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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: USER 'S M ANUAL ZILOG USER’s MANUAL CHAPTER 7 RESET 7.1 INTRODUCTION The Z380 CPU is placed in a dormant state when the /RESET input is asserted. All its operations are terminated, including any interrupt, bus request, or bus transaction that may be in progress. On the Z380 MPU, the IOCLK



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEADER LINE 1 FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C – FEBRUARY 1996 – REVISED DECEMBER 1999 D Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Separate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus 40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit ALU

    SPRS039C 16-Bit 40-Bit 17-Bit TMS320LC546A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320C206, TMS320LC206 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS065B – JUNE 1998 – REVISED JANUARY 1999 D D D High-Performance Static CMOS Technology Includes the ’320C2xLP Core CPU TMS320C206, TMS320LC206 are Members of the ’C20x/’C2000 Platform Which Also

    TMS320C206, TMS320LC206 SPRS065B 320C2xLP C2000 TMS320C203/LC203 TMS320F206 TMS320C25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TPS62100, TPS62101, TPS62102, TPS62103 MULTIMODE LOWĆPOWER BUCK CONVERTER ą SLUS446B – MAY 2000 – REVISED DECEMBER 2000 applications D 2.5-V to 9-V Input Range D 0.8-V to 8-V Output Range D Dual-Auto-Mode for High-Efficiency D D D D D at Light Loads

    TPS62100, TPS62101, TPS62102, TPS62103 SLUS446B TPS6210x PDF


    Abstract: TMS320 TMS320C203 TMS320C209 TMS320C25 TMS320F206 C203 F206 SPRS050 WJ-A58
    Text: TMS320F206 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR SPRS050A - NOVEMBER 1996 - REVISED APRIL 1998 D High-Performance Static CMOS Technology D Includes the T320C2xLP Core CPU D TMS320F206 is a Member of the TMS320C20x Generation, Which Also Includes the TMS320C203, and TMS320C209 Devices

    TMS320F206 SPRS050A T320C2xLP TMS320F206 TMS320C20x TMS320C203, TMS320C209 TMS320C25 TMS320C5x WJA58 TMS320 TMS320C203 TMS320C25 C203 F206 SPRS050 WJ-A58 PDF


    Abstract: ML65244 ML65244CK ML65244CS ML65L244 ML65L244CK
    Text: August 1996 ML65244/ML65L244 High Speed Dual Quad Buffer/Line Drivers GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML65244 and ML65L244 are non-inverting dual quad buffer/line drivers. The high operating frequency 50MHz driving a 50pF load and low propagation delay

    ML65244/ML65L244 ML65244 ML65L244 50MHz ML65244 ML65L244 74FCT244 ML65244CK ML65244CS ML65L244CK PDF


    Abstract: HC05 M68HC05 MC68HC05C12A MC68HC05C9A MC68HC705C9A
    Text: General Release Specification A G R E E M E N T MC68HC705C9A R E Q U I R E D HC705C9AGRS/D REV. 2.0 CSIC MCU Design Center East Kilbride, Scotland N O N - D I S C L O S U R E April 24, 1996 A G R E E M E N T R E Q U I R E D General Release Specification N O N - D I S C L O S U R E

    MC68HC705C9A HC705C9AGRS/D C12A HC05 M68HC05 MC68HC05C12A MC68HC05C9A MC68HC705C9A PDF

    TAG 8926

    Abstract: Lpg 899 SDC 2921 TF 6221 HEN LED display 12V+RELAY+1+C/8 pin ic sdc 3733
    Text: MCIMX31 and MCIMX31L Multimedia Applications Processors Reference Manual MCIMX31RM Rev. 1 2/2006 How to Reach Us: USA/Europe/Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution Center P.O. Box 5405 Denver, Colorado 80217 1-800-521-6274 or 480-768-2130

