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    la1 d22 a65

    Abstract: digital trainer schematic diagram 74F139 74LS374 ADSP-2100 ADSP-2101 digital signal processing using the ADSP-2100 2A223 0x200014 1978 Data catalog
    Text: Speech Recognition 6.1 6 OVERVIEW This chapter describes the basic framework for speech recognition using ADSP-2100 Family Digital Signal Processors. Although there are many techniques available for speech recognition, this chapter focuses on a single LPC-based technique. This technique takes advantage of the flexible

    ADSP-2100 ASSP-29, la1 d22 a65 digital trainer schematic diagram 74F139 74LS374 ADSP-2101 digital signal processing using the ADSP-2100 2A223 0x200014 1978 Data catalog PDF

    of architecture of ADSP21xxx SHARC processor

    Abstract: BIT 3251 pwm adsp21xxx STi 5197 register configuration mar 552 mrf 5643 cfft64 STi 5197 2126X ADSP21000
    Text: W4.5 C/C+ Compiler and Library Manual for SHARC Processors Revision 6.0, April 2006 Part Number 82-001963-01 Analog Devices, Inc. One Technology Way Norwood, Mass. 02062-9106 a Copyright Information 2006 Analog Devices, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document



    Abstract: ARMv6 Cortex-A8 ID102510 ARMv4 reference ARMv7 ophn A1293 A187 ARMv7 Architecture Reference Manual
    Text: ARM Compiler toolchain Version 4.1 Assembler Reference Copyright 2010 ARM. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0489B ID102510 ARM Compiler toolchain Assembler Reference Copyright © 2010 ARM. All rights reserved. Release Information The following changes have been made to this book.

    0489B ID102510) ID102510 VFPv3 ARMv6 Cortex-A8 ID102510 ARMv4 reference ARMv7 ophn A1293 A187 ARMv7 Architecture Reference Manual PDF

    of architecture of ADSP21xxx SHARC processor

    Abstract: adsp21xxx ADSP-21xxx Architecture of adsp21xxx sharc processor syntax for writing the assembly codes in ADSP-210XX tools 2126x tag 8944 ADSP21000 ADSP21020 ADSP21060
    Text: W4.0 C/C+ Compiler and Library Manual for SHARC Processors Revision 5.0, January 2005 Part Number 82-001963-01 Analog Devices, Inc. One Technology Way Norwood, Mass. 02062-9106 a Copyright Information 2005 Analog Devices, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document



    Abstract: ADSP-2195 ADSP-2196 ADSP-21990 ADSP-21991 ADSP-21992 ADSP219X ADSP21XX ADSP-2191 direct addressing mode in adsp-21xx
    Text: W3.5 C/C+ Compiler and Library Manual for ADSP-219x Processors Revision 4.1, October 2003 Part Number: 82-000390-03 Analog Devices, Inc. One Technology Way Norwood, Mass. 02062-9106 Copyright Information 2003 Analog Devices, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document may not be reproduced in any form without prior, express written

    ADSP-219x VOCODER ADSP-2195 ADSP-2196 ADSP-21990 ADSP-21991 ADSP-21992 ADSP219X ADSP21XX ADSP-2191 direct addressing mode in adsp-21xx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a>| MITSUBISHI LS Is M5M27400AP,FP,VP,RV-12,-15 4194304-BIT 524288-WORD BY 8-BIT/262144-WORD BY 16-BIT CMOS ONE TIME PROGRAMMABLE ROM DESCRIPTION The M 5M 27400A P , FP, VP, RV are high-speed 4194304-bit one time programmable read only m em ories. They PIN C O N F IG U R A TIO N (T O P V IE W )

    OCR Scan
    M5M27400AP RV-12 4194304-BIT 524288-WORD 8-BIT/262144-WORD 16-BIT) 7400A 4194304-bit 40-pin 27400A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S ” fí^'j 1 " FEATURES Complete 16-Bit D/A Function On-Chip Output Amplifier , High Stability Buried Zener Reference Monolithic BiMOS II Construction ±1 LSB Integral Linearity Error 15-Bit Monotonic over Temperature Microprocessor Compatible

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 15-Bit MIL-STD-883 -AD669AN AD669A 669BN AD669JBR AD659 PDF

    S78 SMD

    Abstract: LS 1316 smd mn 1215 3055 smd urn 3177 MC10H181 FN MOTOROLA 13VU3 MECL ii Integrated Circuit sc
    Text: M M O T O R O L A M ilitary 10524 Quad TTL-to-M ECL Translator ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: M IL-M -3 8 5 1 0/06301 The 10624 it a quad translator for Mariaoing data and control signals between a saturated logic section and the M ECL section of digital systems. The M ECL

