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    DO218AA Search Results

    DO218AA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM8A27 t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Zener Voltage 27V Peak Pulse Current 13A DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0) 0.093(2.4)

    SM8A27 DO-218 DO-218AA SM8A27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5A27 t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Zener Voltage 27V Peak Pulse Current 70A DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0) 0.093(2.4)

    SM5A27 DO-218 DO-218AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM6S Series t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Stand-off Voltage 10 to 36V Peak Pulse Power 4600W DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0)

    DO-218 DO-218AA SM6S30A PDF


    Abstract: DO201AD DO-213AB DO-214BA DO-218AA MS-012AA MS-012BA do215ab sm5 8a
    Text: PACKAGING CODES STANDARD ANTI-STATIC PACKAGE PACKAGE CODE CODES PACKAGING DESCRIPTION 1 2 2B 2D 2E 2F 2J 2L 2M 3 4 4A 4B 4C 4D 5 5C 6 7 8 9 51 52 2C 2G 2K 53 54 4E 4F 4G 4H 55 5A 5B 9B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    DO-214/215AA DO-218AA DO-21between sm58a DO201AD DO-213AB DO-214BA DO-218AA MS-012AA MS-012BA do215ab sm5 8a PDF


    Abstract: Equivalent of P6KA18 do214ab P6KA18 D0-218AA 218AA do218aa 39 6kw DKB4111 P600
    Text: AUTOMOTIVE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMOTIVE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS General Semiconductor is a leading supplier of discrete semiconductor components to the automotive electronics industry. GS has developed a number of products specifically to meet the demands of the severe automotive environment.

    P4KA33 TMPG06-33 TPSMA33 P6KA33 TPSMB33 5KA33 TPSMC33 P4KA36 TMPG06-36 TPSMA36 DO-218AA Equivalent of P6KA18 do214ab P6KA18 D0-218AA 218AA do218aa 39 6kw DKB4111 P600 PDF


    Abstract: DO-218AA 218AA
    Text: NEW PRODUCT NEW PRODUCT NEW PRODUCT SM8A27 TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR SURFACE MOUNT AUTOMOTIVE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR Zener Voltage - 27.0 Volts FEATURES D * DO-218AA ♦ Ideally suited for load dump protection ♦ Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory

    SM8A27 DO-218AA DO-218AA 218AA PDF


    Abstract: do-218
    Text: SM6A27 t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Zener Voltage 27V Peak Pulse Current 90A DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0) 0.093(2.4)

    SM6A27 DO-218 DO-218AA SM6A27 do-218 PDF


    Abstract: sm8s16 SM8S26A SM8S36 DO-218 SM8S15A DO-218AA sm8s22 SM8S33A SM8S10A
    Text: SM8S Series t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Stand-off Voltage 10 to 36V Peak Pulse Power 6600W DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0)

    DO-218 DO-218AA sm8s30a sm8s16 SM8S26A SM8S36 DO-218 SM8S15A DO-218AA sm8s22 SM8S33A SM8S10A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM8A27 t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Zener Voltage 27V Peak Pulse Current 130A DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0) 0.093(2.4)

    SM8A27 DO-218 DO-218AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM6S Series t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Stand-off Voltage 10 to 36V Peak Pulse Power 4600W DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0)

    DO-218 DO-218AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM6A27 t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Zener Voltage 27V Peak Pulse Current 90A DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0) 0.093(2.4)

    SM6A27 DO-218 DO-218AA PDF


    Abstract: DO-214 SMA ea DO-213AB DO-214BA DO-218AA MS-012AA MS-012BA sm58a
    Text: PACKAGING CODES STANDARD ANTI-STATIC PACKAGE PACKAGE CODE CODES PACKAGING DESCRIPTION 1 2 2B 2D 2E 2F 2J 2L 2M 3 4 4A 4B 4C 4D 5 5C 6 7 8 9 51 52 2C 2G 2K 53 54 4E 4F 4G 4H 55 5A 5B 9B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    DO-214/215AA DO-218AA DO-21e DO215AA DO-214 SMA ea DO-213AB DO-214BA DO-218AA MS-012AA MS-012BA sm58a PDF

    kbl 610

    Abstract: DO-204AH DO-204AL DO-204AP DO-213AA D0-218AA DO215AA
    Text: CASE DRAWINGS D0-204AC DO-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 GBPC12-35W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 D0-215AA (SMBG GULL WING) . . . . .3 GBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 D0-218AA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 GP20 / 1.5KE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

    D0-204AC DO-15) GBPC12-35W D0-215AA D0-218AA ITO-220AB ITO-220AC DO-201AD DO-204AH DO-35) kbl 610 DO-204AH DO-204AL DO-204AP DO-213AA D0-218AA DO215AA PDF

    1.5KE 4000

    Abstract: SOD-80C TO-269 DO-214BA E3 SOT To226AB sm58a
    Text: PACKAGING CODES Standard Package Code Anti-static Package Codes 1 2 2B 2D 2E 2F 2J 2L 2M 3 4 4A 4B 4C 4D 5 51 52 2C 2G 2K 9B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 53 54 4E 4F 4G 4H 55 5A 5B 56 57 58 59 9A 9C