    MCIMX31 MCIMX31L MCIMX31RM IOIS16 IOIS16/WP MCIMX31L TAG 8926 Lpg 899 SDC 2921 TF 6221 HEN LED display 12V+RELAY+1+C/8 pin ic sdc 3733 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Powerful 16-Bit TMS320C5x CPU 20-, 25-, 35-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction Execution Time for 5-V Operation 25-, 40-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction

    TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x SPRS030A 16-Bit TMS320C5x 50-ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Powerful 16-Bit TMS320C5x CPU 20-, 25-, 35-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction Execution Time for 5-V Operation 25-, 40-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction

    TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x SPRS030A 16-Bit TMS320C5x 50-ns TMS320LC51 PDF

    TIC126 equivalent

    Abstract: BCR40 93C46 AM79C978A PC99 of finite state machine AM79C901A
    Text: Am79C978A PCnet - Home Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS n Fully integrated 1 Mbps HomePNA Physical Layer PHY as defined by Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomePNA) specification 1.1 — Optimized for home networking applications

    Am79C978A Index-10 TIC126 equivalent BCR40 93C46 PC99 of finite state machine AM79C901A PDF

    TMS320C5x architecture diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Powerful 16-Bit TMS320C5x CPU 20-, 25-, 35-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction Execution Time for 5-V Operation 25-, 40-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction

    TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x SPRS030A 16-Bit TMS320C5x 50-ns TMS320C5x architecture diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bq27541-G1 SLUSAL6 – NOVEMBER 2011 Single Cell Li-Ion Battery Fuel Gauge for Battery Pack Integration : bq27541-G1 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • 1 • • • • • Battery Fuel Gauge for 1-Series 1sXp Li-Ion Applications up to 32Ahr capacity

    bq27541-G1 32Ahr 32Ahr PDF

    manual intel d33025

    Abstract: intel D33025 mother board manual PDF intel d33025 D33025 INTEL MOTHER BOARD motherboard canada ices 003 class b DDR n232 manual motherboard canada ices 003 class b D33025 motherboard canada ices 003 d33025 d33025* manual S5000VSA S5000VSASASR
    Text: Intel Server Board S5000VSA Technical Product Specification Intel order number: D36978-008 Revision 1.6 June, 2009 Enterprise Platforms and Services Division - Marketing Intel® Server Board S5000VSA TPS Table of Contents Revision History Date April 2006

    S5000VSA D36978-008 S5000VSA S5000VSA. 16-bit manual intel d33025 intel D33025 mother board manual PDF intel d33025 D33025 INTEL MOTHER BOARD motherboard canada ices 003 class b DDR n232 manual motherboard canada ices 003 class b D33025 motherboard canada ices 003 d33025 d33025* manual S5000VSASASR PDF

    BIOS chip

    Abstract: IEEE 1284 Peripheral Interface Controller stl micro sd connector FDC37C662 SMC34C60 QIC-80
    Text: STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION S M C 34C 60 PRELIMINARY COMPONENT PRODUCTS DIVISION 80 Arkay Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788 15161 « 5 6000 Fax 51Í1231-6004 Parallel Port Interface Chip - Peripheral Side FEATURES Creates PC/AT-Style Bus from Parallel Printer Port Signals

    OCR Scan
    SMC34C60 16-Bit 00GTS21 BIOS chip IEEE 1284 Peripheral Interface Controller stl micro sd connector FDC37C662 SMC34C60 QIC-80 PDF


    Abstract: JC EG
    Text: a AMD 80C287 Advanced Micro Devices 80-Bit CMOS Math Coprocessor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-performance CMOS process yields 10-MHz and 12-MHz speed grades ■ Available In space-saving 44-pin PLCC as well as 40-pin DIP ■ BO-blt numeric accelerator for 80C28&- and

    OCR Scan
    80C287TM 80-Bit 10-MHz 12-MHz 44-pin 40-pin 80C28 80286-based 18-diglt 80C286 80286based JC EG PDF

    m8087 intel

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: p R iy iM O B y w in te i M80C187 80-BIT NUMERIC PROCESSOR EXTENSION Military High Perform ance 80-Bit Internal Architecture Tw o to Three Tim es M8087 Perform ance at Equivalent Clock Speed Im plements A N S I/IE E E Standard 7541985 fo r Binary Floating-Point

