57 PIC16C5X RG41 PIC16C58 AN5* MICROCHIP
    Text: AN581 Implementing Long Calls Author: Mark Palmer Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION This application note discusses how to implement “long calls” in the PIC16C5X architecture. The use of long call can simplify the partitioning of the application program

    AN581 PIC16C5X PIC16C57 PIC16C58 11-bits, PIC16C56 200B AN581 PIC16C54 PIC16C55 RG41 AN5* MICROCHIP PDF


    Abstract: AN588 NC38 PIC16C5X PIC17CXXX RG41 disc Piezoelectric crystal
    Text: AN588 PICmicro Microcontroller Oscillator Design Guide Design Challenges Author: Kim Peck Consultant Designing a clock oscillator without some knowledge of the fundamental principals of acoustic resonators is possible but fraught with the uncertainty of "cut and try"

    AN588 200B AN588 NC38 PIC16C5X PIC17CXXX RG41 disc Piezoelectric crystal PDF


    Abstract: AN583 DK-2750 PIC17C42 RG41
    Text: AN583 Implementation of the Data Encryption Standard Using PIC17C42 Authors: Al Lovrich Mark Palmer Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION In January 1977, The United States government adopted a product cipher developed by IBM as its official encryption standard [1]. This algorithm, called the

    AN583 PIC17C42 PIC17C42. 200B AN583 DK-2750 PIC17C42 RG41 PDF

    schematic 20 pin lcd laptop

    Abstract: PIC18f interfacing with graphical lcd GRAPHICAL LCD PINS AND INTERFACING DIAGRAM cs5460 adc code example DS91084 schematic 30 pin lcd laptop PIC18F8XXX DS00587 schematic 20 pin lcd laptop 14 PIC16F913
    Text: LCD PICmicro MCU Tips ‘n Tricks Tips ‘n Tricks Table of Contents Tips ‘n Tricks Introduction. 1 TIP #1: TIP #2: TIP #3: TIP #4: TIP #5: TIP #6: TIP #7: TIP #8: TIP #9: TIP #10: TIP #11: TIP #12: Typical Ordering Considerations and

    DS41261A* DS41261A-page DS41261A schematic 20 pin lcd laptop PIC18f interfacing with graphical lcd GRAPHICAL LCD PINS AND INTERFACING DIAGRAM cs5460 adc code example DS91084 schematic 30 pin lcd laptop PIC18F8XXX DS00587 schematic 20 pin lcd laptop 14 PIC16F913 PDF


    Abstract: PIC16XXX AN-1044 pic18 tdes AN1044 add round key for aes algorithm AN583 AN821 PIC17C42 PIC24
    Text: AN1044 Data Encryption Routines for PIC24 and dsPIC Devices Authors: David Flowers and Howard Henry Schlunder Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION Currently, there are three data encryption standards approved for use in the Federal Information Processing

    AN1044 PIC24 dsPIC30/33 64-bit 1970s 64-bit go36-4803 DS01044A-page DS00583 PIC16XXX AN-1044 pic18 tdes AN1044 add round key for aes algorithm AN583 AN821 PIC17C42 PDF


    Abstract: sfr 0543 16C74 AN582 LM032L NC26 NC38 PIC16C64 PIC16CXX 287D
    Text: Low-Power Real Time Clock AN582 Low-Power Real Time Clock INTRODUCTION the selected units will begin to flash. The CLR_MIN Key S3 clears the minutes and seconds. CLR_MIN is useful for exactly setting the time to the “top of the hour” as announced in radio broadcasts. After the INC or

    AN582 PIC16CXX C74R sfr 0543 16C74 AN582 LM032L NC26 NC38 PIC16C64 287D PDF


    Abstract: M14A MM74C86 MM74C86M MM74C86N MS-001 N14A MM74LS
    Text: Revised January 1999 MM74C86 Quad 2-Input EXCLUSIVE-OR Gate General Description Features The MM74C86 employs complementary MOS CMOS transistors to achieve wide power supply operating range, low power consumption and high noise margin these gates provide basic functions used in the implementation of digital integrated circuit systems. The N- and P-channel

    MM74C86 MM74C86 AN-90 M14A MM74C86M MM74C86N MS-001 N14A MM74LS PDF


    Abstract: AN581 AN586 PIC16C56 PIC16C57 PIC16C5X PIC16C64 PIC16C71 PIC16CXX
    Text: Macros for Page and Bank Switching AN586 Macros for Page and Bank Switching not be confused with the similarly named bits in the PIC16CXX family PIC16C64, PIC16C71, etc. . The RP bits for the PIC16CXX family are found in the STATUS register, as opposed to the FSR register for the PIC16C5X

    AN586 PIC16CXX PIC16C64, PIC16C71, PIC16C5X AN581) 200B AN581 AN586 PIC16C56 PIC16C57 PIC16C5X PIC16C64 PIC16C71 PDF


    Abstract: r5 750 ohm resistor of 74LS244 eeprom programmer schematic 74ls244 pic programmer schematic DS30189 2N3904-18 AN589 200B 2N3904
    Text: A PC-Based Development Programmer for the PIC16C84 AN589 A PC-Based Development Programmer for the PIC16C84 Author: Robert Spur - Analog Design Specialist, Inc. PROGRAMMING THE PIC16C84 MICROCONTROLLER After entering programming mode, RB7 is used to serially enter programming modes and data into the part. A

