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    DD03206VP Search Results

    DD03206VP Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: mode s transponders discrete-to-digital interface 03206 DO160C DD-03206VP-900
    Text: DD-03206VP SIX-CHANNEL DISCRETE-TO-DIGITAL INTERFACE FEATURES • 16-Pin Narrow-Body SOIC DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS The DD-03206VP is a six-channel discrete-to-digital interface device with lightning-protected inputs to handle Open/Gnd signals. The outputs may be enabled and are TTLcompatible. The inputs pins 1-6 of

    DD-03206VP DD-03206VP 16-pin 00V/24A DO160C. DD03206VP 00V/24A DO-160C 1-800-DDC-5757 DD-03206 mode s transponders discrete-to-digital interface 03206 DO160C DD-03206VP-900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S IX -C H A N N E L D Ï S C R E I E - Ï O - D Ï G I I A L INTERFACE FEATURES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS T he D D -032 06 V P is a six-ch an nel d iscre te -to -d ig ita l in te rfa ce de vice w ith lig h tn in g -p ro te c te d in p u ts to handle O pe n/G n d signals. The o u t­

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    16-pin DD-03206VP-900 PDF