    OCR Scan
    M80C187 80-BIT M8087 M80387. M80387 M80C186 80C18 m8087 intel PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in y Intel387 SX MATH COPROCESSOR N e w A u to m a tic P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t — L o w P o w e r C o n su m p tio n — T y p ic a lly 100 m A in D y n a m ic M o de, an d 4 m A in Id le M o d e S o c k e t C o m p a tib le w ith In te l3 8 7 Fam ily

    OCR Scan
    Intel387â ASM286 ASM86 ASM286 ASM86. coprocessor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ p f ô n y iM * ? M80186 HIGH INTEGRATION 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR Military • Direct Addressing Capability to 1 MByte of Memory a Completely Object Code Compatible ■ Integrated Feature Set — Enhanced M8086-2 CPU — Clock Generator — 2 Independent, High-Speed DMA

    OCR Scan
    M80186 16-BIT M8086-2 M8086, M8088 PDF


    Abstract: SAB 8086 80188 siemens EM 235 cn
    Text: 47E » • SIEMENS B235b05 GG313b4 T « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF High-lntegration SAB 80188/80188-1 8-Bit Microprocessor Preliminary SAB 80188 8 MHz • Integrated feature set - enhanced SAB 8088-2 CPU - clock generator - 2 independent high-speed DMAchannels

    OCR Scan
    B235b05 GG313b4 16-bit T-49-17-07 fl235bOS SAB80188 fi23SbDS T-49-77-07 sab80188 SAB 8086 80188 siemens EM 235 cn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: intJ 80C187 80-BIT MATH COPROCESSOR • High Performance 80-Bit Internal Architecture ■ Implements ANSI/IEEE Standard 7541985 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic ■ Upward Object-Code Compatible from 8087 ■ Fully Compatible with 387DX and 387SX Math Coprocessors. Implements all 387

    OCR Scan
    80C187 80-BIT 387DX 387SX 80C186 80C186/80C187 80C186â 64-Bit PDF

    hall marking code A04

    Abstract: INTELDX4 write-through YSS 928
    Text: INTEL486 PROCESSOR FAMILY • lntelDX4TM P ro c e s s o r — Up to 100-MHz Operation -Speed-M ultiplying Technology — 32-Bit Architecture — 16K-Byte On-Chip Cache — Integrated Floating-Point Unit — 3.3V Core Operation with 5V Tolerant I/O Buffers

    OCR Scan
    INTEL486â 100-MHz 32-Bit 16K-Byte hall marking code A04 INTELDX4 write-through YSS 928 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i i r t r J Ä i M @ l O M IF C O M A Y O !* ] M80C186XL20,16,12,10 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR Low Power, Full Static Version of M80C186 Operation Modes: — Enhanced Mode — DRAM Refresh Control Unit — Power-Save Mode — Direct Interface to 80C187

    OCR Scan
    M80C186XL20 16-BIT M80C186 80C187 100SP 110DH PDF


    Abstract: baseband GSM BTS PCD5071 GSM signal processing block bts gsm rx unit digital mobile radio GSM software defined radio msc in gsm msc mobile switching center PCF5081
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL t,7E D • 711DaEt, QOtiSSlt, TT4 ■ Philips Semiconductors RF Communication* Product» PHIN Preliminary specification GSM baseband processors for digital mobile cellular radio _ PCF5081/PCF5082 GSM Baseband Signal processors

    OCR Scan
    711DaEti PCF5081/PCF5082 PCF5081 PCF5082 PCF5081 16-bit PCD5070 baseband GSM BTS PCD5071 GSM signal processing block bts gsm rx unit digital mobile radio GSM software defined radio msc in gsm msc mobile switching center PDF