    PIC16C84 AN589 PIC16C84 DS30189D) DS30189D r5 750 ohm resistor of 74LS244 eeprom programmer schematic 74ls244 pic programmer schematic DS30189 2N3904-18 AN589 200B 2N3904 PDF


    Abstract: M14A MM74C164 MM74C164M MM74C164N MS-001 N14A
    Text: Revised January 1999 MM74C164 8-Bit Parallel-Out Serial Shift Register General Description Features The MM74C164 shift registers are a monolithic complementary MOS CMOS integrated circuit constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement transistors. These 8-bit

    MM74C164 MM74C164 AN-90 M14A MM74C164M MM74C164N MS-001 N14A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS3658 DS3658 Quad High Current Peripheral Driver Literature Number: SNLS365A DS3658 Quad High Current Peripheral Driver General Description The DS3658 quad peripheral driver is designed for those applications where low operating power, high breakdown voltage, high output current and low output ON voltage are

    DS3658 DS3658 SNLS365A PDF


    Abstract: 16-LINE AN-90 M24B MM74C154 MM74C154N MM74C154WM MS-011 N24A h/73D36
    Text: Revised July 2003 MM74C154 4-Line to 16-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer General Description Features The MM74C154 one of sixteen decoder is a monolithic complementary MOS CMOS integrated circuit constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement transistors. The device is provided with two strobe inputs, both of

    MM74C154 16-Line MM74C154 MS-013 AN-90 M24B MM74C154N MM74C154WM MS-011 N24A h/73D36 PDF


    Abstract: MM74C90 MM74C93 MM74C93N MS-001 N14A
    Text: Revised January 2004 MM74C93 4-Bit Binary Counter General Description Features The MM74C93 binary counter and complementary MOS CMOS integrated circuits constructed with N- and Pchannel enhancement mode transistors. The 4-bit binary counter can be reset to zero by applying high logic level on

    MM74C93 MM74C93 MM74L93 AN-90 MM74C90 MM74C93N MS-001 N14A PDF


    Abstract: MM74C42 MM74C42N MS-001 N16E
    Text: Revised May 2002 MM74C42 BCD-to-Decimal Decoder General Description Features The MM74C42 one-of-ten decoder is a monolithic complementary MOS CMOS integrated circuit constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement transistors. This decoder produces a logical “0” at the output corresponding to a four

    MM74C42 MM74C42 AN-90 MM74C42N MS-001 N16E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1987 Revised January 1999 SEMICONDUCTOR!!^ the enable must be changed to a high level disabled only while the clock is HIGH. General Description Features • Wide supply voltage range: ■ Guaranteed noise margin: Qy, highest-order bit (P7) first. New serial data may be

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e m ic o n d u c t o r Revised Ja nuary 1999 MM74C89 64-Bit 3-STATE Random Access Read/Write Memory General Description A ddress O peration: Address inputs must be stable tsA prior to the positive to negative transition of m em ory enable. It is thus not necessary to hold address inform ation

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    MM74C89 64-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R e v is e d J a n u a ry 199 9 S E M I C D N D U C T D R tm MM74C89 64-Bit 3-STATE Random Access Read/Write Memory General Description Read O peration: T h e c o m p le m e n t o f th e in fo rm a tio n w h ic h w a s w ritte n in to th e m e m o ry is n o n -d e s tru c tiv e ly

    OCR Scan
    MM74C89 64-Bit PDF


    Abstract: AN-90 MM74C85 MM74C85N MS-001 N16E
    Text: O ctober 1987 Revised January 1999 S E M IC O N D U C TO R T M MM74C85 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator General Description V|N(1 applied to the A = B input and low level voltage T he M M 74C 85 is a four-bit m agnitude com parator which will perform com parison o f straight binary or BCD codes.

    OCR Scan
    MM74C85 MM74C85 74L85 AN-90 MM74C85N MS-001 N16E PDF


    Abstract: MM74C150N MM82C19 MM82C19N N24A
    Text: Revised January 1999 S E M IC O N D U C TO R T M MM74C150 MM82C19 16-Line to 1-Line Multiplexer 3-STATE • 16-Line to 1-Line Multiplexer General Description All inputs are protected from dam age due to static dis­ charge by diode clam ps to V qq and GND.

    OCR Scan
    MM74C150 MM82C19 16-Line MM74C150 MM82C19 1-of-16 MM74C150N MM82C19N N24A PDF


    Abstract: M16A MM74C174 MM74C174M MM74C174N MS-001 N16E
    Text: R e v is e d J a n u a ry 1 9 9 9 S E M IC D N D U C T O R IM MM74C174 Hex D-Type Flip-Flop General Description Features T h e M M 7 4 C 1 7 4 h ex D -ty p e flip -flo p is a m o n o lith ic c o m p le ­ m e n ta ry M O S C M O S in te g ra te d c irc u it c o n s tru c te d w ith

    OCR Scan
    MM74C174 MM74C174 AN-90 M16A MM74C174M MM74C174N MS-001 N16E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS8838 National Semiconductor DS8838 Quad Unified Bus Transceiver General Description Features The DS8838 is a quad high speed driver/receiver designed for use in bus organized data transmission systems intercon­ nected by terminated 120Q impedance lines. The external

    OCR Scan
    DS8838 DS8838 390i2 DS005812-2 DS7838J, DS8838M DS8838N PDF