    OCR Scan
    ML-M-3K1006301 S78 SMD LS 1316 smd mn 1215 3055 smd urn 3177 MC10H181 FN MOTOROLA 13VU3 MECL ii Integrated Circuit sc PDF

    PJ 906 lv

    Abstract: 131-6 bj 029 131-6 bj 028 bj 039 131-6 PJ 2166 oks 2c 131-6 BJ 031 030/TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6
    Text: M M O T O R O LA Military 10595 Hex Inverter/Buffer ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10595 The 10595 is a Hex Buffer Inverterwhich is built using E X C L U S IV E N O R gates. There is a com m on input to these gates which when placed low or left open allows

    OCR Scan
    10595/BXAJC PJ 906 lv 131-6 bj 029 131-6 bj 028 bj 039 131-6 PJ 2166 oks 2c 131-6 BJ 031 030/TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 PDF

    PJ 2166

    Abstract: 131-6 bj 025 131-6 bj 028
    Text: 8 < Military 10536 > Universal Hexadecimal Counter ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8774501 The 10536 is a high speed synchronous counterthat can count up, count down, preset, or stop count at frequencies exceeding 100 MHz. The flexibility of this de­ vice allows the designer to use one basic counter for most applications, and the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TIC 122 Transistor 2M6039 2N6029 2N6034 2N6037 2N6039 K1461 2N6035 2N6036
    Text: M O TO R OL A SC X S T R S /R 15E D | F b3b?354 ' OGflHSfiO T | 2N602Ô 7 :3 J MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA PNP NPN 2N6034 2N6035 2N6036 2N6037 2N6038 2N6039 PLASTIC DARLINGTON COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS DARLINGTON 4-AMPERE . . « designed fo r general-purpose amplifier and low-speed switching

    OCR Scan
    2N6029 2N6034 2N6035 2N6036 2N6037 2N6038 2N6039 2N6034, 2N6037 2N6035, N6034 TIC 122 Transistor 2M6039 2N6039 K1461 2N6036 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Add value to your keyboard products with a U SB hub. N ow it's practical, easy, and cost-effective with the ISP 1130. A U SB hub with keyboard controller compliant with industry standards, the ISP 1 130 incorporates all major components on a single chip. It offers the optimal combination o f integration, features, cost and quality.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: bd786 BD787 bd788 B0786 B0788 Motorola BD785 b0787 60VOLTS NPN, Si, POWER TRANSISTOR, PLASTIC
    Text: motorola sc xstrs / r 15E f D I fc,3b72S4 G G f l4 7 4cl 1 | NPN MOTOROLA BD785, BD787 SEM ICO N D U CTO R PNP TECHNICAL DATA BD786, BD788 4 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS COMPLEMENTARY SILICON COMPLEMENTARY PLASTIC SILICON ANNULAR* POWER TRANSISTORS . , . designed for low power audio amplifier and low current, high­

    OCR Scan
    3b72s4 BD785, BD787 BD786, BD788 BD786 BD787, 60VOLTS BD785 BD787 bd788 B0786 B0788 Motorola BD785 b0787 NPN, Si, POWER TRANSISTOR, PLASTIC PDF

    LM 350T IC

    Abstract: BSC09 diode M7 lm350 so-8 Sis 968 IC LM 7905 ge 521 lm350s LM150-LM250 7m 0880 IC

    OCR Scan
    LM150 LM250 LM350 M98SC A00WBC LM 350T IC BSC09 diode M7 lm350 so-8 Sis 968 IC LM 7905 ge 521 lm350s LM150-LM250 7m 0880 IC PDF

    Motorola 2N50

    Abstract: 2N50M Motorola t 2N50
    Text: MOTOROLA • SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MTD2N50 Designer's Data Sheet P o w er Field E ffe c t T ran sisto r N -Channel Enhancem ent-M ode Silicon G ate TM O S DPAK fo r Su rface M o u n t or Insertion M ount TM O S POWER FET 2 AMPERES rDS on = 4 OH M S

    OCR Scan
    MTD2N50 Y145M Y145M. Motorola 2N50 2N50M Motorola t 2N50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY MA28137 M M | M H B n F B i|llw *W •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I * Radiation Hard Programmable DMA Controller S10203FDS Issue 2.4 October 1990 Features • Radiation hard to 1 MRad Si • High SEU immunity, iatch-up free