    DO-214/215AA DO-218AA 1.5KE 4000 SOD-80C TO-269 DO-214BA E3 SOT To226AB sm58a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5S Series t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Stand-off Voltage 10 to 36V Peak Pulse Power 3600W DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0)

    DO-218 DO-218AA SM5S24A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5A27 t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Zener Voltage 27V Peak Pulse Current 70A DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0) 0.093(2.4)

    SM5A27 DO-218 DO-218AA SM5A27 PDF


    Abstract: sm8s15a SM8S18A SM8S33A
    Text: SM8S Series t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Stand-off Voltage 10 to 36V Peak Pulse Power 6600W DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0)

    DO-218 DO-218AA SM8S22A sm8s15a SM8S18A SM8S33A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5S Series t c u rod * P New tented Pa Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage Suppressor Stand-off Voltage 10 to 36V Peak Pulse Power 3600W DO-218 Mounting Pad Layout DO-218AA 0.628 16.0 0.592(15.0) 0.091(2.3) 0.067(1.7) 0.539(13.7) 0.524(13.3) 0.116(3.0)

    DO-218 DO-218AA PDF


    Abstract: D0-213AA
    Text: G E N E R A L S E M I C O N D U C T O R R E C O M M E N D E D M I N I M U M M O U N T I N G PAD L A Y O U T S I Z E S F O R T H E S U R F A C E M O U N T R E C T I F I E R . T H E F L A T PACK AND S M A L L SIGNAL RECTIFIER i k —► iL 0 425 10.8 if 0 401 10.2)

    OCR Scan
    DO-218AA DD-215AA S0D-323 D0-213AA PDF


    Abstract: do218aa
    Text: INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMOTIVE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS General Semiconductor is a leading supplier o f discrete semiconductor components to the automotive electronics industry. GS has developed a number o f products specifically to meet the demands o f the severe automotive environ­

    OCR Scan
    QS-9000 DO-214AB DO-218AA DO-214AC DO-214AA DO-218AA do218aa PDF


    Abstract: DIODE ZENER BZW 06 903 diode BZW 04 DIODE ZENER 8ZW06 sot 903 DO-214 ea D0-214AB diode zener SMB case d0214ac REFLOW
    Text: TVS AND ZENER PACKAGING CODES Standard Package Code Anti-static Package Codes 1 51 Bulk 2 52 DO-214/215AA SMB , 12mm Tape, T Diameter Plastic Reel Packaging Description DO-218AA (SM5-8A), 24mm Tape, 13" Dia. Paper Reel, Anode Towards Sprocket Hole 2D 2E DO-218AA (SM5-8A), 24mm Tape, 13” Dia. Paper Reel, Cathode Towards Sprocket Hole

    OCR Scan
    DO-214/215AA DO-218AA DO-214AC sm58a DIODE ZENER BZW 06 903 diode BZW 04 DIODE ZENER 8ZW06 sot 903 DO-214 ea D0-214AB diode zener SMB case d0214ac REFLOW PDF


    Abstract: P6KA18 DO-218AA
    Text: AUTOMOTIVE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR PPPMpW CASE TYPE 00-204AL 400 TMPG-06 DO-214AC 600 D0-204AC DO-214AA 1S00 1.5KA DO-214AB 6.8 P4KA6.8 TMPG06-6.8 TPSMA6.8 P6KA6.8 TPSMB6.8 1.5KA6.8 TPSMC6.8 7.5 P4KA7.5 TMPG06-7.5 TPSMA7.5 P6KA7.5 TPSMB7.5 1.5KA7.5 TPSMC7.5

    OCR Scan
    00-204AL TMPG-06 DO-214AC D0-204AC DO-214AA DO-214AB P4KA10 P4KA11 P4KA12 P4KA13 D0-218AA P6KA18 DO-218AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEW PRODUCT NEW PRODUCT NEW PRODUCT SM5A27 TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR SURFACE MOUNT AUTOMOTIVE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR Peak Pulse Current - 55.0 Amps _ Zener Voltage - 27.0 Volts / FEATURES DO-218AA * ♦ Ideally suited for load dump protection ♦ Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory

    OCR Scan
    SM5A27 DO-218AA 362f9 SM5A27 PDF


    Abstract: D0204AL G3-64 DO-218AA D0-213AA DO-213AB MELF ITO-22QAB SMA DO-214AB MPG06 T0226AA
    Text: C£ L >G e n e r a l v S e m ic o n d u c t o r PRODUCTPACKAGES . * % TO-22QAC TQ-220AB IT0-22QAC ITO-22QAB 10-263 D;i PAK .x« isUiilJS KBPM GBPC - W . GBPC T0-247AD GB1 wmm$& ^ % DFS % DO-218AA x ASC 00 DO-215AA (SMBG) 00-21 SAB (SMCG) •SPSSiM •

    OCR Scan
    ITO-22QAB O-22QAC TQ-220AB IT0-22QAC T0-247AD DO-218AA DO-215AA DO-214AA DO-214AB DO-214AC D0213AA D0204AL G3-64 DO-218AA D0-213AA DO-213AB MELF ITO-22QAB SMA DO-214AB MPG06 T0226AA PDF