    OCR Scan
    MA28137 S10203FDS MAS281 MIL-STD-1750A PDF


    Abstract: MTD10N05E 369A-10 AN569 MOTOROLA N-Channel MOSFET
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTPS/R F bflE b3b72Si4 D DGTfl SEH SSS • M O T b M OTOROLA ■ I SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M T D 10N 05E Designer's Data Sheet T M O S IV P o w e r Field E ffe c t T ra n s is to r Motorola Preferred Device TMOS POWER FETs 10 AMPERES RDS(on) = 0 1 OHM

    OCR Scan
    MTD10N05E mtd10n05et MTD10N05E 369A-10 AN569 MOTOROLA N-Channel MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIPEX CORP fc.DE D • fi2fl3711 0003323 317 *S P X C ir > A v « ;i i j v a ^ iS » Corporation▼ - 4 5 -0 5 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE SP501 flexiPort Multi-Protocol Une Driver/Ré^òeiver FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Supports Industry Standard SoftwareSelectable Protocols:

    OCR Scan
    fi2fl3711 SP501 RS232 RS422A RS423A RS449 RS485 MIL-STD-188C MIL-STD-188-114A, 188-114A PDF

    AN73-1 fet

    Abstract: jfet AN73 2n4117 jfet VCR2N equivalent 2N3458 low noise dual P-Channel JFET 2N3909 siliconix AN73-7 2N5909CHP 2n4117 equivalent
    Text: VCR7N VCR5P VCR4N VCR3P voltage-control led resistor FETs designed for . . . nt •Small Signal Attenuators ■ Filters ■Am plifier Gain Control ■Oscillator Amplitude Control o S itò B o n ix rfo rm a n c e P C PE T O -18 Set Section 7 -*C g c H^ O S

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: AUSTRIA MIKRO SYSTEME INTERNATIONAL microphone electret
    Text: Preliminary AS2525 Single-Chip Handsfree Phone CMOS Integrated Circuit Austria Mikro Systeme International AG General Description Key Features □ Line/speech handsfree circuit, LD/MF repertory dialler, and tone ringer on one 44 pin CMOS chip □ Operating range from 15 to 100 mA line current

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DM8520 CV 7599 diode SN7401 DM9093 54175 MT28F400B3WG-8 vox vkw DM7570 logic diagram of 74185 SN54176
    Text: Introduction Here is the new Digital Data Handbook from National. It gives complete specifications for devices useful in building nearly all types of electronic systems, from small instruments to computer designs. For information regarding newer devices introduced since the printing of this handbook, or for further

    OCR Scan
    54L/74L AN-36 AN-37 AN-43 AN-45 AN-47 AN-49 AN-60 AN-61 AN-68 DM8570 DM8520 CV 7599 diode SN7401 DM9093 54175 MT28F400B3WG-8 vox vkw DM7570 logic diagram of 74185 SN54176 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA O rder this docum ent by M TD5N25E/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D esigner’s Data Sheet M TD5N25E TMOS E-FET™ Power Field Effect Transistor DPAK for S urface Mount Motorola Preferred Device TMOS POWER FET 5.0 AMPERES 250 VOLTS N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate

    OCR Scan
    TD5N25E/D TD5N25E MTD5N25E/D PDF


    Abstract: 54175 71ls97 DM74109 DM8160 om541 ci 8602 gn block diagram 5401 DM transistor 74L10 74S136
    Text: N ational Semiconductor Section 1 - 54/74 SSI DEVICES Connection Diagram s • Electrical Tables Section 2 - 54/74 M SI DEVICES Section 3 - National Semiconductor PROPRIETARY DEVICES Section 4 - National Semiconductor ADDITIONAL D EV KES t o NATIONAL Manufactured under one or more of the fo llowing U.S. patents: 3083262, 3189758, 3231797 , 3303356, 3317671, 3323071, 3381071, 3408542, 3421025, 3426423, 3440498, 3518750, 3519897, 3557431, 3560765,

    OCR Scan

    la 78042

    Abstract: uPI Semiconductor Corp western 142c 4SH 0202 K 176 LE, K 561 LN UCS-51 a295 ac hen nsd
    Text: in te r APPLICATION BRIEF AB-41 Septem ber 1988 lntel C o rp o ra tio n m akes no w a rranty for the use o f its p ro d u c ts and assurnes no responsibility fo r any erro rs w hich m ay app ear in th is d o c u m e n t nor d o e s it m a k e a c o m m itm e n t to u p d a te the in fo rm a tio n c o n ta in e d herein

    OCR Scan
    AB-41 696GGG la 78042 uPI Semiconductor Corp western 142c 4SH 0202 K 176 LE, K 561 LN UCS-51 a295 ac hen nsd PDF